What's New in the REST API

This topic summarizes changes made to the REST API for Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud. All versions include updated documentation.

What's new in REST API 3.25 (Tableau Cloud February 2025 / Tableau Server 2025.1)

  • Use the attributeCaptureEnabled attribute in the Update Site method to enable user attributes for Tableau Server embedding workflows.

  • The Query Job and Query Jobs methods now support the tableau:jobs:read scope if users authenticate with a JWT.

  • New REST API method for downloading a PDF image of a custom view using the Get Custom Views PDF method.

  • New REST API method for downloading the data of a custom view in CSV format using the Get Custom Views Data method.

  • Added in this REST API version: When using the Download Workbook PDF method, you can now filter the downloaded view. For more information, see View filter queries.

  • Added in this REST API version: When using the Query View Image method, you can now set the height and width of the downloaded viz.

  • New REST API methods for downloading and uploading workbook encrypted keychains. For more information, see Workbooks and Views Methods.

  • New REST API methods for downloading and uploading user credentials. For more information, see Users and Groups Methods.

  • Starting in October 2024, Tableau Cloud supports the configuration of multiple authentication types for a site. This capability introduces the following changes:

Added in REST API 3.24 (Tableau Cloud October 2024)

  • New for Pulse: Starting in December 2024:

    • New Pulse insight type
      • INSIGHT_TYPE_RECORD_LEVEL_OUTLIERS shows values that fell outside of the range of most of the rest of the values for a metric.
    • New Pulse Methods
    • New Pulse Enumerations
      • List followed metrics groups With the new group by value GROUP_BY_TIME_RANGE, you can group returns by time period.
      • With the new metric specification comparison type TIME_COMPARISON_FISCAL_YEAR_AGO_PERIOD, you can configure comparisons based on fiscal year.
      • With the new definition insight option type INSIGHT_TYPE_UNUSUAL_CHANGE you can now configure your insight to highlight unusual changes in your data.
      • A new definition basic specification measure value AGGREGATION_USER lets you aggregate insight data by user.
      • Two new measurement period granularity values GRANULARITY_BY_FISCAL_YEAR and GRANULARITY_BY_FISCAL_QUARTER now let you define the measurement period of of a metric specification by fiscal year or fiscal quarter.
      • Two new measurement period granularity values GRANULARITY_BY_FISCAL_YEAR and GRANULARITY_BY_FISCAL_QUARTER now let you define the measurement period of of a metric specification by fiscal year or fiscal quarter.
    • New Pulse Parameters
      • List metrics in definition With newly added parameters you can: specify the type of metric to return; sort results by metric name ascending or descending; and choose to exclude metrics without followers.
      • For requests and responses about definitions:
        • datasource_goals define a metric with a target that is calculated from values in the definition's data source. This is as opposed to a metric goal whose value is defined directly in the request.
      • Returned for requests about insights:
        • InsightFeedbackMetadata, giving you programmatic access to user thumbs up/down feedback on insights.
        • generation_id, the LUID of the insight.
        • table the columns and rows of the data table produced by filtering your datasource as defined in your metric specification.
      • Returned for insight bundles options:
        • language and locale, let you define the language characteristics of your insights.
        • score_weights let you refine the weighting of data in your insights.
    • Deprecated in Pulse mathods
  • New REST API method for downloading a PDF image of a custom view using the Get Custom Views PDF method.

  • New REST API method for downloading the data of a custom view in CSV format using the Get Custom Views Data method.

  • Added in this REST API version: When using the Download Workbook PDF method, you can now filter the downloaded view. For more information, see View filter queries.

  • Added in this REST API version: When using the Query View Image method, you can now set the height and width of the downloaded viz.

  • New REST API methods for downloading and uploading workbook encrypted keychains. For more information, see Workbooks and Views Methods.

  • New REST API methods for downloading and uploading user credentials. For more information, see Users and Groups Methods.

  • Starting in October 2024, Tableau Cloud supports the configuration of multiple authentication types for a site. This capability introduces the following changes:

Added in REST API 3.23 (Tableau Cloud June 2024 / Tableau Server 2024.2)

  • Pulse method additions to API 3.23 in Tableau Cloud July 2024

  • In Tableau Cloud June 2024 and later, query tagging is on for all content.

    For both Cloud and Server, enabling and disabling for individual connections using the queryTaggingEnabled attribute of the Update Workbook Connection and Update Data Source Connection will no longer be supported and may be retired in future releases. For more information, see Query Tagging.

  • Tableau Server supports registering one or more EASs at the site level for Tableau connected apps using OAuth 2.0 trust. For more information, see Connected App Methods(Link opens in a new window).

  • Tableau Server supports specifying multiple projects to enable embedding of content for Tableau connected apps using direct trust. For more information, see Create Connected App and Update Connected App methods.

  • New REST API methods to help with migrating Virtual connections from Tableau site to Tableau site, including Tableau Server to Tableau Cloud. Includes methods to download, publish, delete, tag, and change permissions. For more information, see Virtual Connections Methods.

  • New REST API methods for replacing permissions and default permissions. For more information, see Permissions Methods.

  • The labels methods support scopes if users authenticate with a JWT. This gives the administrator more authorization granularity for these methods. For more information, see the labels methods at Metadata Methods.

  • Starting in July, Tableau Cloud supports a new REST API method for generating workbook, data source, and table descriptions. For more information, see the Get Metadata Suggestion method.

Added in REST API 3.22 (Tableau Cloud February 2024)

  • Add Flow Task to Schedule renamed to Add Flow Task to Server Schedule and retired for Tableau Cloud in API 3.22 in March 2024:

    The Add Flow Task to Schedule method is renamed and retired for Tableau Cloud in API 3.22 March 2024. It will remain available for Tableau Server only. This method will be replaced with Create Flow Task with Custom Schedule method.

  • As a Tableau Cloud site admin, you can configure OpenID Connect (OIDC) to authenticate your users. For more information, see OpenID Connect Methods(Link opens in a new window).

  • As a Tableau Cloud site admin, you can configure your Tableau connected app (direct trust) to enable content in multiple projects to be embedded. For more information, see Create Connected App and Update Connected App methods.

  • As a Tableau Cloud site admin, you can configure your Tableau connected apps (OAuth 2.0 trust) to use different external authorization servers (EASs). For more information, see Register EAS and Update EAS methods.

  • Added support to filter groups by luidand id for better performance. For more information, see Query Groups.

  • View acceleration and data freshness policy for view acceleration and query caching can now be enabled and managed for a workbook through the Update Workbook(Link opens in a new window) method. You can now get the status of these configurations for each workbook and its views through the Get Workbook(Link opens in a new window) method.

  • There is no longer a limit on the number of data labels per category on an asset, and a label message is no longer required for any category of label. Furthermore, the length limit for label value names and category names is increased from 24 to 128 characters. For more information, see Metadata Methods.

  • Query tagging changes: In Tableau Server 2023.3 and later, the TSM configuration set native_api.UserInfoInGeneratedSQLEnabled(Link opens in a new window) key is available to enable or disable query tagging for all content on the server.

  • Starting in July 2024 in Tableau Cloud, include the name of the authentication configuration when assigning authentication to a user.

Added in REST API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud October 2023/ Tableau Server 2023.3)

Added in REST API 3.20 (Tableau Cloud June 2023)

Added in REST API 3.19 (Tableau Cloud March 2023/ Tableau Server 2023.1)

Added in REST API 3.18 (Tableau Cloud December 2022)

Added in REST API 3.17 (Tableau Cloud October 2022 / Tableau Server 2022.3)

  • As a Tableau Cloud site admin, you can register an external authorization server (EAS) to a site to establish a trust relationship between the EAS and your site using the OAuth 2.0 standard protocol. This trust relationship enables you to provide your users with a single sign-on (SSO) experience to Tableau content embedded in your custom applications or for REST API authorization. For more information, see Connected app methods using OAuth 2.0 trust.
  • As a Tableau Server admin, you can programatically authorize access to the Tableau REST API on users' behalf using JSON web tokens (JWTs) and Tableau connected apps. For more information, see Access Scopes for Connected Apps(Link opens in a new window) in the Tableau Server Help.
  • Methods to manage data labels—originally released for Tableau Cloud only—are now available for Tableau Server. Label methods offer a new, unified interface for manipulating certification and data quality warnings through the REST API. For more information, see the Data Labels in the REST API topic and the label methods in Metadata Methods.
  • The ability to move databases and tables—originally released for Tableau Cloud only—is now available for Tableau Server. You can move databases and tables to projects, enabling you to control permissions through them. For more information, see the Move Database and Move Table methods in the Tableau REST API Reference.
  • Now you can set data quality warnings on columns. Relevant methods for data quality warnings and data labels were updated to include support for columns.
  • You can now get the details of a workbook using the Get Workbook method with the content URL of the workbook (the part that appears after …/authoring/… or …/views/… in the URL path of the workbook in your browser address bar).

Added in REST API 3.16 (Tableau Cloud June 2022)

  • As a Tableau Cloud site admin, you can programatically authorize access to the Tableau REST API on users' behalf using JSON web tokens (JWTs) and Tableau connected apps. For more information, see Access Scopes for Connected Apps(Link opens in a new window) in the Tableau Cloud Help.
  • Label methods offer a new, unified interface for manipulating certification and data quality warnings through the REST API. For more information, see the Data Labels in the REST API topic and the label methods in Metadata Methods.
  • You can move databases and tables to projects, enabling you to control permissions through them. For more information, see the Move Database and Move Table methods in the Tableau REST API Reference.
  • As a Tableau Cloud site admin, you can restrict embedding of Tableau views to only certain domains of your choice. For more information see the embedding setting methods in Site Methods

Added in REST API 3.15 for Tableau Server 2022.1 and Tableau Cloud

  • As a Tableau Server admin or Tableau Cloud site admin, you can list and change user notification preferences for your site. For more information, see Notifications Methods.
  • The Data-Driven Alerts methods and the Webhooks methods were moved to the Notifications Methods page.
  • REST API methods are now available that enable multiple users to be imported to or deleted from a site from a .csv list of users. The .csv data can also include site role and authorization settings that will be assigned for each user upon import. For more information, see Import Users to Site from CSV(Link opens in a new window) and Delete Users from Site with CSV(Link opens in a new window).
  • New methods related are now available to run and get information on linked tasks. Linked tasks are used to schedule flows to run one after the other. For more information, see Flow Methods.
  • New attributes to support flow parameters have been added to various flow methods including methods that are used to run flows. You can use REST API to override flow parameter values at run time. For more information, see Flow Methods.
  • Methods related to certification and data quality warnings have been expanded to include support for virtual connections and virtual connection tables. For more information, see Metadata Methods.

Added in REST API 3.14 for Tableau Server 2021.4 and Tableau Cloud

  • As a Tableau Server admin or Tableau Cloud site admin, you can create, query, update, and delete Tableau connected apps configured for your site. For more information, see Connected App Methods.
  • The publish data source(Link opens in a new window) method now supports multi table data created using the Hyper API, as long as there is a single fact table containing the foreign key for each of the other tables in the extract.

Added in REST API 3.13 for Tableau Server 2021.3 and Tableau Cloud

Added in REST API 3.12 for Tableau Server 2021.2 and Tableau Cloud

Added in REST API 3.11 for Tableau Server 2021.1 and Tableau Cloud

Added in REST API 3.10 for Tableau Server 2020.4 and Tableau Cloud

Added in REST API 3.9 for Tableau Server 2020.3 and Tableau Cloud

Added in REST API 3.8 for Tableau Server 2020.2 and Tableau Cloud

Added in REST API 3.7 for Tableau Server 2020.1 and Tableau Cloud

  • Administrators can now use Get Site or Update Site to view the Tiered Capacities (maximum users of a site for each license type or role) configured for a site. For a site that has user-based licensing with no licensing limits set by its administrator, maximums for Creator, Explorer, and Viewer licensed users are determined by the activated licenses for each role on the site. On-premise server administrators can set the Tiered Capacity attributes to lower the user limits on any or all of the license types using Create Site or Update Site.
  • You can now get the groups a site user belongs to with a REST API call.
  • You can now manage view recommendations using the REST API. Use Get View Recommendations, to get a current list of recommended views. Use Hide a View Recommendation, to hide a view from the list of recommended views. Use Unhide a View Recommendation, to hide a view from the list of recommended views.

Added in REST API 3.6 for Tableau Server 2019.4

Added in REST API 3.5 for Tableau Server 2019.3

  • You can now manage extract encryption at rest. To learn more, see Extract Encryption Methods.
  • You can query or update metadata indexed by or surfaced through Tableau Catalog. To learn more, see Metadata Methods.
  • With administrator permissions, you can now globally enable or disable attachments for subscriptions to workbooks and views in a site. You can read the enablement status in response bodies for Query Sites, Query Site, Create Site, and Update Sites requests. Enablement state can be set during Create Site and Update Site calls.
  • Users can now determine the file format (.png and/or .pdf) of the attachments for a subscribed workbook or view. Attachment settings can be viewed in response bodies for Query Subscriptions, Query Subscriptions, Create Subscription, and Update Subscription requests. Attachment format can be set using Create Subscription or Update Subscription requests.

Added in REST API 3.4 for Tableau Server 2019.2

  • You can now use the maxAge parameter of the Query View Image method to set or get the limit for the age of a cached image of a view in your workbook. When that limit is passed accessing a view image will refresh the cache with a current image.
  • You can now use the public parameter of the Get Data-Driven Alert method to set or get whether users who do not own an alert can discover and subscribe to it.
  • You can now use the Download Workbook PDF method to download a PDF containing the views in the a workbook.

Added in REST API 3.3 for Tableau Server 2019.1

Added in REST API 3.2 for Tableau Server 2018.3

Added in REST API 3.1 for Tableau Server 2018.2

  • You can now move projects within the project hierarchy. You can now move projects to the top of the project hierarchy when using the Update Project method by passing an empty string ("") to the parentProjectId attribute of the <project> element.
  • You can now manage and cancel jobs. The following methods have been updated or added in the 2018.2 release to improve the management of jobs:
    • Added: The Query Jobs method returns a list of all active jobs on the specified site.
    • Added: The Cancel Job method allows you to cancel a job that is pending or in-progress.
    • Updated: The Query Job method now allows you to query jobs used to run workbook subscriptions or view subscriptions.
  • You can now manage which projects are included on a user's list of favorites, and query a list of favorites that includes favorite projects using the following methods that have been updated or added in the 2018.2 release:
  • You can now publish data sources asynchronously by adding the asJob parameter to the Publish Data Source request URI. To learn more, see Publishing workbooks and data sources asynchronously.

Added in REST API 3.0 for Tableau Server 2018.1

Added in REST API 2.8 for Tableau Server 10.5

Added in REST API 2.7 for Tableau Server 10.4

Added in REST API 2.6 for Tableau Server 10.3

Added in REST API 2.5 for Tableau Server 10.2

  • New method for getting views and workbooks that a user has marked as favorites. For more information, see Get Favorites for User.

  • New method for getting images for views. You can get images in standard resolution and high resolution. For more information, see Query View Image.

  • A new feature you can use to control the type and amount of data you want returned from some methods. You can qualify the return values based upon the type of resource (for example, workbooks or views), and fields (names, ids, and tags). You can include multiple fields in a request. You can combine this feature with filtering and sorting. For example, you can return the names of the all workbooks that were updated after a certain date. For more information, see Using Fields in the REST API.

  • Support for JSON in the REST API. You can set Content-Type and Accept headers to application/json or application/xml to control whether you want send requests or receive responses in XML or JSON. For more information, see Fundamentals of the Tableau Server REST API and REST API Example Requests.

  • Support for Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). You can now enable CORS on Tableau Server to allow cross-orgin requests to the REST API, making it easier to use the API with JavaScript. For more information, see Enabling CORS on Tableau Server for the REST API.

  • Download workbooks or data sources without including the extracts. You can now download a data source or workbook without the large payload of the extract file by simply appending ?includeExtract=False to the URI. For more information, see the following methods:

  • New option to publish the Tableau provided sample workbooks when you create or update a project. For more information see the following methods:

Added in REST API 2.4 for Tableau Server 10.1

  • The Server Info method returns information about the version of Tableau Server and the version of the REST API compatible with the server.

  • Site administrators can now use the method to Query Workbooks for a User. Previously, only server administrators had permission to use this method.

  • Filtering and sorting can be performed on the following additional methods:

Added in REST API 2.3 for Tableau Server 10.0

Added in REST API 2.2 for Tableau Server 9.3

Added in REST API 2.1 for Tableau Server 9.2

Added in in REST API 2.0.1 for Tableau Server 9.1

  • Updated namespace. The namespace and schema locations that are returned in the <tsResponse> blocks of REST API responses have been changed from tableausoftware.com to tableau.com.