Tableau Functions (by Category)

The Tableau functions in this reference are organised by category. Click a category to browse its functions. Or press Ctrl+F (Command-F on a Mac) to open a search box that you can use to search the page for a specific function.

Number functions


OutputNumber (positive)
DefinitionReturns the absolute value of the given <number>.
ABS(-7) = 7
ABS([Budget Variance])

The second example returns the absolute value for all the numbers contained in the Budget Variance field.

NotesSee also SIGN.


OutputNumber (angle in radians)
DefinitionReturns the arccosine (angle) of the given <number>.
ACOS(-1) = 3.14159265358979
NotesThe inverse function, COS, takes the angle in radians as the argument and returns the cosine.


OutputNumber (angle in radians)
DefinitionReturns the arcsine (angle) of a given <number>.
ASIN(1) = 1.5707963267949
NotesThe inverse function, SIN, takes the angle in radians as the argument and returns the sine.


OutputNumber (angle in radians)
DefinitionReturns the arctangent (angle) of a given <number>.
ATAN(180) = 1.5652408283942

The inverse function, TAN, takes the angle in radians as the argument and returns the tangent.

See also ATAN2 and COT.


SyntaxATAN2(y number, x number)
OutputNumber (angle in radians)
DefinitionReturns the arctangent (angle) between two numbers (x and y). The result is in radians.
ATAN2(2, 1) = 1.10714871779409
NotesSee also ATAN, TAN and COT.


DefinitionRounds a <number> to the nearest integer of equal or greater value.
CEILING(2.1) = 3
NotesSee also FLOOR and ROUND.
Database limitations

CEILING is available through the following connectors: Microsoft Excel, Text File, Statistical File, Published Data Source, Amazon EMR Hadoop Hive, Amazon Redshift, Cloudera Hadoop, DataStax Enterprise, Google Analytics, Google BigQuery, Hortonworks Hadoop Hive, MapR Hadoop Hive, Microsoft SQL Server, Salesforce, Spark SQL.



The number argument is the angle in radians.

DefinitionReturns the cosine of an angle.
COS(PI( ) /4) = 0.707106781186548

The inverse function, ACOS, takes the cosine as the argument and returns the angle in radians.

See also PI. To convert an angle from degrees to radians, use RADIANS.



The number argument is the angle in radians.

DefinitionReturns the cotangent of an angle.
COT(PI( ) /4) = 1
NotesSee also ATAN, TAN and PI. To convert an angle from degrees to radians, use RADIANS.



The number argument is the angle in radians.

OutputNumber (degrees)
DefinitionConverts an angle in radians to degrees.
DEGREES(PI( )/4) = 45.0

The inverse function, RADIANS, takes an angle in degrees and returns the angle in radians.

See also PI().


SyntaxDIV(integer1, integer2)
DefinitionReturns the integer part of a division operation, in which <integer1> is divided by <integer2>.
DIV(11,2) = 5


DefinitionReturns e raised to the power of the given <number>.
EXP(2) = 7.389
EXP(-[Growth Rate]*[Time])
NotesSee also LN.


DefinitionRounds a number to the nearest <number> of equal or lesser value.
FLOOR(7.9) = 7
NotesSee also CEILING and ROUND.
Database limitations

FLOOR is available through the following connectors: Microsoft Excel, Text File, Statistical File, Published Data Source, Amazon EMR Hadoop Hive, Cloudera Hadoop, DataStax Enterprise, Google Analytics, Google BigQuery, Hortonworks Hadoop Hive, MapR Hadoop Hive, Microsoft SQL Server, Salesforce, Spark SQL.


SyntaxHEXBINX(number, number)
DefinitionMaps an x, y coordinate to the x-coordinate of the nearest hexagonal bin. The bins have side length 1, so the inputs may need to be scaled appropriately.
HEXBINX([Longitude]*2.5, [Latitude]*2.5)
NotesHEXBINX and HEXBINY are binning and plotting functions for hexagonal bins. Hexagonal bins are an efficient and elegant option for visualising data in an x/y plane such as a map. Because the bins are hexagonal, each bin closely approximates a circle and minimises variation in the distance from the data point to the centre of the bin. This makes the clustering both more accurate and informative.


SyntaxHEXBINY(number, number)
DefinitionMaps an x, y coordinate to the y-coordinate of the nearest hexagonal bin. The bins have side length 1, so the inputs may need to be scaled appropriately.
HEXBINY([Longitude]*2.5, [Latitude]*2.5)
NotesSee also HEXBINX.




The output is Null if the argument is less than or equal to zero.

DefinitionReturns the natural logarithm of a <number>.
LN(50) = 3.912023005
NotesSee also EXP and LOG.


SyntaxLOG(number, [base])

If the optional base argument isn't present, base 10 is used.

DefinitionReturns the logarithm of a number for the given base.
LOG(16,4) = 2
NotesSee also POWER LN.


SyntaxMAX(expression) or MAX(expr1, expr2)
OutputSame data type as the argument, or NULL if any part of the argument is null.

Returns the maximum of the two arguments, which must be of the same data type.

MAX can also be applied to a single field as an aggregation.

MAX(4,7) = 7
MAX(#3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = #2/20/2021#
MAX([Name]) = "Zander"

For strings

MAX is usually the value that comes last in alphabetical order.

For database data sources, the MAX string value is highest in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column.

For dates

For dates, the MAX is the most recent date. If MAX is an aggregation, the result will not have a date hierarchy. If MAX is a comparison, the result will retain the date hierarchy.

As an aggregation

MAX(expression) is an aggregate function and returns a single aggregated result. This displays as AGG(expression) in the viz.

As a comparison

MAX(expr1, expr2) compares the two values and returns a row-level value.

See also MIN.


SyntaxMIN(expression) or MIN(expr1, expr2)
OutputSame data type as the argument, or NULL if any part of the argument is null.

Returns the minimum of the two arguments, which must be of the same data type.

MIN can also be applied to a single field as an aggregation.

MIN(4,7) = 4
MIN(#3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = #3/25/1986#
MIN([Name]) = "Abebi"

For strings

MIN is usually the value that comes first in alphabetical order.

For database data sources, the MIN string value is lowest in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column.

For dates

For dates, the MIN is the earliest date. If MIN is an aggregation, the result will not have a date hierarchy. If MIN is a comparison, the result will retain the date hierarchy.

As an aggregation

MIN(expression) is an aggregate function and returns a single aggregated result. This displays as AGG(expression) in the viz.

As a comparison

MIN(expr1, expr2) compares the two values and returns a row-level value.

See also MAX.


DefinitionReturns the numeric constant pi: 3.14159...
PI() = 3.14159
NotesUseful for trig functions that take their input in radians. See also RADIANS.


SyntaxPOWER(number, power)
DefinitionRaises the <number> to the specified <power>.
POWER(5,3) = 125
POWER([Temperature], 2)
NotesYou can also use the ^ symbol, such as 5^3 = POWER(5,3) = 125

See also EXP, LOG and SQUARE.


OutputNumber (angle in radians)
DefinitionConverts the given <number> from degrees to radians.
RADIANS(180) = 3.14159
NotesThe inverse function, DEGREES, takes an angle in radians and returns the angle in degrees.


SyntaxROUND(number, [decimals])

Rounds <number> to a specified number of digits.

The optional decimals argument specifies how many decimal points of precision to include in the final result. If decimals is omitted, number is rounded to the nearest integer.

ROUND(1/3, 2) = 0.33

Some databases, such as SQL Server, allow specification of a negative length, where -1 rounds number to 10s, -2 rounds to 100s and so on. This is not true of all databases. For example, it is not true of Excel or Access.

Tip: Because ROUND may run into issues due to the underlying floating point representation of numbers – such as 9.405 rounding to 9.40 – it may be preferable to format the number to the desired number of decimal points rather than rounding. Formatting 9.405 to two decimal places will yield the expected 9.41.

See also CEILING and FLOOR.


Output-1, 0 or 1
DefinitionReturns the sign of a <number>: The possible return values are -1 if the number is negative, 0 if the number is zero or 1 if the number is positive.
SIGN(AVG(Profit)) = -1
NotesSee also ABS.



The number argument is the angle in radians.

DefinitionReturns the sine of an angle.
SIN(0) = 1.0
SIN(PI( )/4) = 0.707106781186548

The inverse function, ASIN, takes the sine as the argument and returns the angle in radians.

See also PI. To convert an angle from degrees to radians, use RADIANS.


DefinitionReturns the square root of a <number>.
SQRT(25) = 5
NotesSee also SQUARE.


DefinitionReturns the square of a <number>.
SQUARE(5) = 25
NotesSee also SQRT and POWER.



The number argument is the angle in radians.

DefinitionReturns the tangent of an angle.
TAN(PI ( )/4) = 1.0
NotesSee also ATAN, ATAN2, COT and PI. To convert an angle from degrees to radians, use RADIANS.


OutputAny, or o

Returns the <expression> if it is not null, otherwise returns zero.

Use this function to replace null values with zeros.

ZN(Grade) = 0
NotesThis is a very useful function when using fields that may contain nulls in a calculation. Wrapping the field with ZN can prevent errors caused by calculating with nulls.
String functions


DefinitionReturns the ASCII code for the first character of a <string>.
ASCII('A') = 65
NotesThis is the inverse of the CHAR function.


DefinitionReturns the character encoded by the ASCII code <number>.
CHAR(65) = 'A'
NotesThis is the inverse of the ASCII function.


SyntaxCONTAINS(string, substring)
DefinitionReturns true if the given string contains the specified substring.
CONTAINS("Calculation", "alcu") = true
NotesSee also the logical function(Link opens in a new window) IN as well as supported RegEx in the additional functions documentation(Link opens in a new window).


SyntaxENDSWITH(string, substring)
DefinitionReturns true if the given string ends with the specified substring. Trailing white spaces are ignored.
ENDSWITH("Tableau", "leau") = true
NotesSee also the supported RegEx in the additional functions documentation(Link opens in a new window).


SyntaxFIND(string, substring, [start])

Returns the index position of substring in string, or 0 if the substring isn't found. The first character in the string is position 1.

If the optional numeric argument start is added, the function ignores any instances of the substring that appear before the starting position.

FIND("Calculation", "alcu") = 2
FIND("Calculation", "Computer") = 0
FIND("Calculation", "a", 3) = 7
FIND("Calculation", "a", 2) = 2
FIND("Calculation", "a", 8) = 0
NotesSee also the supported RegEx in the additional functions documentation(Link opens in a new window).


SyntaxFINDNTH(string, substring, occurrence)
DefinitionReturns the position of the nth occurrence of substring within the specified string, where n is defined by the occurrence argument.
FINDNTH("Calculation", "a", 2) = 7

FINDNTH is not available for all data sources.

See also the supported RegEx in the additional functions documentation(Link opens in a new window).


Syntax LEFT(string, number)
DefinitionReturns the left-most <number> of characters in the string.
LEFT("Matador", 4) = "Mata"
NotesSee also MID and RIGHT.


DefinitionReturns the length of the string.
LEN("Matador") = 7
NotesNot to be confused with the spatial function(Link opens in a new window) LENGTH.


DefinitionReturns the provided <string> in all lowercase characters.
LOWER("ProductVersion") = "productversion"
NotesSee also UPPER and PROPER.


Syntax LTRIM(string)
DefinitionReturns the provided <string> with any leading spaces removed.
LTRIM(" Matador ") = "Matador "
NotesSee also RTRIM.


SyntaxMAX(expression) or MAX(expr1, expr2)
OutputSame data type as the argument, or NULL if any part of the argument is null.

Returns the maximum of the two arguments, which must be of the same data type.

MAX can also be applied to a single field as an aggregation.

MAX(4,7) = 7
MAX(#3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = #2/20/2021#
MAX([Name]) = "Zander"

For strings

MAX is usually the value that comes last in alphabetical order.

For database data sources, the MAX string value is highest in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column.

For dates

For dates, the MAX is the most recent date. If MAX is an aggregation, the result will not have a date hierarchy. If MAX is a comparison, the result will retain the date hierarchy.

As an aggregation

MAX(expression) is an aggregate function and returns a single aggregated result. This displays as AGG(expression) in the viz.

As a comparison

MAX(expr1, expr2) compares the two values and returns a row-level value.

See also MIN.


Syntax(MID(string, start, [length])

Returns a string starting at the specified start position. The first character in the string is position 1.

If the optional numeric argument length is added, the returned string includes only that number of characters.

MID("Calculation", 2) = "alculation"
MID("Calculation", 2, 5) ="alcul"
NotesSee also the supported RegEx in the additional functions documentation(Link opens in a new window).


SyntaxMIN(expression) or MIN(expr1, expr2)
OutputSame data type as the argument, or NULL if any part of the argument is null.

Returns the minimum of the two arguments, which must be of the same data type.

MIN can also be applied to a single field as an aggregation.

MIN(4,7) = 4
MIN(#3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = #3/25/1986#
MIN([Name]) = "Abebi"

For strings

MIN is usually the value that comes first in alphabetical order.

For database data sources, the MIN string value is lowest in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column.

For dates

For dates, the MIN is the earliest date. If MIN is an aggregation, the result will not have a date hierarchy. If MIN is a comparison, the result will retain the date hierarchy.

As an aggregation

MIN(expression) is an aggregate function and returns a single aggregated result. This displays as AGG(expression) in the viz.

As a comparison

MIN(expr1, expr2) compares the two values and returns a row-level value.

See also MAX.



Returns the provided <string> with the first letter of each word capitalised and the remaining letters in lowercase.

PROPER("PRODUCT name") = "Product Name"
PROPER("darcy-mae") = "Darcy-Mae"

Spaces and non-alphanumeric characters such as punctuation are treated as separators.

See also LOWER and UPPER.

Database limitationsPROPER is only available for some flat files and in extracts. If you need to use PROPER in a data source that doesn't otherwise support it, consider using an extract.


SyntaxREPLACE(string, substring, replacement
DefinitionSearches <string> for <substring> and replaces it with <replacement>. If <substring> is not found, the string is not changed.
REPLACE("Version 3.8", "3.8", "4x") = "Version 4x"
NotesSee also REGEXP_REPLACE in the additional functions documentation(Link opens in a new window).


SyntaxRIGHT(string, number)
DefinitionReturns the right-most <number> of characters in the string.
RIGHT("Calculation", 4) = "tion"
NotesSee also LEFT and MID.


DefinitionReturns the provided <string> with any trailing spaces removed.
RTRIM(" Calculation ") = " Calculation"
NotesSee also LTRIM and TRIM.


OutputString (specifically, just spaces)
DefinitionReturns a string that is composed of the specified number of repeated spaces.
SPACE(2) = "  "


SyntaxSPLIT(string, delimiter, token number)
DefinitionReturns a substring from a string, using a delimiter character to divide the string into a sequence of tokens.
SPLIT ("a-b-c-d", "-", 2) = "b"
SPLIT ("a|b|c|d", "|", -2) = "c"

The string is interpreted as an alternating sequence of delimiters and tokens. So for the string abc-defgh-i-jkl, where the delimiter character is '-', the tokens are (1) abc, (2) defgh, (3) i and (4) jlk.

SPLIT returns the token corresponding to the token number. When the token number is positive, tokens are counted starting from the left end of the string; when the token number is negative, tokens are counted starting from the right.

See also supported RegEX in the additional functions documentation(Link opens in a new window).

Database limitations

The split and custom split commands are available for the following data sources types: Tableau data extracts, Microsoft Excel, Text File, PDF File, Salesforce, OData, Microsoft Azure Market Place, Google Analytics, Vertica, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Teradata, Amazon Redshift, Aster Data, Google Big Query, Cloudera Hadoop Hive, Hortonworks Hive and Microsoft SQL Server.

Some data sources impose limits on splitting strings. See SPLIT function limitations later in this topic.


SyntaxSTARTSWITH(string, substring)
DefinitionReturns true if string starts with substring. Leading white spaces are ignored.
STARTSWITH("Matador, "Ma") = TRUE
NotesSee also CONTAINS, as well as supported RegEX in the additional functions documentation(Link opens in a new window).


DefinitionReturns the provided <string> with leading and trailing spaces removed.
TRIM(" Calculation ") = "Calculation"
NotesSee also LTRIM and RTRIM.


DefinitionReturns the provided <string> in all uppercase characters.
UPPER("Calculation") = "CALCULATION"
NotesSee also PROPER and LOWER.
Date functions

Note: Date functions do not take account of the configured fiscal year start. See Tax Dates.


Type conversion function that changes string and number expressions into dates, as long as they are in a recognisable format.

DefinitionReturns a date given a number, string or date <expression>.
DATE([Employee Start Date])
DATE("September 22, 2018") 
DATE(#2018-09-22 14:52#)

Unlike DATEPARSE, there is no need to provide a pattern as DATE automatically recognises many standard date formats. If DATE does not recognise the input, however, try using DATEPARSE and specifying the format.

MAKEDATE is another similar function, but MAKEDATE requires the input of numeric values for year, month and day.


Adds a specified number of date parts (months, days, etc) to the starting date.

SyntaxDATEADD(date_part, interval, date)
DefinitionReturns the <date> with the specified number <interval> added to the specified <date_part> of that date. For example, adding three months or 12 days to a starting date.

Push out all due dates by one week

DATEADD('week', 1, [due date])

Add 280 days to the date February 20, 2021

DATEADD('day', 280, #2/20/21#) = #November 27, 2021#
NotesSupports ISO 8601 dates.


Returns the number of date parts (weeks, years, etc) between two dates.

SyntaxDATEDIFF(date_part, date1, date2, [start_of_week])
DefinitionReturns the difference between <date1> and <date2> expressed in units of <date_part>. For example, subtracting the dates someone entered and left a band to see how long they were in the band.

Number of days between 25th March 1986 and 20th February 2021

DATEDIFF('day', #3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = 12,751

How many months someone was in a band

DATEDIFF('month', [date joined band], [date left band])
NotesSupports ISO 8601 dates.


Returns the name of the specified date part as a discrete string.

SyntaxDATENAME(date_part, date, [start_of_week])
DefinitionReturns <date_part> of <date> as a string.
DATENAME('year', #3/25/1986#) = "1986"
DATENAME('month', #1986-03-25#) = "March"

Supports ISO 8601 dates.

A very similar calculation is DATEPART, which returns the value of the specified date part as a continuous integer. DATEPART can be faster because it is a numerical operation.

By changing the attributes of the calculation’s result (dimension or measure, continuous or discrete) and the date formatting, the results of DATEPART and DATENAME can be formatted to be identical.

An inverse function is DATEPARSE, which takes a string value and formats it as a date.


Returns specifically formatted strings as dates.

SyntaxDATEPARSE(date_format, date_string)
DefinitionThe <date_format> argument describes how the <date_string> field is arranged. Because of the variety of ways the string field can be ordered, the <date_format> must match exactly. For a full explanation and formatting details, see Convert a Field to a Date Field(Link opens in a new window).
DATEPARSE('yyyy-MM-dd', "1986-03-25") = #March 25, 1986#

DATE is a similar function that automatically recognises many standard date formats. DATEPARSE may be a better option if DATE does not recognise the input pattern.

MAKEDATE is another similar function, but MAKEDATE requires the input of numeric values for year, month and day.

Inverse functions, which take dates apart and return the value of their parts, are DATEPART (integer output) and DATENAME (string output).

Database limitations

DATEPARSE is available through the following connectors: non-legacy Excel and text file connections, Amazon EMR Hadoop Hive, Cloudera Hadoop, Google Sheets, Hortonworks Hadoop Hive, MapR Hadoop Hive, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and Tableau extracts. Some formats may not be available for all connections.

DATEPARSE is not supported on Hive variants. Only Denodo, Drill and Snowflake are supported.


Returns the name of the specified date part as an integer.

SyntaxDATEPART(date_part, date, [start_of_week])
DefinitionReturns <date_part> of <date> as an integer.
DATEPART('year', #1986-03-25#) = 1986
DATEPART('month', #1986-03-25#) = 3

Supports ISO 8601 dates.

A very similar calculation is DATENAME, which returns the name of the specified date part as a discrete string. DATEPART can be faster because it is a numerical operation. By changing the attributes of the field (dimension or measure, continuous or discrete) and the date formatting, the results of DATEPART and DATENAME can be formatted to be identical.

An inverse function is DATEPARSE, which takes a string value and formats it as a date.


This function can be thought of as date rounding. It takes a specific date and returns a version of that date at the desired specificity. Because every date must have a value for day, month, quarter and year, DATETRUNC sets the values as the lowest value for each date part up to the date part specified. Refer to the example for more information.

SyntaxDATETRUNC(date_part, date, [start_of_week])
DefinitionTruncates the <date> to the accuracy specified by the <date_part>. This function returns a new date. For example, when you truncate a date that is in the middle of the month at the month level, this function returns the first day of the month.
DATETRUNC('day', #9/22/2018#) = #9/22/2018#
DATETRUNC('iso-week', #9/22/2018#) = #9/17/2018#

(the Monday of the week containing 22/09/2018)

DATETRUNC(quarter, #9/22/2018#) = #7/1/2018# 

(the first day of the quarter containing 22/09/2018)

Note: For week and iso-week, the start_of_week comes into play. ISO-weeks always start on Monday. For the locale of this example, an unspecified start_of_week means the week starts on Sunday.


Supports ISO 8601 dates.

You shouldn't use DATETRUNC to, for example, stop showing the time for a datetime field in a viz. If you want to truncate the way a date displays rather than round its accuracy, adjust the formatting(Link opens in a new window).

For example, DATETRUNC('day', #5/17/2022 3:12:48 PM#), if formatted in the viz to display seconds, would display as 5/17/2022 12:00:00 AM. The value is truncated to day, but the display goes to seconds.


Returns the day of the month (1–31) as an integer.

DefinitionReturns the day of the given <date> as an integer.
Day(#September 22, 2018#) = 22
NotesSee also WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, YEAR and the ISO equivalents.


Checks if the string is a valid date format.

DefinitionReturns true if a given <string> is a valid date.
ISDATE(09/22/2018) = true
ISDATE(22SEP18) = false
NotesThe required argument must be a string. ISDATE cannot be used for a field with a date data type – the calculation will return an error.


DefinitionReturns the ISO8601 week-based quarter of a given <date> as an integer.
ISOQUARTER(#1986-03-25#) = 1
NotesSee also ISOWEEK, ISOWEEKDAY, ISOYEAR and the non-ISO equivalents.


DefinitionReturns the ISO8601 week-based week of a given <date> as an integer.
ISOWEEK(#1986-03-25#) = 13
NotesSee also ISOWEEKDAY, ISOQUARTER, ISOYEAR and the non-ISO equivalents.


DefinitionReturns the ISO8601 week-based weekday of a given <date> as an integer.
ISOWEEKDAY(#1986-03-25#) = 2
NotesSee also ISOWEEK, ISOQUARTER, ISOYEAR and the non-ISO equivalents.


DefinitionReturns the ISO8601 week-based year of a given <date> as an integer.
ISOYEAR(#1986-03-25#) = 1,986
NotesSee also ISOWEEK, ISOWEEKDAY, ISOQUARTER and the non-ISO equivalents.


SyntaxMAKEDATE(year, month, day)
DefinitionReturns a date value constructed from the specified <year>, <month> and <day>.
MAKEDATE(1986,3,25) = #1986-03-25#

Note: Incorrectly entered values will be adjusted into a date, such as MAKEDATE(2020,4,31) = May 1, 2020 rather than returning an error that there is no 31st day of April.

Available for Tableau Data Extracts. Check for availability in other data sources.

MAKEDATE requires numerical inputs for the parts of a date. If your data is a string that should be a date, try the DATE function. DATE automatically recognises many standard date formats. If DATE does not recognise the input, try using DATEPARSE.


SyntaxMAKEDATETIME(date, time)
DefinitionReturns a datetime that combines a <date> and a <time>. The date can be a date, datetime or a string type. The time must be a datetime.
MAKEDATETIME("1899-12-30", #07:59:00#) = #12/30/1899 7:59:00 AM#
MAKEDATETIME([Date], [Time]) = #1/1/2001 6:00:00 AM#

This function is available only for MySQL-compatible connections (which for Tableau are MySQL and Amazon Aurora).

MAKETIME is a similar function available for Tableau Data Extracts and some other data sources.


SyntaxMAKETIME(hour, minute, second)
DefinitionReturns a date value constructed from the specified <hour>, <minute> and <second>.
MAKETIME(14, 52, 40) = #1/1/1899 14:52:40#

Because Tableau does not support a time data type, only datetime, the output is a datetime. The date portion of the field will be 1/1/1899.

Similar function to MAKEDATETIME, which is only available for MYSQL-compatible connections.


SyntaxMAX(expression) or MAX(expr1, expr2)
OutputSame data type as the argument, or NULL if any part of the argument is null.

Returns the maximum of the two arguments, which must be of the same data type.

MAX can also be applied to a single field as an aggregation.

MAX(4,7) = 7
MAX(#3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = #2/20/2021#
MAX([Name]) = "Zander"

For strings

MAX is usually the value that comes last in alphabetical order.

For database data sources, the MAX string value is highest in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column.

For dates

For dates, the MAX is the most recent date. If MAX is an aggregation, the result will not have a date hierarchy. If MAX is a comparison, the result will retain the date hierarchy.

As an aggregation

MAX(expression) is an aggregate function and returns a single aggregated result. This displays as AGG(expression) in the viz.

As a comparison

MAX(expr1, expr2) compares the two values and returns a row-level value.

See also MIN.


SyntaxMIN(expression) or MIN(expr1, expr2)
OutputSame data type as the argument, or NULL if any part of the argument is null.

Returns the minimum of the two arguments, which must be of the same data type.

MIN can also be applied to a single field as an aggregation.

MIN(4,7) = 4
MIN(#3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = #3/25/1986#
MIN([Name]) = "Abebi"

For strings

MIN is usually the value that comes first in alphabetical order.

For database data sources, the MIN string value is lowest in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column.

For dates

For dates, the MIN is the earliest date. If MIN is an aggregation, the result will not have a date hierarchy. If MIN is a comparison, the result will retain the date hierarchy.

As an aggregation

MIN(expression) is an aggregate function and returns a single aggregated result. This displays as AGG(expression) in the viz.

As a comparison

MIN(expr1, expr2) compares the two values and returns a row-level value.

See also MAX.


DefinitionReturns the month of the given <date> as an integer.
MONTH(#1986-03-25#) = 3
NotesSee also DAY, WEEK, QUARTER, YEAR and the ISO equivalents


DefinitionReturns the current local system date and time.
NOW() = 1986-03-25 1:08:21 PM

NOW does not take an argument.

See also TODAY, a similar calculation that returns a date instead of a datetime.

If the data source is a live connection, the system date and time could be in another time zone. For more information on how to address this, see the Knowledge Base.


DefinitionReturns the quarter of the given <date> as an integer.
QUARTER(#1986-03-25#) = 1
NotesSee also DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR and the ISO equivalents


DefinitionReturns the current local system date.
TODAY() = 1986-03-25

TODAY does not take an argument.

See also NOW, a similar calculation that returns a datetime instead of a date.

If the data source is a live connection, the system date could be in another time zone. For more information on how to address this, see the Knowledge Base.


DefinitionReturns the week of the given <date> as an integer.
WEEK(#1986-03-25#) = 13
NotesSee also DAY, MONTH, QUARTER, YEAR and the ISO equivalents


DefinitionReturns the year of the given <date> as an integer.
YEAR(#1986-03-25#) = 1,986
NotesSee also DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER and the ISO equivalents


Many date functions in Tableau take the argument date_part, which is a string constant that tells the function what part of a date to consider, such as day, week, quarter, etc. The valid date_part values that you can use are:

'year'Four-digit year
'month'1-12 or "January", "February" and so on
'dayofyear'Day of the year; 1st Jan 1, 1st Feb is 32 and so on
'weekday'1-7 or "Sunday", "Monday" and so on
'iso-year'Four-digit ISO 8601 year
'iso-week'1-52, start of week is always Monday
'iso-weekday'1-7, start of week is always Monday

Logical functions


Syntax<expr1> AND <expr2>
DefinitionPerforms a logical conjunction on two expressions. (If both sides are true, the logical test returns true.)
OutputBoolean (true or false)
IF [Season] = "Spring" AND "[Season] = "Fall" 
THEN "It's the apocalypse and footwear doesn't matter"

“If both (Season = Spring) and (Season = Autumn) are true simultaneously, then return ‘It's the apocalypse and footwear doesn't matter’.”


Often used with IF and IIF. See also NOT and OR.

If both expressions are TRUE (that is, not FALSE or NULL), then the result is TRUE. If either expression is NULL, then the result is NULL. In all other cases, the result is FALSE.

If you create a calculation in which the result of an AND comparison is displayed on a worksheet, Tableau displays TRUE and FALSE. If you would like to change this, use the Format area in the format dialog.

Note: The AND operator employs short circuit evaluation. This means that if the first expression is evaluated to be FALSE, then the second expression is not evaluated at all. This can be helpful if the second expression results in an error when the first expression is FALSE, because the second expression in this case is never evaluated.


SyntaxCASE <expression>
WHEN <value1> THEN <then1>
WHEN <value2> THEN <then2>
[ELSE <default>]
OutputDepends on data type of the <then> values.

Evaluates the expression and compares it to the specified options (<value1>, <value2>, etc.). When a value that matches expression is encountered, CASE returns the corresponding return. If no match is found, the (optional) default is returned. If there is no default and no values match, then Null is returned.

CASE [Season] 
WHEN 'Summer' THEN 'Sandals'
WHEN 'Winter' THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers'

"Look at the Season field. If the value is Summer, then return Sandals. If the value is Winter, then return Boots. If none of the options in the calculation match what is in the Season field, return Sneakers."


See also IF and IIF.

Used with WHEN, THEN, ELSE and END.

Tip: Many times you can use a group to get the same results as a complicated CASE function, or use CASE to replace native grouping functionality, such as in the previous example. You may want to test which is more performant for your scenario.


SyntaxCASE <expression>
WHEN <value1> THEN <then1>
WHEN <value2> THEN <then2>
[ELSE <default>]
DefinitionAn optional piece of an IF or CASE expression used to specify a default value to return if none of the tested expressions are true.
IF [Season] = "Summer" THEN 'Sandals' 
ELSEIF [Season] = "Winter" THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers' 
CASE [Season] 
WHEN 'Summer' THEN 'Sandals'
WHEN 'Winter' THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers'


ELSE is optional with CASE and IF. In a calculation where ELSE is not specified, if none of the <test> are true, the overall calculation will return null.

ELSE does not require a condition (such as [Season] = "Winter") and can be thought of as a form of null handling.


Syntax[ELSEIF <test2> THEN <then2>]
DefinitionAn optional piece of an IF expression used to specify additional conditions beyond the initial IF.
IF [Season] = "Summer" THEN 'Sandals' 
ELSEIF [Season] = "Winter" THEN 'Boots'
ELSEIF [Season] = "Spring" THEN 'Sneakers'
ELSEIF [Season] = "Autumn" THEN 'Sneakers'
ELSE 'Bare feet'

Used with IF, THEN, ELSE and END

ELSEIF can be thought of as additional IF clauses. ELSEIF is optional and can be repeated multiple times.

Unlike ELSE, ELSEIF requires a condition (such as [Season] = "Winter").


DefinitionUsed to close an IF or CASE expression.
IF [Season] = "Summer" THEN 'Sandals' 
ELSEIF [Season] = "Winter" THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers' 

"If Season = Summer, then return Sandals. If not, look at the next expression. If Season = Winter, then return Boots. If neither of the expressions are true, return Sneakers."

CASE [Season] 
WHEN 'Summer' THEN 'Sandals'
WHEN 'Winter' THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers'

"Look at the Season field. If the value is Summer, then return Sandals. If the value is Winter, then return Boots. If none of the options in the calculation match what is in the Season field, return Sneakers."




SyntaxIF <test1> THEN <then1>
[ELSEIF <test2> THEN <then2>...]
[ELSE <default>]
OutputDepends on data type of the <then> values.

Tests a series of expressions and returns the <then> value for the first true <test>.

IF [Season] = "Summer" THEN 'Sandals' 
ELSEIF [Season] = "Winter" THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers' 

"If Season = Summer, then return Sandals. If not, look at the next expression. If Season = Winter, then return Boots. If neither of the expressions are true, return Sneakers."


See also IF and IIF.

Used with ELSEIF, THEN, ELSE and END


SyntaxIFNULL(expr1, expr2)
OutputDepends on the data type of the <expr> values.

Returns <expr1> if it's non-null, otherwise returns <expr2>.

IFNULL([Assigned Room], "TBD")

"If the Assigned Room field isn't null, return its value. If the Assigned room field is null, return TBD instead."


Compare with ISNULL. IFNULL always returns a value. ISNULL returns a boolean (true or false).

See also ZN.


SyntaxIIF(<test>, <then>, <else>, [<unknown>])
OutputDepends on the data type of the values in the expression.
DefinitionChecks whether a condition is met (<test>) and returns <then> if the test is true, <else> if the test is false and an optional value for <unknown> if the test is null. If the optional unknown isn't specified, IIF returns null.
IIF([Season] = 'Summer', 'Sandals', 'Other footwear')

"If Season = Summer, then return Sandals. If not, return Other footwear"

IIF([Season] = 'Summer', 'Sandals', 
IIF('Season' = 'Winter', 'Boots', 'Other footwear')

"If Season = Summer, then return Sandals. If not, look at the next expression. If Season = Winter, then return Boots. If neither are true, return Sneakers."

IIF('Season' = 'Summer', 'Sandals', 
IIF('Season' = 'Winter', 'Boots',
IIF('Season' = 'Spring', 'Sneakers', 'Other footwear')

"If Season = Summer, then return Sandals. If not, look at the next expression. If Season = Winter, then return Boots. If none of the expressions are true, return Sneakers."


See also IF andCASE.

IIF doesn't have an equivalent to ELSEIF (like IF) or repeated WHEN clauses (like CASE). Instead, multiple tests can be evaluated sequentially by nesting IIF statements as the <unknown> element. The first (outermost) true is returned.

That is to say, in the calculation below, the result will be Red, not Orange, because the expression stops being evaluated as soon as A=A is evaluated as true:

IIF('A' = 'A', 'Red', IIF('B' = 'B', 'Orange', IIF('C' = 'D', 'Yellow', 'Green')))


Syntax<expr1> IN <expr2>
OutputBoolean (true or false)
DefinitionReturns TRUE if any value in <expr1> matches any value in <expr2>.
SUM([Cost]) IN (1000, 15, 200)

"Is the value of the Cost field 1000, 15 or 200?"

[Field] IN [Set]

"Is the value of the field present in the set?"


The values in <expr2> can be a set, list of literal values or combined field.

See also WHEN.


OutputBoolean (true or false)
DefinitionReturns true if a <string> is a valid date. The input expression must be a string (text) field.

"Is the string 2018-09-22 a properly formatted date?"


What is considered a valid date depends on the locale(Link opens in a new window) of the system evaluating the calculation. For example:

In the USA:

  • ISDATE("2018-09-22") = TRUE
  • ISDATE("2018-22-09") = FALSE

In the UK:

  • ISDATE("2018-09-22") = FALSE
  • ISDATE("2018-22-09") = TRUE


OutputBoolean (true or false)

Returns true if the <expression> is NULL (does not contain valid data).

ISNULL([Assigned Room])

"Is the Assigned Room field null?"


Compare with IFNULL. IFNULL always returns a value. ISNULL returns a boolean.

See also ZN.


SyntaxMAX(expression) or MAX(expr1, expr2)
OutputSame data type as the argument, or NULL if any part of the argument is null.

Returns the maximum of the two arguments, which must be of the same data type.

MAX can also be applied to a single field as an aggregation.

MAX(4,7) = 7
MAX(#3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = #2/20/2021#
MAX([Name]) = "Zander"

For strings

MAX is usually the value that comes last in alphabetical order.

For database data sources, the MAX string value is highest in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column.

For dates

For dates, the MAX is the most recent date. If MAX is an aggregation, the result will not have a date hierarchy. If MAX is a comparison, the result will retain the date hierarchy.

As an aggregation

MAX(expression) is an aggregate function and returns a single aggregated result. This displays as AGG(expression) in the viz.

As a comparison

MAX(expr1, expr2) compares the two values and returns a row-level value.

See also MIN.


SyntaxMIN(expression) or MIN(expr1, expr2)
OutputSame data type as the argument, or NULL if any part of the argument is null.

Returns the minimum of the two arguments, which must be of the same data type.

MIN can also be applied to a single field as an aggregation.

MIN(4,7) = 4
MIN(#3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = #3/25/1986#
MIN([Name]) = "Abebi"

For strings

MIN is usually the value that comes first in alphabetical order.

For database data sources, the MIN string value is lowest in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column.

For dates

For dates, the MIN is the earliest date. If MIN is an aggregation, the result will not have a date hierarchy. If MIN is a comparison, the result will retain the date hierarchy.

As an aggregation

MIN(expression) is an aggregate function and returns a single aggregated result. This displays as AGG(expression) in the viz.

As a comparison

MIN(expr1, expr2) compares the two values and returns a row-level value.

See also MAX.


SyntaxNOT <expression>
OutputBoolean (true or false)
DefinitionPerforms logical negation on an expression.
IF NOT [Season] = "Summer" 
THEN 'Don't wear sandals'
ELSE 'Wear sandals' 

"If Season doesn't equal Summer, then return Don't wear sandals. If not, return Wear sandals."


Often used with IF and IIF. See also DATE and OR.


Syntax<expr1> OR <expr2>
OutputBoolean (true or false)
DefinitionPerforms a logical disjunction on two expressions.
IF [Season] = "Spring" OR [Season] = "Fall" 
THEN "Sneakers"

"If either (Season = Spring) or (Season = Fall) is true, then return Sneakers."


Often used with IF and IIF. See also DATE and NOT.

If either expression is TRUE, then the result is TRUE. If both expressions are FALSE, then the result is FALSE. If both expressions are NULL, then the result is NULL.

If you create a calculation that displays the result of an OR comparison on a worksheet, Tableau displays TRUE and FALSE. If you would like to change this, use the Format area in the format dialog.

Note: The OR operator employs short circuit evaluation. This means that if the first expression is evaluated to be TRUE, then the second expression is not evaluated at all. This can be helpful if the second expression results in an error when the first expression is TRUE, because the second expression in this case is never evaluated.


SyntaxIF <test1> THEN <then1>
[ELSEIF <test2> THEN <then2>...]
[ELSE <default>]
DefinitionA required part of an IF, ELSEIF or CASE expression, used to define what result to return if a specific value or test is true.
IF [Season] = "Summer" THEN 'Sandals' 
ELSEIF [Season] = "Winter" THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers' 

"If Season = Summer, then return Sandals. If not, look at the next expression. If Season = Winter, then return Boots. If neither of the expressions are true, return Sneakers."

CASE [Season] 
WHEN 'Summer' THEN 'Sandals'
WHEN 'Winter' THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers'

"Look at the Season field. If the value is Summer, then return Sandals. If the value is Winter, then return Boots. If none of the options in the calculation match what is in the Season field, return Sneakers."




SyntaxCASE <expression>
WHEN <value1> THEN <then1>
WHEN <value2> THEN <then2>
[ELSE <default>]
DefinitionA required part of a CASE expression. Finds the first <value> that matches <expression> and returns the corresponding <then>.
CASE [Season] 
WHEN 'Summer' THEN 'Sandals'
WHEN 'Winter' THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers'

"Look at the Season field. If the value is Summer, then return Sandals. If the value is Winter, then return Boots. If none of the options in the calculation match what is in the Season field, return Sneakers."


Used with CASE, THEN, ELSE and END.

CASE also supports WHEN IN construction, such as:

CASE <expression> 
WHEN IN <set1> THEN <then1>
WHEN IN <combinedfield> THEN <then2>
ELSE <default>

The values that WHEN IN compare to must be a set, list of literal values or combined field. See also IN.


OutputDepends on the data type of the <expression>, or 0.
DefinitionReturns <expression> if it isn't null; otherwise returns zero.
ZN([Test Grade])

"If the test grade isn't null, return its value. If the test grade is null, return 0."


ZN is a specialised case of IFNULL where the alternative if the expression is null is always 0 rather than being specified in the calculation.

ZN is especially useful when performing additional calculations, and a null would render the entire calculation null. However, use caution interpreting these results as null is not always synonymous with 0 and could represent missing data.

See also ISNULL.

Aggregate functions


DefinitionReturns the value of the expression if it has a single value for all rows. Otherwise returns an asterisk. Null values are ignored.


DefinitionReturns the average of all the values in the expression. Null values are ignored.
NotesAVG can only be used with numeric fields.


DefinitionAn aggregate calculation that combines the values in the argument field. Null values are ignored.
NotesCOLLECT can only be used with spatial fields.


SyntaxCORR(expression1, expression2)
OutputNumber from -1 to 1
DefinitionReturns the Pearson correlation coefficient of two expressions.

The Pearson correlation measures the linear relationship between two variables. Results range from -1 to +1 inclusive, where 1 denotes an exact positive linear relationship, 0 denotes no linear relationship between the variance and −1 is an exact negative relationship.

The square of a CORR result is equivalent to the R-Squared value for a linear trend line model. See Trend Line Model Terms(Link opens in a new window).

Use with table-scoped LOD expressions:

You can use CORR to visualise correlation in a disaggregated scatter using a table-scoped level of detail expression(Link opens in a new window). For example:

{CORR(Sales, Profit)}

With a level of detail expression, the correlation is run over all rows. If you used a formula like CORR(Sales, Profit) (without the surrounding brackets to make it a level of detail expression), the view would show the correlation of each individual point in the scatter plot with each other point, which is undefined.

Database limitations

CORR is available with the following data sources: Tableau data extracts, Cloudera Hive, EXASolution, Firebird (version 3.0 and later), Google BigQuery, Hortonworks Hadoop Hive, IBM PDA (Netezza), Oracle, PostgreSQL, Presto, SybaseIQ, Teradata, Vertica.

For other data sources, consider either extracting the data or using WINDOW_CORR. See Table Calculation Functions(Link opens in a new window).


DefinitionReturns the number of items. Null values are not counted.


DefinitionReturns the number of distinct items in a group. Null values are not counted.


SyntaxCOVAR(expression1, expression2)
DefinitionReturns the sample covariance of two expressions.

Covariance quantifies how two variables change together. A positive covariance indicates that the variables tend to move in the same direction, as when larger values of one variable tend to correspond to larger values of the other variable, on average. Sample covariance uses the number of non-null data points n-1 to normalise the covariance calculation, rather than n, which is used by the population covariance (available with the COVARP function). Sample covariance is the appropriate choice when the data is a random sample that is being used to estimate the covariance for a larger population.

If <expression1> and <expression2> are the same, for example COVAR([profit], [profit]), COVAR returns a value that indicates how widely values are distributed.

The value of COVAR(X, X) is equivalent to the value of VAR(X) and also to the value of STDEV(X)^2.

Database limitations

COVAR is available with the following data sources: Tableau data extracts, Cloudera Hive, EXASolution, Firebird (version 3.0 and later), Google BigQuery, Hortonworks Hadoop Hive, IBM PDA (Netezza), Oracle, PostgreSQL, Presto, SybaseIQ, Teradata, Vertica.

For other data sources, consider either extracting the data or using WINDOW_COVAR. See Table Calculation Functions(Link opens in a new window).


SyntaxCOVARP(expression 1, expression2)
DefinitionReturns the population covariance of two expressions.

Covariance quantifies how two variables change together. A positive covariance indicates that the variables tend to move in the same direction, as when larger values of one variable tend to correspond to larger values of the other variable, on average. Population covariance is sample covariance multiplied by (n-1)/n, where n is the total number of non-null data points. Population covariance is the appropriate choice when there is data available for all items of interest as opposed to when there is only a random subset of items, in which case sample covariance (with the COVAR function) is appropriate.

If <expression1> and <expression2> are the same, for example COVARP([profit], [profit]), COVARP returns a value that indicates how widely values are distributed. Note: The value of COVARP(X, X) is equivalent to the value of VARP(X) and also to the value of STDEVP(X)^2.

Database limitations

COVARP is available with the following data sources: Tableau data extracts, Cloudera Hive, EXASolution, Firebird (version 3.0 and later), Google BigQuery, Hortonworks Hadoop Hive, IBM PDA (Netezza), Oracle, PostgreSQL, Presto, SybaseIQ, Teradata, Vertica

For other data sources, consider either extracting the data or using WINDOW_COVAR. See Table Calculation Functions(Link opens in a new window).


SyntaxMAX(expression) or MAX(expr1, expr2)
OutputSame data type as the argument, or NULL if any part of the argument is null.

Returns the maximum of the two arguments, which must be of the same data type.

MAX can also be applied to a single field as an aggregation.

MAX(4,7) = 7
MAX(#3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = #2/20/2021#
MAX([Name]) = "Zander"

For strings

MAX is usually the value that comes last in alphabetical order.

For database data sources, the MAX string value is highest in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column.

For dates

For dates, the MAX is the most recent date. If MAX is an aggregation, the result will not have a date hierarchy. If MAX is a comparison, the result will retain the date hierarchy.

As an aggregation

MAX(expression) is an aggregate function and returns a single aggregated result. This displays as AGG(expression) in the viz.

As a comparison

MAX(expr1, expr2) compares the two values and returns a row-level value.

See also MIN.


DefinitionReturns the median of an expression across all records. Null values are ignored.
NotesMEDIAN can only be used with numeric fields.
Database limitations

MEDIAN is not available for the following data sources: Access, Amazon Redshift, Cloudera Hadoop, HP Vertica, IBM DB2, IBM PDA (Netezza), Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, SAP HANA, Teradata.

For other data source types, you can extract your data into an extract file to use this function. See Extract Your Data(Link opens in a new window).


SyntaxMIN(expression) or MIN(expr1, expr2)
OutputSame data type as the argument, or NULL if any part of the argument is null.

Returns the minimum of the two arguments, which must be of the same data type.

MIN can also be applied to a single field as an aggregation.

MIN(4,7) = 4
MIN(#3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = #3/25/1986#
MIN([Name]) = "Abebi"

For strings

MIN is usually the value that comes first in alphabetical order.

For database data sources, the MIN string value is lowest in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column.

For dates

For dates, the MIN is the earliest date. If MIN is an aggregation, the result will not have a date hierarchy. If MIN is a comparison, the result will retain the date hierarchy.

As an aggregation

MIN(expression) is an aggregate function and returns a single aggregated result. This displays as AGG(expression) in the viz.

As a comparison

MIN(expr1, expr2) compares the two values and returns a row-level value.

See also MAX.


SyntaxPERCENTILE(expression, number)
DefinitionReturns the percentile value from the given expression corresponding to the specified <number>. The <number> must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive) and must be a numeric constant.
PERCENTILE([Score], 0.9)
Database limitations

This function is available for the following data sources: Non-legacy Microsoft Excel and Text File connections, Extracts and extract-only data source types (for example, Google Analytics, OData or Salesforce), Sybase IQ 15.1 and later data sources, Oracle 10 and later data sources, Cloudera Hive and Hortonworks Hadoop Hive data sources, EXASolution 4.2 and later data sources.

For other data source types, you can extract your data into an extract file to use this function. See Extract Your Data(Link opens in a new window).


DefinitionReturns the statistical standard deviation of all values in the given expression based on a sample of the population.


DefinitionReturns the statistical standard deviation of all values in the given expression based on a biased population.


DefinitionReturns the sum of all values in the expression. Null values are ignored.
NotesSUM can only be used with numeric fields.


DefinitionReturns the statistical variance of all values in the given expression based on a sample of the population.


DefinitionReturns the statistical variance of all values in the given expression on the entire population.
User functions



Returns the full name for the current user.


This returns the full name of the signed-in user, such as "Hamlin Myrer".

[Manager] = FULLNAME( )

If manager "Hamlin Myrer" is signed in, this example returns TRUE only if the Manager field in the view contains "Hamlin Myrer".


This function checks:

  • Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server: the full name of the signed-in user
  • Tableau Desktop: the local or network full name for the user

User filters

When used as a filter, a calculated field such as [Username field] = FULLNAME( ) can be used to create a user filter that only shows data that is relevant to the person signed in to the server.


SyntaxISFULLNAME("User Full Name")

Returns TRUE if the current user's full name matches the specified full name or FALSE if it does not match.

ISFULLNAME("Hamlin Myrer")

The <"User Full Name"> argument must be a literal string, not a field.

This function checks:

  • Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server: the full name of the signed-in user
  • Tableau Desktop: the local or network full name for the user


SyntaxISMEMBEROF("Group Name")
OutputBoolean or null

Returns TRUE if the person currently using Tableau is a member of a group that matches the given string, FALSE if they're not a member and NULL if they're not signed in.


The <"Group Full Name"> argument must be a literal string, not a field.

If the user is signed in to Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server, group membership is determined by Tableau groups. The function will return TRUE if the given string is "All Users"

The ISMEMBEROF( ) function will also accept Active Directory domains. The Active Directory domain must be declared in the calculation with the group name.

If a change is made to a user's group membership, the change in the data that is based on the group membership is reflected in a workbook or view with a new session. The existing session will reflect stale data.


DefinitionReturns TRUE if the current user's username matches the specified username or FALSE if it does not match.

The <"username"> argument must be a literal string, not a field.

This function checks:

  • Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server: the username of the signed-in user
  • Tableau Desktop: the local or network username for the user


DefinitionReturns the domain for the current user.

This function checks:

  • Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server: the user domain of the signed-in user
  • Tableau Desktop: the local domain if the user is on a domain


DefinitionReturns the username for the current user.

This returns the username of the signed-in user, such as "hmyrer".

[Manager] = USERNAME( )

If manager "hmyrer" is signed in, this example returns TRUE only if the Manager field in the view contains "hmyrer".


This function checks:

  • Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server: the username of the signed-in user
  • Tableau Desktop: the local or network username for the user

User filters

When used as a filter, a calculated field such as [Username field] = USERNAME( ) can be used to create a user filter that only shows data that is relevant to the person signed in to the server.


Note: Before you use this function, see For embedding workflows in Tableau Cloud only. For more information, see Authentication and Embedded Views(Link opens in a new window) in the Embedding API v3.

OutputString or null

If <'attribute_name'> is part of the JSON web token (JWT) passed to Tableau, the calculation returns the first value of <'attribute_name'>.

Returns null if <'attribute_name'> does not exist.


Suppose "Region" is the user attribute included in the JWT and passed to Tableau (using the connected app already configured by your site admin).

As the workbook author, you can set up your visualisation to filter data based on a specified region. In that filter, you can reference the following calculation.

[Region] = USERATTRIBUTE("Region")

When User2 from the West region views the embedded visualisation, Tableau shows the appropriate data for the West region only.

NotesYou can use the USERATTRIBUTEINCLUDES function if you expect <'attribute_name'> to return multiple values.


Note: Before you use this function, see For embedding workflows in Tableau Cloud only. For more information, see Authentication and Embedded Views(Link opens in a new window) in the Embedding API v3.

SyntaxUSERATTRIBUTEINCLUDES('attribute_name', 'expected_value')

Returns TRUE if both of the following are true:

  • <'attribute_name'> is part of the JSON web token (JWT) passed to Tableau
  • one of <'attribute_name'> values equals <'expected_value'> .

Returns FALSE otherwise.


Suppose "Region" is the user attribute included in the JWT and passed to Tableau (using the connected app already configured by your site admin).

As the workbook author, you can set up your visualisation to filter data based on a specified region. In that filter, you can reference the following calculation.


If User2 from the West region accesses the embedded visualisation, Tableau checks if the Region user attribute matches one of [Region] field values. When true, the visualisation shows the appropriate data.

When User3 from the North region accesses the same visualisation, she’s unable to see any data because there’s no match with [Region] field values.

Table calculations


Returns the number of rows from the current row to the first row in the partition. For example, the view below shows quarterly sales. When FIRST() is computed within the Date partition, the offset of the first row from the second row is -1.


When the current row index is 3, FIRST() = -2.


Returns the index of the current row in the partition, without any sorting with regard to value. The first row index starts at 1. For example, the table below shows quarterly sales. When INDEX() is computed within the Date partition, the index of each row is 1, 2, 3, 4..., etc.


For the third row in the partition, INDEX() = 3.


Returns the number of rows from the current row to the last row in the partition. For example, the table below shows quarterly sales. When LAST() is computed within the Date partition, the offset of the last row from the second row is 5.


When the current row index is 3 of 7, LAST() = 4.

LOOKUP(expression, [offset])

Returns the value of the expression in a target row, specified as a relative offset from the current row. Use FIRST() + n and LAST() - n as part of your offset definition for a target relative to the first/last rows in the partition. If offset is omitted, the row to compare to can be set on the field menu. This function returns NULL if the target row cannot be determined.

The view below shows quarterly sales. When LOOKUP (SUM(Sales), 2) is computed within the Date partition, each row shows the sales value from 2 quarters into the future.


LOOKUP(SUM([Profit]), FIRST()+2) computes the SUM(Profit) in the third row of the partition.


The model extension functions:





are used to pass data to a deployed model on an external service such as R, TabPy or Matlab. See Analytics Extensions(Link opens in a new window).

MODEL_PERCENTILE(target_expression, predictor_expression(s))

Returns the probability (between 0 and 1) of the expected value being less than or equal to the observed mark, defined by the target expression and other predictors. This is the Posterior Predictive Distribution Function, also known as the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF).

This function is the inverse of MODEL_QUANTILE. For information on predictive modelling functions, see How Predictive Modelling Functions Work in Tableau.


The following formula returns the quantile of the mark for sum of sales, adjusted for count of orders.


MODEL_QUANTILE(quantile, target_expression, predictor_expression(s))

Returns a target numeric value within the probable range defined by the target expression and other predictors, at a specified quantile. This is the Posterior Predictive Quantile.

This function is the inverse of MODEL_PERCENTILE. For information on predictive modelling functions, see How Predictive Modelling Functions Work in Tableau.


The following formula returns the median (0.5) predicted sum of sales, adjusted for count of orders.

MODEL_QUANTILE(0.5, SUM([Sales]), COUNT([Orders]))


Returns the value of this calculation in the previous row. Returns the given expression if the current row is the first row of the partition.


SUM([Profit]) * PREVIOUS_VALUE(1) computes the running product of SUM(Profit).

RANK(expression, ['asc' | 'desc'])

Returns the standard competition rank for the current row in the partition. Identical values are assigned an identical rank. Use the optional 'asc' | 'desc' argument to specify ascending or descending order. The default is descending.

With this function, the set of values (6, 9, 9, 14) would be ranked (4, 2, 2, 1).

Nulls are ignored in ranking functions. They are not numbered and they do not count against the total number of records in percentile rank calculations.

For information on different ranking options, see Rank calculation.


The following image shows the effect of the various ranking functions (RANK, RANK_DENSE, RANK_MODIFIED, RANK_PERCENTILE and RANK_UNIQUE) on a set of values. The data set contains information on 14 students (Student A through to Student N); the Age column shows the current age of each student (all students are between 17 and 20 years of age). The remaining columns show the effect of each rank function on the set of age values, always assuming the default order (ascending or descending) for the function.

RANK_DENSE(expression, ['asc' | 'desc'])

Returns the dense rank for the current row in the partition. Identical values are assigned an identical rank, but no gaps are inserted into the number sequence. Use the optional 'asc' | 'desc' argument to specify ascending or descending order. The default is descending.

With this function, the set of values (6, 9, 9, 14) would be ranked (3, 2, 2, 1).

Nulls are ignored in ranking functions. They are not numbered and they do not count against the total number of records in percentile rank calculations.

For information on different ranking options, see Rank calculation.

RANK_MODIFIED(expression, ['asc' | 'desc'])

Returns the modified competition rank for the current row in the partition. Identical values are assigned an identical rank. Use the optional 'asc' | 'desc' argument to specify ascending or descending order. The default is descending.

With this function, the set of values (6, 9, 9, 14) would be ranked (4, 3, 3, 1).

Nulls are ignored in ranking functions. They are not numbered and they do not count against the total number of records in percentile rank calculations.

For information on different ranking options, see Rank calculation.

RANK_PERCENTILE(expression, ['asc' | 'desc'])

Returns the percentile rank for the current row in the partition. Use the optional 'asc' | 'desc' argument to specify ascending or descending order. The default is ascending.

With this function, the set of values (6, 9, 9, 14) would be ranked (0.00, 0.67, 0.67, 1.00).

Nulls are ignored in ranking functions. They are not numbered and they do not count against the total number of records in percentile rank calculations.

For information on different ranking options, see Rank calculation.

RANK_UNIQUE(expression, ['asc' | 'desc'])

Returns the unique rank for the current row in the partition. Identical values are assigned different ranks. Use the optional 'asc' | 'desc' argument to specify ascending or descending order. The default is descending.

With this function, the set of values (6, 9, 9, 14) would be ranked (4, 2, 3, 1).

Nulls are ignored in ranking functions. They are not numbered and they do not count against the total number of records in percentile rank calculations.

For information on different ranking options, see Rank calculation.


Returns the running average of the given expression, from the first row in the partition to the current row.

The view below shows quarterly sales. When RUNNING_AVG(SUM([Sales]) is computed within the Date partition, the result is a running average of the sales values for each quarter.


RUNNING_AVG(SUM([Profit])) computes the running average of SUM(Profit).


Returns the running count of the given expression, from the first row in the partition to the current row.


RUNNING_COUNT(SUM([Profit])) computes the running count of SUM(Profit).


Returns the running maximum of the given expression, from the first row in the partition to the current row.


RUNNING_MAX(SUM([Profit])) computes the running maximum of SUM(Profit).


Returns the running minimum of the given expression, from the first row in the partition to the current row.


RUNNING_MIN(SUM([Profit])) computes the running minimum of SUM(Profit).


Returns the running sum of the given expression, from the first row in the partition to the current row.


RUNNING_SUM(SUM([Profit])) computes the running sum of SUM(Profit)


Returns the number of rows in the partition. For example, the view below shows quarterly sales. Within the Date partition, there are seven rows, so the Size() of the Date partition is 7.


SIZE() = 5 when the current partition contains five rows.

SCRIPT_ functions

The script functions:





are used to pass data to an external service such as R, TabPy or Matlab. See Analytics Extensions(Link opens in a new window).


Returns the total for the given expression in a table calculation partition.


Assume you are starting with this view:

You open the calculation editor and create a new field which you name Totality:

You then drop Totality on Text, to replace SUM(Sales). Your view changes such that it sums values based on the default Compute Using value:

This raises the question, What is the default Compute Using value? If you right-click (Control-click on a Mac) Totality in the Data pane and choose Edit, there is now an additional bit of information available:

The default Compute Using value is Table (Across). The result is that Totality is summing the values across each row of your table. Thus, the value that you see across each row is the sum of the values from the original version of the table.

The values in the 2011/Q1 row in the original table were $8601, $6579, $44262 and $15006. The values in the table after Totality replaces SUM(Sales) are all $74,448, which is the sum of the four original values.

Notice the triangle next to Totality after you drop it on Text:

This indicates that this field is using a table calculation. You can right-click the field and choose Edit Table Calculation to redirect your function to a different Compute Using value. For example, you could set it to Table (Down). In that case, your table would look like this:


Returns the total for the given expression in a table calculation partition.


Assume you are starting with this view:

You open the calculation editor and create a new field which you name Totality:

You then drop Totality on Text, to replace SUM(Sales). Your view changes such that it sums values based on the default Compute Using value:

This raises the question, What is the default Compute Using value? If you right-click (Control-click on a Mac) Totality in the Data pane and choose Edit, there is now an additional bit of information available:

The default Compute Using value is Table (Across). The result is that Totality is summing the values across each row of your table. Thus, the value that you see across each row is the sum of the values from the original version of the table.

The values in the 2011/Q1 row in the original table were $8601, $6579, $44262 and $15006. The values in the table after Totality replaces SUM(Sales) are all $74,448, which is the sum of the four original values.

Notice the triangle next to Totality after you drop it on Text:

This indicates that this field is using a table calculation. You can right-click the field and choose Edit Table Calculation to redirect your function to a different Compute Using value. For example, you could set it to Table (Down). In that case, your table would look like this:

WINDOW_CORR(expression1, expression2, [start, end])

Returns the Pearson correlation coefficient of two expressions within the window. The window is defined as offsets from the current row. Use FIRST()+n and LAST()-n for offsets from the first or last row in the partition. If start and end are omitted, the entire partition is used.

The Pearson correlation measures the linear relationship between two variables. Results range from -1 to +1 inclusive, where 1 denotes an exact positive linear relationship, as when a positive change in one variable implies a positive change of corresponding magnitude in the other, 0 denotes no linear relationship between the variance and - is an exact negative relationship.

There is an equivalent aggregation fuction: CORR. See Tableau Functions (Alphabetical)(Link opens in a new window).


The following formula returns the Pearson correlation of SUM(Profit) and SUM(Sales) from the five previous rows to the current row.

WINDOW_CORR(SUM[Profit]), SUM([Sales]), -5, 0)

WINDOW_COUNT(expression, [start, end])

Returns the count of the expression within the window. The window is defined by means of offsets from the current row. Use FIRST()+n and LAST()-n for offsets from the first or last row in the partition. If the start and end are omitted, the entire partition is used.


WINDOW_COUNT(SUM([Profit]), FIRST()+1, 0) computes the count of SUM(Profit) from the second row to the current row

WINDOW_COVAR(expression1, expression2, [start, end])

Returns the sample covariance of two expressions within the window. The window is defined as offsets from the current row. Use FIRST()+n and LAST()-n for offsets from the first or last row in the partition. If the start and end arguments are omitted, the window is the entire partition.

Sample covariance uses the number of non-null data points n - 1 to normalise the covariance calculation, rather than n, which is used by the population covariance (with the WINDOW_COVARP function). Sample covariance is the appropriate choice when the data is a random sample that is being used to estimate the covariance for a larger population.

There is an equivalent aggregation fuction: COVAR. See Tableau Functions (Alphabetical)(Link opens in a new window).


The following formula returns the sample covariance of SUM(Profit) and SUM(Sales) from the two previous rows to the current row.

WINDOW_COVAR(SUM([Profit]), SUM([Sales]), -2, 0)

WINDOW_COVARP(expression1, expression2, [start, end])

Returns the population covariance of two expressions within the window. The window is defined as offsets from the current row. Use FIRST()+n and LAST()-n for offsets from the first or last row in the partition. If start and end are omitted, the entire partition is used.

Population covariance is sample covariance multiplied by (n-1)/n, where n is the total number of non-null data points. Population covariance is the appropriate choice when there is data available for all items of interest as opposed to when there is only a random subset of items, in which case sample covariance (with the WINDOW_COVAR function) is appropriate.

There is an equivalent aggregation fuction: COVARP. Tableau Functions (Alphabetical)(Link opens in a new window).


The following formula returns the population covariance of SUM(Profit) and SUM(Sales) from the two previous rows to the current row.

WINDOW_COVARP(SUM([Profit]), SUM([Sales]), -2, 0)

WINDOW_MEDIAN(expression, [start, end])

Returns the median of the expression within the window. The window is defined by means of offsets from the current row. Use FIRST()+n and LAST()-n for offsets from the first or last row in the partition. If the start and end are omitted, the entire partition is used.

For example, the view below shows quarterly profit. A window median within the Date partition returns the median profit across all dates.


WINDOW_MEDIAN(SUM([Profit]), FIRST()+1, 0) computes the median of SUM(Profit) from the second row to the current row.

WINDOW_MAX(expression, [start, end])

Returns the maximum of the expression within the window. The window is defined by means of offsets from the current row. Use FIRST()+n and LAST()-n for offsets from the first or last row in the partition. If the start and end are omitted, the entire partition is used.

For example, the view below shows quarterly sales. A window maximum within the Date partition returns the maximum sales across all dates.


WINDOW_MAX(SUM([Profit]), FIRST()+1, 0) computes the maximum of SUM(Profit) from the second row to the current row.

WINDOW_MIN(expression, [start, end])

Returns the minimum of the expression within the window. The window is defined by means of offsets from the current row. Use FIRST()+n and LAST()-n for offsets from the first or last row in the partition. If the start and end are omitted, the entire partition is used.

For example, the view below shows quarterly sales. A window minimum within the Date partition returns the minimum sales across all dates.


WINDOW_MIN(SUM([Profit]), FIRST()+1, 0) computes the minimum of SUM(Profit) from the second row to the current row.

WINDOW_PERCENTILE(expression, number, [start, end])

Returns the value corresponding to the specified percentile within the window. The window is defined by means of offsets from the current row. Use FIRST()+n and LAST()-n for offsets from the first or last row in the partition. If the start and end are omitted, the entire partition is used.


WINDOW_PERCENTILE(SUM([Profit]), 0.75, -2, 0) returns the 75th percentile for SUM(Profit) from the two previous rows to the current row.

WINDOW_STDEV(expression, [start, end])

Returns the sample standard deviation of the expression within the window. The window is defined by means of offsets from the current row. Use FIRST()+n and LAST()-n for offsets from the first or last row in the partition. If the start and end are omitted, the entire partition is used.


WINDOW_STDEV(SUM([Profit]), FIRST()+1, 0) computes the standard deviation of SUM(Profit) from the second row to the current row.

WINDOW_STDEVP(expression, [start, end])

Returns the biased standard deviation of the expression within the window. The window is defined by means of offsets from the current row. Use FIRST()+n and LAST()-n for offsets from the first or last row in the partition. If the start and end are omitted, the entire partition is used.


WINDOW_STDEVP(SUM([Profit]), FIRST()+1, 0) computes the standard deviation of SUM(Profit) from the second row to the current row.

WINDOW_SUM(expression, [start, end])

Returns the sum of the expression within the window. The window is defined by means of offsets from the current row. Use FIRST()+n and LAST()-n for offsets from the first or last row in the partition. If the start and end are omitted, the entire partition is used.

For example, the view below shows quarterly sales. A window sum computed within the Date partition returns the summation of sales across all quarters.


WINDOW_SUM(SUM([Profit]), FIRST()+1, 0) computes the sum of SUM(Profit) from the second row to the current row.

WINDOW_VAR(expression, [start, end])

Returns the sample variance of the expression within the window. The window is defined by means of offsets from the current row. Use FIRST()+n and LAST()-n for offsets from the first or last row in the partition. If the start and end are omitted, the entire partition is used.


WINDOW_VAR((SUM([Profit])), FIRST()+1, 0) computes the variance of SUM(Profit) from the second row to the current row.

WINDOW_VARP(expression, [start, end])

Returns the biased variance of the expression within the window. The window is defined by means of offsets from the current row. Use FIRST()+n and LAST()-n for offsets from the first or last row in the partition. If the start and end are omitted, the entire partition is used.


WINDOW_VARP(SUM([Profit]), FIRST()+1, 0) computes the variance of SUM(Profit) from the second row to the current row.

Pass-Through functions (RAWSQL)

These RAWSQL pass-through functions can be used to send SQL expressions directly to the database, without first being interpreted by Tableau. If you have custom database functions that Tableau doesn’t know about, you can use these pass-through functions to call these custom functions.

Your database usually will not understand the field names that are shown in Tableau. Because Tableau does not interpret the SQL expressions you include in the pass-through functions, using the Tableau field names in your expression may cause errors. You can use a substitution syntax to insert the correct field name or expression for a Tableau calculation into pass-through SQL. For example, if you had a function that computed the median of a set of values, you could call that function on the Tableau column [Sales] like this:


Because Tableau does not interpret the expression, you must define the aggregation. You can use the RAWSQLAGG functions described below when you are using aggregated expressions.

RAWSQL pass-through functions may not work with extracts or published data sources if they contain relationships.

RAWSQL Functions

The following RAWSQL functions are available in Tableau.

RAWSQL_BOOL(“sql_expr”, [arg1], …[argN])

Returns a Boolean result from a given SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values.


In the example, %1 is equal to [Sales] and %2 is equal to [Profit].

RAWSQL_BOOL(“IIF( %1 > %2, True, False)”, [Sales], [Profit])

RAWSQL_DATE(“sql_expr”, [arg1], …[argN])

Returns a Date result from a given SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values.


In this example, %1 is equal to [Order Date].

RAWSQL_DATE(“%1”, [Order Date])

RAWSQL_DATETIME(“sql_expr”, [arg1], …[argN])

Returns a Date and Time result from a given SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values. In this example, %1 is equal to [Delivery Date].


RAWSQL_DATETIME(“MIN(%1)”, [Delivery Date])

RAWSQL_INT(“sql_expr”, [arg1], …[argN])

Returns an integer result from a given SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values. In this example, %1 is equal to [Sales].


RAWSQL_INT(“500 + %1”, [Sales])

RAWSQL_REAL(“sql_expr”, [arg1], …[argN])

Returns a numeric result from a given SQL expression that is passed directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values. In this example, %1 is equal to [Sales]


RAWSQL_REAL(“-123.98 * %1”, [Sales])


Returns a Spatial from a given SQL expression that is passed directly to the underlying data source. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values.


In this example, %1 is equal to [Geometry].

RAWSQL_SPATIAL("%1", [Geometry])

RAWSQL_STR(“sql_expr”, [arg1], …[argN])

Returns a string from a given SQL expression that is passed directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values. In this example, %1 is equal to [Customer Name].


RAWSQL_STR(“%1”, [Customer Name])

RAWSQLAGG_BOOL(“sql_expr”, [arg1], …[argN])

Returns a Boolean result from a given aggregate SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values.


In the example, %1 is equal to [Sales] and %2 is equal to [Profit].

RAWSQLAGG_BOOL(“SUM( %1) >SUM( %2)”, [Sales], [Profit])

RAWSQLAGG_DATE(“sql_expr”, [arg1], …[argN])

Returns a Date result from a given aggregate SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values. In this example, %1 is equal to [Order Date].


RAWSQLAGG_DATE(“MAX(%1)”, [Order Date])

RAWSQLAGG_DATETIME(“sql_expr”, [arg1], …[argN])

Returns a Date and Time result from a given aggregate SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values. In this example, %1 is equal to [Delivery Date].


RAWSQLAGG_DATETIME(“MIN(%1)”, [Delivery Date])

RAWSQLAGG_INT(“sql_expr”, [arg1,] …[argN])

Returns an integer result from a given aggregate SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values. In this example, %1 is equal to [Sales].


RAWSQLAGG_INT(“500 + SUM(%1)”, [Sales])

RAWSQLAGG_REAL(“sql_expr”, [arg1,] …[argN])

Returns a numeric result from a given aggregate SQL expression that is passed directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values. In this example, %1 is equal to [Sales]


RAWSQLAGG_REAL(“SUM( %1)”, [Sales])

RAWSQLAGG_STR(“sql_expr”, [arg1,] …[argN])

Returns a string from a given aggregate SQL expression that is passed directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values. In this example, %1 is equal to [Discount].


RAWSQLAGG_STR(“AVG(%1)”, [Discount])

Spatial functions

Spatial functions allow you to perform advanced spatial analysis and combine spatial files with data in other formats like text files or spreadsheets.


SyntaxAREA(Spatial Polygon, 'units')
DefinitionReturns the total surface area of a <spatial polygon>.
AREA([Geometry], 'feet')

Supported unit names (must be in quotation marks in the calculation, such as 'miles'):

  • metres: meters, metres, m
  • kilometres: kilometers, kilometres, km
  • miles: miles, mi
  • feet: feet, ft


SyntaxBUFFER(Spatial Point, distance, 'units')

BUFFER(Linestring, distance, 'units')

  • metres: meters, metres, m
  • kilometres: kilometers, kilometres, km
  • miles: miles, mi
  • feet: feet, ft

For spatial points, returns a polygon shape centred over a <spatial point>, with a radius determined by the <distance> and <unit> values.

For linestrings, computes the polygons formed by including all points within the radius distance from the linestring.

BUFFER([Spatial Point Geometry], 25, 'mi')
BUFFER(MAKEPOINT(47.59, -122.32), 3, 'km')

Supported unit names (must be in quotation marks in the calculation, such as 'miles'):

  • metres: meters, metres, m
  • kilometres: kilometers, kilometres, km
  • miles: miles, mi
  • feet: feet, ft


SyntaxDIFFERENCE(Spatial, Spatial)
OutputSpatial Polygon
DefinitionComputes the portions of regions remaining when all regions in the second argument are carved out of the first argument in areas that overlap. Discards regions from the second argument in areas that don't overlap.
DIFFERENCE(Spatial Polygon1, Spatial Polygon2)

Supports spatial polygons and multipolygons, not spatial points or lines.


SyntaxDISTANCE(SpatialPoint1, SpatialPoint2, 'units')
DefinitionReturns the distance measurement between two points in the specified <unit>.
DISTANCE([Origin Point],[Destination Point], 'km')

Supported unit names (must be in quotation marks in the calculation, such as 'miles'):

  • metres: meters, metres, m
  • kilometres: kilometers, kilometres, km
  • miles: miles, mi
  • feet: feet, ft
Database limitationsThis function can only be created with a live connection but will continue to work if the data source is converted to an extract.


SyntaxINTERSECTION (spatial, spatial)
DefinitionComputes and returns the portions of regions in the second argument that overlap regions in the first argument.
ExampleINTERSECTION (Spatial Polygon1, Spatial Polygon2)
NotesSupports spatial polygons and multipolygons, not spatial points or lines.


SyntaxINTERSECTS (geometry1, geometry2)
DefinitionReturns true or false indicating whether two geometries overlap in space.
NotesSupported combinations: point/polygon, line/polygon and polygon/polygon.


SyntaxMAKELINE(SpatialPoint1, SpatialPoint2)
OutputGeometry (line)
DefinitionGenerates a line mark between two points
MAKELINE(MAKEPOINT(47.59, -122.32), MAKEPOINT(48.5, -123.1))
NotesUseful for building origin-destination maps.


SyntaxMAKEPOINT(latitude, longitude, [SRID])
OutputGeometry (point)

Converts data from <latitude> and <longitude> columns into spatial objects.

If the optional <SRID> argument is added, the inputs can be other projected geographic coordinates.

MAKEPOINT(48.5, -123.1)
MAKEPOINT([AirportLatitude], [AirportLongitude])
MAKEPOINT([Xcoord],[Ycoord], 3493)

MAKEPOINT can't use the automatically generated latitude and longitude fields. The data source must contain the coordinates natively.

SRID is a spatial reference identifier that uses ESPG reference system codes(Link opens in a new window) to specify coordinate systems. If SRID is not specified, WGS84 is assumed and parameters are treated as latitude/longitude in degrees.

You can use MAKEPOINT to spatially enable a data source so that it can be joined with a spatial file using a spatial join. For more information, see Join Spatial Files in Tableau.


SyntaxLENGTH(geometry, 'units')
DefinitionReturns the geodetic path length of the line string or strings in the <geometry> using the given <units>.
LENGTH([Spatial], 'metres')
NotesThe result is <NaN> if the geometry argument has no linestrings, though other elements are permitted.


SyntaxOUTLINE(spatial polygon)
DefinitionConverts a polygon geometry into linestrings.

Useful for creating a separate layer for an outline that can be styled differently than the fill.

Supports polygons within multipolygons.


DefinitionReturns a string describing the structure of the spatial <geometry>, such as Empty, Point, MultiPoint, LineString, MultiLinestring, Polygon, MultiPolygon, Mixed and unsupported.
SHAPETYPE(MAKEPOINT(48.5, -123.1)) = "Point"


SyntaxSYMDIFFERENCE(spatial, spatial)
DefinitionComputes any portions of regions from the second argument that overlap regions in the first argument and discards from both. Returns the remaining portions of regions from both arguments.

SYMDIFFERENCE(Spatial Polygon1, Spatial Polygon2)


SyntaxVALIDATE(spatial geometry)
DefinitionConfirms topological correctness of the geometry in your spatial value. If the value cannot be used for analysis due to problems such as a polygon’s perimeter intersecting itself, then the result will be a null. If the geometry is correct, the result will be the original geometry.


Additional functions
For more information, see Pass-Through Functions (RAWSQL)(Link opens in a new window).

Regular Expressions

REGEXP_REPLACE(string, pattern, replacement)

Returns a copy of the given string where the regular expression pattern is replaced by the replacement string. This function is available for Text File, Hadoop Hive, Google BigQuery, PostgreSQL, Tableau Data Extract, Microsoft Excel, Salesforce, Vertica, Pivotal Greenplum, Teradata (version 14.1 and above), Snowflake and Oracle data sources.

For Tableau data extracts, the pattern and the replacement must be constants.

For information on regular expression syntax, see your data source's documentation. For Tableau extracts, regular expression syntax conforms to the standards of the ICU (International Components for Unicode), an open source project of mature C/C++ and Java libraries for Unicode support, software internationalisation and software globalisation. See the Regular Expressions(Link opens in a new window) page in the online ICU User Guide.


REGEXP_REPLACE('abc 123', '\s', '-') = 'abc-123'

REGEXP_MATCH(string, pattern)

Returns true if a substring of the specified string matches the regular expression pattern. This function is available for Text File, Google BigQuery, PostgreSQL, Tableau Data Extract, Microsoft Excel, Salesforce, Vertica, Pivotal Greenplum, Teradata (version 14.1 and above), Impala 2.3.0 (through Cloudera Hadoop data sources), Snowflake and Oracle data sources.

For Tableau data extracts, the pattern must be a constant.

For information on regular expression syntax, see your data source's documentation. For Tableau extracts, regular expression syntax conforms to the standards of the ICU (International Components for Unicode), an open source project of mature C/C++ and Java libraries for Unicode support, software internationalisation and software globalisation. See the Regular Expressions(Link opens in a new window) page in the online ICU User Guide.



REGEXP_EXTRACT(string, pattern)

Returns the portion of the string that matches the regular expression pattern. This function is available for Text File, Hadoop Hive, Google BigQuery, PostgreSQL, Tableau Data Extract, Microsoft Excel, Salesforce, Vertica, Pivotal Greenplum, Teradata (version 14.1 and above), Snowflake and Oracle data sources.

For Tableau data extracts, the pattern must be a constant.

For information on regular expression syntax, see your data source's documentation. For Tableau extracts, regular expression syntax conforms to the standards of the ICU (International Components for Unicode), an open source project of mature C/C++ and Java libraries for Unicode support, software internationalisation and software globalisation. See the Regular Expressions(Link opens in a new window) page in the online ICU User Guide.


REGEXP_EXTRACT('abc 123', '[a-z]+\s+(\d+)') = '123'

REGEXP_EXTRACT_NTH(string, pattern, index)

Returns the portion of the string that matches the regular expression pattern. The substring is matched to the nth capturing group, where n is the given index. If index is 0, the entire string is returned. This function is available for Text File, PostgreSQL, Tableau Data Extract, Microsoft Excel, Salesforce, Vertica, Pivotal Greenplum, Teradata (version 14.1 and above) and Oracle data sources.

For Tableau data extracts, the pattern must be a constant.

For information on regular expression syntax, see your data source's documentation. For Tableau extracts, regular expression syntax conforms to the standards of the ICU (International Components for Unicode), an open source project of mature C/C++ and Java libraries for Unicode support, software internationalisation and software globalisation. See the Regular Expressions(Link opens in a new window) page in the online ICU User Guide.


REGEXP_EXTRACT_NTH('abc 123', '([a-z]+)\s+(\d+)', 2) = '123'

Hadoop Hive Specific Functions

Note: Only the PARSE_URL and PARSE_URL_QUERY functions are available for Cloudera Impala data sources.


Returns the JSON object within the JSON string based on the JSON path.

PARSE_URL(string, url_part)

Returns a component of the given URL string where the component is defined by url_part. Valid url_part values include: 'HOST', 'PATH', 'QUERY', 'REF', 'PROTOCOL', 'AUTHORITY', 'FILE' and 'USERINFO'.


PARSE_URL('', 'HOST') = ''

PARSE_URL_QUERY(string, key)

Returns the value of the specified query parameter in the given URL string. The query parameter is defined by the key.


PARSE_URL_QUERY('', 'page') = '1'

XPATH_BOOLEAN(XML string, XPath expression string)

Returns true if the XPath expression matches a node or evaluates to true.


XPATH_BOOLEAN('<values> <value id="0">1</value><value id="1">5</value>', 'values/value[@id="1"] = 5') = true

XPATH_DOUBLE(XML string, XPath expression string)

Returns the floating-point value of the XPath expression.


XPATH_DOUBLE('<values><value>1.0</value><value>5.5</value> </values>', 'sum(value/*)') = 6.5

XPATH_FLOAT(XML string, XPath expression string)

Returns the floating-point value of the XPath expression.


XPATH_FLOAT('<values><value>1.0</value><value>5.5</value> </values>','sum(value/*)') = 6.5

XPATH_INT(XML string, XPath expression string)

Returns the numerical value of the XPath expression, or zero if the XPath expression cannot evaluate to a number.


XPATH_INT('<values><value>1</value><value>5</value> </values>','sum(value/*)') = 6

XPATH_LONG(XML string, XPath expression string)

Returns the numerical value of the XPath expression, or zero if the XPath expression cannot evaluate to a number.


XPATH_LONG('<values><value>1</value><value>5</value> </values>','sum(value/*)') = 6

XPATH_SHORT(XML string, XPath expression string)

Returns the numerical value of the XPath expression, or zero if the XPath expression cannot evaluate to a number.


XPATH_SHORT('<values><value>1</value><value>5</value> </values>','sum(value/*)') = 6

XPATH_STRING(XML string, XPath expression string)

Returns the text of the first matching node.


XPATH_STRING('<sites ><url domain="org"></url> <url domain="com"></url></sites>', 'sites/url[@domain="com"]') = ''

Google BigQuery Specific Functions


Given a URL string, returns the domain as a string.


DOMAIN('') = ''


Concatenates values from each record into a single comma-delimited string. This function acts like a SUM() for strings.


GROUP_CONCAT(Region) = "Central,East,West"


Given a URL string, returns the host name as a string.


HOST('') = ''


Returns the logarithm base 2 of a number.


LOG2(16) = '4.00'

LTRIM_THIS(string, string)

Returns the first string with any leading occurrence of the second string removed.


LTRIM_THIS('[-Sales-]','[-') = 'Sales-]'

RTRIM_THIS(string, string)

Returns the first string with any trailing occurrence of the second string removed.


RTRIM_THIS('[-Market-]','-]') = '[-Market'


Converts a TIMESTAMP data type to a UNIX timestamp in microseconds.


TIMESTAMP_TO_USEC(#2012-10-01 01:02:03#)=1349053323000000


Converts a UNIX timestamp in microsseconds to a TIMESTAMP data type.


USEC_TO_TIMESTAMP(1349053323000000) = #2012-10-01 01:02:03#


Given a URL string, returns the top level domain plus any country/region domain in the URL.


TLD('') = '.com'

TLD('') = ''


Want to learn more about functions?

Read the functions topics(Link opens in a new window).

See also

Tableau Functions (Alphabetical)(Link opens in a new window)

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