Use Tableau on the Web

Get started

What Can I Do with a Tableau Site?

Tour Your Tableau Site(Link opens in a new window)

Creators: Get Started with Web Authoring

Viewers: What Can I Do with a Tableau Web View?

Explore and manage content

Explore and Inspect Data in a View

Use Custom Views(Link opens in a new window)

Use Tags(Link opens in a new window)

Manage Web Content(Link opens in a new window)

Refresh Data or Pause Automatic Updates(Link opens in a new window)

Work with Content Revisions(Link opens in a new window)

Author web views

Web Authoring and Tableau Desktop Feature Comparison

Creators: Connect to Data on the Web

Prepare Data on the Web

Edit Views on the Web

Upload Workbooks to a Tableau Site

Connect to published data sources while web authoring

Create a Dashboard

Create a Story(Link opens in a new window)

Save your work(Link opens in a new window)

Share and collaborate

Share Web Content(Link opens in a new window)

Create a Subscription to a View or Workbook(Link opens in a new window)

Send Data-Driven Alerts from Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server(Link opens in a new window)

Embed Views and Metrics(Link opens in a new window)

Comment on Views(Link opens in a new window)