Logical Functions

This article introduces logical functions and their uses in Tableau. It also demonstrates how to create a logical calculation using an example.

Why use logical calculations

Logical calculations allow you to determine whether a certain condition is true or false (Boolean logic). For example, you might want to categorise values based on certain cut-offs.

A logical calculation might look something like this:

IF [Profit] > 0 
THEN 'Profitable'
ELSEIF [Profit] = 0 THEN 'Break even'
ELSE 'Loss'

Logical functions and operators available in Tableau


Syntax<expr1> AND <expr2>
DefinitionPerforms a logical conjunction on two expressions. (If both sides are true, the logical test returns true.)
OutputBoolean (true or false)
IF [Season] = "Spring" AND "[Season] = "Fall" 
THEN "It's the apocalypse and footwear doesn't matter"

“If both (Season = Spring) and (Season = Autumn) are true simultaneously, then return ‘It's the apocalypse and footwear doesn't matter’.”


Often used with IF and IIF. See also NOT and OR.

If both expressions are TRUE (that is, not FALSE or NULL), then the result is TRUE. If either expression is NULL, then the result is NULL. In all other cases, the result is FALSE.

If you create a calculation in which the result of an AND comparison is displayed on a worksheet, Tableau displays TRUE and FALSE. If you would like to change this, use the Format area in the format dialog.

Note: The AND operator employs short circuit evaluation. This means that if the first expression is evaluated to be FALSE, then the second expression is not evaluated at all. This can be helpful if the second expression results in an error when the first expression is FALSE, because the second expression in this case is never evaluated.


SyntaxCASE <expression>
WHEN <value1> THEN <then1>
WHEN <value2> THEN <then2>
[ELSE <default>]
OutputDepends on data type of the <then> values.

Evaluates the expression and compares it to the specified options (<value1>, <value2>, etc.). When a value that matches expression is encountered, CASE returns the corresponding return. If no match is found, the (optional) default is returned. If there is no default and no values match, then Null is returned.

CASE [Season] 
WHEN 'Summer' THEN 'Sandals'
WHEN 'Winter' THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers'

"Look at the Season field. If the value is Summer, then return Sandals. If the value is Winter, then return Boots. If none of the options in the calculation match what is in the Season field, return Sneakers."


See also IF and IIF.

Used with WHEN, THEN, ELSE and END.

Tip: Many times you can use a group to get the same results as a complicated CASE function, or use CASE to replace native grouping functionality, such as in the previous example. You may want to test which is more performant for your scenario.


SyntaxCASE <expression>
WHEN <value1> THEN <then1>
WHEN <value2> THEN <then2>
[ELSE <default>]
DefinitionAn optional piece of an IF or CASE expression used to specify a default value to return if none of the tested expressions are true.
IF [Season] = "Summer" THEN 'Sandals' 
ELSEIF [Season] = "Winter" THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers' 
CASE [Season] 
WHEN 'Summer' THEN 'Sandals'
WHEN 'Winter' THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers'


ELSE is optional with CASE and IF. In a calculation where ELSE is not specified, if none of the <test> are true, the overall calculation will return null.

ELSE does not require a condition (such as [Season] = "Winter") and can be thought of as a form of null handling.


Syntax[ELSEIF <test2> THEN <then2>]
DefinitionAn optional piece of an IF expression used to specify additional conditions beyond the initial IF.
IF [Season] = "Summer" THEN 'Sandals' 
ELSEIF [Season] = "Winter" THEN 'Boots'
ELSEIF [Season] = "Spring" THEN 'Sneakers'
ELSEIF [Season] = "Autumn" THEN 'Sneakers'
ELSE 'Bare feet'

Used with IF, THEN, ELSE and END

ELSEIF can be thought of as additional IF clauses. ELSEIF is optional and can be repeated multiple times.

Unlike ELSE, ELSEIF requires a condition (such as [Season] = "Winter").


DefinitionUsed to close an IF or CASE expression.
IF [Season] = "Summer" THEN 'Sandals' 
ELSEIF [Season] = "Winter" THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers' 

"If Season = Summer, then return Sandals. If not, look at the next expression. If Season = Winter, then return Boots. If neither of the expressions are true, return Sneakers."

CASE [Season] 
WHEN 'Summer' THEN 'Sandals'
WHEN 'Winter' THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers'

"Look at the Season field. If the value is Summer, then return Sandals. If the value is Winter, then return Boots. If none of the options in the calculation match what is in the Season field, return Sneakers."




SyntaxIF <test1> THEN <then1>
[ELSEIF <test2> THEN <then2>...]
[ELSE <default>]
OutputDepends on data type of the <then> values.

Tests a series of expressions and returns the <then> value for the first true <test>.

IF [Season] = "Summer" THEN 'Sandals' 
ELSEIF [Season] = "Winter" THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers' 

"If Season = Summer, then return Sandals. If not, look at the next expression. If Season = Winter, then return Boots. If neither of the expressions are true, return Sneakers."


See also IF and IIF.

Used with ELSEIF, THEN, ELSE and END


SyntaxIFNULL(expr1, expr2)
OutputDepends on the data type of the <expr> values.

Returns <expr1> if it's non-null, otherwise returns <expr2>.

IFNULL([Assigned Room], "TBD")

"If the Assigned Room field isn't null, return its value. If the Assigned room field is null, return TBD instead."


Compare with ISNULL. IFNULL always returns a value. ISNULL returns a boolean (true or false).

See also ZN.


SyntaxIIF(<test>, <then>, <else>, [<unknown>])
OutputDepends on the data type of the values in the expression.
DefinitionChecks whether a condition is met (<test>) and returns <then> if the test is true, <else> if the test is false and an optional value for <unknown> if the test is null. If the optional unknown isn't specified, IIF returns null.
IIF([Season] = 'Summer', 'Sandals', 'Other footwear')

"If Season = Summer, then return Sandals. If not, return Other footwear"

IIF([Season] = 'Summer', 'Sandals', 
IIF('Season' = 'Winter', 'Boots', 'Other footwear')

"If Season = Summer, then return Sandals. If not, look at the next expression. If Season = Winter, then return Boots. If neither are true, return Sneakers."

IIF('Season' = 'Summer', 'Sandals', 
IIF('Season' = 'Winter', 'Boots',
IIF('Season' = 'Spring', 'Sneakers', 'Other footwear')

"If Season = Summer, then return Sandals. If not, look at the next expression. If Season = Winter, then return Boots. If none of the expressions are true, return Sneakers."


See also IF andCASE.

IIF doesn't have an equivalent to ELSEIF (like IF) or repeated WHEN clauses (like CASE). Instead, multiple tests can be evaluated sequentially by nesting IIF statements as the <unknown> element. The first (outermost) true is returned.

That is to say, in the calculation below, the result will be Red, not Orange, because the expression stops being evaluated as soon as A=A is evaluated as true:

IIF('A' = 'A', 'Red', IIF('B' = 'B', 'Orange', IIF('C' = 'D', 'Yellow', 'Green')))


Syntax<expr1> IN <expr2>
OutputBoolean (true or false)
DefinitionReturns TRUE if any value in <expr1> matches any value in <expr2>.
SUM([Cost]) IN (1000, 15, 200)

"Is the value of the Cost field 1000, 15 or 200?"

[Field] IN [Set]

"Is the value of the field present in the set?"


The values in <expr2> can be a set, list of literal values or combined field.

See also WHEN.


OutputBoolean (true or false)
DefinitionReturns true if a <string> is a valid date. The input expression must be a string (text) field.

"Is the string 2018-09-22 a properly formatted date?"


What is considered a valid date depends on the locale(Link opens in a new window) of the system evaluating the calculation. For example:

In the USA:

  • ISDATE("2018-09-22") = TRUE
  • ISDATE("2018-22-09") = FALSE

In the UK:

  • ISDATE("2018-09-22") = FALSE
  • ISDATE("2018-22-09") = TRUE


OutputBoolean (true or false)

Returns true if the <expression> is NULL (does not contain valid data).

ISNULL([Assigned Room])

"Is the Assigned Room field null?"


Compare with IFNULL. IFNULL always returns a value. ISNULL returns a boolean.

See also ZN.


SyntaxMAX(expression) or MAX(expr1, expr2)
OutputSame data type as the argument, or NULL if any part of the argument is null.

Returns the maximum of the two arguments, which must be of the same data type.

MAX can also be applied to a single field as an aggregation.

MAX(4,7) = 7
MAX(#3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = #2/20/2021#
MAX([Name]) = "Zander"

For strings

MAX is usually the value that comes last in alphabetical order.

For database data sources, the MAX string value is highest in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column.

For dates

For dates, the MAX is the most recent date. If MAX is an aggregation, the result will not have a date hierarchy. If MAX is a comparison, the result will retain the date hierarchy.

As an aggregation

MAX(expression) is an aggregate function and returns a single aggregated result. This displays as AGG(expression) in the viz.

As a comparison

MAX(expr1, expr2) compares the two values and returns a row-level value.

See also MIN.


SyntaxMIN(expression) or MIN(expr1, expr2)
OutputSame data type as the argument, or NULL if any part of the argument is null.

Returns the minimum of the two arguments, which must be of the same data type.

MIN can also be applied to a single field as an aggregation.

MIN(4,7) = 4
MIN(#3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = #3/25/1986#
MIN([Name]) = "Abebi"

For strings

MIN is usually the value that comes first in alphabetical order.

For database data sources, the MIN string value is lowest in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column.

For dates

For dates, the MIN is the earliest date. If MIN is an aggregation, the result will not have a date hierarchy. If MIN is a comparison, the result will retain the date hierarchy.

As an aggregation

MIN(expression) is an aggregate function and returns a single aggregated result. This displays as AGG(expression) in the viz.

As a comparison

MIN(expr1, expr2) compares the two values and returns a row-level value.

See also MAX.


SyntaxNOT <expression>
OutputBoolean (true or false)
DefinitionPerforms logical negation on an expression.
IF NOT [Season] = "Summer" 
THEN 'Don't wear sandals'
ELSE 'Wear sandals' 

"If Season doesn't equal Summer, then return Don't wear sandals. If not, return Wear sandals."


Often used with IF and IIF. See also AND and OR.


Syntax<expr1> OR <expr2>
OutputBoolean (true or false)
DefinitionPerforms a logical disjunction on two expressions.
IF [Season] = "Spring" OR [Season] = "Fall" 
THEN "Sneakers"

"If either (Season = Spring) or (Season = Fall) is true, then return Sneakers."


Often used with IF and IIF. See also AND and NOT.

If either expression is TRUE, then the result is TRUE. If both expressions are FALSE, then the result is FALSE. If both expressions are NULL, then the result is NULL.

If you create a calculation that displays the result of an OR comparison on a worksheet, Tableau displays TRUE and FALSE. If you would like to change this, use the Format area in the format dialog.

Note: The OR operator employs short circuit evaluation. This means that if the first expression is evaluated to be TRUE, then the second expression is not evaluated at all. This can be helpful if the second expression results in an error when the first expression is TRUE, because the second expression in this case is never evaluated.


SyntaxIF <test1> THEN <then1>
[ELSEIF <test2> THEN <then2>...]
[ELSE <default>]
DefinitionA required part of an IF, ELSEIF or CASE expression, used to define what result to return if a specific value or test is true.
IF [Season] = "Summer" THEN 'Sandals' 
ELSEIF [Season] = "Winter" THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers' 

"If Season = Summer, then return Sandals. If not, look at the next expression. If Season = Winter, then return Boots. If neither of the expressions are true, return Sneakers."

CASE [Season] 
WHEN 'Summer' THEN 'Sandals'
WHEN 'Winter' THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers'

"Look at the Season field. If the value is Summer, then return Sandals. If the value is Winter, then return Boots. If none of the options in the calculation match what is in the Season field, return Sneakers."




SyntaxCASE <expression>
WHEN <value1> THEN <then1>
WHEN <value2> THEN <then2>
[ELSE <default>]
DefinitionA required part of a CASE expression. Finds the first <value> that matches <expression> and returns the corresponding <then>.
CASE [Season] 
WHEN 'Summer' THEN 'Sandals'
WHEN 'Winter' THEN 'Boots'
ELSE 'Sneakers'

"Look at the Season field. If the value is Summer, then return Sandals. If the value is Winter, then return Boots. If none of the options in the calculation match what is in the Season field, return Sneakers."


Used with CASE, THEN, ELSE and END.

CASE also supports WHEN IN construction, such as:

CASE <expression> 
WHEN IN <set1> THEN <then1>
WHEN IN <combinedfield> THEN <then2>
ELSE <default>

The values that WHEN IN compare to must be a set, list of literal values or combined field. See also IN.


OutputDepends on the data type of the <expression>, or 0.
DefinitionReturns <expression> if it isn't null; otherwise returns zero.
ZN([Test Grade])

"If the test grade isn't null, return its value. If the test grade is null, return 0."


ZN is a specialised case of IFNULL where the alternative if the expression is null is always 0 rather than being specified in the calculation.

ZN is especially useful when performing additional calculations, and a null would render the entire calculation null. However, use caution interpreting these results as null is not always synonymous with 0 and could represent missing data.

See also ISNULL.

Note: Some of these are actually logical operators and appear in black, not blue. For more information, see Operator syntax.

Note on CASE, IF and IIF

Create a logical calculation

Follow along with the steps below to learn how to create a logical calculation.

  1. In Tableau Desktop, connect to the Sample - Superstore saved data source, which comes with Tableau.
  2. Navigate to a worksheet.
  3. From the Data pane, drag State to the Rows shelf.
  4. From the Data pane, drag Category to the Rows shelf and place it to the right of State.
  5. From the Data pane, drag Sales to the Columns shelf.
  6. Select Analysis > Create Calculated Field.
  7. In the calculation editor that opens, do the following:
    • Name the calculated field KPI.
    • Enter the following formula:
      SUM([Profit]) > 0

      This calculation quickly checks if a member is great than zero. If so, it returns true; if not, it returns false.

    • When finished, click OK.
  8. The new calculated field appears under Measures in the Data pane. Just like your other fields, you can use it in onr or more visualisations.

  9. From the Data pane, drag KPI to Colour on the Marks card.

    You can now see which categories are losing money in each state.

See Also

Visualise Key Progress Indicators

Functions in Tableau

Tableau Functions (by Category)

Tableau Functions (Alphabetical)