Server Settings (General and Customization)

The following settings are available on the General and Customization pages in Server - Settings.

Many of these settings move from the Server Settings page to the Site Settings page when there is more than one site on the server. These are marked with "Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers."


Setting Description
Site Name and ID

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Specifies the site name seen in the user interface and the ID seen in the site URL. (If you are editing the Default site, you cannot change the ID.)

You can't change the “#/site” portion of the URL (for example, http://localhost/#/site/sales). In multi-site server environments, these segments appear in the URL for sites other than the Default site.


Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Select either Server Limit or GB, and for the latter enter the number of gigabytes you want as a limit for storage space for published workbooks, extracts, and other data sources.

If you set a server limit and the site exceeds it, publishers will be prevented from uploading new content until the site is under the limit again. Server administrators can track where the site is relative to its limit using the Max Storage and Storage Used columns on the Sites page.

Revision History

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Specifies the number of previous versions of workbooks, flows, and data sources that are stored on the server.
Managing Users

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Determines whether only server administrators can add and remove users and change their site roles, or whether site administrators can too.

If you allow site administrators to manage users, specify how many users they can add to the site by selecting one of the following:

  • Server Limit adds the number of available server seat licenses. For a server with core-based licensing, there is no limit.
  • Site Limit lets site administrators add users up to a limit you specify.
  • Site Role Limit lets site administrators add users of each site role up to the license limit you specify for the site.

For more information, see View Server Licenses(Link opens in a new window).

Web Authoring

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Controls whether browser-based authoring is enabled for the site. When web authoring for workbooks is disabled, users can't create or edit published workbooks from the server web environment but instead must use Tableau Desktop to republish the workbook. When web authoring for flows is disabled, users can't create or edit published flows from the server web environment but instead must use Tableau Prep Builder to re-publish the flow.

For more information, see Set a Site’s Web Authoring Access and Functions(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Cloud Help.

Tableau Prep Conductor

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Controls whether users with appropriate permissions can schedule and monitor flows. Tableau Prep Conductor is part of Tableau Data Management. For more information, see About Tableau Prep Conductor(Link opens in a new window).
Tableau Catalog

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Turns off Catalog capabilities when Tableau Server or a Tableau Cloud site is licensed with Data Management. For more information, see Disable Catalog(Link opens in a new window).
Email Settings

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Specifies the From address and message footer seen in automatic emails for alerts and subscriptions.
Workbook Performance after a Scheduled Refresh

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Pre-computes recently viewed workbooks with scheduled refreshes to open them faster. For more information, see Configure Workbook Performance after a Scheduled Refresh(Link opens in a new window).
Workbook Performance Metrics

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Lets site users collect metrics on how workbooks perform, such as how quickly they load To initiate recording, users must add a parameter to the workbook's URL. For more information, see Create a Performance Recording(Link opens in a new window).
Managed Keychain Clean Up

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Lets site administrators manage saved credential keychains for OAuth connections on the site. For more information, see OAuth Connections(Link opens in a new window).
Automatically Suspend Extract Refresh Tasks

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

To save resources, Tableau can automatically suspend extract refresh tasks for inactive workbooks. This feature applies only to refresh schedules that run weekly or more often. For more information, see Automatically Suspend Extract Refreshes for Inactive Workbooks(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Cloud Help.
User Visibility

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Controls what user and group names are visible to other users. For more information, see Manage User Visibility(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Cloud Help.
Availability of Ask Data

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Controls whether Ask Data is enabled or disabled by default for data sources. Ask Data lets users query data using conversational language and automatically see visualizations. For more information, see Automatically Build Views with Ask Data(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau user Help.
Availability of Explain Data

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Controls whether site users with the appropriate permissions can run Explain Data and authors can access Explain Data Settings. For more information, see Control Access to Explain Data. To learn more about Explain Data, see Discover Insights Faster with Explain Data.
Automatic Access to Metadata about Databases and Tables

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Automatically grants users certain capabilities to external assets using derived permissions. For more information, see Turn off derived permissions(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Cloud Help.
Sensitive Lineage Data

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Specifies whether sensitive lineage data should be obfuscated or filtered when users don’t have the appropriate permissions to related metadata. For more information, see Sensitive lineage data(Link opens in a new window).

Extract Encryption at Rest

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Lets you encrypt .hyper extracts while they are stored on Tableau Server. Server administrators can enforce encryption of all extracts on their site or allow users to encrypt all extracts associated with particular published workbooks or data sources. For more information, see Extract Encryption at Rest(Link opens in a new window).
Tableau Mobile

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.


Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Allows users to share items directly with other users. When an item is shared, the recipients get a notification and the item is added to their Shared with Me page. If this is not enabled, users can only copy a link to share. For more information, see Share Web Content(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau user Help.

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Controls whether users can add remarks in a Comments side pane for each view and @mention other Tableau users to notify them via email. For more information, see Comment on Views(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau user Help.
Data-Driven Alerts

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Lets users automatically receive emails when data reaches key thresholds. For more information, see Send Data-Driven Alerts(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau user Help.

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Specifies the number of tags that users can add to items. The default limit is 50 tags, and the maximum is 200. For more information, see Use Tags(Link opens in a new window).
Recommendations for Views

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Controls whether recommendations show on the site and whether the names of users who have looked at recommended items show on recommendation tooltips.

Note: If you use Tableau Server, your administrator can disable Recommendations.

Request Access

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Lets users send access requests to content or project owners. For more information, see Let Site Users Request Access to Content(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Cloud Help.
Cross-Database Joins

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Determines where the join process happens when joining data from multiple sources. For more information, see Combine Tables from Different Databases(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau user Help.
Metrics Content Type

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Controls whether metrics are available on the site. When enabled, users can create metrics from views and metrics appear as a content type. When disabled, metrics won't appear on the site or continue to sync; however, you can re-enable the feature to bring back previously created metrics. For more information, see "Set Up for Metrics" in Tableau Cloud Help(Link opens in a new window) or Tableau Server Help(Link opens in a new window).

Retirement of the legacy metrics feature

Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in Tableau Cloud in February 2024 and in Tableau Server version 2024.2. In October 2023, Tableau retired the ability to embed legacy metrics in Tableau Cloud and in Tableau Server version 2023.3. With Tableau Pulse, we've developed an improved experience to track metrics and ask questions of your data. For more information, see Create Metrics with Tableau Pulse to learn about the new experience and Create and Troubleshoot Metrics (Retired) for the retired feature.

Site Time Zone for Extracts

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

The default time zone for extract-based data sources in a site is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Site administrators can set a different time zone. For more information, see Set the Site Time Zone for Extracts(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Cloud Help.
Run Now

On multi-site servers this appears on both Server Settings (at bottom of page) and Site Settings.

Server administrators can use this setting to allow or block users from manually running extract refreshes, flow runs, and subscriptions. This setting can be applied at the server level to include all the sites on Tableau Server or applied at the site level to include only specific sites.

  • By default, this option is set to allow users to run jobs manually. Clear the check box to prevent users from running jobs manually.
  • This applies only to jobs that are manually initiated by a user from the web interface, REST API calls, or tabcmd commands. Jobs initiated from scheduled tasks will continue to run at the schedule time and will not be affected.
  • Select Run Now to allow users to change the connection type (Live/Extract) of data sources on the web.
Manage Notifications

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Controls how site users can receive notifications for events such as extract jobs, flow runs, or when another user shares content with them or mentions them in a comment. Notifications can be seen in their Tableau site via the notification center or sent by email. When a notification is enabled, users can configure their notification preferences on their Account Settings page.
Flow Subscriptions

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Controls whether flow owners can schedule and send emails with flow output data to themselves and others. When you allow flow subscriptions, you can control whether flow output data is included in the subscription email and whether flow output files are attached to the email. For more information, see Notify Users of Successful Flow Runs.
Web Page Objects

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Controls whether these dashboard objects can display target URLs. For more information, see Security for Web Page objects(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau user Help.
Personal Space

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Allows Creator and Explorer site users to create and save content to a private Personal Space. When Personal Space is turned on, you can set user storage limits. For more information, see Create and Edit Private Content in Personal Space.

Moves to Site Settings on multi-site servers.

Controls whether collections are available. When you turn on collections, users can create collections to organize content and browse collections made available by other users. For more information, see Organize Items in a Collection.
OAuth Clients Registry For a subset of connectors, you can register a custom OAuth client for the site to override an OAuth client that has been configured for the server. By registering a custom OAuth client, you enable new and existing connections to use the site-level OAuth client instead of the server-wide OAuth client. For more information, see Configure a custom OAuth for a site.
View Acceleration Controls whether Creator and Explorer site users can accelerate the views in their workbooks for faster loading times. When you allow view acceleration, you can set a maximum number of views to be accelerated, and you can choose to automatically suspend acceleration for views that repeatedly fail the acceleration task. For more information, see View Acceleration.
Start Page Links to the server's current default start page for all users. For more information on how to change the default start page, see Set the Default Start Page for All Users. Individual users will be able to override this setting (see Access Your Profile and Account Settings(Link opens in a new window) for details).
Guest Access Allows users to view and interact with embedded views without having to sign in to a Tableau Server account. Permission can be assigned to the Guest User account to control the interactivity allowed for each view. This option is only available if you have a core-based server license.

This option can be used with Enable automatic logon, an option you can select during Setup.

Embedded Credentials in Content
  • Let publishers embed credentials in a data source, flow, or workbook

    Allows publishers to attach passwords to published workbooks or flows that will automatically authenticate web users to connect to data sources. The passwords are attached to workbooks or flow inputs and are only accessible on the server. For example, when a workbook is opened in Tableau Desktop, users still need to enter a user name and password to connect to the data source. When this setting is turned off, all existing embedded passwords are saved but are not used for authentication. If you turn the setting back on, users don't have to re-embed the passwords.

  • Let publishers schedule flow runs and extract refreshes

    Allows publishers to assign workbooks or flows to schedules. This option is only available if Let publishers embed credentials in a data source, flow, or workbook is enabled. When this setting is enabled, Tableau Desktop users will see scheduling options in the Publish dialog box.

Sign In Customization

Add a custom note to the server sign in page. The Sign In setting lets you add text. You can optionally add a URL to make the text a link. This note will also appear if a user receives a sign in error.

Custom notes do not display on Tableau Mobile. If Tableau Server is configured with identity pools(Link opens in a new window), the Sign In Customization note appears on both the Tableau Server landing page below all sign-in options and on the page where your initial pool (TSM configured) users enter their username and password.

To set a custom note, sign in to a site on Tableau Server. On the left-side navigation pane, select Manage all sites from the drop-down site list. Select Settings and add a message to Sign In Customization.

For more information, see Customize Your Server.

Recommendations Training Schedule Recommendations take two forms: recommendations for data sources and tables (for Tableau Desktop) and recommendations for views (for Tableau Server). Recommendations are based on the popularity of content and on content used by other users determined to be similar to the current user.

The training schedule controls how often the server checks for new content and new usage information to keep the recommendations up to date. New content includes new and updated data sources and workbooks. New usage information includes information such as "Laura Rodriquez used the Food Catering data source" and "Henry Wilson accessed the Monthly Sales view."

If you notice an impact on server performance, schedule this process to occur at a time when the server load is low. To track performance impact, look for the "Recommendations Trainer" or "View Recommendations Trainer" tasks in the Background Tasks for Non Extracts view.

If you want to disable Recommendations, change the tsm configuration set option "recommendations.enabled" to false. If you want to disable only recommendations for views, change the option “recommendations.vizrecs.enabled” to false.

Connected Clients Controls whether mobile users must sign in and provide their credentials every time they connect to Tableau Server, or if users can connect with their devices to Tableau Server without providing credentials after they authenticate their device successfully the first time. For more information, see Disable Automatic Client Authentication.
Language and Locale Controls the language used for the server user interface and the locale used for views. Individual users can override this setting on their Account Settings page. Also, web browser settings are evaluated first to determine which language and locale should be used. For more information, see Language and Locale for Tableau Server.
Saved Credentials for Data Sources
  • Let users save passwords for data sources

    Allows users to choose "Remember my password" and save data source passwords across multiple visits, browsers, and devices. (By default, users can choose to "Remember my password until I sign out," which lets them save their password only for a single browser session.)

    As an administrator, you can clear all saved passwords at any time. In addition, users can clear their own saved passwords.

  • Let users save OAuth access tokens for data sources

    Allows users to store access tokens with their user preferences. Access tokens are provided by cloud data sources that support OAuth connections, and they are used instead of user names and passwords to grant access to the data.

    For more information, see OAuth Connections

Linked Tasks

On multi-site servers this appears on both Server Settings and Site Settings.

Server administrators can use this setting to enable users to schedule flow tasks to run one after the other. They can also enable users to trigger the scheduled flow tasks to run using Run Now.

This setting can be applied at the server level to include all the sites on Tableau Server. The setting can be disabled at the site level to include only specific sites.

If the setting is turned off after linked tasks are scheduled, any tasks that are running will complete and the scheduled linked tasks are hidden and no longer show on the Scheduled Tasks tab.

For more information, see Schedule linked tasks(Link opens in a new window).

Flow Parameters

On multi-site servers this appears on both Server Settings and Site Settings.

Enables users to schedule and run flows that include parameters.

Administrators can also enable flow parameters to accept any value. If this option is enabled, any flow user can enter any value in a parameter, potentially exposing data that the user should not have access to.

Parameters can be entered in an input step for file name and path, table name, or when using custom SQL queries, in an output step for file name and path and table name, and in any step type for filters or calculated values.

Flow parameter settings can be applied at the server level to include all sites on Tableau Server. The settings can be disabled at the site level to include only specific sites.

For more information about using parameters, see Create and Use Parameters in Flows(Link opens in a new window) in the Tableau Prep help.

Active Directory Synchronization

Only appears when server is configurefd for AD identity store.

Controls the synchronization of all Active Directory groups in Tableau Server based on a schedule that you specify after you select the option Synchronize Active Directory groups on a regular schedule. For more information, see Synchronize External Directory Groups on the Server.
Reset to Default Settings Returns any server settings described here that have been changed since setup back to their original state.
Assertions for Group Membership

On multi-site servers this appears on both Server Settings and Site Settings pages.

Enables local group membership to be controlled and managed by the IdP or through the connected app by dynamically asserting group membership when a user authenticates to Tableau Server. Requires additional configuration in the SAML assertion or JSON web token (JWT). For more information, see Dynamic group membership using assertions.

Note: This server-wide setting must be enabled to allow the site-level setting to be enabled.

Group Sets

Moves to site Settings on multi-site servers.

Enables the Group Sets page and the ability to create group sets. Group sets can be used by certain users (server admins, site admins, project owners, and content owners) to apply permission rules that require users to be members of all groups in the group set to access content whose permissions are dependent on the group set. For more information, see Work with Group Sets


Setting Description
Welcome Banner

Add a custom message to the welcome banner on the home page for all server users to see. The custom message can contain up to 240 characters of text and hyperlinks as well as one paragraph break. Administrators can also disable the default Tableau welcome banner for the server.

For more information, see Customize Your Server.


Setting Description
Tableau Mobile


App Lock Requires a biometric method or device passcode for users to open this site on Tableau Mobile. For more information, see Enable App Lock for Added Security(Link opens in a new window) in the Tableau Mobile Deployment Guide.
Offline Previews Controls whether offline previews are generated for display when users access the site on Tableau Mobile. For more information, see Manage Tableau Mobile Data on Devices(Link opens in a new window) in the Tableau Mobile Deployment Guide.
Mobile Security Policies

Added in version 2023.1.0

Some security policies are enabled automatically and cannot be disabled. Mobile security policies are not available for MAM versions of Tableau Mobile.

Note: Mobile Security policies configured at the site level override Server-level Mobile Security policies.

Jailbreak Detection

Controls whether a Tableau Mobile app user with a device that has been "jailbroken" or "rooted" is allowed to access content on Tableau, and what level of response occurs when a jailbroken or rooted device is detected. For more information, see Tableau Mobile App Security Settings.
Malware Detection (Android only) Controls whether malware detection is enabled for mobile devices, and what level of response occurs when malware is detected. For more information, see Tableau Mobile App Security Settings.
Maximum Days Offline Without Policy Refresh Controls whether there is a maximum number of days a mobile device can be offline and still use the app. For more information, see Tableau Mobile App Security Settings.
Prevent Debugging Controls whether debuggers are prevented on mobile devices. For more information, see Tableau Mobile App Security Settings.
Screen Sharing and Screenshots (Android only) Controls whether a Tableau Mobile user is able to take screenshots or use screen sharing while in the app. For more information, see Tableau Mobile App Security Settings.