Keyboard Accessibility for Tableau Views

Interact with views

Users sent a link to a WCAG-conformant view or workbook in Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server can interact and explore using commonly supported WAI-ARIA standards for keyboard navigation. The following keyboard navigation also applies to embedded views.

All components

What to do Keystrokes
Move focus to next navigation component Tab
Move focus to previous navigation component Shift+Tab
Button activation Spacebar or Enter

To skip the navigation panel and toolbar, select Skip to Content.

What to do Keystrokes
Move focus to next component in navigation panel Tab
Move focus to next item in toolbar Right
Move focus to previous item in toolbar Left
Activate the selected toolbar button Enter
Escape toolbar button window Esc
In a toolbar button window, move focus between components Tab
In a toolbar button window, move focus for dropdown menus Arrow keys
Choose a new menu item from dropdown menus Enter
Move focus between people or groups in a user selection box Up/Down
Delete or remove additions in a selected toolbar window Delete

Custom views toolbar window

What to do Keystrokes
Rename custom view Ctrl+R
Set default custom view Ctrl+D
Make visible to others toggle on/off Ctrl+P
Delete selected custom view Windows: Delete
Mac OS: Fn+Delete

Comments pane

What to do Keystrokes
Apply comment snapshot to the view Enter or Spacebar
Delete comment Delete or Backspace

Sheet tabs

What to do Keystrokes
Move focus to previous Left/Up
Move focus to next Right/Down
Navigate to the focused tab Enter


What to do Keystrokes
Move focus to previous Up
Move focus to next Down
(Single column) move focus to previous, (Multi-column) move focus to left Left
(Single column) move focus to next, (Multi-column) move focus to right Right
Move focus to first item Home
Move focus to last item End
Toggle item selection Spacebar

Toggle highlighting on and off

Note: This is the keyboard equivalent of Highlight Selected Items.


Clear all item selections

Note: To view legend item text with more contrast, select individual legend items, and then switch highlighting on and off.



What to do Keystrokes
Move focus to previous item Left/Up
Move focus to next item Right/Down
Move focus to first item Home
Move focus to last item End
Toggle selection (check/clear checkboxes, select/clear radio buttons) Spacebar
Apply changes, if Cancel or Apply buttons are available Enter
Revert changes to default settings Esc
What to do Keystrokes
Move focus from filter item to filter control buttons (search, Single Value (List)/Multiple Values (List), Single Value (Dropdown)/Multiple Values (Dropdown), Include/Exclude Values). Press Spacebar to select a button. Shift+Tab
Move focus in the dropdown menu Arrow keys
Choose a menu item Enter
Press on search button and enter search term Spacebar
Press to clear search input. Press Esc again to dismiss Search. Esc

Parameter controls

Single value (list)

What to do Keystrokes
Move focus to previous item Left/Up
Move focus to next item Right/Down
Commit selection and update parameter value Spacebar

Single value (dropdown)

What to do Keystrokes

Dropdown list collapsed: Move focus to previous item and commit to value,

Dropdown list open: Move focus to previous item and commit to value; doesn’t commit to value


Dropdown list collapsed: Move focus to next item and commit to value,

Dropdown list open: Move focus to next item and commit to value; doesn’t commit to value


Dropdown list collapsed: Open or close domain list,

Dropdown list open: Commit selection of focused item

Dropdown list open: Collapse domain list without making a selection Esc


What to do Keystrokes
See previous item in domain and commit Left/Up
See next item in domain and commit Right/Down

View Data window

Note: The View Data keyboard shortcuts are available in Tableau Cloud, Tableau Server, and Tableau Desktop.

What to do Keystrokes
Move focus to a visualization (viz) Within a dashboard or workbook, press Enter

With a viz in focus, open the View Data window

Note: The screen reader you’re using might require some combination of modifier keys (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Cmd) in conjunction with Enter. See the documentation for your screen reader.

Move focus to any cell within the data grid Arrow keys
Interact with cells in a grid Use the arrow keys to navigate to the cell. Press Enter to focus on an element within a cell. Then interact with the element using keyboard navigation, such as Enter or Space. To return to navigation mode, press Esc.
Move a column Within the data grid, use the arrow keys to move focus to a cell in the desired column. Press Enter, use the down arrow key to select Move Left or Move Right, and then press Enter.
Sort by column Within the data grid, use the arrow keys to move focus to a cell in the desired column. Press Enter, use the down arrow key to select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending, and then press Enter.
Remove a column Within the data grid, use the arrow keys to move focus to a cell in the desired column. Press Enter, use the down arrow key to select Remove, and then press Enter.
Move focus to another data table Press Tab to move the focus to the Summary tab. Use the down arrow key to move the focus to the desired data table within the Tabs pane.
Edit number of rows Press Tab to move the focus to the row count field. Type the desired row number, and then press Enter.
Show or hide aliases Press Tab to move the focus to the Settings button. Press Enter to show aliases, and press Enter again to hide aliases.
Add or remove fields Press Tab to move the focus to the Show Fields button. Press Enter to display a list of fields in the data source. Use the arrow keys to move the focus to each field name. Press Enter to remove any undesired fields from the data grid. To add fields back to the data grid, press Enter on the desired field to reselect it.
Download the data as it displays in the View Data window Press Tab to move the focus to the Download button, and then press Enter. A CSV file containing your customized view of the data downloads in your browser.
Close the View Data window Windows: ALT+F4
Mac OS: Cmd+W

In the View Data window, there are several tab stops that enable you to customize the data that displays.

Example table shown in the View Data window with callouts showing the sequence of tab stops

  • A - Selected cell within the data grid
  • B - Tabs pane, expand/collapse
  • C - Tabs pane, current selection
  • D - Row count field
  • E - Settings button
  • F - Show Fields button
  • G - Download button

Visualization headers

What to do Keystrokes
Move focus to a visualization (viz) Within a dashboard or workbook, press Enter
With a viz in focus, move to the left, top, right, or bottom headers Arrow keys
Navigate into a header Enter

Navigate within a header or nested header

Arrow keys
Toggle header highlighting on/off Spacebar
Back out of a header Esc

Example: Navigate a View in Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server

This example shows how you can navigate and interact with a view using keyboard navigation.

  1. Press Tab to move the focus to the visualization.

    Note: The Skip to Content button lets you skip over the navigation panel and toolbar. To go directly to the view page, press Enter to select Skip to Content.

    Skip to content button

    Note: In a workbook that has multiple sheet tabs, press Tab to move the focus to the Tabs pane, and use the arrow keys to move focus between tabs. Then press Enter or Spacebar to open a specific sheet.

    Blue border around a viz indicating the focus is on the viz

    This image shows the visualization area in a sheet. A blue border indicates the focus.

  2. Navigate to filters and legends in the view by pressing Tab.

    To change a filter setting, press Tab to move focus to the filter, and then press the arrow keys to move between items.

    • Press Spacebar to switch item selections.
    • For dropdown filters - Press Enter to apply filter changes. Press Esc to revert changes to the default settings.

    To highlight legend items, press Tab to move focus to the legend, and then press the arrow keys to move between items.

    • Press Spacebar to switch item selections.

      Note: To view legend item text with more contrast, select individual legend items, and then switch highlighting on and off.

    • Press Enter to highlight the selected legend items in the view. Press Enter again to turn off highlighting.
    • Press Esc to clear all item selections.

    See the table of keystrokes at the beginning of this article for the list of keystroke options for legends and filters.

  3. To access underlying data that can be read by your screen reader, tab the focus to the visualization area and then press Enter.

    Note: Your screen reader may require some combination of modifier keys (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Cmd) in conjunction with Enter. See the documentation for your screen reader for details.

    Blue border around a viz indicating the focus is on the viz

    The View Data window opens in a new browser window.

    Example table shown in the Summary tab of the View Data window

    In the View Data window, the first cell of the data grid is in focus. Use the arrow keys to move the focus to any cell within the data grid.

    With a cell in focus, press Enter to open the context menu to move, sort, or remove a column.

    Example table shown in the Summary tab of the View Data window with the context menu displayed

    To move the focus to the Tabs pane, press Tab. Press Enter to expand or collapse the pane.

    To change the data shown within the table, press Tab to move the focus within the Tabs pane. Use the arrow keys to move the focus to a specific data table, and press Enter.

    Press Tab to move the focus to the row count field. To edit the row count, type the desired row number and press Enter.

    Press Tab to move the focus to the Settings button. Press Enter to Show Aliases, and press Enter again to hide aliases.

    Press Tab to move the focus to the Show Fields button. Press Enter to display a list of fields in the data source. Use the arrow keys to move the focus to each field name. Press Enter to switch the selection of fields in the data grid.

    Example table shown in the Summary tab of the View Data window with the Show Fields menu displayed

    Press Tab to move the focus to the Download button. Press Enter. A CSV file containing your customized data is downloaded in your browser.

    Note: The web browser you’re using might require a different key combination to open downloaded files. See the documentation for your web browser.

    Press ALT+F4 (Windows) or Cmd+W (Mac OS) to close the View Data window.

  4. To access buttons in the toolbar, tab the focus to the toolbar area and then use the right arrow to move to the next toolbar button.

    Press Enter to activate the Comments button on the toolbar.

    Type your comment in the Add a comment field. To add a snapshot to your comment, press Tab to move the focus to the snapshot button. Press Enter to add a snapshot. Press Tab to move the focus to the Post button. Press Enter to add the comment.

    Press Tab to move through options in the button's window, including exiting the window.

Manage Content

Use the following keyboard interactions to manage content on Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud.

Organize Your Favorites or Collections

On your Favorites page or collections that you own, you can move items when content is displayed in grid view. The order you arrange items in appears as the custom order under the Sort By menu. For more information, see Mark Favorites.

What to do Keystrokes
Pick up item Windows: Alt+Up Mac OS: Option+UP
Move item left Left
Move item right Right
Undo move Esc or Tab
Drop item Windows: Alt+Down Mac OS: Option+Down
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