
Site on Tableau server

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type TableauSite {
  • # Unique identifier used by the metadata API. Not the same as the numeric ID used
  • # on server
  • id: ID!
  • # URI of this site, e.g., 'sites/4'
  • uri: String!
  • # Locally unique identifier used for the REST API on the Tableau Server
  • luid: String!
  • # Name shown in server
  • name: String!
  • # Time the site was created. Available in Tableau Cloud June 2022 / Server 2022.3
  • # and later.
  • createdAt: DateTime
  • # Metric definitions that are part of this site.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter by GraphQL field and given value
  • # orderBy: Sort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in
  • # the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the
  • # final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending
  • # order.
  • # permissionMode: Results filtering mode.
  • metricDefinitions(
  • filter: MetricDefinition_Filter,
  • orderBy: MetricDefinitionSortOrder,
  • permissionMode: PermissionMode
  • ): [MetricDefinition]
  • # Metric definitions that are part of this site.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: The cursor to receive the next page of objects. If no
  • # cursor is supplied it will start at the beginning of the list. Offset can not be
  • # set at the same time. This is the preferred API to use if possible as it is
  • # faster.
  • # first: Maximum number of objects to be returned in a page. The
  • # default is 100
  • # offset: The number of entries to offset the start of the page
  • # by. If no offset is supplied it will start at the beginning of the list. After
  • # can not be set at the same time.
  • # filter: Filter by GraphQL field and given value
  • # orderBy: Sort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in
  • # the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the
  • # final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending
  • # order.
  • # permissionMode: Results filtering mode.
  • metricDefinitionsConnection(
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • offset: Int,
  • filter: MetricDefinition_Filter,
  • orderBy: MetricDefinitionSortOrder,
  • permissionMode: PermissionMode
  • ): MetricDefinitionsConnection
  • # The published data sources that are part of this site
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter by GraphQL field and given value
  • # orderBy: Sort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in
  • # the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the
  • # final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending
  • # order.
  • # permissionMode: Results filtering mode.
  • publishedDatasources(
  • filter: PublishedDatasource_Filter,
  • orderBy: PublishedDatasourceSortOrder,
  • permissionMode: PermissionMode
  • ): [PublishedDatasource]
  • # The published data sources that are part of this site
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: The cursor to receive the next page of objects. If no
  • # cursor is supplied it will start at the beginning of the list. Offset can not be
  • # set at the same time. This is the preferred API to use if possible as it is
  • # faster.
  • # first: Maximum number of objects to be returned in a page. The
  • # default is 100
  • # offset: The number of entries to offset the start of the page
  • # by. If no offset is supplied it will start at the beginning of the list. After
  • # can not be set at the same time.
  • # filter: Filter by GraphQL field and given value
  • # orderBy: Sort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in
  • # the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the
  • # final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending
  • # order.
  • # permissionMode: Results filtering mode.
  • publishedDatasourcesConnection(
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • offset: Int,
  • filter: PublishedDatasource_Filter,
  • orderBy: PublishedDatasourceSortOrder,
  • permissionMode: PermissionMode
  • ): PublishedDatasourcesConnection
  • # The workbooks that are part of this site
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter by GraphQL field and given value
  • # orderBy: Sort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in
  • # the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the
  • # final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending
  • # order.
  • # permissionMode: Results filtering mode.
  • workbooks(
  • filter: Workbook_Filter,
  • orderBy: WorkbookSortOrder,
  • permissionMode: PermissionMode
  • ): [Workbook]
  • # The workbooks that are part of this site
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: The cursor to receive the next page of objects. If no
  • # cursor is supplied it will start at the beginning of the list. Offset can not be
  • # set at the same time. This is the preferred API to use if possible as it is
  • # faster.
  • # first: Maximum number of objects to be returned in a page. The
  • # default is 100
  • # offset: The number of entries to offset the start of the page
  • # by. If no offset is supplied it will start at the beginning of the list. After
  • # can not be set at the same time.
  • # filter: Filter by GraphQL field and given value
  • # orderBy: Sort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in
  • # the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the
  • # final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending
  • # order.
  • # permissionMode: Results filtering mode.
  • workbooksConnection(
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • offset: Int,
  • filter: Workbook_Filter,
  • orderBy: WorkbookSortOrder,
  • permissionMode: PermissionMode
  • ): WorkbooksConnection
  • # The Lenses that are part of this site
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter by GraphQL field and given value
  • # orderBy: Sort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in
  • # the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the
  • # final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending
  • # order.
  • # permissionMode: Results filtering mode.
  • lenses(
  • filter: Lens_Filter,
  • orderBy: LensSortOrder,
  • permissionMode: PermissionMode
  • ): [Lens]
  • # The Lenses that are part of this site
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: The cursor to receive the next page of objects. If no
  • # cursor is supplied it will start at the beginning of the list. Offset can not be
  • # set at the same time. This is the preferred API to use if possible as it is
  • # faster.
  • # first: Maximum number of objects to be returned in a page. The
  • # default is 100
  • # offset: The number of entries to offset the start of the page
  • # by. If no offset is supplied it will start at the beginning of the list. After
  • # can not be set at the same time.
  • # filter: Filter by GraphQL field and given value
  • # orderBy: Sort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in
  • # the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the
  • # final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending
  • # order.
  • # permissionMode: Results filtering mode.
  • lensesConnection(
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • offset: Int,
  • filter: Lens_Filter,
  • orderBy: LensSortOrder,
  • permissionMode: PermissionMode
  • ): LensesConnection
  • # The flows that are part of this site
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter by GraphQL field and given value
  • # orderBy: Sort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in
  • # the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the
  • # final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending
  • # order.
  • # permissionMode: Results filtering mode.
  • flows(
  • filter: Flow_Filter,
  • orderBy: FlowSortOrder,
  • permissionMode: PermissionMode
  • ): [Flow]
  • # The flows that are part of this site
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: The cursor to receive the next page of objects. If no
  • # cursor is supplied it will start at the beginning of the list. Offset can not be
  • # set at the same time. This is the preferred API to use if possible as it is
  • # faster.
  • # first: Maximum number of objects to be returned in a page. The
  • # default is 100
  • # offset: The number of entries to offset the start of the page
  • # by. If no offset is supplied it will start at the beginning of the list. After
  • # can not be set at the same time.
  • # filter: Filter by GraphQL field and given value
  • # orderBy: Sort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in
  • # the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the
  • # final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending
  • # order.
  • # permissionMode: Results filtering mode.
  • flowsConnection(
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • offset: Int,
  • filter: Flow_Filter,
  • orderBy: FlowSortOrder,
  • permissionMode: PermissionMode
  • ): FlowsConnection
  • # The virtual connections that are part of this site
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter by GraphQL field and given value
  • # orderBy: Sort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in
  • # the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the
  • # final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending
  • # order.
  • # permissionMode: Results filtering mode.
  • virtualConnections(
  • filter: VirtualConnection_Filter,
  • orderBy: VirtualConnectionSortOrder,
  • permissionMode: PermissionMode
  • ): [VirtualConnection]
  • # The virtual connections that are part of this site
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: The cursor to receive the next page of objects. If no
  • # cursor is supplied it will start at the beginning of the list. Offset can not be
  • # set at the same time. This is the preferred API to use if possible as it is
  • # faster.
  • # first: Maximum number of objects to be returned in a page. The
  • # default is 100
  • # offset: The number of entries to offset the start of the page
  • # by. If no offset is supplied it will start at the beginning of the list. After
  • # can not be set at the same time.
  • # filter: Filter by GraphQL field and given value
  • # orderBy: Sort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in
  • # the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the
  • # final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending
  • # order.
  • # permissionMode: Results filtering mode.
  • virtualConnectionsConnection(
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • offset: Int,
  • filter: VirtualConnection_Filter,
  • orderBy: VirtualConnectionSortOrder,
  • permissionMode: PermissionMode
  • ): VirtualConnectionsConnection
  • # The Metrics that are part of this site
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter by GraphQL field and given value
  • # orderBy: Sort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in
  • # the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the
  • # final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending
  • # order.
  • # permissionMode: Results filtering mode.
  • metrics(
  • filter: Metric_Filter,
  • orderBy: MetricSortOrder,
  • permissionMode: PermissionMode
  • ): [Metric]
  • # The Metrics that are part of this site
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: The cursor to receive the next page of objects. If no
  • # cursor is supplied it will start at the beginning of the list. Offset can not be
  • # set at the same time. This is the preferred API to use if possible as it is
  • # faster.
  • # first: Maximum number of objects to be returned in a page. The
  • # default is 100
  • # offset: The number of entries to offset the start of the page
  • # by. If no offset is supplied it will start at the beginning of the list. After
  • # can not be set at the same time.
  • # filter: Filter by GraphQL field and given value
  • # orderBy: Sort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in
  • # the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the
  • # final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending
  • # order.
  • # permissionMode: Results filtering mode.
  • metricsConnection(
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • offset: Int,
  • filter: Metric_Filter,
  • orderBy: MetricSortOrder,
  • permissionMode: PermissionMode
  • ): MetricsConnection
  • }