Get Alerts About Tableau Pulse Insights

Tableau Pulse alerts you about new unfavorable trends found for the metrics that you follow. These alerts appear in your email and Slack digests and are sent as mobile notifications so that you don’t miss important changes to your data.

The Trend Change Alert insight type is part of the Tableau Pulse insights platform. The insights platform determines if there's a new unfavorable trend for a metric. For more information about Tableau Pulse insights, see The Insights Platform and Insight Types in Tableau Pulse.

To qualify as new, a trend must vary significantly from the current trend. A single-day change from a favorable to an unfavorable direction doesn’t constitute a trend or trigger an alert. Because the insights platform takes patterns in your data into account when identifying trends, you don’t get alerts for expected seasonal changes.

Once every 24 hours, Tableau Pulse checks for new unfavorable trends. This check occurs at the same time that Tableau Pulse generates email and Slack digests. If a new trend is found, an alert is included in that day’s digest. An alert badge also appears for the next 24 hours on the impacted metric card and on that metric’s Insights Exploration page, until the next time that Tableau Pulse checks for new unfavorable trends.

Tableau Pulse sends an alert only on the initial identification of the unfavorable trend. A new unfavorable trend could be the steepening of an existing slower trend or a completely new trend. Tableau Pulse doesn’t alert you while the same trend continues.

See new unfavorable trend alerts

Trend change alerts appear in digests, on the metrics that you follow, and as mobile notifications.

Location Alert description
Email and Slack digests Alerts are listed at the top of your digest. The alerts shown in a digest are those that were found at the time that the digest was generated. Alerts aren’t aggregated in weekly or monthly digests. If you don’t received a digest on the day that an alert was found, you don’t see the alert. Set your digest frequency to daily so that you don’t miss alerts. To learn how, see Manage your Tableau Pulse digest.
Tableau homepage Alerts appear in the Tableau Pulse Alerts center at the top of the homepage. Alerts appear for 24 hours, until the next time that Tableau Pulse checks for new unfavorable trends.

Tableau Pulse alert center

Alert badges also appear on the metrics that you follow. You don’t see alerts as you browse or search for metrics that you aren’t following.

Tableau Mobile You receive a mobile notification for an alert if Tableau Mobile is running on your device. If you fully quit the Tableau Mobile app, you don’t get a notification. To turn off the notification on your mobile device, adjust your device’s notification settings for Tableau Mobile.

Control whether Tableau Pulse checks for trend changes

There's no separate set up for alerts in Tableau Pulse. The Trend Change Alert insight setting controls whether Tableau Pulse generates insights for new trends and whether new unfavorable trends are shown as alerts to followers. To learn how to turn off insight types, see Configure insights.

If you turn off this insight type on a metric definition, the changes apply to all metrics based on that definition. The setting also turns off trend insights on a metric’s Insights Exploration page. There isn’t a way to turn off the alert without turning off the insight.

Turning off the insight type doesn’t immediately remove the alert from impacted metrics. The alerts are removed the next time that Tableau Pulse checks for alerts and generates digests, which can take up to 24 hours.