Post Upgrade Cleanup

As discussed in How Tableau Server Upgrade Works, the Tableau Server upgrade process installs a new version side-by-side with your existing version. Now that upgrade is complete and verified, you can remove the older version of Tableau Server to free up disk space. This is an optional step.

Uninstall previous version

Use this procedure to free up disk space by uninstalling packages for previous Tableau Server versions after you have upgraded to a newer version of Tableau Server.

  1. Look at the environment.bash file to confirm which version of Tableau Server is currently in use. At a command prompt, type:

    grep TABLEAU_SERVER_DATA_DIR_VERSION /etc/opt/tableau/tableau_server/environment.bash
  2. Determine which versions of the Tableau Server package are installed on your computer.

    • On RHEL-like distributions, including CentOS, run the following command:

      yum list installed tableau-server"*"
    • On Ubuntu, run the following command:

      apt list --installed tableau-server"*"
  3. Remove the Tableau Server package with your package manager.

    • On RHEL-like distributions, including CentOS, run the following command:

      sudo yum remove tableau-server-<version>.x86_64
    • On Ubuntu, run the following commands:

      sudo apt-get purge tableau-server-<version>