Deactivate Tableau Server Offline

If Tableau Server does not have Internet access, you can use the instructions in this topic to deactivate Tableau Server. You will need to use a second computer that is able to access the Internet to complete this activation process.

Note: At this time, you cannot deactivate Tableau Server if the ATR Service is enabled on your Tableau Server deployment.

  1. On the Tableau Server initial node, create a directory to store the offline deactivation file that is created in the next step.

  2. Log in to TSM using a Tableau Administrator account, and then run the following command:

    tsm licenses get-offline-deactivation-file -k <productkey> -o <deactivation-file-directory>

  3. Move the TableauOfflineDeactivationRequest.tlq file from the deactivation file directory that you specified in the previous command to a trusted computer that has Internet access.

  4. On the trusted computer that has Internet access, open a web browser and visit the Tableau Product Activations(Link opens in a new window) page. Follow the instructions on that page to submit your TableauOfflineDeactivationRequest.tlq file.

    Important: This process will not work with Microsoft Edge browser.

  5. When prompted, save the product key return file (return.tlr) from the Product Activations page.

  6. Move the product key return file (return.tlr) from the trusted computer that has Internet access to the Tableau Server initial node that runs the Licensing Server service.

  7. Log in to TSM using a Tableau Administrator account, and then run the following command:

    tsm licenses deactivate -f <path-to-license-key-return-file>

    tsm restart