Install the RMT Server Using Command Line

The Resource Monitoring Tool Server (RMT Server) hosts the web application that users interact with. It also does much of the background processing to collate and monitor the data from the Agents. The RMT Server must be installed on dedicated hardware.

This topic describes the steps you can use to install the RMT Server using command line. Command line installation is supported on both Windows and Linux operating systems.

In an effort to align with our company values of Equality, we have changed non-inclusive terminology where possible. Because changing terms in certain places can causing a breaking change, we maintain the existing terminology. So, you may continue to see the terms in CLI commands and options, installation folders, configuration files. and other instances. For more information, see About Tableau Help(Link opens in a new window).

To install the RMT Server:

  1. Run the RMT Server setup program:
    1. Download the RMT Server installer and save it to a location that you can access from the machine where you plan to install the RMT Server.

    2. Open the command prompt as an administrator.

    3. Navigate to the location of the RMT Server installer and run the exe file using the following command

      Tabrmt-Master-64bit-<version>.exe /silent ACCEPTEULA=1

      Note: Use the /silent or /quiet switch to run the setup unattended and without displaying any UI or prompts.

      The default install folder is usually like this: C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\master. To provide a different install location run the following command:

      Tabrmt-Master-64bit-<version>.exe /silent ACCEPTEULA=1 InstallFolder="D:\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\master"

      Full list of all the install command properties and switches can be found in this section below.

    This installs the package and the prerequisites including RabbitMQ, Erlang, and a PostgreSQL database. The PostgreSQL database is used to store usage data gathered from Tableau Server. It will then proceed to install the RMT Server.

  2. Configure the RMT Server:
    1. Run the following command and provide the options:

      rmtadmin master-setup [options]

      The configuration options can be supplied either through the command prompt, a configuration file. If you do not supply the options, the default values will be applied except for the administrator password. The administrator user name will be set to admin and you will be prompted to provide the password.

      Example command including the required password parameter:

      rmtadmin master-setup --admin-username=<name the administrator user> --admin-password=<administrator user password>

      The following table lists the required and some commonly used options used to configure the RMT Server. For a full list of the configurations options, see rmtadmin Command Line Utility .

      Note: Require HTTPS option ensures secure communications between the RMT Server and users. When you require HTTPS for communications, you must also select a mode for the certificate that should be used for these communications. The table below includes the various options. To learn more about these modes and certificates, see SSL Certificate Mode and Requirements

      Option Required? Default Description


      Password can be supplied in the command line or provide a file with the password to use. If neither is provided, you will be prompted for the password.

      n/a The password for the administrator user.


      Password can be supplied in the command line or provide a file with the password to use. If neither is provided, you will be prompted for the password.

      n/a The file where the password for the administrator user is stored.
      admin-username No admin The username for the administrator user.
      http-port No 80  
      require-https No False If True, http is not available.

      If False, http will forward to https.
      https-certificate-mode No


      Available options:

      • Default
      • Store
      • Local

      The type of certificate search to perform for the HTTPS certificate.

      Default: This mode uses the default self-signed certificate supplied by the installer.

      Store: This allows you to enter the thumbprint of a certificate in the Windows certificate store.

      Local: Allows you to specify a file-based certificate in the config folder.

      https-certificate-store-thumbprint No Null The HTTPS certificate hash/thumbprint to search for in 'store' certificate mode.
      https-certificate-local-name No


      Note: If not specified, the Resource Monitoring Tool is installed with a self-signed certificate and will use that certificate for HTTPS communications.

      The name of the HTTPS certificate file without the file extension.
      https-certificate-local-password No Null The password to use for the HTTPS certificate.
      https-certificate-local-password-file No Null The path to the file containing the password to use for the HTTPS certificate.
  3. Create an environment:

    1. Run the following command to create an environment:

      rmtadmin create-env --name=<myenvironment> --api-username=<TableauServer API user name> --api-password=<password for the Tableau Server API user account>

      Configure the environment using the options available for this command. Here are some key configuration options to consider:

      • The Tableau Server REST API and the Tableau Server Repository configurations are used to communicate with Tableau Server. The Tableau Server Repository configuration is optional, but is a preferred method to access Tableau Server.
      • You have the option to configure secure encrypted connection when RMT connects to Tableau Server Repository. In order to use SSL connections between RMT and Tableau Server Repository database, Tableau Server must be configured to use SSL. For more information, see Configure SSL for Internal Postgres Communication.

      The following table lists the some of the common options. To see a full list of options, see rmtadmin Command Line Utility .

      Option Required? Default Description
      --name Yes n/a The name of the environment.




      URL used to access the Tableau Server gateway.

      --version Yes n/a Tableau Server version that this environment will be monitoring.
      --api-username No Null User name of the account used to connect to Tableau Server APIs. The user account should be a Tableau Server administrator with access to all Tableau Server sites.


      (If you specify the Tableau API user name, you will either provide the password, or specify the file path and file that has the password)


      Password of the Tableau Server API user account used to connect to Tableau Server APIs.

      --api-password-file No Null The path to the file and the name of the file containing the password of the Tableau Server API user account.
      --repository-server Yes


      This is the server name for the PostgreSQL database that in installed with Tableau Server
      --repository-port Yes Null The port number of the Tableau Server Repository database.
      --repository-username Yes Null

      Username used to connect to PostgreSQL database installed with the Tableau Server Repository.

      Resource Monitoring Tool accesses the Tableau Server Repository database directly for performance reasons. For this to work, access to the repository must be enabled, with a password set for the readonly database user. For details, see Enable access to the Tableau Server repository.

      --repository-password Yes Null

      Password for the user account used to connect to the PostgreSQL database that is installed with the Tableau Server .

      Resource Monitoring Tool accesses the Tableau Server Repository database directly for performance reasons. For this to work, access to the repository must be enabled, with a password set for the readonly database user. For details, see Enable access to the Tableau Server repository.

      --repository-password-file No Null The path including the file name where the password for the user account used to connect to the PostgreSQL database that is installed with Tableau Server.



      Tableau Server Repository SSL Mode:

      Prefer SSL or Require SSL to configure SSL connections to Tableau Repository.

      Disable to never use SSL to make Tableau Server Repository connections.



      Null You can choose to either supply the thumbprint that was generated by Tableau Server, or copy the server.crt file to the Resource Monitoring Tool Server(RMT Server) machine. If you choose to copy the certificate file, you don't have to supply the thumbprint. For more information, see Configure Postgres SSL to Allow Direct Connections from Clients.
    2. Download the bootstrap file to a location that can be accessed from the Tableau Server nodes.

      rmtadmin bootstrap-file --env=<myenvironment> --filename=<The absolute or relative path including the file name>


Windows install properties and switches


Switch Description Comments
/install | /uninstall Run Setup to either install or uninstall Resource Monitoring Tool.

Default is to install, displaying UI and all prompts. If no directory is specified using the InstallFolder property on a fresh install, C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\master is assumed. If Resource Monitoring Tool is already installed, Setup will assume the same location as the current installation.

To completely remove Resource Monitoring Tool including the data directory, use, /uninstall DELTEDATADIR=1

/passive Run Setup with minimal UI and no prompts.  
/quiet | /silent Run Setup in unattended, fully silent mode. No web interface or prompts are displayed. Use either /quiet or /silent, not both.
/norestart Run Setup without restarting Windows, even if a restart is necessary. In certain rare cases, a restart cannot be suppressed, even when this option is used. This is most likely when an earlier system restart was skipped. For example, if restart was skipped during installation of other software.
/log <log-file> Log information to the specified file and path. By default log files are created in %TEMP% with a naming convention of Tableau_Resource_Monitoring_Tool_<version_code>.

If no file location is specified, the log file is written to the TEMP folder - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp. Check this log file for errors after installation.

For example: <Setup file> /quiet /log="C:\Tableau\Logs\RmtInstall


Property Description Comments
InstallFolder=<path\to\installation\directory> Install to the specified non-default install location.

Specifies the location to install RMT. If not used, RMT is installed to C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\master.

Example: <Setup file> /silent InstallFolder="D:\Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\master

ACCEPTEULA=1|0 Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA). Required for quiet, silent, and passive install on both initial and additional nodes. 1 = true, accept the EULA, 0 = false, do not accept the EULA. If not included when using /passive, /silent or /quiet, Setup fails silently. If included but set to 0, Setup fails.

To install the RMT Server:

  1. Install the RMT Server:

    1. Download the rpm or .deb RMT Server installer and save it to a location that you can access from the machine where you plan to install the RMT Server.

    2. Log in to the machine where you want the RMT Server installed as a user that has sudo access.

    3. Run the following command to install the RMT Server, where <version> is formatted as major-minor-maintenance:

      For RHEL like distribution including CentOS:

      sudo yum install <path/to/rmtserverinstaller>/Tabrmt-Master-x86_64-<version>.rpm

      For Ubuntu distributions:

      sudo apt install ./ <path/to/rmtserverinstaller>/Tabrmt-Master-amd64-<version>.deb

    This installs the package and the prerequisites including RabbitMQ, Erlang, and a PostgreSQL database. The PostgreSQL database is used to store usage data gathered from Tableau Server. It will then proceed to install the RMT Server.

  2. Initialize RMT Server:

    You must explicitly accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) when you initialize RMT Server. You also have the option to specify non-default configurations. To initialize RMT Server with a default configuration, run this command :

    sudo /opt/tableau/tabrmt/master/install-scripts/initialize-rmt-master --accepteula

    The EULA can be found in the /opt/tableau/tabrmt/master/docs folder.

    Beginning in version 2023.1 you can specify a custom Run As account to be used by RMT, as well as other configuration options. By default, RMT creates and uses an account called rmt-master to run under. To specify a custom Run As account to be used by RMT Server, include the --unprivileged-user option when you run the initialization script. For information about all the available switches for the initialize-rmt-master script, see RMT Server Initialization Script Options.

  3. Configure the RMT Server:
    1. Run the following command as the tabrmt-master user:

      sudo su --login tabrmt-master

      rmtadmin master-setup [options]

      The configuration options can be supplied either through the command prompt or a configuration file. If you do not supply the options, the default values will be applied, except for the administrator password. The administrator username will be set to admin and you will be prompted to provide the password.

      Example command including the required password parameter:

      rmtadmin master-setup --admin-username=<name of the administrator user> --admin-password=<administrator user password>

      The following table lists the required and some commonly used options to configure the RMT Server. For a full list of the configurations options, see rmtadmin Command Line Utility .

      Note: Require HTTPS option ensures secure communications between the RMT Server and users. When you require HTTPS for communications, you must also select a mode for the certificate that should be used for these communications. The table below includes the various options. To learn more about these modes and certificates, see Install the Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool

      Option Required?




      Password can be supplied in the command line or provide a file with the password to use. If neither is provided, you will be prompted for the password.

      n/a The password for the administrator user.


      Password can be supplied in the command line or provide a file with the password to use. If neither is provided, you will be prompted for the password.


      The file where the password for the administrator user is stored.

      Note: tabrmt-master user must have access to this file.

      admin-username No admin The username for the administrator user.
      http-port No 80  
      require-https No False

      Redirect http traffic to HTTPS.

      https-certificate-mode No

      Available Options:

      • Default
      • Local

      The type of certificate search to perform for the HTTPS certificate.

      Default: This mode uses the default self-signed certificate supplied by the installer.

      Local: Allows you to specify a file-based certificate in the <installation directory>\config folder. By default this is C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\master\config.



      Note: If not specified, the Resource Monitoring Tool is installed with a self-signed certificate and will use that certificate for HTTPS communications.

      Null The name of the HTTPS certificate file without the file extension.
      https-certificate-local-password No Null The password to use for the HTTPS certificate.
      https-certificate-local-password-file No Null The path to the file containing the password to use for the HTTPS certificate.
  4. Create an environment:

    1. Run the following command to create an environment:

      rmtadmin create-env --name=<myenvironment> --api-username=<TableauServer API user name> --api-password=<password for the Tableau Server API user account>

      Configure the environment using the options available for this command. Here are some key configuration options to consider:

      • The Tableau Server REST API and the Tableau Server Repository configurations are used to communicate with Tableau Server. The Tableau Server Repository configuration is optional, but is a preferred method to access Tableau Server.
      • You have the option to configure secure encrypted connection when RMT connects to Tableau Server Repository. In order to use SSL connections between RMT and Tableau Server Repository database, Tableau Server must be configured to use SSL. For more information, see Configure SSL for Internal Postgres Communication.

      The following table lists the some of the common options. To see a full list of options, see rmtadmin Command Line Utility .

      Option Required? Default Description
      --name Yes n/a The name of the environment.




      URL used to access the Tableau Server gateway.

      --version Yes n/a Tableau Server version that this environment will be monitoring.
      --api-username No Null User name of the account used to connect to Tableau Server APIs. The user account should be a Tableau Server administrator with access to all Tableau Server sites.


      (If you specify the Tableau API user name, you will either provide the password, or specify the file path and file that has the password)


      Password of the Tableau Server API user account used to connect to Tableau Server APIs.

      --api-password-file No Null The path to the file and the name of the file containing the password of the Tableau Server API user account.
      --repository-server Yes


      This is the server name for the PostgreSQL database that in installed with Tableau Server
      --repository-port Yes Null The port number of the Tableau Server Repository database.
      --repository-username Yes Null

      Username used to connect to PostgreSQL database installed with the Tableau Server Repository.

      Resource Monitoring Tool accesses the Tableau Server Repository database directly for performance reasons. For this to work, access to the repository must be enabled, with a password set for the readonly database user. For details, see Enable access to the Tableau Server repository.

      --repository-password Yes Null

      Password for the user account used to connect to the PostgreSQL database that is installed with the Tableau Server .

      Resource Monitoring Tool accesses the Tableau Server Repository database directly for performance reasons. For this to work, access to the repository must be enabled, with a password set for the readonly database user. For details, see Enable access to the Tableau Server repository.

      --repository-password-file No Null The path including the file name where the password for the user account used to connect to the PostgreSQL database that is installed with Tableau Server.



      Tableau Server Repository SSL Mode:

      Prefer SSL or Require SSL to configure SSL connections to Tableau Repository.

      Disable to never use SSL to make Tableau Server Repository connections.



      Null You can choose to either supply the thumbprint that was generated by Tableau Server, or copy the server.crt file to the Resource Monitoring Tool Server(RMT Server) machine. If you choose to copy the certificate file, you don't have to supply the thumbprint. For more information, see Configure Postgres SSL to Allow Direct Connections from Clients.
    2. Download the bootstrap file to a location that can be accessed from the Tableau Server nodes.

      rmtadmin bootstrap-file --env=<myenvironment> --filename=<The absolute or relative path including the file name>

  5. Optional step - only if not using SSD: The Resource Monitoring Toolis optimized for SSD by default. If you are not using SSD hardware, run the command:

    sudo /opt/tableau/tabrmt/master/tabrmt-master optimize --no-ssd


Who can do this

To install Resource Monitoring Tool, you must have all the following:


  • Administrator permissions on the machine you are installing Resource Monitoring Tool.
  • Tableau Server Administrator site role.
  • Resource Monitoring Tool Administrator account.


  • Full sudo access for the user account that is used to install the Agent.
  • Resource Monitoring Tool Administrator account

Next Step

Install the Agent Using Command Line

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