tsm licenses

You can use the tsm licenses commands to manage server license tasks like activating or deactivating a Tableau Server product key on- or off-line, and getting associated files for offline activation or deactivation.

tsm licenses activate

Activates a Tableau Server product key.

If the computer where you are running Tableau Server has been configured to connect to the internet through a forward proxy, follow the procedure in the topic, Configure Product Key Operations with Forward Proxy, before running this command.


tsm licenses activate --license-key <product-key> [global options]


-f, --license-file <file.tlf>

Required if doing offline activation.

Specifies the license file (<file>.tlf) used for offline activation.

-k, --license-key <product-key>

Required if activating a valid product key.

Specifies the product key to use for online activation.

-t, --trial

Note: This option is only available in versions earlier than 2023.3.0. For trial licensing with later versions, contact your account representative.

Required if activating a trial license.

Activate a trial license.

tsm licenses atr-configuration get

View the Server authentication-to-run (ATR) duration. The ATR duration is the length of time that Tableau Server is authorized to run before the license must be renewed.


tsm licenses atr-configuration get --duration [global options]



Displays the current authentication-to-run (ATR) in seconds. For example, 432000 (5 days).

tsm licenses atr-configuration set

Set the Server authentication-to-run (ATR) duration. The ATR duration is the length of time that Tableau Server is authorized to run before the license must be renewed.


tsm licenses atr-configuration set --duration <duration_in_seconds> [global options]


--duration <duration_in_seconds>

Sets the authorization-to-run (ATR) duration (in seconds). For example, 432000 (5 days).

tsm licenses deactivate

Deactivates a Tableau Server product key either online or offline.

If the computer where you are running Tableau Server has been configured to connect to the internet through a forward proxy, follow the procedure in the topic, Configure Product Key Operations with Forward Proxy, before running this command.


tsm licenses deactivate --license-key <product-key> [global options]


-f, --license-file <return_file.tlr>

Required if doing offline deactivation.

Specifies the license file (<file>.tlf) used for offline deactivation.

-k, --license-key <product-key>

Required if deactivating a product key.

Specifies the product key to use for online deactivation.

tsm licenses get-offline-activation-file

Generate an offline activate file to use for activating Tableau Server offline. To learn more, see Activate Tableau Server Offline.

Note: You can only activate one product key at a time unless you're using Server ATR. With Server ATR, you can provide a comma delimited list of product keys in the offline activation file to simultaneously activate multiple product keys.


tsm licenses get-offline-activation-file --license-key <product-key> --output-dir <path> [global options]


-k, --license-key <product-key>


Specifies the product key to use for offline activation.

-o, --output-dir <path>


The location where the offline activation file should be saved. This location must exist.

tsm licenses get-offline-deactivation-file

Generate an offline deactivation file to use for deactivating Tableau Server offline. To learn more, see Deactivate Tableau Server Offline.


tsm licenses get-offline-deactivation-file --license-key <product-key> --output-dir <path> [global options]


-k, --license-key <product-key>


Specifies the product key to use for offline deactivation.

-o, --output-dir <path>


The existing location where the offline deactivation file should be saved.

tsm licenses list

Lists licenses that are activated on the Tableau Server deployment.

For example, a server with five Creator licenses, five Explorer licenses, 100 Viewer licenses, and Data Management would provide command output similar to the following:

List of four Tableau licenses and details about their expiration dates.

The following fields are returned:

  • KEY: A globally unique 16-character string that identifies the license.
  • TYPE: Describes the type of license
    • Term: Term licenses map to a subscription schedule and must be renewed. The expiration date is listed under the LIC EXP field.
    • Perpetual: Perpetual licenses are purchased once and do not need to be renewed but must be refreshed to update the MAINT EXP or maintenance expiration date.
    • Cores: Core licenses are licenses that map to the number of cores on the computers running specific Tableau Server services. Core licensing allows for a guest user access to views on the server or embedded on other web servers. Core licenses also allow for unlimited Explorer and Viewer users.
  • CREATOR: The number of Creator licenses issued to the Tableau Server deployment.
  • EXPLORER: The number of Explorer licenses issued to the Tableau Server deployment.
  • VIEWER: The number of Viewer licenses issued to the Tableau Server deployment.
  • DATA MANAGEMENT:Tableau Server is licensed with Data Management (True/False). See About Data Management.
  • GUEST ACCESS: Tableau Server is licensed for a Guest User. See Guest User. The ability to leverage a Guest User requires Core licensing. See TYPE field.
  • LIC EXP: The date that the license expires and Tableau Server will stop working. Term licenses expire. See TYPE field. Visit the Tableau Customer Portal(Link opens in a new window) to refresh licenses.
  • MAINT EXP: Applies only to legacy perpetual licenses (TYPE = Perpetual). For Term licenses, this field will output, N/A. MAINT EXP displays the date that the maintenance contract for the Tableau Server deployment expires. To update the license maintenance key see Refresh Expiration Date and Attributes for the Product Key. Visit the Tableau Customer Portal(Link opens in a new window) to view maintenance purchase history and to purchase additional maintenance.
  • UPDATABLE: Specifies whether the license is an updatable subscription license (True/False).
  • LBLM: Specifies if login-based license management (LBLM) is enabled for the Tableau Server deployment (True/False). When enabled, LBLM allows users to log into Tableau Server to license their instance of Tableau Desktop or Prep, rather than entering a product key. For more information about LBLM, see Login-based License Management.
  • SERVER MANAGEMENT: Tableau Server is licensed for Advanced Management (formerly Server Management Add-on) (True/False). For more information about Advanced Management, see About Tableau Advanced Management on Tableau Server.


tsm licenses list [global options]


tsm licenses refresh

Update the maintenance expiration date of all product keys on Tableau Server.

If the computer where you are running Tableau Server has been configured to connect to the internet through a forward proxy, follow the procedure in the topic, Configure Product Key Operations with Forward Proxy, before running this command.


tsm licenses refresh [global options]

Global options

-h, --help


Show the command help.

-p, --password <password>

Required, along with -u or --username if no session is active.

Specify the password for the user specified in -u or --username.

If the password includes spaces or special characters, enclose it in quotes:

--password "my password"

-s, --server https://<hostname>:8850


Use the specified address for Tableau Services Manager. The URL must start with https, include port 8850, and use the server name not the IP address. For example https://<tsm_hostname>:8850. If no server is specified, https://<localhost | dnsname>:8850 is assumed.



Use this flag to trust the self-signed certificate on the TSM controller. For more information about certificate trust and CLI connections, see Connecting TSM clients.

-u, --username <user>

Required if no session is active, along with -p or --password.

Specify a user account. If you do not include this option, the command is run using credentials you signed in with.