About Tableau Pulse

With Tableau Pulse, users receive personalized data insights about metrics that they follow. These insights are sent directly to users in Slack and email digests, giving them access to the data they need in the tools they already use. If users want to learn more about their data, they can visit a metric's insights exploration page on Tableau Cloud. On that page, users can engage in guided data analysis to understand what is driving changes to their data.

Tableau Pulse is available for Tableau Cloud. To get a site ready for Tableau Pulse, a site administrator must first turn on the setting and make sure that there's appropriate data to work with. Then, users can create metric definitions, which specify the core metadata for metrics. Users create metrics based on these definitions by adjusting filter and time options to scope the data in ways that are useful for different groups of followers.

The articles here help you get started with Tableau Pulse, whether you're a Tableau administrator setting up your site, a Creator defining the metadata that metrics are based on, a Viewer exploring existing metrics, or a developer embedding metrics.

Article Audience About
Set Up Your Site for Tableau Pulse Site Administrators Settings, permissions, and requirements for Tableau Pulse
Create Metrics with Tableau Pulse Creators, Site Administrator Explorers, and Explorers (can publish) Definitions and metrics and how to create them
Explore Metrics with Tableau Pulse Creators, Explorers, and Viewers The types of analysis you can do with existing metrics
Set Manual Goals with Tableau Pulse Creators, Explorers, and Viewers Goals that let you track metric progress
The Insights Platform and Insight Types in Tableau Pulse Creators, Explorers, and Viewers The insight types available in Tableau Pulse and general information about how the Insights platform works
Tableau Pulse REST API Methods(Link opens in a new window) Developers The API methods to create metrics, get metric details, generate insights, and more
Embed Tableau Pulse(Link opens in a new window) Developers The Tableau Embedding API web component for embedding metrics in a web page
Set Up the Pulse for Salesforce App Salesforce customers The Pulse app that Salesforce customers can purchase
Configure a Tableau Pulse Lightning Web Component Salesforce customers The Tableau Pulse Lightning web component for Salesforce Lightning pages
Interact with Data on Tableau Mobile(Link opens in a new window) Creators, Explorers, and Viewers Tableau Pulse on Tableau Mobile

Tableau Pulse release notes

Use the visualization below to explore new features in Tableau Pulse. Click on a feature to bring up the tooltip with a link to detailed documentation for that feature.

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