Plan Your Migration
You are in the Tableau Cloud Manual Migration Guide.(Link opens in a new window) This guide describes how to manually migrate Tableau Server deployments with fewer than 100 users to Tableau Cloud.
This topic walks you through two important planning tasks you should complete before migrating: your data connectivity strategy and establishing your authentication mechanism. You can find a summarized list of the feature differences in the Tableau Server help topic, Technical Considerations for Migrating from Tableau Server to Tableau Cloud (Windows(Link opens in a new window) | Linux(Link opens in a new window)). Run the Tableau Cloud Migration Technical Readiness Assessment to understand if there are any use cases which may need to be adapted before migrating to Tableau Cloud.
Learn about Tableau Cloud
If you are new to Tableau Cloud, we recommend that you learn more about the platform by signing up for a self-guided course(Link opens in a new window) online. These courses can serve as an introduction to Tableau Cloud and will give you some context as you plan your migration.
If you are familiar with administering Tableau Server today, you’ll find that many of your tasks are largely the same in Tableau Cloud. With the move to Tableau Cloud though, tasks related to deploying and managing the software will be handled by Tableau as a managed service. You can leave the upgrades to us. Head to the blog post, Should I Move My Analytics to Tableau Cloud?(Link opens in a new window) for more details. With Tableau Cloud, you will be able to focus more of your energy on ensuring smooth data connectivity, equipping users with best practices and developing an analytics community. For more details about what managing a Tableau Cloud site involves, as well as a bunch of resources to get you started as an administrator, visit the Tableau Cloud Site Admin(Link opens in a new window) page.
Tableau Cloud
Planning your data strategy forTableau Cloud can connect to dozens of data sources, but it’s essential that you develop a data connectivity plan before you begin a migration. In this section we’ll walk you through the best way to do that, and we'll describe the two ways Tableau Cloud connects to data.
The goal at this point is to validate that you can support your current data requirements after your migration to Tableau Cloud.
Before you begin to evaluate the various data types and how you'll migrate all of your data sources, workbooks, and projects into Tableau Cloud, we recommend that you use this migration as an opportunity to do some house cleaning. Most organizations running Tableau Server for more than a year or two collect some amount of stale content: workbooks, data sources, projects and flows. We recommend taking these steps before you migrate:
- You can use the Stale Content (Windows(Link opens in a new window) | Linux(Link opens in a new window)) admin view in Tableau Server to identify content that is no longer in use. It doesn't usually make sense to move ancient, archived content to Tableau Cloud. Let it go!
- Like most organizations who have been running Tableau Server for a while, your content hierarchy and permission structure has probably "evolved" organically and probably a bit messily. As you plan the migration, develop a strategy that will optimize project, group, and permissions structures in your new Tableau Cloud site.
- If you are a Tableau Data Management customer, use the tools to manage data cleaning, combining, and processing for the pending move.
Optimize dashboard performance
When it comes to performance, a good rule of thumb is that if your dashboards are slow on Tableau Server, they’ll likely be slow on Tableau Cloud as well. Before you migrate, address any dashboard performance issues using the steps in Optimize Workbook Performance(Link opens in a new window). Making adjustments before migrating ensures you enjoy the same improved performance on Tableau Cloud.
Make a list and create a data source strategy
After you clean up existing content, it's time to take inventory of your data sources. The goal of this exercise is to determine how you will support users in your organization with the data sources that they are currently using.
For each data source:
- Cross check it with the Tableau Cloud connector table in the following section. If it's supported, you've got a direct path forward. If it's not in the table...
- Cross check it with Connectivity with Bridge, to determine if your data type is supported by Tableau Bridge.
- If the data source is a static file, Tableau Cloud supports uploading Excel or text-based data sources (.xlsx, .csv, .tsv) directly from the browser or Tableau Desktop. The maximum file size you can upload is 1 GB. More likely, your users are connecting to these types of files in a shared, common directory. If this is the case, you can upload these files to a public cloud space such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive, for example. Or you can use Bridge. You (or your users) can then configure Tableau Cloud to connect to these spaces for a live data connection.
- Run the Tableau Cloud Migration Technical Readiness Assessment to understand if there are any use cases which may need to be adapted before migrating to Tableau Cloud.
Supported Tableau Cloud connectors
The following connectors are supported in Tableau Cloud
Alibaba AnalyticsDB for MySQL‡ Alibaba Data Lake Analytics‡ Amazon Athena‡ Amazon Aurora for MySQL‡ Amazon EMR Hadoop Hive‡ Amazon Redshift‡ Apache Drill‡ Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2‡ Azure Synapse Analytics (SQL Server compatible) Box‡ Cloudera Hadoop‡ Databricks‡ Datorama by Salesforce‡ Denodo‡ Dremio by Dremio‡ | Dropbox*‡ Esri Connector‡ Exasol‡ Google BigQuery*‡ Google Cloud SQL (MySQL compatible)‡§ Google Drive‡ Hortonworks Hadoop Hive Impala‡ Kyvos‡ MariaDB‡ Microsoft Azure SQL Database‡ Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics‡ Microsoft SQL Server‡ MongoDB BI Connector‡ MySQL‡ | OData‡ OneDrive*‡ Oracle‡ Pivotal Greenplum Database‡ PostgreSQL‡ Presto‡ Qubole Presto‡ Salesforce‡ SAP HANA (for virtual connections only)‡ SharePoint Lists‡ SingleStore (formerly MemSQL)‡ Snowflake‡ Spark SQL‡ Teradata**‡ Vertica‡ |
*For more information about using OAuth 2.0 standard for Google BigQuery, OneDrive, and Dropbox connections in Tableau Cloud, see OAuth Connections(Link opens in a new window).
**Teradata web authoring currently doesn’t support query banding functionality. See Teradata(Link opens in a new window) for details.
‡Supports virtual connections if you have Data Management. See About Virtual Connections and Data Policies(Link opens in a new window) in the Tableau Cloud help for details.
§Tableau Cloud doesn't support SSL using Google Cloud SQL.
User accounts and authentication
The second essential planning step is to identify the authentication mechanism you would like to use for Tableau Cloud users.
The default user account on Tableau Cloud is called TableauID. TableauID requires multi-factor authentication (MFA) to ensure secure access to Tableau Cloud. See About multi-factor authentication and Tableau Cloud(Link opens in a new window) in the Tableau Cloud documentation.
If your organization uses an identity provider (IdP) to enable authentication, you can probably use that for Tableau Cloud. We support Salesforce authentication and Google OpenID natively. You can also configure SAML for Azure, Okta, OneLogin, AD FS, PingOne, or any IdP that supports standard SAML 2.0 authentication.
Before you proceed, review the Tableau Cloud Authentication(Link opens in a new window) options to develop a plan.
If your organization manages identities with Azure AD, Okta, or OneLogin, then you can also automatically provision users and groups in Tableau Cloud. See Automate User Provisioning and Group Synchronization through an External Identity Provider(Link opens in a new window).
Migration workflow
This guide is organized according to a step-wise process for migrating to Tableau Cloud:
- You are here: Plan Your Migration
- Create and Configure a Tableau Cloud Site
- Migrate Virtual Connections
- Migrate Data Sources, Workbooks, and Prep Flows to Tableau Cloud
- Recreate Refresh Schedules for Tableau Cloud
- Configure Permission and Content Access for Migrated Users
- Add Remaining Users to Tableau Cloud
- End-User Migration Checklist