Concepts and Terminology

🕐 3 min read

This topic details the terms and concepts you must understand before you plan your migration from Tableau Server to Tableau Cloud.


Content Types

Content types are the various types of content that reside on Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud. For details about which content types the Migration SDK supports, see Supported Content Types.

For unsupported content types, see Data not supported by the Migration SDK.

Migration Plan

A migration plan describes how a migration should be done and what customizations must be done inflight. See IMigrationPlan in the API Reference documentation for a list of properties and their descriptions.

Migration Plan Builder

This is the best way to build a migration plan. Calling the Build() method on the IMigrationPlanBuilder gives you a MigrationPlan. For more information, see IMigrationPlanBuilder in the API Reference documentation for details.

Migration Result

This is the result generated after the migration has finished. It has two properties:


Configuration can be done using the MigrationSdkOptions. For information about configuration items and their defaults, see MigrationSdkOptions in the API Reference documentation.

Supported Content Types

The Migration SDK is equipped to migrate the following content types. When no filters are provided, items for all content types are migrated with some exceptions. Note the minimum permissions required to migrate each content type.

Content Type What is migrated What isn’t migrated Minimum permissions
Data Sources
  • Ownership
  • Permissions
  • Tags
  • Labels
  • Revision History
  • Credentials for embedded connections. You can write custom hooks that update connections after data sources are published using custom Hooks.
  • Source: Read (view), Connect, and ExportXml permissions on all data sources
  • Destination: Site Administrator
Extract Refresh Schedules
  • Extract Refresh schedules with Frequencies and Intervals are migrated to cloud compatible schedules. Make sure you set the correct time zone. In the case where the time zones don't match, you must add a transformer to update the day/time of the scheduled task.
  • Schedules with an hourly frequency and less than one hour intervals are migrated to have a one hour frequency. See Schedule Refreshes on Tableau Cloud for details about supported frequencies and intervals.
  • Schedule Name
  • Schedule Priority
  • Schedule Execution Order (Parallel or Serial)
  • Weekly frequency, with multiple days of the week selected
For more information, see Jobs, Tasks, and Schedule Methods.
  • Source: Site Administrator
  • Destination: Site Administrator
Groups Group membership for users. Group “All Users”
  • Source: Site Administrator
  • Destination: Site Administrator
  • Permissions
  • Ownership
  • Source: Read (view) permissions on all projects
  • Destination: Site Administrator
  • Source: Site Administrator
  • Destination: Site Administrator
  • Ownership
  • Permissions
  • Tags
  • DataAccelerationConfig
  • Credentials for embedded connections. You can write custom hooks that update connections after workbooks are published using custom Hooks.
  • Labels
  • Source: Read (view) and ExportXml permissions on all workbooks
  • Destination: Site Administrator