Tableau REST API OpenAPI Endpoints (latest)

Versions: Tableau Server 2021.1 / Tableau Cloud March 2022 and later

This documentation describes the growing number OpenAPI endpoints being released alongside more than 150 classic REST endpoints that are currently in wide usage in the Tableau community.

There are some differences users of the classic endpoints will recognize when viewing these new endpoints.

  • Request bodies for these new REST endpoints must be formatted using JSON.

  • Endpoint URIs may contain a hyphen ('-') instead of an API version number, indicating that the resource is versioned separately from the numbered API release. For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.

Starting in Tableau Server 2022.1 / Tableau Cloud March 2022, differences between releases will be noted in this reference.To view the previous version of this reference, see Tableau REST API OpenAPI Endpoints (v2021.4).

Analytics Extensions Settings Methods

Enable and configure analytics extensions on sites and, for on premise installations, on servers. With these extensions you can extend Tableau dynamic calculations with languages like R and python, and with other tools and platforms. For more information, see Analytics Extensions API.

When upgrading from a server version less than 2020.2, analytics extensions must be enabled on each site even if external services were enabled on the server being upgraded. Connections for sites must be ported manually.

Using the analytics extensions settings methods you can:

  • Enable and disable analytics extensions for a Tableau server (on-premise only) or for a site.
  • Create and manage an extension's connections to the service hosting your custom calculations.

Enable or disable analytics extensions on server

Enables or disables analytics extensions on a server.

Version: Available in API 3.11 ( Tableau Server 2021.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.analyticsextensions.v1.ServerSettings+json


Request samples

Content type
  • "enabled": true

Response samples

Content type
  • "enabled": true

Get enabled state of analytics extensions on server

Gets the enabled/disabled state of analytics extensions on a server.

Version: Available in API 3.11 ( Tableau Server 2021.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "enabled": true

Get enabled state of analytics extensions on site

Gets the enabled/disabled state of analytics extensions on a site.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server or site administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "enabled": true

Update enabled state of analytics extensions on site

Enables or disables analytics extensions on a site.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server or site administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.analyticsextensions.v1.SiteSettings+json


Request samples

Content type
  • "enabled": true

Response samples

Content type
  • "enabled": true

Add analytics extension connection to site


Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server or site administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.analyticsextensions.v1.ConnectionItem+json

Required. The location of an external service (TabPy, Rserve, EINSTEIN_DISCOVERY, Generic API, or other) that responds to your analytics extension requests. The case sensitive value must be a URI, IPv4 or IPv6 address that is a maximum of 255 Unicode characters.

Starting in Tableau Server 2022.1 / Tableau Cloud April 2022, a host address can include path information (''), where previous versions supported only the root domain name ('').

integer <int32>

Required. Integer between 1 and 65535.


For Tableau Cloud: The value is always true.

For on premise Tableau servers: Optional. Set to true if authentication is enabled on the external service. If true, username and password are required. Default is false.


For Tableau Cloud: A username is always required.


For Tableau Cloud: A password is always required.


For Tableau Cloud: The value is always true.

For on premise Tableau servers: Optional. Set to true if authentication is enabled on the external service. If true, username and password are required. Default is false.

object (tableau.analyticsextensions.v1.ConnectionBrief)


Request samples

Content type
  • "connection_luid": "string",
  • "host": "string",
  • "port": 0,
  • "is_auth_enabled": true,
  • "username": "string",
  • "password": "string",
  • "is_ssl_enabled": true,
  • "connection_brief": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "connectionMetadataList": [

List analytics extension connections on site

Lists a site's analytics extension connections for external services.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server or site administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "connectionMetadataList": [

Delete analytics extension connection from site

Deletes a specific analytics extension connection for an external service from a site.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: Can only be called by users with site or server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "httpErrorCode": "string",
  • "message": "string"

Get analytics extension details

Get the details of a specified analytics extension connection to an external service.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021/ Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: Can only be called by users with site or server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "connection_luid": "string",
  • "host": "string",
  • "port": 0,
  • "is_auth_enabled": true,
  • "username": "string",
  • "password": "string",
  • "is_ssl_enabled": true,
  • "connection_brief": {

Update analytics extension connection of site

Updates the details of specified analytics extension connection for an external service to a site.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: Can only be called by users with site or server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.analyticsextensions.v1.ConnectionItem+json

Required. The location of an external service (TabPy, Rserve, EINSTEIN_DISCOVERY, Generic API, or other) that responds to your analytics extension requests. The case sensitive value must be a URI, IPv4 or IPv6 address that is a maximum of 255 Unicode characters.

Starting in Tableau Server 2022.1 / Tableau Cloud April 2022, a host address can include path information (''), where previous versions supported only the root domain name ('').

integer <int32>

Required. Integer between 1 and 65535.


For Tableau Cloud: The value is always true.

For on premise Tableau servers: Optional. Set to true if authentication is enabled on the external service. If true, username and password are required. Default is false.


For Tableau Cloud: A username is always required.


For Tableau Cloud: A password is always required.


For Tableau Cloud: The value is always true.

For on premise Tableau servers: Optional. Set to true if authentication is enabled on the external service. If true, username and password are required. Default is false.

object (tableau.analyticsextensions.v1.ConnectionBrief)


Request samples

Content type
  • "connection_luid": "string",
  • "host": "string",
  • "port": 0,
  • "is_auth_enabled": true,
  • "username": "string",
  • "password": "string",
  • "is_ssl_enabled": true,
  • "connection_brief": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "connection_luid": "string",
  • "host": "string",
  • "port": 0,
  • "is_auth_enabled": true,
  • "username": "string",
  • "password": "string",
  • "is_ssl_enabled": true,
  • "connection_brief": {

List analytics extension connections of workbook

Lists basic details of each analytics extension connection available for a specified workbook, including connection type and name.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can be called by users that have permissions to the specified workbook. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "connectionMetadataList": [

Get current analytics extension for workbook

Gets basic details, including connection type and name, of the analytics extension connection to an external service that the specified workbook is currently using.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can be called by users that have permissions to the specified workbook. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "connectionMetadataList": [

Remove current analytics extension connection for workbook

Remove the currently used analytics extension connection to an external service from the specified workbook. The connection remains configured, and is available for further usage by the workbook.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can be called by users that have permissions to the specified workbook. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "httpErrorCode": "string",
  • "message": "string"

Update analytics extension for workbook

Updates the analytics extension connection to external service currently used by a workbook.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can be called by users that have permissions to the specified workbook. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.analyticsextensions.v1.ConnectionMapping+json


Request samples

Content type
  • "workbook_luid": "string",
  • "connection_luid": "string"

Response samples

Content type
  • "workbook_luid": "string",
  • "connection_luid": "string"

Ask Data Lens Methods - Retired in API 3.22

Retired in API 3.22 (Cloud February 2024 / Server 2024.2)

In February 2024, Tableau's Ask Data and Metrics features and their REST API methods will be retired in Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2024.1. With advances in natural language technologies, we're developing an improved interface that will make it easier to ask questions of your data and stay on top of changes. For more information, see How Tableau GPT and Tableau Pulse are reimagining the data experience.

Ask data lenses enable you to refine the way a user's natural language query is interpreted, based on the specific audience they belong to.

For instance, you might make one lens for medical staff at a hospital, and another for administrative staff. A lens allows you to define synonyms to associate key words with common terms used for them. For instance, "SF" for "San Francisco", or "Rx" for "prescription". You can also configure recommended visualizations for each lens.

Introduced: Tableau Cloud June 2022. Not currently available for Tableau Server.

Using the Tableau REST API, you can:

  • Create a lens and configure its properties
  • Delete a lens
  • Import an existing lens
  • Get a list of lenses on a site or the details of a specified lens

Create ask data lens - Retired in API 3.22

Retired in API 3.22 (Cloud February 2024 / Server 2024.2)

In February 2024, Tableau's Ask Data and Metrics features and their REST API methods will be retired in Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2024.1. With advances in natural language technologies, we're developing an improved interface that will make it easier to ask questions of your data and stay on top of changes. For more information, see How Tableau GPT and Tableau Pulse are reimagining the data experience.

Create an ask data lens.

Version: Available in API 3.16 ( Tableau Cloud June 2022 / Server 2022.3) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can be called by users who have Create permissions for lenses on the site. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: 'tableau:lenses:create'
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.nlp.lens.publicrest.v1.CreateLensRequest+json

Required. Name of the lens . Up to 300 characters


Required. Luid of the datasource to which the lens is associated to


Required. Luid of the project in which lens should be created.


Optional. Description of the lens. 4000 characters maximum


Required. Indicates if feedback to lens author setting is enabled.

Array of objects (tableau.nlp.lens.publicrest.v1.FieldDetail)

Optional. The fields of the lens. If not specified, a lens with all the qualifying fields from the data source will be created.

A lens field contains synonyms used for natural language query, to map words that might be used to mean the same thing as the name of fields or the values fields might have.


Request samples

Content type
  • "name": "string",
  • "datasource_id": "string",
  • "project_id": "string",
  • "description": "string",
  • "is_feedback_enabled": true,
  • "fields": [

Response samples

Content type
  • "lens": {

List ask data lenses in site - Retired in API 3.22

Retired in API 3.22 (Cloud February 2024 / Server 2024.2)

In February 2024, Tableau's Ask Data and Metrics features and their REST API methods will be retired in Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2024.1. With advances in natural language technologies, we're developing an improved interface that will make it easier to ask questions of your data and stay on top of changes. For more information, see How Tableau GPT and Tableau Pulse are reimagining the data experience.

Returns a list of ask data lenses in a site.

Version: Available in API 3.16 ( Tableau Cloud June 2022 / Server 2022.3) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can be called by any user. Responses will include only the lenses to the user has access to. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: 'tableau:lenses:read'
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "lenses": [

Import ask data lens - Retired in API 3.22

Retired in API 3.22 (Cloud February 2024 / Server 2024.2)

In February 2024, Tableau's Ask Data and Metrics features and their REST API methods will be retired in Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2024.1. With advances in natural language technologies, we're developing an improved interface that will make it easier to ask questions of your data and stay on top of changes. For more information, see How Tableau GPT and Tableau Pulse are reimagining the data experience.

Import an existing ask data lens on a server to a site, and optionally transform the metadata of the lens in the process.

Version: Available in API 3.16 ( Tableau Cloud June 2022 / Server 2022.3) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by server administrators or site administrators. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: 'tableau:lenses:create'
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

The request and response bodies for a lens import each have two parts: the first describes the attributes of the lens being imported, and the second describes transformations, which are changes to the lens metadata, to apply during import.

Use the entire response object from a request to the Get ask data lens method in your import request body.

Lens attributes that can optionally be transformed include name, data source, project, and owner. The original metadata of a lens is replaced by the transformation metadata in the new project the lens is imported to. While 'lens_transformation' is optional in an import request, a transformation definition will be needed in most cases.

Example transformation use cases

  • To publish a lens to a new site with modified metadata, sign in to the new site and include the following in your request: '' "lens_transformations": { "datasource_id": "", "project_id": "", "owner_id": "" "name": "", "description": "", } ''

  • To publish a lens to a different project in the same site, while signed in to the site, use: '' "lens_transformations": { "project_id": "new project id", } ''

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.nlp.lens.publicrest.v1.ImportLensRequest+json
object (tableau.nlp.lens.publicrest.v1.Lens)

Details of the lens to be imported.

object (tableau.nlp.lens.publicrest.v1.LensTransformation)

Optional. The details of transformation to perform on the lens during import.


Request samples

Content type
  • "lens": {
  • "lens_transformations": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "lens": {

Delete ask data lens - Retired in API 3.22

Retired in API 3.22 (Cloud February 2024 / Server 2024.2)

In February 2024, Tableau's Ask Data and Metrics features and their REST API methods will be retired in Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2024.1. With advances in natural language technologies, we're developing an improved interface that will make it easier to ask questions of your data and stay on top of changes. For more information, see How Tableau GPT and Tableau Pulse are reimagining the data experience.

Delete an ask data lens.

Version: Available in API 3.16 ( Tableau Cloud June 2022 / Server 2022.3) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can be called by users with administrator and lens owner permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: 'tableau:lenses:delete'
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters

The LUID of the lens to be deleted.

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "lens": {

Get ask data lens - Retired in API 3.22

Retired in API 3.22 (Cloud February 2024 / Server 2024.2)

In February 2024, Tableau's Ask Data and Metrics features and their REST API methods will be retired in Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2024.1. With advances in natural language technologies, we're developing an improved interface that will make it easier to ask questions of your data and stay on top of changes. For more information, see How Tableau GPT and Tableau Pulse are reimagining the data experience.

Get the details of the specified ask data lens.

Version: Available in API 3.16 ( Tableau Cloud June 2022 / Server 2022.3) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can be called by users who have Read access to the lens. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: 'tableau:lenses:read'
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters

The LUID of the lens.

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "lens": {

Content Exploration Methods

Content exploration methods enable you to view:

Search Results: Explore your Tableau content based on relevance to an provided term and filter expression.

Usage Statistics: Get the count of the number of times a user has directly or indirectly accessed a specified content item, or a batch of content items. Statistics are available for workbooks, views, data sources, flows and other Tableau resources. The response contains counts for a variety of time periods, ranging from two weeks up to the resource's lifetime.

Suggestions: Get suggestions for autocompletion as a user types, based on matches of their input. Searches across all supported content types for objects relevant to the specified term.

Get batch content usage statistics

Gets usage statistics for multiple content items. The batch of can include multiple content types.

Version: Available in API 3.17 ( Tableau Cloud December 2022) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Version Overview

Permissions: Tableau administrators can get statistics for all content they administer. Other users can get statistics for any content they own or have at least Read permissions for. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.usagestats.v1.BatchGetUsageRequest+json
Array of objects (tableau.usagestats.v1.ContentItemId)


Request samples

Content type
  • "content_items": [

Response samples

Content type
  • "content_items": [
  • "errors": [

Get usage statistics for content item

Gets the usage statistics for a Tableau content item, specified by LUID and content type, such as workbook, datasource, or flow.

Version: Available in API 3.17 ( Tableau Cloud December 2022) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Version Overview

Permissions: Tableau administrators can get statistics for all content they administer. Other users can get statistics for any content they own or have at least Read permissions for. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters

The content type of the kind of resource being specified, for instance: 'workbooks', 'flows', and 'datasources'.

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "hitsTotal": 0,
  • "hitsLastTwoWeeksTotal": 0,
  • "hitsLastOneMonthTotal": 0,
  • "hitsLastThreeMonthsTotal": 0,
  • "hitsLastTwelveMonthsTotal": 0

Get content search results

Searches across all supported content types for objects relevant to the search expression specified in the querystring of the request URI.

Version: Available in API 3.16 ( Tableau Cloud June 2022 / Server 2022.3) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: Search results will be limited to those objects that the user has permissions to access. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

For example, 'MY_SERVER/api/-/search?terms=productID' could return the Sales workbook that contains a data field named 'productID' as well as Superstore database containing a table with a column named 'productID'.

Query parameters can be combined to refine your search. For instance, the request for a search on the term "sales", for workbooks created in 2021 or later, sorted by the number of times the content has been viewed since its creation, with smallest number of views first, would look like:


Content types returned can include:

  • 'lens'
  • 'datasource'
  • 'virtualconnection'
  • 'collection'
  • 'project'
  • 'flow'
  • 'datarole'
  • 'table'
  • 'database'
  • 'metric'
  • 'view'
  • 'workbook'
  • 'simulation'

query Parameters

(Optional) One or more terms the search uses as the basis for which items are relevant to return. The items may be of any supported content type. The relevance may be assessed based on any element of a given item. If no terms are supplied, then results will be based filtering and page size limits.

integer <int64>

(Optional) The number of the page in the list response pages to return. Maximum number of items returned is 10,000

integer <int32>

(Optional) The number of items to return on each response page. The default is 10.

Enum: "hitsTotal" "hitsSmallSpanTotal" "hitsMediumSpanTotal" "hitsLargeSpanTotal" "downstreamWorkbookCount"

(Optional) The sorting method for items returned, based on the popularity of the item. You can sort based on:

  • 'hitsTotal' - The number of times a content item has been viewed since it was created.
  • 'hitsSmallSpanTotal' The number of times viewed in the last month.
  • 'hitsMediumSpanTotal' The number of times viewed in the last three months.
  • 'hitsLargeSpanTotal' The number of times viewed in the last twelve months.
  • 'downstreamWorkbookCount' The number workbooks in a given project. This value is only returned when the request 'filter' expression is '=type:eq:table' or '=type:eq:database'.

Append ':asc' or ':desc' to determine sort direction. The default is 'asc'.

Your search expression can have more than one comma separated 'order_by' element. If there is a tie between two items for the first 'order_by' expression, then sort order between the two items will be determined by the second 'order_by' expression. The following expression sorts items from the fewest views since creation and, in case of a tie, by the one that has the most recent views.



(Optional) An expression to filter the response using one of the following parameters, or a combination of expressions separated by a comma.

  • 'type'

    The content type, using the 'eq' or 'in' operator in expressions like:



    *Note: The 'in' operator is available in API 3.17 (Tableau Cloud October

2022 / Server 2022.3) and later.* or:

  • 'ownerId'

    Resource owner ID or last modified time, using 'eq', 'lte', 'gte', 'gt',

or 'in' operator in an expression like:



  • 'modifiedTime'

    Resource owner ID or last modified time, using 'eq', 'lte', 'gte', 'gt',

or 'in' operator in an expression like:


For more information about filter expressions, see Filtering and Sorting in the Tableau REST API.


Response samples

Content type
  • "next": "string",
  • "prev": "string",
  • "pageIndex": 0,
  • "startIndex": 0,
  • "total": 0,
  • "limit": 0,
  • "items": [

Get Content Suggestions

Returns a specified number of suggestions for auto-completion of user input as they type. You can specify content types of suggestions and prioritize recently viewed content.

Version: Available in API 3.19 ( Tableau Cloud March 2023 / Server 2023.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: Suggestions will be limited to those objects that the user has permissions to access. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

query Parameters

The term that is matched to find suggestions.

integer <int32>

The number of suggestions to return. The default is 10.


A comma separated list of luids that will be prioritized in scoring of content items matched to suggest.


A filter to restrict suggestions to specified content types. The supported operators are: 'in' and 'eq'. For instance, the parameter: 'filter:in:workbooks,datasources' would limit suggestions returned to only those for workbooks and data sources.


Response samples

Content type
  • "terms": "string",
  • "filter": "string",
  • "sort": "string",
  • "hits": {

Dashboard Extensions Settings Methods - Retired in API 3.21

Retired in API 3.21 (Cloud October 2023 / Server 2023.3)

In October 2023 Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2023.3 releases, Tableau's REST API methods for dashboard extensions settings are retired. We recommend you replace dashboard extensions methods for enabling, listing, getting details of, and updating dashboard extensions with Tableau extensions settings methods that have similar functionality.

Enable and configure security for dashboard extensions on sites and, for on premise installations, on servers. With these extensions you can add custom features to a dashboard using JavaScript.

Using the extension methods of the Tableau Server REST API you can:

  • List the settings for extensions of a server or site
  • Enable or disable extensions or sandboxed extensions for a server or site
  • List, get, create, and delete entries in server blocked extensions list
  • List, get, create, update, and delete entries in server allowed (safe) extensions list

This functionality relates to the UI elements and concepts described at Manage Dashboard Settings.

List settings for dashboard extensions on server - Retired in API 3.21

Retired in API 3.21 (Cloud October 2023 / Server 2023.3)

In October 2023 Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2023.3 releases, Tableau's REST API methods for dashboard extensions settings are retired. We recommend you replace dashboard extensions methods for enabling, listing, getting details of, and updating dashboard extensions with Tableau extensions settings methods that have similar functionality.

Lists the dashboard extension settings of a server.

Version: Available in API 3.11 ( Tableau Server 2021.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "block_list_items": [
  • "extensions_enabled": true

Update dashboard extensions settings of server - Retired in API 3.21

Retired in API 3.21 (Cloud October 2023 / Server 2023.3)

In October 2023 Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2023.3 releases, Tableau's REST API methods for dashboard extensions settings are retired. We recommend you replace dashboard extensions methods for enabling, listing, getting details of, and updating dashboard extensions with Tableau extensions settings methods that have similar functionality.

Updates the settings for dashboard extensions of a server

Version: Available in API 3.11 ( Tableau Server 2021.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.extensions.dashboard.v1.ServerSettings+json
Array of objects (tableau.extensions.dashboard.v1.BlockListItem)

Specifies whether sandboxed extensions are allowed to run on the site.


Request samples

Content type
  • "block_list_items": [
  • "extensions_enabled": true

Response samples

Content type
  • "block_list_items": [
  • "extensions_enabled": true

Block dashboard extension on server - Retired in API 3.21

Retired in API 3.21 (Cloud October 2023 / Server 2023.3)

In October 2023 Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2023.3 releases, Tableau's REST API methods for dashboard extensions settings are retired. We recommend you replace dashboard extensions methods for enabling, listing, getting details of, and updating dashboard extensions with Tableau extensions settings methods that have similar functionality.

Adds a dashboard extension to the block list of a server.

Version: Available in API 3.11 ( Tableau Server 2021.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.extensions.dashboard.v1.BlockListItem+json

Location of the dashboard extension to be blocked from a site.



Request samples

Content type
  • "url": "string",
  • "block_list_item_luid": "string"

Response samples

Content type
  • "url": "string",
  • "block_list_item_luid": "string"

List blocked dashboard extensions on server - Retired in API 3.21

Retired in API 3.21 (Cloud October 2023 / Server 2023.3)

In October 2023 Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2023.3 releases, Tableau's REST API methods for dashboard extensions settings are retired. We recommend you replace dashboard extensions methods for enabling, listing, getting details of, and updating dashboard extensions with Tableau extensions settings methods that have similar functionality.

Lists the dashboard extensions on the blocked list of a server.

Version: Available in API 3.11 ( Tableau Server 2021.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "block_list_items": [

Get blocked dashboard extension on server - Retired in API 3.21

Retired in API 3.21 (Cloud October 2023 / Server 2023.3)

In October 2023 Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2023.3 releases, Tableau's REST API methods for dashboard extensions settings are retired. We recommend you replace dashboard extensions methods for enabling, listing, getting details of, and updating dashboard extensions with Tableau extensions settings methods that have similar functionality.

Gets the details of a specific dashboard extension on the blocked list of a server.

Version: Available in API 3.11 ( Tableau Server 2021.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "url": "string",
  • "block_list_item_luid": "string"

Unblock dashboard extension on server - Retired in API 3.21

Retired in API 3.21 (Cloud October 2023 / Server 2023.3)

In October 2023 Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2023.3 releases, Tableau's REST API methods for dashboard extensions settings are retired. We recommend you replace dashboard extensions methods for enabling, listing, getting details of, and updating dashboard extensions with Tableau extensions settings methods that have similar functionality.

Deletes a specific extension from the block list of a server.

Version: Available in API 3.11 ( Tableau Server 2021.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "httpErrorCode": "string",
  • "message": "string"

List dashboard extension settings of site - Retired in API 3.21

Retired in API 3.21 (Cloud October 2023 / Server 2023.3)

In October 2023 Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2023.3 releases, Tableau's REST API methods for dashboard extensions settings are retired. We recommend you replace dashboard extensions methods for enabling, listing, getting details of, and updating dashboard extensions with Tableau extensions settings methods that have similar functionality.

Lists the dashboard extension settings of the site you are signed into.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server or site administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "extensions_enabled": true,
  • "allow_sandboxed": true,
  • "safe_list_items": [

Update dashboard extension settings of site - Retired in API 3.21

Retired in API 3.21 (Cloud October 2023 / Server 2023.3)

In October 2023 Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2023.3 releases, Tableau's REST API methods for dashboard extensions settings are retired. We recommend you replace dashboard extensions methods for enabling, listing, getting details of, and updating dashboard extensions with Tableau extensions settings methods that have similar functionality.

Updates the settings for dashboard extensions for the site you are signed into.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server or site administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.extensions.dashboard.v1.SiteSettings+json

Specifies whether extensions are allowed to run on the site.


Specifies whether sandboxed extensions are allowed to run on the site.

Array of objects (tableau.extensions.dashboard.v1.SafeListItem)


Request samples

Content type
  • "extensions_enabled": true,
  • "allow_sandboxed": true,
  • "safe_list_items": [

Response samples

Content type
  • "extensions_enabled": true,
  • "allow_sandboxed": true,
  • "safe_list_items": [

Allow dashboard extension on site - Retired in API 3.21

Retired in API 3.21 (Cloud October 2023 / Server 2023.3)

In October 2023 Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2023.3 releases, Tableau's REST API methods for dashboard extensions settings are retired. We recommend you replace dashboard extensions methods for enabling, listing, getting details of, and updating dashboard extensions with Tableau extensions settings methods that have similar functionality.

Adds a dashboard extension to the safe list of the site you are signed into.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server or site administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.extensions.dashboard.v1.SafeListItem+json

Location (URL) of the dashboard extension to be allowed on a site.


When true, the extension has access to underlying data of a workbook. This setting is only effective when the extension is on the site safe list. Default is false.


When true, the user will be prompted to grant an extension access to the underlying data of a workbook. This setting is only effective when the extension is on the site safe list. Default is false.


Request samples

Content type
  • "safe_list_item_luid": "string",
  • "url": "string",
  • "allow_full_data": true,
  • "prompt_needed": true

Response samples

Content type
  • "safe_list_item_luid": "string",
  • "url": "string",
  • "allow_full_data": true,
  • "prompt_needed": true

List allowed dashboard extensions on site - Retired in API 3.21

Retired in API 3.21 (Cloud October 2023 / Server 2023.3)

In October 2023 Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2023.3 releases, Tableau's REST API methods for dashboard extensions settings are retired. We recommend you replace dashboard extensions methods for enabling, listing, getting details of, and updating dashboard extensions with Tableau extensions settings methods that have similar functionality.

Lists the dashboard extensions on the safe list of the site you are signed into.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server or site administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "safe_list_items": [

Disallow dashboard extension on site - Retired in API 3.21

Retired in API 3.21 (Cloud October 2023 / Server 2023.3)

In October 2023 Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2023.3 releases, Tableau's REST API methods for dashboard extensions settings are retired. We recommend you replace dashboard extensions methods for enabling, listing, getting details of, and updating dashboard extensions with Tableau extensions settings methods that have similar functionality.

Deletes a specific dashboard extension from the safe list of the site you are signed into.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: Can only be called by users with site or server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "httpErrorCode": "string",
  • "message": "string"

Get allowed dashboard extension on site - Retired in API 3.21

Retired in API 3.21 (Cloud October 2023 / Server 2023.3)

In October 2023 Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2023.3 releases, Tableau's REST API methods for dashboard extensions settings are retired. We recommend you replace dashboard extensions methods for enabling, listing, getting details of, and updating dashboard extensions with Tableau extensions settings methods that have similar functionality.

Gets the details of a specific dashboard extension on the safe list of the site you are signed into.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: Can only be called by users with site or server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "safe_list_item_luid": "string",
  • "url": "string",
  • "allow_full_data": true,
  • "prompt_needed": true

Update settings for allowed dashboard extension on site - Retired in API 3.21

Retired in API 3.21 (Cloud October 2023 / Server 2023.3)

In October 2023 Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2023.3 releases, Tableau's REST API methods for dashboard extensions settings are retired. We recommend you replace dashboard extensions methods for enabling, listing, getting details of, and updating dashboard extensions with Tableau extensions settings methods that have similar functionality.

Updates the settings of a specific dashboard extension in the safe list of the site you are signed into.

Version: Available in API 3.11 (Tableau Cloud March 2021 / Server 2021.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: Can only be called by users with site or server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud | Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.extensions.dashboard.v1.SafeListItem+json

Location (URL) of the dashboard extension to be allowed on a site.


When true, the extension has access to underlying data of a workbook. This setting is only effective when the extension is on the site safe list. Default is false.


When true, the user will be prompted to grant an extension access to the underlying data of a workbook. This setting is only effective when the extension is on the site safe list. Default is false.


Request samples

Content type
  • "safe_list_item_luid": "string",
  • "url": "string",
  • "allow_full_data": true,
  • "prompt_needed": true

Response samples

Content type
  • "safe_list_item_luid": "string",
  • "url": "string",
  • "allow_full_data": true,
  • "prompt_needed": true

Identity Pools Methods

Identity pools are an identity management tool that uses provisioning and authentication information to enable user access to Tableau Server. Identity pools enable a more centralized and flexible identity management workflow. For more information, see Provision and Authenticate Users Using Identity Pools in the Tableau Server Help.

The identity pools methods allow you to:

  1. Provision users by creating a new local identity store instance. Note: Skip this step to use an existing local identity store or the external identity store you configured in TSM during Tableau Server setup.

  2. Set up an authentication method to authenticate your users to Tableau Server using OpenID Connect (OIDC).

  3. Create an identity pool that uses the identity store and authentication method you configured.

  4. Add users to an identity pool using the Add User to Identity Pool endpoint using the Tableau REST API.

Refer to the Tableau Server Help for testing, managing, and troubleshooting identity pools.

Note: Identity pools do not replace the user provisioning and authentication configurations you made during Tableau Server setup. The purpose of identity pools is to complement and support additional user provisioning and authentication options you might need in your organization.


Before getting started with identity pools, the following requirements must be met:

  • Integration with an OIDC identity provider (IdP), such as Okta, is already configured

  • You are running Tableau Server 2023.1 or later

  • You have performed the identity migration if you are running Tableau Server after upgrading from version 2021.4 or earlier

  • You have performed the steps described at Step 1: Configure Tableau Server and establish a session in the Tableau Server Help

You can use the Identity Pools Postman collection in the Salesforce Developer's Postman workspace to learn about, develop, and test the methods described.

This functionality relates to the concepts and procedures described in the Set Up and Manage Identity Pools topic in the Tableau Server Help.

Create Authentication Configuration

Create an instance of OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication.

For more information, see Step 3: Set up authentication in the Tableau Server Help.

Version: Available in API 3.19 (Tableau Server 2023.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.authn.v1.RegisterAuthConfigurationRequest+json
Value: "OIDC"

Required. Authentication type.


Allows the identity provider (IdP) to authenticate inside of an iFrame. The IdP must disable clickjack protection to allow iFrame presentation. Default value is 'false'.

object (tableau.authn.v1.OidcConfig)


Request samples

Content type
  • "auth_type": "OIDC",
  • "iframed_idp_enabled": true,
  • "oidc": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "auth_configuration": {

List Authentication Configurations

List information about all authentication instances.

Version: Available in API 3.19 (Tableau Server 2023.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "instances": [

Delete Authentication Configuration

Delete an authentication instance.

Version: Available in API 3.19 (Tableau Server 2023.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
integer <int32>

Required. Authentication instance ID.

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "httpErrorCode": "string",
  • "message": "string"

Update Authentication Configuration

Update an authentication instance.

Note: The request body must specify all the required and desired parameters, not jus the parameters you want to update.

Version: Available in API 3.19 (Tableau Server 2023.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
integer <int32>

Required. Authentication instance ID.

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.authn.v1.UpdateAuthConfigurationRequest+json
integer <int32>

Required. Authentication instance ID.

Value: "OIDC"

Required. Authentication type.


Allows the identity provider (IdP) to authenticate inside of an iFrame. The IdP must disable clickjack protection to allow iFrame presentation. Default value is 'false'.

object (tableau.authn.v1.OidcConfig)


Request samples

Content type
  • "id": 0,
  • "auth_type": "OIDC",
  • "iframed_idp_enabled": true,
  • "oidc": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "auth_configuration": {

Create Identity Pool

Create an identity pool.

For more information, see Step 4: Create an identity pool in the Tableau Server Help.

Version: Available in API 3.19 (Tableau Server 2023.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.authn.v1.RegisterIdentityPoolRequest+json

Required. Identity pool name. Must be unique. This name is visible on the Tableau Server landing page when users sign in.

integer <int32>

Required. ID of the identity store instance to configure with this identity pool.

integer <int32>

Required. ID of the authentication instance to configure with this identity pool.


Identity pool is enabled by default.


Identity pool description displayed to users when they sign in.


Request samples

Content type
  • "name": "string",
  • "identity_store_instance": 0,
  • "auth_type_instance": 0,
  • "is_enabled": true,
  • "description": "string"

Response samples

Content type
  • "pool": {

List Identity Pools

List all identity pools.

Version: Available in API 3.19 (Tableau Server 2023.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Server-Windows | Server-Linux


Response samples

Content type
  • "pools": [

Delete Identity Pool

Delete an identity pool.

Important: In Tableau Server, move users to another identity pool before deleting an identity pool. Users will no longer be able to sign in to Tableau Server unless they are a member of an identity pool.

Version: Available in API 3.19 (Tableau Server 2023.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters

Required. Identity pool ID.

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "httpErrorCode": "string",
  • "message": "string"

Get Identity Pool

Get information about an identity pool.

Version: Available in API 3.19 (Tableau Server 2023.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters

Required. Identity pool ID.

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "pool": {

Update Identity Pool

Update information about an identity pool.

Version: Available in API 3.19 (Tableau Server 2023.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters

Required. Identity pool ID.

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.authn.v1.UpdateIdentityPoolRequest+json

Required. Identity pool ID.


Identity pool name. Must be unique. This name is visible on the Tableau Server landing page when users sign in.


Identity pool is enabled by default.


Identity pool description displayed to users when they sign in.


Request samples

Content type
  • "uuid": "string",
  • "name": "string",
  • "is_enabled": true,
  • "description": "string"

Response samples

Content type
  • "pool": {

Configure Identity Store

Configure a new local identity store to provision users.

For more information, see Step 2: Set up an identity store in the Tableau Server Help.

Note: This identity store is in addition to the identity store you configured during Tableau Server setup.

Version: Available in API 3.19 (Tableau Server 2023.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.authn.v1.RegisterIdentityStoreRequest+json
Value: "0"

Required. Identity store type used to provision users. Use 0 to configure a new local identity store. Note: Configuring a new identity store of type Active Directory or LDAP is not supported.


Required. Identity store name. Must be unique.


Identity store display name.


Request samples

Content type
  • "type": "0",
  • "name": "string",
  • "display_name": "string"

Response samples

Content type
  • "store_instance": {

List Identity Stores

List information about all identity store instances used to provision users.

Version: Available in API 3.19 (Tableau Server 2023.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Server-Windows | Server-Linux

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "instances": [

Delete Identity Store

Delete an identity store.

Important: You cannot delete the identity store you configured during Tableau Server setup.

Version: Available in API 3.19 (Tableau Server 2023.1) and later. Not available for Tableau Cloud. Version Overview

Permissions: This method can only be called by users with server administrator permissions. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available.
Access Scopes Overview: Server-Windows | Server-Linux

path Parameters
integer <int32>

Required. Identity store ID.

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "httpErrorCode": "string",
  • "message": "string"

Pulse Methods

With Tableau Pulse, Tableau Cloud users can follow metrics and use guided exploration to understand more about their data. In addition to viewing metrics from the Tableau Pulse home page, users can receive digests via Slack or email that include insights into important changes in their data so users can stay up to date.

Tableau Pulse Overview

  • A metric definition specifies the metadata for all related metrics created using the definition. This includes the data source, measure, time dimension, and which data source dimensions can be filtered by users or programmatically to create related metrics.

    • Example: A metric definition might specify that the data source is the Superstore sales database, and that the measure to focus on is the aggregation "sum of sales". It could define the filterable dimensions as region and product line, that the time dimension for analysis is order date, and that the favorable direction is for the metric to increase.

  • A metric is the interactive object that users follow and receive updates on. It specifies the values to give the filterable dimensions of the metric's definition and the measurement time period of the metric.

    • Example: A user or REST request could filter the metric, and its automatically generated insights, based on the West region and product line sold. The insight provided might call out that discounted sales have risen sharply in a region between last quarter and the current one.

  • A user who follows (has a subscription to) a metric can receive digests via email or Slack. Digests can also be viewed in the Metrics home page in the Tableau UI.

  • A digest provides summary visualizations and text describing the top insights for a metric. It also displays links to further metric details and to suggested follow up questions based on the metric's data and insights.

  • An insight is a data-driven observation about a metric. Tableau automatically generates and ranks insights by usefulness.

  • An insight bundle is a collection of insights for a metric That can be configured to include various elements.

For more information and to learn about the UI features related to these methods, see Create Pulse Metrics.

Configuring Pulse insights for a metric

You can use Pulse REST API methods to generate an insight bundle for a metric. An insight bundle request specifies the metric being analyzed, the output format (text or HTML), time frame, and additional filters for the insights in the bundle.

In the request, you configure the type of insight bundle that should be provided for a metric. Types include:

  • ban - Shows the current aggregated value for a metric, period over period change, and the highest ranked insight for each filterable dimension of the metric.

  • springboard - Shows the current value, period over period change, and the highest ranked insight for the metric.

  • basic - Similar to a springboard insight, but data is focused on the dimensions of a metric that are low bandwidth because they have small value sets. It shows the current value, period over period change, and the highest ranked insight for the metric for that data.

  • detail - Shows insights on performance over time of the metric, a summary visualization of metric highs and lows and trends, breakdowns of top contributors for each filterable dimension of the metric, and followup insights based on the top ranked insights not already presented.

Process suggestion: Bundles are rich and complex objects that can be challenging to build manually. One approach to efficiently create the JSON for a bundle is to use the Tableau user interface to create the form of metric definition and metrics you want to produce programmatically. Then you can navigate to a metric and use your browsers' inspector to view and copy the JSON response for the insight bundle. You can use the JSON directly or as a template in your code.

Insight types

Depending on the type of insight bundle you request and the shape of your data source, some or all of the following types of insights will be returned.

Name Description
Period over Period Change INSIGHT_TYPE_CURRENT_TREND Shows how a metric has changed between two periods. Highlights the change between a metric value for a recent time range compared to an equivalent time range in a prior period or the past.
Risky Monopoly INSIGHT_TYPE_RISKY_MONOPOLY Shows when a small number of dimension members make up a majority (50% or more) of the contribution to a metric. Shows dimensions with a concentration of very high values.

A risky monopoly is a situation when a small number of dimension members make up a majority (50% or more) of the contribution to a metric.
Top Contributors INSIGHT_TYPE_TOP_DIMENSION_MEMBER_MOVERS Shows the highest values in a dimension for a metric within a given time range.

A top contributor is a dimension member that ranks in the top N in contribution to the scoped metric’s value, aggregated on a specified time range.
Bottom Contributors INSIGHT_TYPE_BOTTOM_CONTRIBUTORS Shows the lowest values in a dimension for a metric within a given time range. A bottom contributor is a dimension member that ranks in the bottom N in contribution to the scoped metric’s value, aggregated on a specified time range.
Top Drivers INSIGHT_TYPE_TOP_DRIVERS Shows values for dimension members that changed the most in the same direction as the observed change in the metric. Shows the values for a metric that increased the most across a specified time offset.

A top driver is a dimension member that ranks in the top N in driving a change in a metric value between two separate but equivalent time ranges.

Top drivers are analyzed using metric values from two separate but equivalent time ranges (such as Sales for day of October 2 versus Sales for day of October 3) to look for changes to the contributions in the same direction of the change made by dimension members.
Top Detractors INSIGHT_TYPE_TOP_DETRACTORS Shows values for dimension members that changed the most in the opposite direction to the observed change in the metric. Shows values for a metric that are most opposed to top drivers decreased the most across a specified time offset.

A top detractor is a dimension member that ranks in the bottom N in driving a change in a metric value between two separate but equivalent time ranges. This insight's values oppose the observed change the most.

Top detractors are analyzed using metric values from two separate but equivalent time ranges (such as Sales for day of October 2 versus Sales for day of October 3) to look for changes to the contributions in the same direction of the change made by dimension members.
Unusually High/Low Metric value INSIGHT_TYPE_UNUSUAL_CHANGE Shows unexpected changes in a metric value.

Shows when the value of a metric for a given time range is higher or lower than the expected range based on historic observations of the metric.

This insight highlights when the value of a metric for a given time range is higher or lower than the expected range based on historic observations of the metric.
New Trend Detected INSIGHT_TYPE_NEW_TREND Shows new trends that vary significantly from the current trend. This insight communicates the rate of change, direction, and fluctuations for the metric value.
Outliers INSIGHT_TYPE_RECORD_LEVEL_OUTLIERS Shows values that fell outside of the range of most of the rest of the values for a metric.

For more detailed information on the types of insights, see The Insights Platform and Insight Types in Tableau Pulse.

What do Pulse REST API methods enable?

Metric definitions

  • Create, update, and delete metric definitions
  • Get a list of metric definitions for a site
  • Get a list of metrics for a metric definition
  • Get a specified batch of metric definitions
  • Get the details of a metric
  • Get a metric if it exists or create it if it doesn't
  • Create, update, and delete a metric
  • Get a specified batch of metrics
Metric Insights
  • Generate a basic insight bundle for a metric
  • Generate a springboard insight bundle for a metric
  • Generate a detail insight bundle for a metric
Metric Subscriptions
  • Get the details of a subscription to a metric
  • Get a list of subscriptions to a metric for a user
  • Create or delete a subscription to a metric
  • Update the followers of a metric
  • Get a specified batch of subscriptions to a metric
  • Create subscriptions for a batch of users or groups to a metric
  • Get a count of followers for a specified batch of subscriptions to a metric

Create metric definition

Creates a metric definition.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server Version Overview

Permissions: Any user can create a metric definition as long as the user has write and publish access to the data source used in the definition. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_definitions:create
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.

Request Body schema: application/vnd.tableau.metricqueryservice.v1.CreateDefinitionRequest+json

The name of the metric definition.


The description of the metric definition.

object (tableau.metricqueryservice.types.v1.DefinitionSpecification)
object (tableau.metricqueryservice.types.v1.ExtensionOptions)
object (tableau.metricqueryservice.types.v1.RepresentationOptions)
object (tableau.metricqueryservice.types.v1.InsightsOptions)
object (tableau.metricqueryservice.types.v1.Comparisons)
Array of objects (tableau.metricqueryservice.types.v1.DatasourceGoalSpecification)

A data source goal defines a metric with a target that is calculated from values in the definition's data source. This is as opposed to a metric goal whose value is defined directly in the request.

Only one data source goal is supported per metric. If multiple data source goals are specified, only the first one will be used.
- The specification of the Basic Metric of a data source goal must use the aggregation value AGGREGATION_SUM or AGGREGATION_COUNT. That restriction doesn't apply of you configured the definition using the advanced definition editor
If a metric goal is defined in the configuration of a request to generate an insight bundle, then the metric goal will take precedence over any data source goal that is also defined in the request, and nothing will be returned for the data source goal."
When supplying a data source goal as input for a request to generate an insight bundle, it's granularity cannot be higher than the granularity configured in the request for the insight. If the data source goal granularity is higher than the requested insight granularity, then nothing will be returned for the data source goal.


Request samples

Content type
  • "name": "string",
  • "description": "string",
  • "specification": {
  • "extension_options": {
  • "representation_options": {
  • "insights_options": {
  • "comparisons": {
  • "datasource_goals": [

Response samples

Content type
  • "definition": {

List metric definitions

Lists the metric definitions configured for a site or, optionally, the details and definition for a specific metric.

Version: Available in API 3.21 (Tableau Cloud December 2023) and later. Not available for Tableau Server Version Overview

Permissions: Can be called by any user, but only returns definitions and metrics that the user has permissions to view. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: tableau:insight_definitions_metrics:read
Access Scopes Overview: Cloud

query Parameters

If True, the metrics will be sorted by the metric name. If false, the metrics will be returned in the order they were requested. The default is False. (Available in API 3.24 (Tableau Cloud December 2024) and later.)


The sort order of the results. The format is <field> <direction>. The direction can be either asc or desc. The default is asc. (Available in API 3.24 (Tableau Cloud December 2024) and later.)


The range of metrics to return for a definition. The default is 'DEFINITION_VIEW_BASIC' if not specified.

  • 'DEFINITION_VIEW_BASIC' - Return only the specified metric definition.
  • 'DEFINITION_VIEW_FULL' - Return the metric definition and the specified number of metrics.
  • 'DEFINITION_VIEW_DEFAULT' - Return the metric definition and the default metric.
integer <int64>

(Required if view is DEFINITION_VIEW_FULL) The number of metrics to return. If not specified, the default is unlimited. (Available in API 3.24 (Tableau Cloud December 2024) and later.)

integer <int32>

Specifies the number of results in a paged response.


GET ...//definitions?pageSize=50

Combining Path Parameters: A page_size expression can be combined with other path parameters using an ampersand (&) as a separator, and is typically used along with a page number expression.

Learn more about paginating the response.


If a metric LUID is specified, only return the definition that is related to the metric, and the details of the metric.


Specifies the page of items to be returned from a requested list. The value of page_token for the next page of returns is found in the next_page_token of the current response. If there are no further items to return, the value of next_page_token will be empty.


GET .../definitions?pageToken={next_page_value}

Combining Path Parameters: A page_token expression can be combined with other path parameters using an ampersand (&) as a separator, and is typically used along with a page number expression.

Learn more about paginating the response.

header Parameters

The Tableau authentication header. The value is a credentials token from a Tableau server's response to an authentication request. The Content-Type and Accept headers should be the mediatype of the request and response except in cases where you want to explicitly allow other versions of the resource.


Response samples

Content type
  • "definitions": [