Pulse Methods

With Tableau Pulse, Tableau Cloud users can follow metrics and use guided exploration to understand more about their data. In addition to viewing metrics from the Tableau Pulse home page, users can receive digests via Slack or email that include insights into important changes in their data so users can stay up to date.

Tableau Pulse Overview

  • A metric definition specifies the metadata for all related metrics created using the definition. This includes the data source, measure, time dimension, and which data source dimensions can be filtered by users or programmatically to create related metrics.

  • Example: A metric definition might specify that the data source is the Superstore sales database, and that the measure to focus on is the aggregation "sum of sales". It could define the filterable dimensions as region and product line, that the time dimension for analysis is order date, and that the favorable direction is for the metric to increase.

  • A metric is the interactive object that users follow and receive updates on. It specifies the values to give the filterable dimensions of the metric's definition and the measurement time period of the metric.

  • Example: A user or REST request could filter the metric, and its automatically generated insights, based on the West region and product line sold. The insight provided might call out that discounted sales have risen sharply in a region between last quarter and the current one.

  • A user who follows (has a subscription to) a metric can receive digests via email or Slack. Digests can also be viewed in the Metrics home page in the Tableau UI.

  • A digest provides summary visualizations and text describing the top insights for a metric. It also displays links to further metric details and to suggested follow up questions based on the metric's data and insights.

  • An insight is a data-driven observation about a metric. Tableau automatically generates and ranks insights by usefulness.

  • An insight bundle is a collection of insights for a metric That can be configured to include various elements.

For more information and to learn about the UI features related to these methods, see Create Pulse Metrics.

Configuring Pulse insights for a metric

You can use Pulse REST API methods to generate an insight bundle for a metric. An insight bundle request specifies the metric being analyzed, the output format (text or HTML), time frame, and additional filters for the insights in the bundle.

In the request, you configure the type of insight bundle that should be provided for a metric. Types include:

  • ban - Shows the current aggregated value for a metric, period over period change, and the highest ranked insight for each filterable dimension of the metric.

  • springboard - Shows the current value, period over period change, and the highest ranked insight for the metric.

  • basic - Similar to a springboard insight, but data is focused on the dimensions of a metric that are low bandwidth because they have small value sets. It shows the current value, period over period change, and the highest ranked insight for the metric for that data.

  • detail - Shows insights on performance over time of the metric, a summary visualization of metric highs and lows and trends, breakdowns of top contributors for each filterable dimension of the metric, and followup insights based on the top ranked insights not already presented.

Process suggestion: Bundles are rich and complex objects that can be challenging to build manually. One approach to efficiently create the JSON for a bundle is to use the Tableau user interface to create the form of metric definition and metrics you want to produce programmatically. Then you can navigate to a metric and use your browsers' inspector to view and copy the JSON response for the insight bundle. You can use the JSON directly or as a template in your code.

Insight types

Depending on the type of insight bundle you request and the shape of your data source, some or all of the following types of insights will be returned.

Value Name Description
popc Period over Period Change Shows how a metric has changed between two periods. Highlights the change between a metric value for a recent time range compared to an equivalent time range in a prior period or the past.
riskmo Risky Monopoly Shows when a small number of dimension members make up a majority (50% or more) of the contribution to a metric. Shows dimensions with a concentration of very high values.

A risky monopoly is a situation when a small number of dimension members make up a majority (50% or more) of the contribution to a metric.
top-contributors Top Contributors Shows the highest values in a dimension for a metric within a given time range.

A top contributor is a dimension member that ranks in the top N in contribution to the scoped metric’s value, aggregated on a specified time range.
bottom-contributors Bottom Contributors Shows the lowest values in a dimension for a metric within a given time range. A bottom contributor is a dimension member that ranks in the bottom N in contribution to the scoped metric’s value, aggregated on a specified time range.
top-drivers Top Drivers Shows values for dimension members that changed the most in the same direction as the observed change in the metric. Shows the values for a metric that increased the most across a specified time offset.

A top driver is a dimension member that ranks in the top N in driving a change in a metric value between two separate but equivalent time ranges.

Top drivers are analyzed using metric values from two separate but equivalent time ranges (such as Sales for day of October 2 versus Sales for day of October 3) to look for changes to the contributions in the same direction of the change made by dimension members.
top-detractors Top Detractors Shows values for dimension members that changed the most in the opposite direction to the observed change in the metric. Shows values for a metric that are most opposed to top drivers decreased the most across a specified time offset.

A top detractor is a dimension member that ranks in the bottom N in driving a change in a metric value between two separate but equivalent time ranges. This insight's values oppose the observed change the most.

Top detractors are analyzed using metric values from two separate but equivalent time ranges (such as Sales for day of October 2 versus Sales for day of October 3) to look for changes to the contributions in the same direction of the change made by dimension members.
unusualchange Unusually High/Low Metric value Shows unexpected changes in a metric value.

Shows when the value of a metric for a given time range is higher or lower than the expected range based on historic observations of the metric.

This insight highlights when the value of a metric for a given time range is higher or lower than the expected range based on historic observations of the metric.
newtrend New Trend Detected Shows new trends that vary significantly from the current trend. This insight communicates the rate of change, direction, and fluctuations for the metric value.

What do Pulse REST API methods enable?

Metric definitions

  • Create, update, and delete metric definitions
  • Get a list of metric definitions for a site
  • Get a list of metrics for a metric definition
  • Get a specified batch of metric definitions
  • Get the details of a metric
  • Get a metric if it exists or create it if it doesn't
  • Create, update, and delete a metric
  • Get a specified batch of metrics
Metric Insights
  • Generate a basic insight bundle for a metric
  • Generate a springboard insight bundle for a metric
  • Generate a detail insight bundle for a metric
Metric Subscriptions
  • Get the details of a subscription to a metric
  • Get a list of subscriptions to a metric for a user
  • Create or delete a subscription to a metric
  • Update the followers of a metric
  • Get a specified batch of subscriptions to a metric
  • Create subscriptions for a batch of users or groups to a metric
  • Get a count of followers for a specified batch of subscriptions to a metric

Batch list metric definitions (few)

Gets the details of a batch of metric definitions and metrics on a site, specified in a brief comma delimited list of LUIDs.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Can be called by any user, but only returns definitions and metrics that the user has permissions to view. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_definitions_metrics:read
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/pulse/definitions:batchGet

view details

Batch list metric definitions (many)

Gets the details of a batch of definitions specified in a comma delimited list of LUIDs. This method is optimized for batches with large numbers of definitions.

Version: Available in API 3.24 (Tableau Cloud December 2024) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can make this request but users will see results only for metrics they have permissions to view. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insights:read
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

POST {server}/api/-/pulse/definitions:batchGet

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Batch list metrics

Gets a batch of metrics from a definition, specified in a comma delimited list.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can get a batch of metrics as long as the user has read or connect access to the data source used in the definition that contains them. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_metrics:read
Access Scopes Overview: Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/pulse/metrics:batchGet

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Create metric definition

Creates a metric definition.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can create a metric definition as long as the user has write and publish access to the data source used in the definition. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_definitions:create
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

POST {server}/api/-/pulse/definitions

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Create metric

Creates a metric.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can create a metric in a definition as long as the user has read or connect access to the data source used in the definition. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_metrics:create
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

POST {server}/api/-/pulse/metrics

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Delete metric definition

Deletes a metric definition.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can delete a metric definition as long as the user has write and publish access to the data source used in the definition. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_definitions:delete
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

DELETE {server}/api/-/pulse/definitions/{definition_id}

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Delete metric

Deletes a metric.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can delete a metric from a definition as long as the user has write and publish access to the data source used in the definition. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_metrics:delete
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

DELETE {server}/api/-/pulse/metrics/{metric_id}

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Get metric definition

Gets a metric definition and optionally metrics it contains.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Can be called by any user, but only returns definitions and metrics that the user has permissions to view. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_definitions_metrics:read
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/pulse/definitions/{definition_id}

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Get site entitlements

Returns entitlements available for a site. If entitlements are True, then Pulse premium features are enabled for the site.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Can be called by any user, but only details about sited the user has permissions to view. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:entitlements:read
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/pulse/entitlements

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Get metric

Gets the details of the specified metric.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can update a metric if they have both write and publish access to the data source used in the definition. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_metrics:read
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/pulse/metrics/{metric_id}

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Get or create metric

Returns the details of a metric in a definition if it exists, or creates a new metric if it does not. Also returns 'true' if a new metric was created, or 'false' if it already existed.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can create a metric in a definition as long as the user has read or connect access to the data source used in the definition. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_metrics:create
Access Scopes Overview: Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

POST {server}/api/-/pulse/metrics:getOrCreate

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List metric definitions

Lists the metric definitions configured for a site or, optionally, the details and definition for a specific metric.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Can be called by any user, but only returns definitions and metrics that the user has permissions to view. Permissions Overview Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_definitions_metrics:read
Access Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/pulse/definitions

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List metrics in definition

Lists the metrics contained in a metric definition.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Can be called by any user, but only returns definitions and metrics that the user has permissions to view. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_definitions_metrics:read
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/pulse/definitions/{definition_id}/metrics

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Update metric definition

Updates a metric definition.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can update a metric definition as long as the user has write and publish access to the data source used in the definition. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_definitions:update
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

PATCH {server}/api/-/pulse/definitions/{definition_id}

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Update metric

Updates the specification of a metric.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can create a metric in a definition as long as the user has write and publish access to the data source used in the definition. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_metrics:update
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

PATCH {server}/api/-/pulse/metrics/{metric_id}

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Generate basic insight bundle

Generates a basic insight bundle.

Version: Available in API 3.24 (Tableau Cloud December 2024) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can create a metric in a definition as long as the user has read or connect access to the data source used in the definition. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insights:read
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

POST {server}/api/-/pulse/insights/basic

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Generate current metric value insight bundle

Generates a bundle the current aggregated value for each metric.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can create a metric in a definition as long as the user has read or connect access to the data source used in the definition. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insights:read
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

POST {server}/api/-/pulse/insights/ban

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Generate detail insight bundle

Generates a detail insight bundle.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can create a metric in a definition as long as the user has read or connect access to the data source used in the definition. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required. For the usage-based licensing model, each call to this method counts as an analytical impression.

Access Scope: tableau:insights:read
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

POST {server}/api/-/pulse/insights/detail

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Generate springboard insight bundle

Generates a springboard insight bundle.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can create a metric in a definition as long as the user has read or connect access to the data source used in the definition. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insights:read
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

POST {server}/api/-/pulse/insights/springboard

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Batch create Pulse subscriptions

Creates multiple subscriptions to a metric for specified users and/or groups.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user that has read or connect permission to the data source used in the definition can create subscriptions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:metric_subscriptions:create
Access Scopes Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

POST {server}/api/-/pulse/subscriptions:batchCreate

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Batch get Pulse subscriber counts

Gets the number of unique users subscribed to a set of metrics specified in a comma separated list of metric LUIDs.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user that has read or connect permission to the data source used in the definition can create subscriptions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:metric_subscriptions:read
Access Scopes Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/pulse/subscriptions:batchGetMetricFollowerCounts

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Batch get Pulse subscriptions

Gets a batch of subscriptions, specified in a comma delimited list of subscriptions LUIDs.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user that has read or connect permission to the data source used in the definition can get the details of subscriptions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:metric_subscriptions:read
Access Scopes Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/pulse/subscriptions:batchGet

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Create subscription

Creates a subscription to a specified metric for a specified user or group.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user that has read or connect permission to the data source used in the definition can create subscriptions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:metric_subscriptions:create
Access Scopes Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

POST {server}/api/-/pulse/subscriptions

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Delete Pulse subscription

Deletes a specified subscription to a metric.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user that has read or connect permission to the data source used in the definition can delete subscriptions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:metric_subscriptions:delete
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

DELETE {server}/api/-/pulse/subscriptions/{id}

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Get Pulse subscription

Gets a specified subscription to a metric.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user that has read or connect permission to the data source used in the definition can get the details of a subscription. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:metric_subscriptions:read
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/pulse/subscriptions/{id}

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List Pulse user preferences

Gets the signed in user's preferences for notifications channels and cadence, and for grouping and sorting followed metrics in REST responses and UI.

Version: Available in API 3.24 (Tableau Cloud December 2024) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user that has read or connect permission to the data source used in the definition can get the details of subscriptions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:user_preferences:read
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/pulse/user/preferences

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List followed metrics groups

Gets the user's followed metrics. Optionally metrics can be grouped by characteristics like datasource, and sorted.

Version: Available in API 3.23 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can create a metric in a definition as long as the user has read or connect access to the data source used in the definition. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insights:read Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/pulse/metrics:followedMetricsGroups

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List subscriptions

Lists the subscriptions to a specified metric and/or for a specified user.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Version Overview

Permissions: Any user that has read or connect permission to the data source used in the definition can list subscriptions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:metric_subscriptions:read
Access Scopes Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/pulse/subscriptions

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Update Pulse user preferences

Updates the signed in user's preferences for notifications channels and cadence, and for grouping and sorting followed metrics in REST responses and UI.

Version: Available in API 3.24 (Tableau Cloud December 2024) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Versioning Overview Version Overview

Permissions: Any user that has read or connect permission to the data source used in the definition can get the details of subscriptions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:user_preferences:update
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

PATCH {server}/api/-/pulse/user/preferences

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