rmtadmin Command Line Utility

Resource Monitoring Tool includes a command line interface, rmtadmin.cmd, located in the installation folder. The default installation folder is:

  • RMT Server %PROGRAMFILES%\Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\Master
  • Agent: %PROGRAMFILES%\Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\agent

Note: You must run the command prompt as an Administrator for these commands to run successfully.

rmtadmin is included in both the RMT Server and Agent installations. Some commands may vary based on whether you are using the RMT Server or Agent rmtadmin command line utility. E.g., the users command only works from the RMT Server. The ziplogs command is available everywhere but only includes the log files from the application the command is run on.

Here are the commands that can be used with the rmtadmin command line:

Note: The rmtadmin commands use both positional parameters and options.
The positional parameters should be specified using only the values. You don't need to specify the actual keyword. The option keyword and the value should be specified using an equal sign.
rmtadmin <command> <positional parameter value> --<option keyword>=<value>

In an effort to align with our company values of Equality, we have changed non-inclusive terminology where possible. Because changing terms in certain places can cause a breaking change, we maintain the existing terminology. So, you may continue to see the terms in CLI commands and options, installation folders, configuration files, and other instances. For more information, see About Tableau Help(Link opens in a new window).

rmtadmin agents

Note: Added in version 2021.2

Lists all the registered Agents on Tableau Server nodes for all environments.

This is useful to see where the Resource Monitoring Tool Agent is installed on Tableau Server.

This command only works on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin agents [options][global option]



Optional: Use this option to see the list of Agents for the specific environment. This is the system generated identifier. You can find this by going to Admin > Environments > Edit Environment. On this page, in the Environment Details section, you will see the identifier for the environment.


Optional: includes the agent key in the output.

Example:rmtadmin agents --env=<myenvironmentidentifier> --keys

rmtadmin bootstrap-file

Note: Added in version 2021.2

Creates and saves the bootstrap fie used to register Agents on Tableau Server nodes.

Bootstrap file will be created and saved to the specified absolute path or relative path. Relative paths are resolved to the current working directory.

This command only works on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin bootstrap-file [options][global option]



Required. This is the system generated identifier. You can find this by going to Admin > Environments > Edit Environment. On this page, in the Environment Details section, you will see the identifier for the environment.
The Agent on a Tableau Server node can only registered to one environment at a time.


Optional. The absolute or relative path including the file name. The relative paths are resolved to the current working directory. If not specified, the default output filename is used.


Optional. Overwrites the existing file with the same name.

Example:rmtadmin bootstrap-file --env=<myenvironmentidentifier>

rmtadmin cleanup

Note: Added in version 2021.2

Deletes the log files that are older than a certain number of days. By default it deletes log files older than 31 days.

This command on both RMT Server and Agent.

Note: If the Resource Monitoring Tool processes are running, the active log files will not be cleaned up by the command. If you want to be sure that all files are deleted, you will need to stop RMT using the rmtadmin_stop command and then run cleanup using the following command, rmtadmin cleanup --log-files-retention=0, and then restart the processes using the rmtadmin_start command.


rmtadmin cleanup [option][global option]



Optional. Deletes the log files older than the specified number of days.

Example:rmtadmin cleanup --log-files-retention=<number of days>

rmtadmin create-admin-user

Version: Added in version 2022.1

Creates an initial admin user if no other users exist.

Note: Beginning in version 2023.1 you can create multiple admin users.

This command on only RMT Server.


rmtadmin create-admin-user [options][global option]



Optional. The username for the admin user account. Defaults to "admin" if not specified.


Required. The password for the admin user account.


Optional. The path to the file containing the password for the admin user account. You can use this if you do not want to type in the password directly and have the password stored in a file that can be accessed.

Example:rmtadmin create-admin-user --username<admin user name> --password <password for the admin user account>

rmtadmin create-env

Note: Added in version 2021.2

Creates a new environment.

This command only works on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin create-env [options][global option]


Option Required? Default Description
--name Yes n/a The name of the environment.




URL used to access the Tableau Server gateway.

--version Yes n/a Tableau Server version that this environment will be monitoring.


Interactive prompts are enabled by default. Disables all interactive prompts.


API and Repository connection testing is enabled by default. Disables testing API and repository connections.
--api-username No Null User name of the account used to connect to Tableau Server APIs. The user account should be a Tableau Server administrator with access to all Tableau Server sites.


(If you specify the Tableau API user name, you will either provide the password, or specify the file path and file that has the password)


Password of the Tableau Server API user account used to connect to Tableau Server APIs.

--api-password-file No Null The path to the file and the name of the file containing the password of the Tableau Server API user account.
--repository-server Yes


This is the server name for the PostgreSQL database that in installed with Tableau Server.
--repository-database Yes Null This is the name of the PostgreSQL database that is installed with Tableau Server.
--repository-port Yes Null The port number of the Tableau Server Repository database.
--repository-username Yes Null

Username used to connect to PostgreSQL database installed with the Tableau Server Repository.

Resource Monitoring Tool accesses the Tableau Server Repository database directly for performance reasons. For this to work, access to the repository must be enabled, with a password set for the readonly database user. For details, see Enable access to the Tableau Server repository.

--repository-password Yes Null

Password for the user account used to connect to the PostgreSQL database that is installed with the Tableau Server .

Resource Monitoring Tool accesses the Tableau Server Repository database directly for performance reasons. For this to work, access to the repository must be enabled, with a password set for the readonly database user. For details, see Enable access to the Tableau Server repository.

--repository-password-file No, but required if you are not providing the password in command prompt or in a script directly. Null The path including the file name where the password for the user account used to connect to the PostgreSQL database that is installed with Tableau Server.



Tableau Server Repository SSL Mode:

Prefer SSL or Require SSL to configure SSL connections to Tableau Repository.

Disable to never use SSL to make Tableau Server Repository connections.



Null When configuring Tableau Server PostgreSQL to allow direct connections, Tableau Server creates a certificate and keys. You can choose to either supply the thumbprint for the certificate that was generated by Tableau Server, or copy the server.crt file to the Resource Monitoring Tool Server machine. If you choose to copy the certificate file, you don't have to supply the thumbprint. For more information, see Configure Postgres SSL to Allow Direct Connections from Clients.

Example:rmtadmin create-env --name=<myenvironment> --api-username=<TableauServer API user name> --api-password=<password for the Tableau Server API user account> --gateway-url <Tableau Server Gateway URL> --version <Tableau Server version>

rmtadmin data-access

Note: Added in version 2022.3

Enables or disables access to PostgreSQL database. Note: Access to PostgreSQL database is required starting in version 2022.3 for Resource Monitoring Toolto successfully gather all monitoring data from Tableau Server.

This command only works on the RMT Server

Note: The PostgreSQL database must be restarted for this configuration to take effect.


rmtadmin data-access [positional parameter][options] [global option]

Positional Parameter


Required. The mode that should be used for remote data access to PostgreSQL database. The values should be one of: None, ReadOnly, Admin. When set to None, the data access is disabled. ReadOnly, and Admin specify which user account to use to access the database..




rmtadmin data-access ReadOnly

rmtadmin restart --db

rmtadmin delete-env

Note: Added in version 2021.2

Deletes a specific environment and all data that has been collected for that environment. It also removes the connection and topology information about the Tableau Server that the environment is monitoring and deregisters all the Resource Monitoring Tool Agents.

This command only works on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin delete-env [positional parameter][options] [global option]

Positional Parameter


Required. This is the system generated identifier. This is the system generated identifier. You can find this by going to Admin > Environments > Edit Environment. On this page, in the Environment Details section, you will see the identifier for the environment.



Optional. Confirm that you want to delete the environment. If you do not provide this option, you will be prompted to confirm.


Optional. Skips disconnecting the Agent and continues with deregistering the Agent. Use this option if you think the Agent is inaccessible - For example, if the Tableau Server node has been removed or if the Agent has been uninstalled on that node.

Example:rmtadmin delete-env <myenvironmentidentifier>

rmtadmin delete-env-data

Permanently deletes all Tableau Server related data collected for a specific environment. Environment configuration, Tableau Server information, and Agent registration will not be removed.

This is useful for clearing all the existing data in an environment without removing the environment itself. After deleting the existing data, new data sent by the Agents will continue to be processed.

This command only works on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin delete-env-data [positional parameter][option][global option]

Positional Parameter


The identifier of the environment for which the data should be deleted. This is the system generated identifier. You can find this by going to Admin > Environments > Edit Environment. On this page, in the Environment Details section, you will see the identifier for the environment.



Optional. Confirm that you want to delete the environment data. If you do not provide this option, you will be prompted to confirm.

Example:rmtadmin delete-env-data <myenvironmentidentifier>

rmtadmin delete-server

Note: Added in version 2021.2

Deletes the configuration information of the Tableau Server node from the environment, deregisters the Agent on that node, and deletes all monitoring data collected specific to that node.

This command only works on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin delete-server [options][global option]



Required. The identifier of the environment that the Tableau Server node is connected to. This is the system generated identifier. You can find this by going to Admin > Environments > Edit Environment. On this page, in the Environment Details section, you will see the identifier for the environment.


Required to delete information about on or more connected to the environment and if --all is not specified.

This is the machine name of the Tableau Server node. Use commas to separate multiple values if specifying more than one host name.


Optional, but required if --hostname is not specified.

Deletes the information for all the Tableau Server nodes connected to the environment.


Optional. Skips disconnecting the Agent and continues with deregistering the Agent. Use this option if the Agent is inaccessible- For example, if the node has been removed from Tableau Server or if the Agent has been uninstalled on that node.


Confirm that you want to delete all the information about the Tableau Server node. If you do not provide this option, you will be prompted to confirm.

Example:rmtadmin delete-server --hostname=<machine name of the Tableau Server node>

rmtadmin delete-server-data

Note: Added in version 2021.2

Deletes the data collected from one or more Tableau Server nodes. Data removed only pertains to the nodes that are specified. If you specify all, then all the data collected from all the nodes will be deleted. Environment configuration, Tableau Server information, and Agent registrations will not be deleted.

This command only works on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin delete-server-data [options][global option]



Required. The identifier of the environment that the Tableau Server node is connected to. This is the system generated identifier. You can find this by going to Admin > Environments > Edit Environment. On this page, in the Environment Details section, you will see the identifier for the environment.


Required to delete information about on or more connected to the environment and if --all is not specified.

This is the machine name of the Tableau Server node. Use commas to separate multiple values if specifying more than one host name.


Optional, but required if --hostname is not specified.

Deletes the monitoring data for all the Tableau Server nodes connected to the environment.


Confirm that you want to delete all the monitoring data from the Tableau Server nodes. If you do not provide this option, you will be prompted to confirm.

Example:rmtadmin delete-server-data --all

rmtadmin deregister

Note: Added in version 2021.2

Deregisters the Agent from the environment. Monitoring data from this node will no longer be collected. Existing data will remain and not be deleted.

This command only works when run on the RMT Agent. Run this on the Agent you want to deregister.


rmtadmin deregister [options]



Optional. Confirm that you want to deregister the Agent. This bypasses the confirmation prompt.


Optional. Ignores any errors that occur while communicating with the RTM Server during this process.

Example:rmtadmin deregister --confirm

rmtadmin deregister-agent

Note: Added in version 2021.2

Deregisters the specified Agent from the environment. Monitoring data from this node will no longer be collected. Existing data will remain and not be deleted.

This command only works when run on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin deregister-agent [options][global option]



Required if --key is not specified.

This is identifier of the environment where the Agent is currently registered. This is the system generated identifier. This is the system generated identifier. You can find this by going to Admin > Environments > Edit Environment. On this page, in the Environment Details section, you will see the identifier for the environment.


Optional if --env is specified.

This is the Agent key. Use commas to separate multiple values. You can get the key values by running the rmtadmin agents command.


Optional. Machine name of the Tableau Server node where the Agent is installed. Use commas to separate multiple values.


Optional. Use this option to deregister Agents on all the nodes.


Optional. Ignores any errors that occur if unable to connect with the Agents during this process.


Optional. Skips disconnecting the Agent and continues with jderegistering the Agent. Use this option if you think the Agent is inaccessible - For example, if the node has been removed from Tableau Server or if the Agent has been uninstalled on that node.


Optional. Confirm that you want to deregister the Agents. If you do not provide this option, you will be prompted to confirm.

Example:rmtadmin deregister-agent --env=<myenvironmentidentifier> --all

rmtadmin environments

Note: Added in version 2021.2

Lists all the environments on the Resource Monitoring Tool Server.

This command only works on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin environments [global option]

rmtadmin get

Gets the value of a specified configuration key.

This command can be used both on the RMT Server and Agent.


rmtadmin get <config.key> [global option]

Positional Parameter


Name of the configuration key.

Example: rmtadmin get db:database

Supported configuration keys

Key Data Type Applies To DEFAULT Description
db:database String RMT Server tabrmtdb Name of the PostgreSQL database that RMT uses.
db:readOnlyUsername String RMT Server readonly Username of a PostgreSQL user account which has only read-only access to the RMT data.
db:readOnlyPassword String RMT Server Generated by the installer program. Password of the PostgreSQL read-only user.
mq:tls:certificateHostName String RMT Server and Agent n/a Host name in the certificate to use when connecting to RabbitMQ via TLS.
mq:tls:enabled Boolean RMT Server and Agent FALSE Enable/disable TLS connection to RabbitMQ.
mq:port Integer RMT Server and Agent 5672 RabbitMQ host port number.
mq:virtualHost String RMT Server and Agent tabrmt Connection to the RMT Server or Agent. For Agent, you can modify this setting by registering the Agent with a bootstrap file. For the RMT Server, the value is managed by the installer.
server.web.run Boolean Agent TRUE Enable or disable the Agent's web interface.

Use the set command to change the current configuration value.

rmtadmin help

Shows general help about the command line interface and the available commands.

This command can be used both on the RMT Server and Agent.


rmtadmin help

Show help and usage information for a specific command:

This command can be used both on the RMT Server and Agent.

rmtadmin help [command]

rmtadmin master-setup

Configures the RMT Server with specified options. Used both during install and post installation configurations.


rmtadmin master-setup [options][global option]

The configuration options are listed below:

Option Required? Default Description

Yes (Required for initial installation only)

Password can be supplied in the command line or provide a file with the password to use. If neither is provided, you will be prompted for the password.

n/a The password for the administrator user.

Yes (Required for initial installation only)

Password can be supplied in the command line or provide a file with the password to use. If neither is provided, you will be prompted for the password.

n/a The password for the administrator user.
--admin-username No admin The username for the administrator user.

Added: version 2020.4.0

Retired: version 2022.3.0


This option must be and only used when you making configuration updates post installation.

In versions where this option is valid (2020.4.0 - 2022.2.x), if not used during post installation configuration updates, the command will fail and no updates will be made.

In versions 2022.3.0 and later, the command will create the admin where necessary.


Skip creating the administrator user and password.

--http-port No 80  
--require-https No False Redirect http traffic to HTTPS.
--https-certificate-mode No


Available options:

  • Default
  • Store (Windows only)
  • Local

The type of certificate search to perform for the HTTPS certificate.

Default: This mode uses the default self-signed certificate supplied by the installer.

Store: This allows you to enter the thumbprint of a certificate in the Windows certificate store.

Local: Allows you to specify a file-based certificate in the config folder.

--https-certificate-store-thumbprint No Null The HTTPS certificate hash/thumbprint to search for in 'store' certificate mode.
--https-certificate-local-name No


Note: If not specified, the Resource Monitoring Tool is installed with a self-signed certificate and will use that certificate for HTTPS communications.

The name of the HTTPS certificate file.
--https-certificate-local-password No Null The password to use for the HTTPS certificate.
--https-certificate-local-password-file No Null The path to the file containing the password to use for the HTTPS certificate.
--confirm No Prompt for confirmation. Confirms the restart of the RMT Server.


Note: We don't recommended changing this value.

Current configuration value or machine name. The preferred URL for accessing the Resource Monitoring Tool server. The server will listen to all the IPs regardless of the host name.
--db-config=external No None.
This is only used when the repository is configured external to RMT Server.
Use this to configure RMT Server to use an external repository. You do not need to specify this if you want the PostgreSQL database to be installed locally.
--db-server No Current configuration value or installer default.

This is the server name for the PostgreSQL database that in installed with the Resource Monitoring Tool.

If you are using an external repository hosted on AWS RDS, this should be the RDS instance name.


Version: Added in version 2023.1.0

No Prefer

This determines the SSL/TLS encryption for the connection to the PostgreSQL database that in installed with the Resource Monitoring Tool.

Options are Prefer (the default), VerifyCA, and VerifyFull. For details, see the Npgsql documentation(Link opens in a new window).

--db-port No Current configuration value or installer default. Port number for the database server.
--db-username No Current configuration value or installer default.

Username used to connect to PostgreSQL database installed with the Resource Monitoring Tool.

If you are using an external repository hosted on AWS RDS, this should be "postgres".

--db-password No Current configuration value or installer default.

Password for the user account used to connect to the PostgreSQL database that is installed with the Resource Monitoring Tool.

If you are using an external repository hosted on AWS RDS, this is the user password you created when creating the RDS instance.

--mq-config=external No None
This option in only specified when the messaging service is hosted external to RMT Server.
This options configures RMT Server to use an external Rabbit MQ messaging service.
--mq-server No Current configuration value or installer default. The name of the message queue server.
--mq-port No Current configuration value or installer default. The message queue port.
--mq-vhost No Current configuration value or installer default. The message queue virtual host.
--mq-username No Current configuration value or installer default. The user name used to connect to the message queue.
--mq-password No Current configuration value or installer default. The password for the user account used connect to the message queue.
--mq-enable-tls No Current configuration value or false. Requires TLS connection to connect to the message queue.
--mq-tls-certificate-host No Current configuration value or null. The canonical name of the message queue server. This must match the name on the certificate.
--password-salt No Random

A global salt to use to hash the password.

This applies to the local user accounts created in the Resource Monitoring Tool.

--password-min-length No Current configuration value or 10.

The minimum length for the password.

This applies to the local user accounts created in the Resource Monitoring Tool.

--password-min-numeric No Current configuration value or 1.

The minimum required numeric characters in the password.

This applies to the local user accounts created in the Resource Monitoring Tool.

--password-min-special No Current configuration value or 1.

The minimum required special characters in the password.

This applies to the local user accounts created in the Resource Monitoring Tool.

--password-min-latin No Current configuration value or 5.

The minimum required latin characters in the password.

This applies to the local user accounts created in the Resource Monitoring Tool.

--password-require-mixed-case No Current configuration value or true.

Requires mixed case characters in passwords.

This applies to the local user accounts created in the Resource Monitoring Tool.

--auth-timeout-minutes No Current configuration value or 240. The number of minutes before the user authentication expires for the session.
--auth-sliding-expiration No Current configuration or true. Whether or not to reset the authentication timeout period with user activity.


To specify the admin password: rmtadmin master-setup --admin-password=<password> --skip-admin-creation

To update the port post install: rmtadmin master-setup --http-port=8000 --skip-admin-creation

rmtadmin passwd

Resets the password for a specific Resource Monitoring Tool user account.

This command works only on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin passwd [positional parameter][global option]

Positional Parameter


Name of the user that you want to change the password for.

Example: rmtadmin passwd <username>

rmtadmin query

Executes a raw SQL query against the Resource Monitoring Tool database and saves the results to an output file.

This command works only on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin query [positional parameter][options] [global option]

Positional Parameter


SQL command text to run. You can provide multiple SQL commands. To use a file with the SQL commands, use @ as a prefix to the name of the file.



Name of the zip file you want to output the query results. Default is queryresults.zip


Overwrites the existing file.


timeout for the query. Specify this in seconds


Commits any changes made by the SQL command to the database. By default, the SQL command is run as a transaction, but is rolled back at completion.

Example: rmtadmin query <SQLCommand> --outfile=<path and the output file name>

rmtadmin register

Note: Added in version 2020.2

Registers the Agent using a bootstrap file. The bootstrap file can be downloaded using the rmtadmin bootstrap-file command.

This command is can only be used on the Agent and should be run on the machine where you want to install the Agent.


rmtadmin register [options][positional parameter] [global option]

Positional Parameter


The file path including the name of the bootstrap file.



Required. Name of the admin user created during the RMT Server installation.


Required. Password for the user account.


Path including the file name that contains the password information. Password can be supplied in the command line or a file that contains the password. If neither is provided, you will be prompted for the password.


Name of the node where Agent is being installed. It defaults to the machine name if no name is specified.


Custom description for the Server.

Example: rmtadmin register <bootstrap file name and path> --server-name=<server name>

rmtadmin restart

Restarts the Resource Monitoring Tool applications. When run from the machine where RMT Server is installed, it restarts the RMT Server application. When run on a node where the Agent is installed, it restarts just the Agent application on that particular node.

This command can be run from both the RMT Server and Agent.


rmtadmin restart [options] [global option]


At least one option must be specified:

RMT Server:


Restarts all services.


Restarts the RMT Server.


Restarts the message queue service.


Restarts the database service.



Restarts the Agent service running on the machine.

Example: rmtadmin restart --db


rmtadmin rotate-mq-certificate

Rotates the Agent message queue client certificate on the agent machine. Run this command after running rmtadmin rotate-mq-certificate on the Server machine.

This command must be run from the RMT Agent.


rmtadmin rotate-mq-certificate [options] [positional parameter]

Positional Parameter


The file path including the name of the bootstrap file.



Required. The username for the master server.


Required. Password for the master server user account.


Path including the file name that contains the master server password information. Password can be supplied in the command line or a file that contains the password. If neither is provided, you will be prompted for the password.


Confirms service restart and bypasses confirmation prompt.

rmtadmin rotate-mq-certificates

Rotates message queue server and client certificates on the Server machine.

This command must be run from the RMT Server.


rmtadmin rotate-mq-certificates [options]



Confirms service restart and bypasses confirmation prompt.

rmtadmin servers

Note: Added in version 2021.2

Lists all the Tableau Server nodes across all environments or a specific environment.

This command only works on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin servers [positional parameter][global option]

Positional Parameter


Optional. Specify the identifier of the environment to get a list of Tableau Server nodes registered in that environment. This is the system generated identifier. You can find this by going to Admin > Environments > Edit Environment. On this page, in the Environment Details section, you will see the identifier for the environment.

rmtadmin service-setup

Note: Added in version 2021.4. Used to install, or update the user credential for Resource Monitoring Tool services including RMT Server, Agent, Rabbit MQ, and PostgreSQL database. This is useful to update service information post-install.

This command works on both RMT Server and Agent installed on Windows.


rmtadmin service-setup [positional parameter][options][global option]

Positional Parameter

At least one of the following values must be specified:


Updates all available services. Can be run on both RMT and Agent. When run on a Tableau Server node, updates the Agent on that node.


Updates the RMT Server.


Updates the Agent. Can only be run on the Agent (Tableau Server node).


Updates the database service. Can only be run on RMT Server.


Updates the message queue service. Can only be run on RMT Server.



Optional. Confirm that you want to make updates. Can be run on both RMT and Agent. When run on a Tableau Server node, updates the Agent on that node.


Required for RMT Server and Agent. The type of account that is used to run RMT Server or Agent. Allowed values are:

  • Virtual account (RMT Server only)
  • network-service
  • local-system
  • local-service
  • username (user name of local or domain user account)


Specifies the username of the account. Required if using a local or domain user account.


Specifies the password for the account. Required if using a local or domain user account.


Optional. The path to the location of the file, including the file name where the password information is stored.


Optional. Appends new permissions. Use this if you do not want to overwrite the existing permissions.

rmtadmin set

Sets the value of a specified configuration key.

This command works both on the RMT Server and Agent.


rmtadmin set [positional parameter] [global option]

Positional Parameters


The configuration key you want to change the value for.


The new value you want to use.

Example: rmtadmin set mq:port <port number> where mq:port is the key and the <port number> is the value.

Supported configuration keys

Key Data Type Applies To DEFAULT Description
mq:tls:certificateHostName String RMT Server and Agent n/a Host name in the certificate to use when connecting to RabbitMQ via TLS
mq:tls:enabled Boolean RMT Server and Agent FALSE Enable/disable TLS connection to RabbitMQ
mq:port Integer RMT Server and Agent 5672 RabbitMQ host port number.
server.web.run Boolean Agent TRUE Enable or disable the Agent’s web interface.



Creates a backup of the configuration file before making changes.

Use the get command to view the current configuration value.

rmtadmin start

Starts the Resource Monitoring Tool services. When this is run on the RMT Server, it will start the RMT Server only. When run on an Agent, it will start the Agent on the machine you are running the command from.

This command works both on the RMT Server and Agent


rmtadmin start [options] [global option]


At least one option must be specified:

RMT Server:


Starts all services.


Starts the RMT Server.


Starts the message queue service.


Starts the database service.



Starts the Agent service running on the machine.

Example: rmtadmin start --all

rmtadmin status

Checks the status of the application and running services on the machine you are running this command on. For RMT Server, the status report confirms that the RMT Server is connected to the database and message queue. For Agents, the status report confirms that the agent is connected to the RMT Server.

This command can be run both on the RMT Server and the Agent.

This command returns the following:

  • Application status (running or not)
  • License status
  • MQ connection
  • Queue details
  • Memory used
  • Disk space used
  • Tableau server version on machine
  • Process topology of Tableau Server that is stored in Agent config file.

Beginning with version 2024.2.0, when run on the RMT Server, the command returns:


rmtadmin status [global option]

rmtadmin stop

Stops the Resource Monitoring Tool services. When this command is run on the RMT Server, it will only stop the RMT Server. When run on a machine where Agent is installed, it will only stop the Agent on that machine.

This command can be run both on the RMT Server and the Agent.


rmtadmin stop [options] [global option]


At least one option must be specified:

RMT Server:


Stops all services.


Stops the RMT Server.


Stops the message queue service.


Stops the database service.



Stops the Agent service running on the machine.

Example: rmtadmin stop --db

rmtadmin test-env

Note: Added in version 2021.2

Tests the various connection points between Resource Monitoring Tool and Tableau Server. This includes testing Tableau Server Repository connection, Tableau Server API connections, and Advanced Management capabilities.

This command only works on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin test-env [positional parameter][global option]

Positional Parameter


Optional. The identifier of the environment that the Resource Monitoring Tool is monitoringThis is the system generated identifier. You can find this by going to Admin > Environments > Edit Environment. On this page, in the Environment Details section, you will see the identifier for the environment.


Optional. Use this option to update the baseline immediately even if enough data is not available. By default the command will wait for 50 successful loads to calculate the baseline

rmtadmin update-baseline

Note: Added in version 2021.4

Updates the baseline for all view loads. Baseline is the 95th percentile of 50 successful initial load times for a view.

This command only works on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin update-baseline [options][global option]



Required. This is the system generated identifier. You can find this by going to Admin > Environments > Edit Environment. On this page, in the Environment Details section, you will see the identifier for the environment.

rmtadmin update-env

Note: Added in version 2021.2

Updates the environment settings.

This command only works on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin update-env [options][global option]


Option Required? Description


Disables all interactive prompts.


Disables testing API and repository connections.
--name Yes The name of the environment.
--id No Identifier of the environment used in web interface URLs.

This is the system generated identifier. You can find this by going to Admin > Environments > Edit Environment. On this page, in the Environment Details section, you will see the identifier for the environment.




URL used to access the Tableau Server gateway.

--version No Tableau Server version that this environment will be monitoring.
--api-username No User name of the account used to connect to Tableau Server APIs. The user account should be a Tableau Server administrator with access to all Tableau Server sites.
--api-password No

Password of the Tableau Server API user account used to connect to Tableau Server APIs.

--api-password-file No The path to the file containing the password of the Tableau Server API user account.
--repository-server No This is the server name for the PostgreSQL database that in installed with the Resource Monitoring Tool.
--repository-port No The port number of the Tableau Server Repository database.
--repository-username No

Username used to connect to PostgreSQL database installed with the Tableau Server Repository.

Resource Monitoring Tool accesses the Tableau Server Repository database directly for performance reasons. For this to work, access to the repository must be enabled, with a password set for the readonly database user. For details, see Enable access to the Tableau Server repository.

--repository-password No

Password for the user account used to connect to the PostgreSQL database that is installed with the Tableau Server .

Resource Monitoring Tool accesses the Tableau Server Repository database directly for performance reasons. For this to work, access to the repository must be enabled, with a password set for the readonly database user. For details, see Enable access to the Tableau Server repository.

--repository-password No The path including the file name where the password for the user account used to connect to the PostgreSQL database that is installed with Tableau Server.


Tableau Server Repository SSL Mode:

Prefer SSL or Require SSL to configure SSL connections to Tableau Repository.

Disable to never use SSL to make Tableau Server Repository connections.



When configuring Tableau Server PostgreSQL to allow direct connections, Tableau Server creates a certificate and keys. You can choose to either supply the thumbprint for the certificate that was generated by Tableau Server, or copy the server.crt file to the Resource Monitoring Tool Server machine. If you choose to copy the certificate file, you don't have to supply the thumbprint. For more information, see Configure Postgres SSL to Allow Direct Connections from Clients.

Example:rmtadmin update-env --name=<new name>

rmtadmin users

Shows a list of the Resource Monitoring Tool user accounts.

This command works only on the RMT Server.


rmtadmin users

rmtadmin version

Shows the current version information for the RMT Server when run on the RMT Sever machine. It shows the current version information of the Agent installed on the machine that you are running the command from.

This command can be run both on the RMT Server and the Agent.


rmtadmin version

rmtadmin ziplogs

Creates a ZIP archive file containing the Resource Monitoring Tool log files.

This command works both on the RMT Server and Agent but only includes the log files from the application the command is run on.


rmtadmin ziplogs [positional parameter] [option] [global option]

Positional Parameter


Name of the output zip file. Defaults to log.zip if no name is provided.



Overwrites the existing file.

Example: rmtadmin ziplogs <zip file name> --force

Global Option


Shows the help for the command.

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