Find Good Data Sets
A good way to learn how to use Tableau Desktop (or build sample or proof-of-concept content) is to find a data set you find interesting. When you have real questions you want to answer with data, the steps of the analysis become easier and more meaningful.
The reality of data sets
There are two unavoidable facts about trying to find a data set that's not official, business-sanctioned data.
You won’t find what you're looking for.
- Try to avoid strict expectations of what you need.
- Stay flexible and open minded about what you can use for a given project.
- Sometimes the data you want is behind a paywall – decide if it's worth it or not.
You’ll have to clean up the data.
- Be prepared for basic cleaning and shaping(Link opens in a new window) to make sure the data is well structured for analysis.
- You may need to bring in other data sets(Link opens in a new window).
- Having a data dictionary or metadata can be vital.
- Calculations may be necessary.
What makes a good data set
A good data set is one that suits your purpose. As long as that need is met, it's a good data set. However, there are some considerations that can help you weed out data sets that are unlikely to suit your purpose. On the whole, look for data sets that meet the following conditions:
- Contain the elements you need
- Are disaggregated data
- Have at least a couple of dimensions and a couple of measures
- Have good metadata or a data dictionary
- Are usable (not in a proprietary format, too messy or too cumbersome)
1. A good data set has the elements you need for your purposes
If you're looking for a data set to build a specific visualisation or to showcase specific functionalities, make sure the data set has the types of fields you need. For example, maps are a great visual but require geographic data. Basic demos often involve drilling down into dates, so the data would need at least one date field (and it would need to be more granular than just year to show drill down). Not all data sets need all these elements – know what you need for your purpose and don't waste time with data sets that are missing key elements.
Common elements for analysis:
- Dates
- Geographic data
- Hierarchical data
- "Interesting" measures – either substantial variation in magnitude or positive and negative values
Some features or viz types may require specific characteristics of the data such as:
- Clusters
- Forecasting
- Trend lines
- User filters
- Spatial calculations
- Certain calculations
- Bullet charts
- Control charts
2. A good data set is disaggregated (raw) data
If the data is too aggregated, there isn't much you can do for analysis. For example, if you want to look at trends in people Googling "Pumpkin Spice" but have yearly data, you can only look at a very high level overview. Ideally you want to get your hands on daily data, so you could see the huge spike when Starbucks starts offering #PSL.
What counts as disaggregated can vary by analysis. Note that due to privacy or practicality, some data sets will never be fully granular. For example, you would be unlikely to find a data set with case-by-case reporting of malaria by address, so monthly totals by region might be granular enough.
3. A good data set has dimensions and measures
Many visualisation types require dimensions and measures
- If you only have dimensions, you're mostly limited to counting, calculating percentages or using the Count of Table field.
- If you only have measures, you can't break out the values by anything. You can disaggregate the data entirely or work with the overall SUM or AVG, etc.
Which isn't to say a data set with only dimensions can't be useful. Demographic data is an example of dimension-heavy data, and much analysis around demographics is counting or percentage-based. But for a more analytically rich data set, you want at least a few dimensions and measures.
4. A good data set has metadata or a data dictionary
A data set can only be useful if you know what the data is. There are few things more frustrating in the hunt for good data than opening a file that looks like this:
What does a Source of 4 or 12 mean? And what information is in the fields OTU0-OTU4?
A good data set is one that has either well-labelled fields and members or a data dictionary so you can relabel the data yourself. Think of Superstore – it's immediately obvious what the fields and their values are, such as Category and its members Technology, Furniture and Office Supplies. Or, for the microbiome data set in the image above, there is a data dictionary(Link opens in a new window) which explains each Source (4 is faeces and 12 is stomach) and the taxonomy of each OTU (OTU3 is a bacterium of the genus Parabacteroides).
Data dictionaries can also be called metadata, indicators, variable definitions, glossaries or any number of other things. At the end of the day, a data dictionary provides information about column names and members in a column. That information can be brought into the data source or viz in several ways, including:
- Rename the columns so they are easier to understand (this can be done in the data set itself or in Tableau).
- Re-alias the members of the field (this can be done in the data set itself or in Tableau).
- Create calculations to add the data dictionary information.
- Comment on the field in Tableau (comments do not appear on published vizzes, only in the authoring environment).
- Use the data dictionary as another data source and combine the two data sources.
Losing a data dictionary can render a data set useless. If you're bookmarking a data set, bookmark the data dictionary, too. If you're downloading, download both and keep them in the same place.
5. A good data set is one you can use
As long as you can understand the data set and it has the information you need, even a small data set can pack a punch for analysis. Smaller data sets are also easy to store, share and publish, and are likely to perform well.
Similarly, even if you find the "perfect" data set for your needs, if it requires an unrealistic amount of effort to clean up, it’s not perfect after all. Knowing when to walk away from a data set that is too messy is important.
For example, this data set is from a Wikipedia article on relative letter frequencies. It started as 84 rows and 16 columns (pivoted to be 1,245 rows and 3 columns). The Excel file is 16 KB. But with some groups, sets, calculations and other manipulations, it enables robust analysis and interesting visuals.
Click the image to download the workbook.
Relabel your data
Once you find a good data set, you’ll often need to relabel it. Relabelling data can be useful to either create fake data for samples or proof-of-concepts, or to make the data more readable.
Renaming a field changes how that field appears in Tableau, such as renaming "Sales" to "Pipeline Sales" or "State" to "County".
Re-aliasing changes how the members of a field are displayed, such as re-aliasing values in a Country field so that CHN becomes China and RUS becomes Russia.
- The values in a discrete dimension field are called members. Only members can be re-aliased. Consider a measure field for temperature. A value of 54°F can't be changed without changing data itself. But re-aliasing the member "CHN" as "China" in a Country field is the same information, just labelled in another way.
Renaming and re-aliasing mean almost the same thing. It’s the convention in Tableau that fields are named and members are aliased. For more information, see Organise and Customise Fields in the Data Pane and Create Aliases to Rename Members in the View.
Note: Renaming or re-aliasing only changes the appearance in Tableau Desktop; no changes are written back to the underlying data.
Relabel to make fake data
Relabelling existing data sets is a great way to make samples or proof-of-concept content more compelling.
- Use an easy data set (like Superstore) to build what you want (a specific chart type, showing off certain functionality, etc.)
- Rename the relevant fields, change tooltips and otherwise change the textual aspects to mask what the data actually represents.
Important: Only do this when it's clear that the information is fake. Be careful that people don't think it's real data and try to use it for analysis. For example, use silly names or meaningless field names like colours or animals.
Re-alias to make the data easier to use
It's more efficient to store the data as numeric values rather than string values, though numeric encoding can make the data harder to understand. For small data sets it probably won't make a performance impact, so prioritise being able to understand the data easily.
A downside to re-aliasing is that you no longer have access to those numeric values (making it harder to do things like sort, assign colour gradients, etc.). Consider duplicating the field and re-aliasing the copy. Alternatively, a calculation in Tableau can be a good way to preserve the original information while also making it more easily understandable.
Re-alias with the CASE function
Calculations can be very powerful for re-aliasing. For example, CASE functions allow you to say, essentially, "when this field has a value of A, give me X. When the value is B, give me Y".
Here, the CASE function looks at the F-scale in a tornado data set and provides the written description associated with each numeric value:
CASE [F-scale]
WHEN "0" THEN "Some damage to chimneys; branches broken off trees; shallow-rooted trees pushed over; sign boards damaged."
WHEN "1" THEN "The lower limit is the beginning of hurricane wind speed; peels surface off roofs; mobile homes pushed off foundations or overturned; moving autos pushed off the roads..."
WHEN "2" THEN "Roofs torn off frame houses; mobile homes demolished; boxcars overturned; large trees snapped or uprooted; highrise windows broken and blown in; light-object missiles generated."
WHEN "3" THEN "Roofs and some walls torn off well-constructed houses; trains overturned; most trees in forest uprooted; heavy cars lifted off the ground and thrown."
WHEN "4" THEN "Well-constructed houses leveled; structures with weak foundations blown away some distance; cars thrown and large missiles generated."
WHEN "5" THEN "Strong frame houses lifted off foundations and carried considerable distances to disintegrate; ... trees debarked; steel reinforced concrete structures badly damaged."
Now we can chose to use either the original "F-scale" field (0-5) or the "F-scale damage description" field in the viz.
Tips when looking for data sets
Note: Try to make sure you can answer the question "What does a row (aka record) in the data set represent?" If you can't articulate that, you might not understand the data well enough to be able to use it or it might be structured poorly for analysis.
- Keep track of where the data came from.
- Keep the data dictionary information with the data itself.
- Avoid stale data if you need the content to stay evergreen. Look for:
- updatable data (stocks, weather, regularly published reports, etc.)
- timeless data (the average mass of various animals isn’t going to change from year to year)
- data you can future-proof by artificially changing to historical or future dates
- Try simply Googling what you’re looking for, you might be surprised.
- Don’t be afraid to give up on a data set if it’s too much work to prep.
Places to look for data
Where can you look for data? There are a potentially overwhelming number of places to find data sets. Here are some options to get you started. Note that the reality of data sets does apply to these sites – you probably won't find what you're thinking of right now, and you will most likely need to do some cleaning to get the data ready for analysis.
Disclaimer: Although we make every effort to ensure these links to external websites are accurate, up to date and relevant, Tableau cannot take responsibility for the accuracy or freshness of pages maintained by external providers. Listing a site here is not an endorsement of any content or organisation. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Tableau Public(Link opens in a new window): Tableau Public is an amazing resource for Tableau-friendly data sets. Search for workbooks that are on a topic you're interested in, browse for inspiration then download the workbook to access the data. Or check out the curated Sample Data(Link opens in a new window).
Wikipedia tables(Link opens in a new window): Get data out of Wikipedia tables by: copying and pasting into a spreadsheet, copying and pasting directly into Tableau, or using Google sheets and the IMPORTHTML function(Link opens in a new window) to create a Google spreadsheet of the data.
Google Dataset Search(Link opens in a new window): "A search engine to unite the fragmented world of online datasets."
Data is Plural(Link opens in a new window) : Subscribe for a weekly newsletter with data sets, or browse the archive(Link opens in a new window).
Makeover Monday(Link opens in a new window): "Join us every Monday to work with a given data set and create better, more effective visualisations and help us make information more accessible." You can see what other people have done with the same data set, kickstarting your analysis or giving inspiration. Use #makeovermonday(Link opens in a new window) on Twitter to participate.
Other sites
- Tableau Web Data Connectors(Link opens in a new window)
- opens in a new window) and its WDC for Tableau(Link opens in a new window)
- Github Open Data(Link opens in a new window)
- Kaggle(Link opens in a new window)
- opens in a new window)
- r/datasets(Link opens in a new window)
- WHO(Link opens in a new window)
- opens in a new window)
- WorldBank(Link opens in a new window)
- opens in a new window), opens in a new window), opens in a new window), etc.
- Airbnb(Link opens in a new window)
- Yelp(Link opens in a new window)
- Zillow(Link opens in a new window)