Create Metrics with Tableau Pulse

Tableau Pulse provides insights about your data based on metrics that you define. After you create a metric, you can add members of your organization as followers, and they'll receive regular email or Slack digests about their data. This digest surfaces trends, outliers, and other changes, keeping followers up to date on the data relevant to their work. To learn more about the data, these users can investigate a metric on Tableau Cloud and see how different factors contribute to changes in the data. These insights give them the information they need to make data-driven decisions without requiring them to do complex analysis in Tableau.

Pulse home page

Metric definitions and metrics

Behind every metric in Tableau Pulse is a metric definition. Viewers interact with metrics. Metric definitions specify the core metadata for those metrics.

Parent-child relationship between definitions and metrics

Metric definitions are the set of metadata that functions as the single source of truth for all the metrics based on them. Defined by a user with a Creator, Site Administrator Explorer, or Explorer (can publish) site role. The following table provides an example of the metadata captured by a metric definition.

Metric definition for Superstore Sales
Definition field Example value
Name Superstore Sales
Measure and aggregation Sum of Sales
Time dimension Order Date
Compared to Prior year
Adjustable metric filters Region, Category
Number format Currency
Data source goal measure Sales Target
Granularity of goal measure Daily
Value going up is Favorable

Metrics are the interactive objects that sit in front of a definition. Created when users adjust filters or time options, which means that there can be many metrics based on a definition. Users follow and explore metrics to get insights. The following tables provide an example of the options configured for metrics. These options are applied on top of the core value that is specified by the metric definition.

Metric for Superstore Sales - Technology
Metric option Example value
Time period Quarter to date
Filters Category: Technology
Manual goal 80K
Metric for Superstore Sales - Office Supplies
Metric option Example value
Time period Year to date
Filters Category: Office Supplies
Manual goal 200K

To get started in Tableau Pulse, you create a metric definition that captures the core value that you want to track. At its most basic level, this value is an aggregate measure tracked based on a time dimension. The definition also specifies options such as the dimensions that viewers are able to filter by, the way the value is formatted, and the types of insights displayed.

When you create this definition, Tableau automatically creates an initial metric and sends you to that metric's page. The initial metric created for a definition has no filters applied, but any time you or another member of your organization adjusts the metric filters or time options in a new way, Tableau Pulse creates an additional metric.

People in your organization follow metrics, not metric definitions. By following individual metrics, they get insights specific to the dimensions that matter to them. The definition exists in order to let you manage the data for metrics from a single parent object. If a field in your data source changes, you can update the definition to reflect this change, and all metrics based on that definition will also reflect the change.

Say that you're a member of a sales organization, and that organization needs to track metrics across different territories and product lines. In Tableau Pulse, you would create a metric definition that includes the core value of the sum of daily sales with adjustable metric filters for region and product line. Then, you would create metrics for each region and product line. Finally, you would add members of your organization as followers to the metrics that cover where and what they sell.

What makes Tableau Pulse different

Tableau Pulse presents a simplified way to create metric definitions, so that with only a few selections, you can make a definition that would normally require complex calculations to build in traditional Tableau viz authoring. Members of your organization use that metric definition as a jumping off point to make metrics relevant to their needs, by slicing the data based on different dimensions or time options. Because insights about these metrics are sent directly to followers, your colleagues get the data they need in their flow of work.

With Tableau Pulse, users have an easy, self-service way to take part in guided data exploration. They can ask suggested questions to see how different dimensions affect the data. This guided exploration complements the more free-form analysis that's possible with the traditional Tableau viz authoring experience and allows users unfamiliar with Tableau analysis to understand their data.

Questions and answers about metric data

Note that though some parts of Tableau Pulse are similar to other Tableau features, Tableau Pulse combines metrics and insights in an all-new experience. In February 2024, with the release of Tableau Pulse, Ask Data and Tableau's legacy Metrics feature were retired. Like Ask Data, Tableau Pulse lets you ask questions of your data, so you can learn the how and why behind the numbers you see. Tableau Pulse also lets you create and track metrics, like the legacy Metrics feature, but Tableau Pulse metrics don’t stand alone. These metrics are the source of insights about your data.

Data source requirements for metric definitions

You create a metric definition by connecting to a published data source. Make sure that the data source you're working with meets the following criteria.

  • It’s a single published data source. You can't connect to a data source that is embedded in a workbook, and you can't connect to multiple data sources or use data blending, unless you combine the data before publishing the data source. The data source can be an extract or a live connection, and it can use a virtual connection or connect directly to the data.
  • You have the Connect and View permission capabilities for the data source.
  • The data source contains:
    • A measure to be aggregated as a sum, average, median, maximum, or minimum or a dimension to be aggregated as a count or count (distinct).
    • A time dimension for the metric's time series. Tableau Pulse monitors data over time, so single point-in-time values won’t produce a valid metric. The granularities supported for the time series are day, week, month, quarter, and year. Data that requires a lower level of granularity (hour or minute) isn’t a good fit for Tableau Pulse.
    • At least one dimension that can be used to filter the data and insights.

Tableau Pulse displays the dimension names and values that you add as filters on metrics and in insights text. These names and values in your data source should be easy for others to understand. To create the best experience for viewers, follow these recommendations so that the names and values fit with the conversational language of Tableau Pulse.

  • Use title-style capitalization rather than all caps.
  • Use spaces rather than hyphens or underscores to separate words.
  • Don’t use special characters.
  • Don’t use Boolean fields that appear as true or false.
  • Don’t use fields that consist of IDs or other indecipherable strings.

Requirements for data source goals

There are two types of goals that you can configure in Tableau Pulse: manual goals and data source goals. Manual goals are simply a static number entered as a goal for an individual metric, so there are no data source requirements for manual goals. A data source goal is set at the definition level and uses a field in your data source to display a dynamic goal value on the metrics based on your definition. For more information about these types of goals, see Configure data source goals and Set Manual Goals with Tableau Pulse.

If you want to include a data source goal as part of a metric definition, there are additional data source considerations.

  • Include the field that specifies the goal value as part of the data source that the definition connects to. Metric definitions connect to only a single data source, so you can’t connect to a separate data source for goals.
  • If the goal is in a separate table from the definition value, relate the goal table and the definition value table. If you join the tables instead of relating them, the data source might end up with duplicate goal values. For information about relating data, see Use Relationships for Multi-table Data Analysis.
  • If you want a finer-grained goal to display when users apply dimensional filters on metrics, include that level of granularity in your goal data. Otherwise, Tableau Pulse displays the total goal value for a dimension, even when the data is filtered to a subset of values.

Configure the core definition

After making sure that your data source will work with Tableau Pulse, you're ready to start creating your definition. The definition editor is optimized for larger screens, so you should create your definition using a desktop or laptop computer rather than a mobile device.

To create metric definitions, you need a Creator, Site Administrator Explorer, or Explorer (can publish) site role on Tableau Cloud. If you have a Viewer site role, you can follow metrics and discover insights, but you can't create metric definitions.

  1. From the Tableau Pulse home page, select New Metric Definition.

  2. Select a data source to connect to, then select Connect.

  3. For the Name, enter a name that isn't in use by other metric definitions.

    This name appears on all metrics based on the definition, so choose a name that's easy for others to understand.

  4. For the Description (optional), provide brief details to help others make sense of the data.

    The description appears on the definition page. On the insights exploration page for each metric, the description shows when users select the info icon.

  5. Under Links, add up to five links. These links appear on a metric’s Insights Exploration page.

Restrict definition and goal editing

By default, any user with the correct site role can edit or delete a metric definition, and all users can set, edit, or delete goals for the metrics based on that definition. You can restrict these actions to specific users and groups. You don’t need to add Tableau administrators as editors, because they always have the ability to edit metric definitions and goals.

Users must be a Creator, Site Administrator Explorer, or Explorer (can publish) to be able to edit a metric definition. If you give a Viewer access to edit a definition, that user won’t be able to edit the definition, because the site role doesn’t allow it. The ability to edit goals isn't limited by site role, but goals are available only for users who have access to Tableau+.

  1. Under Definition editing permissions or Goal editing permissions, select Anyone Can Edit.

  2. Select the Restrict editing toggle.

  3. Enter the users and groups to add as editors.

  4. Select Add.

  5. Close the Manage Editors dialog.

Define the metric value

  1. For the Measure, select the field to track.

    You can select a measure or a dimension, but dimensions must be aggregated as a count or count (distinct) so that they result in a measure that can be tracked.

  2. For the Aggregation, select how Tableau Pulse should aggregate the field you're tracking.

    If you require a more complex aggregation, see Create an advanced definition (optional).

  3. For Show sparkline values to date as, select whether you want the points on the metric chart to display as a running total or as non-cumulative values.

    The current value shown at the top of the metric will always be a running total for the period you're tracking. This setting applies to the sparkline, the overview line chart, and applicable insights.

  4. For the Definition filters (optional), select values to limit the metric data.

    Definition filters affect the data for all metrics based on the definition and won’t be adjustable by the viewer. Fields added as definition filters change the meaning of the definition. For example, a definition filter might exclude returned orders to define net sales. If you simply want to use a field to segment the data, add an adjustable metric filter, available under the Options section. For more information, see Define metric options.

  5. For the Time dimension, select the field to define the time series.
  6. Expand the Advanced time settings (optional).

    1. Enter a Date offset to change the final point in a metric’s time series to a set number of days in the past. For example, by entering an offset of 2, you adjust the final point from “Today” to “2 Days Ago.” An offset is useful if the data in your data source appears at a delay. Otherwise, your metric might not show any data for the final point in the time series.

    2. For the Minimum time granularity, select a larger granularity if smaller units like day or week don’t make sense based on your data. This setting controls the time options available when users filter metrics. That way, users can’t select options that have no data.

  7. For Compared to, drag the time comparison that you want to be the primary comparison to the top of the list.

    The primary time comparison is displayed in digests and insights and on the metric overview card. The secondary comparison appears in addition to the primary when a user opens a metric on Tableau Cloud to view the insights exploration page. If you don't want a secondary comparison, select the x to remove it.

How fiscal calendars work with metrics

If your time dimension is configured to use a fiscal calendar, Tableau Pulse uses that calendar. The metrics based on a definition with a fiscal calendar will show fiscal years and fiscal quarters on charts and insights. When you create a definition, the fiscal start month is listed under the time dimension field, if one is set. You can't adjust the fiscal calendar in Tableau Pulse. To change it, edit the data source used by the definition. For more information, see Fiscal Dates.

Support for fiscal calendars was added in February 2024. The Tableau Pulse beta didn't support fiscal calendars. If you created metrics during the beta period, and your data uses a fiscal calendar, those metrics won't automatically update to reflect the fiscal calendar. You'll need to adjust the date range to create new metrics that use the fiscal year. Then remove the followers from the metrics that used the old calendar and add them to the newly created metrics.

Create an advanced definition (optional)

If you prefer the flexibility of working in the traditional Tableau viz authoring environment, or if you need to create calculated fields, use the advanced analytics editor.

  1. On the definition panel, select Create Advanced Definition.

  2. Add fields to the measure, time dimension, and filters shelves.

    Only the fields, including calculated fields, that you add to these shelves are saved by the editor. Number format changes, granularity adjustments, or table calculations made in the advanced editor don't carry over. Instead, use the definition settings to set a minimum time granularity or change the number format.

  3. Select Apply.

    The fields you added in the editor replace the equivalent fields in the definition panel. To edit these fields, reopen the editor. You can't edit fields configured in the advanced analytics editor in the definition panel.

Define metric options

  1. For Adjustable metric filters, add at least one option.

    These filter options appear on metrics and allow users to scope the data to meet their needs. Adjusting these filters creates additional metrics from a definition. The first 20 fields that you add as adjustable metric filters also determine the dimensions used to generate insights about the data. If you add more that 20 fields, those options still appear as filters, but they aren't used to generate insights or available as breakdown options.

  2. For the Number format, you can specify custom units to show for the value, or you can set the value to display as currency or as a percentage.

Configure data source goals

Configuring a data source goal is optional. A data source goal uses a field in your data source to display dynamic goal values on metrics, and Tableau Pulse tracks progress toward those goals. For information about structuring your data source for goals, see Requirements for data source goals.

Data source goals appear on all metrics based on a definition. The goal value is filtered by the filters applied if goal data exists for that level of granularity. If goal data doesn’t exist for specific values or dimensions, Tableau Pulse displays the goal value for a higher level of detail that does have goal data. That higher-level goal value might not be a relevant goal for the filtered metric, so make sure that your data source has goal data of the appropriate granularity.

  1. On the Goals step, under Measure, select the field in your data source to use for the goal value.
  2. Data source goals inherit the definition filters from the core definition unless those filters were set in the advanced editor. If your goal didn't inherit filters from the core definition, add any relevant filters under Goal filters.
  3. Under Aggregation, select how the goal data is aggregated for time periods that are greater than the goal granularity.
  4. Under Time dimension, select the field to use for the goal’s time series.
  5. Under Granularity of goal measure, select the level of detail represented by each row of the measure. Metrics with time ranges smaller than the goal granularity don’t display a goal.

If you need to configure a data source goal that uses calculated fields, select Create Advanced Goal. The advanced analytics editor lets you use the familiar Tableau viz authoring environment to create calculations and define your goal.

Data source goals and manual goals

A manual goal is a single target number that anyone with permission can set on individual metrics. If someone sets a manual goal on a metric, the manual goal overrides the data source goal. If the manual goal is removed, the data source goal appears again. To learn about manual goals, see Set Manual Goals with Tableau Pulse.

Configure insights

  1. Select the Insights tab.

    The fields under Insight dimensions are the same fields that you added as adjustable metric filters. Tableau Pulse uses these dimensions when monitoring your data to surface relevant insights, as shown in the insights preview.

  2. For Value going up is, select whether the change is neutral, favorable, or unfavorable.

    This option controls the color for the change value: blue for neutral, green for favorable, and red for unfavorable. It also affects the language used in insights that refer to the change.

  3. Under Insight types, select Turn On or select the menu then select Turn Off to adjust the types of insights shown. Hover over the info icon for a description of each type. By default, the record-level outlier insight type is off. If you turn it on, it requires additional configuration.

    1. For the Record identifier, select a field in your data that has a unique value for every record, for example, Order ID.

    2. For the Record identifier name (optional), select a field in your data that has a name that corresponds to the record identifier, for example, Order Name.

    3. For Singular and Plural (optional), add names for the records as they should appear in insights text, for example Order and Orders.

  4. Verify that the metric and insights previews look as expected, then select Save Definition.

    Tableau Pulse creates the definition along with the initial metric based on that definition, which has no adjustable metric filters applied. You can find your definition under the Browse Metrics tab on the Tableau Pulse home page.

For an overview of insight types and the insights platform, see The Insights Platform and Insight Types in Tableau Pulse.

Create metrics

After you create your definition, you’ll be taken to the initial metric for that definition. This page is the insights exploration page for that metric. On it, you can see insights based on dimensions that you select, and you can create more metrics by adjusting filters.

  1. On a metric for your definition, select Filter. The filter labels become interactive.

  2. Select the buttons to change the time and filter options.

  3. Select the check mark button. If a metric with that combination of filters doesn’t yet exist, Tableau Pulse creates one.

To learn how viewers interact with these metrics, see Explore Metrics with Tableau Pulse.

Edit a metric definition

If your data source changes, and the metrics that are based on it break, edit the metric definition to account for these changes. Any changes that you make to the definition will affect all metrics based on it.

  1. Open a metric for the definition you want to edit.

  2. Select the actions menu, then select Edit Definition.

    Edit definition button

How editing a definition affects metrics and goals

When you edit a definition, your changes might affect the metrics based on the definition and the goals based on those metrics.

Changed field Affected feature Impact
Definition filters, adjustable metric filters Metrics If you remove an adjustable metric filter or add a definition filter that excludes a value used in a metric filter, metrics using that filter aren’t deleted. Existing followers of an affected metric are able to adjust the filter and add other followers. However, users who aren't already followers can’t follow that metric on their own.

To make it so users no longer see metrics that are based on eliminated filters, remove the followers from those metrics. Alternatively, if you want to get rid of all of the metrics for a definition, delete the definition.

Aggregation Goals

Data source goals can be set for values that are aggregated as a sum or count. Manual goals can be set for values that are aggregated as a sum, count, or distinct count.

If you change the definition to use an unsupported aggregation, the currently configured data source goal is removed when you save the definition. Any existing manual goals are hidden for the metrics based on this definition.

If you change the definition back to use a supported aggregation, pre-existing manual goals are restored. The data source goal isn’t restored, and you must reconfigure the goal.

Delete a metric definition

Deleting a metric definition also deletes all of the metrics based on it.

  1. On the Tableau Pulse home page, select the Browse Metrics tab.

  2. On the metric definition that you want to delete, select the actions (...) menu, then select Delete.

Manage followers

Followers are specific to each metric, not to the metric definition as a whole. That way, individuals in your organization receive insights about only the metrics that matter to them. Any time you create a new metric, you need to add followers. Followers don’t carry over from the previous metric that you were viewing.

Add followers

  1. Open the metric that you want to add followers to.

  2. Select the Followers button.

  3. In the search box, enter the name of the user or group that you want to add.

  4. Select Add.

If users are added to a metric as part of a group, they won’t be able to remove themselves individually. If you want users to have control over the metrics they follow, add them as individuals.

Remove followers

  1. Open the metric that you want to remove followers from.

  2. Select the Followers button.

  3. Next to the follower's name, select Remove.

To get a head start when creating a metric definition, you can create one from the list of recommended metrics shown for dashboards.

  1. While viewing the dashboard that you want to create a metric definition from, select the Data Guide button in the toolbar.

  2. On the dashboard, select the viz with the data you want to use.

    Data guide shows recommended metrics for this viz. Depending on how well the data in the viz fits the requirements for a metric, you might not see recommended metrics. If data guide can't recommend a complete metric, it might show recommended measures or dimensions or the primary data source used for you to connect to.

    The Data Guide pane showing recommended metrics

  3. Select a recommendation to configure it in Tableau Pulse.

  4. The recommendation is pre-populated in the Tableau Pulse definition editor. To finish setting up your definition, see Configure the core definition.

Add metrics to a dashboard

To show metrics alongside other content in a dashboard, add the Pulse Metric object. The metrics that are available to add to a dashboard are those that connect to the same published data sources that are used by the workbook. For more information about dashboard objects, see Add dashboard objects and set their options.

  1. On a dashboard, from the Objects section, drag the Pulse Metric object to the dashboard.
  2. Select a metric definition to see the list of metrics based on that definition. If there are no metric definitions shown, create one in Tableau Pulse.
  3. Select a metric.
  4. For the metric display, choose whether to display the full card or a compact card.
  5. To style the metric like the cards on the Tableau Pulse homepage, toggle on Tableau Pulse Style. Tableau Pulse style adds rounded corners and an elevated border. Without this style option, the metrics on a dashboard resemble other borderless dashboard objects.
  6. To link the metric card to the Tableau Pulse Insights Exploration page, toggle on Link to Tableau Pulse. This link opens in a new tab.
  7. Select Add to Dashboard.

After you’ve added a Pulse Metric object, you can change the metric or adjust the settings by selecting Configure from the object’s context menu.

Dashboard object context menu

Embed metrics

You can use the Embedding API to embed Tableau Pulse metrics in web pages. For more information, see Embed Tableau Pulse.