General object for sorting
link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum OrderDirection {
- # Sort in an ascending order.
- # Sort in a descending order.
- }
link Require by
- AnalyticsFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- AskDataExtensionSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- BinFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- CalculatedFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- CanHaveLabelsSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- CertifiableSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- CloudFileSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- ColumnFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- ColumnSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- CombinedFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- CombinedSetFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- CustomSQLTableSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- DashboardSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- DatabaseServerSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- DatabaseSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- DatabaseTableSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- DataCloudSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- DataFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- DataQualityCertificationSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- DataQualityWarningSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- DatasourceFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- DatasourceFilterSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- DatasourceSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- EmbeddedDatasourceSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- FieldReferencingFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- FieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- FileSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- FlowColumnInputFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- FlowColumnOutputFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- FlowFieldInputFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- FlowFieldOutputFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- FlowInputFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- FlowOutputFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- FlowOutputStepSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- FlowSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- GenericLabelSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- GroupFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- HierarchyFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- LabelSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- LensFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- LensSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- LinkedFlowSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- MetricDefinitionSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- MetricSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- NodeSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- ParameterSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- PublishedDatasourceSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- SetFieldSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- SheetSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- TableAdditionalDetailsSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- TableauSiteSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- TableauUserSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- TableSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- TaggableSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- TagSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- ViewSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- VirtualConnectionSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- VirtualConnectionTableSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- WarnableSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- WebDataConnectorSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.
- WorkbookSortOrderSort by given fields. The sort orders defined first in the list will take priority. If there are no given sort orders or a tie on the final sorted field then the resulting set will be sorted by ID in ascending order.