Migration Limitations

There are certain limitations to migrations when using the Tableau Content Migration Tool. Before creating your migration plan, review the sections below to learn about version compatibility and content that will not be migrated.

Compatibility with Tableau content

The Content Migration Tool supports migrating workbooks and published data sources saved in the eight most recent versions of Tableau. Workbooks and published data sources saved before version 2018.1.x are not supported by CMT. For more information, see Getting Started with Tableau Content Migration Tool.


The following configurations are not migrated to the destination site when using the Content Migration Tool.

Data connections

While you can migrate existing data sources, only data sources that use the connection types in the table below can be changed and modified during migration. For more information, see Data Source Transformations in Migration Plans: Workbooks and Migration Plans: Published Data Sources.

Actian Matrix

Actian Vectorwise

Amazon Athena

Amazon Aurora

Amazon EMR

Amazon Redshift

Apache Drill

Aster Database


Cloudera Hadoop

Delimited Text File



Google Analytics

Google BigQuery

Google Cloud SQL

Google Drive

HortonWorks Hadoop Hive

HP Vertica


IBM Netezza

Map R Hadoop Hive

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Analysis Services

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel Direct

Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft SQL Server




Oracle Essbase

Pivotal Greenplum Database


Progress OpenEdge



SAP Sybase ASE

SAP Sybase IQ


Spark SQL

Statistical File

Tableau Extracts

Tableau Server Data Sources


Text File

Web Data Connector

Other Databases (ODBC)

Unsupported content

The following content is not migrated to the destination site when using the Content Migration Tool and will require additional configuration.

Content Action required
Ask Data lenses Users must recreate Ask Data lenses on the destination site. For more information, see Create Lenses that Focus Ask Data for Specific Audiences.
Collections Users must recreate collections on the destination site. For more information, see Collections(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Desktop help.
Comments Users must re-add comments to views on the destination site. For more information, see Comment on Views(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Desktop help.
Custom views Users must recreate custom views on the destination site. For more information, see Use Custom Views(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Desktop help.
Data roles Users must recreate data roles on the destination site. For more information see Use Data Roles to Validate your Data(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Prep Builder help.
Data source certifications If you have the following site roles and capabilities, you can certify data sources on the destination site.
  • Site Administrator Creator

  • Creator or Explorer (can publish) with Project Leader capability on the project containing the data source

For more information, see Use Certification to Help Users Find Trusted Data.

Data-driven alerts Users must recreate data-driven alerts for dashboards and views on the destination site. After data-driven alerts are created, anyone with access to the view can add themselves to existing alerts.

For more information, see Send Data-Driven Alerts from Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Desktop help.

Descriptions for workbooks and data sources If you own the content item or have the appropriate permissions, you can edit the item's description on the destination site. For more information, see Add or edit descriptions(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Desktop help.
Embedded credentials

For security purposes, Tableau Server removes embedded credentials from data sources during the download process.

Note: CMT does not support embedded credential migration for OAuth connections. To migrate OAuth credentials, use the Set Connection Info data source transformation.

External assets Customized attributes for external assets are not migrated to the destination site. For example, tags, certifications, data quality warnings, descriptions, permissions, user contacts, tables, and columns must be recreated. For more information, see Manage Permissions for External Assets.
Extract refresh schedules Extract refresh schedules cannot be migrated to Tableau Cloud destination sites. To refresh data on Tableau Cloud, you can run extract refreshes manually or create new extract refresh schedules. For more information, see Schedule Refreshes on Tableau Cloud.
Favorites Users must reselect their favorite content on the destination site. For more information, see Mark Favorites(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Desktop help.
Flows To run flows on a schedule, users must republish flows to the destination site with Tableau Prep. For more information, see Publish a Flow to Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Prep help.
Incremental extract refreshes Incremental extract refreshes are changed to full extract refreshes on the destination site. Users must reconfigure incremental refreshes in Tableau Desktop and publish extracts to the destination site after migration. For more information, see Refresh Extracts(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Desktop help.

The historical values for metrics are removed from views, and users must recreate metrics on the destination site. For more information, see Create and Troubleshoot Metrics (Retired). The legacy Metrics feature was retired in February 2024 for Tableau Cloud and in Tableau Server version 2024.2. For more information, see Create and Troubleshoot Metrics (Retired).

Revision history To migrate previous versions of workbooks to the destination site, users must download the versions they wish to keep and republish the workbook to the destination site. For more information see Work with Content Revisions(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Desktop help.
Subscriptions Users must resubscribe to views and workbooks on the destination site. For more information, see Create a Subscription to a View or Workbook.
Thumbnails for workbooks and views Workbooks and views that are migrated using the Content Migration Tool will retain their original thumbnails, even if the migration plan includes transformations that result in the views being rendered differently (for example, if data connections change).

To update thumbnails, edit the workbook or view on the destination site and re-save it. For more information, see Edit Tableau Views on the Web(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Desktop help.

Virtual connections

Users must recreate virtual connections on the destination site. For more information, see Create a Virtual Connection.