tabcmd Commands

Note: The tabcmd command-line utility version 2.0 is available at Tableau tabcmd(Link opens in a new window). This new version allows you to run tabcmd commands on MacOS and Linux, and to authenticate using personal access tokens (PATs). Version 2.0 is built on public endpoints available in the Python-based Tableau Server Client (TSC). This latest version has limited support for Tableau Server.

You can use the following commands with the tabcmd command line tool:

addusers group-name

Adds users to the specified group.


tabcmd addusers "Development" --users "users.csv"



Add the users in the given .csv file to the specified group. The file should be a simple list with one user name per line. User names aren't case sensitive. The users should already be created on Tableau Server.

For more information, see CSV Import File Guidelines.


When set to complete this option requires that all rows be valid for any change to succeed. If not specified, --complete is used.

Global options


Creates extracts for a published workbook or data source.


-d, --datasource

The name of the target data source for extract creation.


A space-separated list of embedded data source names within the target workbook. Enclose data source names with double quotes if they contain spaces. Only available when creating extracts for a workbook.


Create encrypted extract.


Include all embedded data sources within target workbook. Only available when creating extracts for workbook.


Path of the project that is the parent of the project that contains the target resource. Must specify the project name with --project.


The name of the project that contains the target resource. Only necessary if --workbook or --datasource is specified. If unspecified, the default project 'Default' is used.

-u, -url

The canonical name for the resource as it appears in the URL.

-w, -workbook

The name of the target workbook for extract creation.

Global options

creategroup group-name

Creates a group. Use addusers (for local groups) to add users after the group has been created. Use syncgroup (for Active Directory groups) to create and synchronise a Tableau Server group with an Active Directory group.


tabcmd creategroup "Development"

Global options

createproject project-name

Creates a project.


tabcmd createproject -n "Quarterly_Reports" -d "Workbooks showing quarterly sales reports."


-n, --name

Specifies the name of the project that you want to create.


Specifies the name of the parent project for the nested project as specified with the -n option. For example, to specify a project called "Nested" that exists in a "Main" project, use the following syntax: --parent-project-path "Main" -n "Nested".

-d, --description

Specifies a description for the project.

Global options

createsite site-name

Creates a site.


Create a site named West Coast Sales. A site ID of WestCoastSales will be automatically created, the site will have no storage quota limit, and site administrators will be able to add and remove users:

tabcmd createsite "West Coast Sales"

Create a site named West Coast Saleswith a site ID of wsales:

tabcmd createsite "West Coast Sales" -r "wsales"

Prevent site administrators from adding users to the site:

tabcmd createsite "West Coast Sales" --no-site-mode

Set a storage quota, in MB:

tabcmd createsite "West Coast Sales" --storage-quota 100


-r, --url

Used in URLs to specify the site. Different from the site name.


Maximum number of users that can be added to the site.


Allows or denies site administrators the ability to add users to or remove users from the site.


In MB, the amount of workbooks, extracts and data sources that can be stored on the site.


The extract encryption mode for the site can be enforced, enabled or disabled. For more information, see Extract Encryption at Rest.


Allow or deny users from running extract refreshes, flows or schedules manually. true to allow users to run tasks manually or false to prevent users from running tasks manually. For more information, see Server Settings (General and Customisation).

Global options

createsiteusers filename.csv

Adds users to a site, based on information supplied in a comma-separated values (CSV) file. If the user isn't already created on the server, the command creates the user before adding that user to the site.

The CSV file must contain one or more user names and can also include (for each user) a password, full name, licence type, administrator level, publisher (yes/no) and email address. For information about the format of the CSV file, see CSV Import File Guidelines.

As an alternative to including administrator level and publisher permissions in the CSV file, you can pass access level information by including the --role option and specifying the site role you want to assign users listed in the CSV file.

By default, users are added to the site that you're logged in to. To add users to a different site, include the global --site option and specify that site. (You must have permissions to create users on the site you specify.)

If the server contains multiple sites, you can't add server (system) administrators through the createsiteusers command. Use createusers instead. If you specify the ServerAdministrator site role for the --role option, the command returns an error. If the CSV file includes System as value for administrator, the value is ignored and the user is assigned the Unlicensed licence type.

If the server contains only one site (the default site), you can specify system for the administrator value for a user, or even assign the ServerAdministrator site role using the --role option, if you want all users in the CSV file to be server administrators.

By default, this command creates users using a synchronous operation (it waits for all operations to complete before proceeding). You can use the --no-wait option to specify an asynchronous operation.

Local authentication

If the server is configured to use local authentication, the information in the CSV file is used to create users.

Active Directory authentication

If the server is configured to use Active Directory authentication, user information is imported from Active Directory, and password and friendly name information in the CSV file is ignored. Further, if a user is specified in the CSV file but no corresponding user exists in Active Directory, the user is not added to Tableau Server. For Active Directory users, because the user name is not guaranteed to be unique across domains, you must include the domain as part of the user name. You can specify this as either domain\username or; however, we recommend using the domain\username format. For more information, see User Management in Deployments with External Identity Stores.


tabcmd createsiteusers "users.csv" --role "Explorer"



Deprecated. Use the --role option instead.


Sets the authentication type (Local or SAML) for all users in the .csv file. If unspecified, the default is Local.

Note: To use SAML authentication, the site must be configured for site-specific SAML in Tableau Server settings. For information, see Configure Site-Specific SAML.


Deprecated. Default error behaviour: if there are more than 3 errors within a ten-row span, then the command will fail.


Deprecated. Use the --role option instead.


Don't wait for asynchronous jobs to complete.


Deprecated. Use the --role option instead.


Specifies a site role for all users in the .csv file. When you want to assign site roles using the --role option, create a separate CSV file for each site role.

Valid values are: ServerAdministrator, SiteAdministratorCreator, SiteAdministratorExplorer, SiteAdministrator, Creator, ExplorerCanPublish, Publisher, Explorer, Interactor, Viewer, and Unlicensed.

The default is Unlicensed for new users and unchanged for existing users. Users are added as unlicensed also if you have a user-based server installation, and if the createsiteusers command creates a new user, but you have already reached the limit on the number of licences for your users.

Note: On a multi-site Tableau Server, if you want to assign the ServerAdministrator site role using the --role option, use the createusers command instead of createsiteusers.


Don't display progress messages for the command.

Global options

createusers filename.csv

Create users in Tableau Server, based on information supplied in a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

The CSV file must contain one or more user names and can also include (for each user) a password, full name, licence type, administrator level, publisher (yes/no) and email address. For information about the format of the CSV file, see CSV Import File Guidelines.

As an alternative to including administrator level and publisher permissions in the CSV file, you can pass access level information by including the --role option and specifying the site role you want to assign users listed in the CSV file.

If the server has only one site (the default site), the user is created and added to the site. If the server has multiple sites, the user is created but isn't added to any site. To add users to a site, use createsiteusers.

If you have a user-based server installation, and if the command creates a new user but you have already reached the limit on the number of licences for your users, the user is added as an unlicensed user.

Local authentication

If the server is configured to use local authentication, the information in the CSV file is used to create users.

Active Directory authentication

If the server is configured to use Active Directory authentication, user information is imported from Active Directory, and password and friendly name information in the CSV file is ignored. Further, if a user is specified in the CSV file but no corresponding user exists in Active Directory, the user is not added to Tableau Server. For Active Directory users, because the user name is not guaranteed to be unique across domains, you must include the domain as part of the user name. You can specify this as either domain\username or; however, we recommend using the domain\username format. For more information, see User Management in Deployments with External Identity Stores.


tabcmd createusers "users.csv" --role "ServerAdministrator"

tabcmd createusers "users.csv"



Deprecated. Use the --role option instead.


Deprecated. Default error behaviour: if there are more than 3 errors within a ten-row span, then the command will fail.


Deprecated. Use the --role option instead.


Don't wait for asynchronous jobs to complete.


Deprecated. Use the --role option instead.

-r, --role

Specifies a site role for all users in the .csv file. When you want to assign site roles using the --role option, create a separate CSV file for each site role.

Valid values are: ServerAdministrator, SiteAdministratorCreator, SiteAdministratorExplorer, SiteAdministrator, Creator, ExplorerCanPublish, Publisher, Explorer, Interactor, Viewer, and Unlicensed.

On a multi-site server, the command doesn't assign the user to a site. Therefore, the only site roles the command can successfully assign are ServerAdministrator and Unlicensed. If you specify any other site role, the command assigns the Unlicensed role.

On a single-site server, the user is created and added to the default site using the role that you specify.

If you have a user-based server installation, and if the command creates a new user but you have already reached the limit on the number of licences for your users, the user is added as an unlicensed user.


Don't display progress messages for the command.

Global options


Decrypt all extracts on a site. If no site is specified, extracts on the default site will be decrypted. For more information, see Extract Encryption at Rest.

Depending on the number and size of extracts, this operation may consume significant server resources. Consider running this command outside of normal business hours.


tabcmd decryptextracts "West Coast Sales"

Global options

delete workbook-name or datasource-name

Deletes the specified workbook or data source from the server.

This command takes the name of the workbook or data source as it is on the server, not the file name when it was published.


tabcmd delete "Sales_Analysis"


-r, --project

The name of the project containing the workbook or data source you want to delete. If not specified, the “Default” project is assumed.


Specifies the name of the parent project for the nested project as specified with the -r option. For example, to specify a project called "Nested" that exists in a "Main" project, use the following syntax: --parent-project-path "Main" -r "Nested".


The name of the workbook you want to delete.


The name of the data source you want to delete.

Global options


Deletes extracts for a published workbook or data source.


-d, --datasource

The name of the target data source for extract deletion.


A space-separated list of embedded data source names within the target workbook. Enclose data source names with double quotes if they contain spaces. Only available when deleting extracts for a workbook.


Create encrypted extract.


Include all embedded data sources within target workbook.


Path of the project that is the parent of the project that contains the target resource. Must specify the project name with --project.


The name of the project that contains the target resource. Only necessary if --workbook or --datasource is specified. If unspecified, the default project 'Default' is used.

-u, -url

The canonical name for the resource as it appears in the URL.

-w, -workbook

The name of the target workbook for extract deletion.

Global options

deletegroup group-name

Deletes the specified group from the server.


tabcmd deletegroup "Development"

Global options

deleteproject project-name

Deletes the specified project from the server.

Using tabcmd, you can specify only a top-level project in a project hierarchy. To automate tasks you want to perform on a project within a parent project, use the equivalent Tableau REST API(Link opens in a new window) call.


tabcmd deleteproject "Designs"



Specifies the name of the parent project for the nested project as specified with the command. For example, to specify a project called "Designs" that exists in a "Main" project, use the following syntax: --parent-project-path "Main" "Designs".

Global options

deletesite site-name

Deletes the specified site from the server.


tabcmd deletesite "Development"

Global options

deletesiteusers filename.csv

Removes users from from the site that you're logged in to. The users to be removed are specified in a file that contains a simple list with one user name, per line. (No additional information is required beyond the user name.)

By default, if the server has only one site, or if the user belongs to only one site, the user is also removed from the server. On a Tableau Server Enterprise installation, if the server contains multiple sites, users who are assigned the site role of Server Administrator are removed from the site but aren't removed from the server.

If the user owns content, the user's role is change to Unlicensed, but the user isn't removed from the server or the site. The content is still owned by that user. To remove the user completely, you must change the owner of the content and then try removing the user again.

If the user was imported from Active Directory, the user is removed from the site and possibly from the server. However, the user isn't deleted from Active Directory.


tabcmd deletesiteusers "users.csv"

Global options

deleteusers filename.csv

Deletes the users listed in the specified comma-separated values (.csv) file.

The .csv file should contain a simple list of one user name per line.


tabcmd deleteusers "users.csv"



When set to --complete this option requires that all rows be valid for any change to succeed. If not specified, --complete is used.

Global options


Note: As a best practice, you should back up Tableau Server before you edit the domain. The domain is saved in the Tableau repository, and, if it's incorrectly changed, administrators may not be able to sign in.

Changes the nickname or full domain name of an Active Directory domain on the server. A domain “nickname” is the Windows NetBIOS domain name.

You can modify the nickname for any domain the server is using. In general, you can modify the full domain name for any domain except the one that you used to sign in. However, if the user name that you're currently signed in with exists in both the current domain and the new domain, you can modify the full name for the current domain.

To ensure that Tableau Server can connect to other Active Directory domains, you must also specify secondary domains thatTableau Server connects to by setting the wgserver.domain.whitelist option with TSM. For more information about secondary domains and configuring the connection, see wgserver.domain.allowlist.

Review User Management in Deployments with External Identity Stores to understand how multiple domains, domain name mapping, and user names interact with Tableau Server.

To see a list of domains, use listdomains.


tabcmd editdomain --id 2 --nickname "new-nickname"

tabcmd editdomain --id 3 --name "new-name"



The ID of domain to change. To get a list of domain IDs, use listdomains.


The new name for the domain.


The new nickname for the domain.

Global options

editsite site-name

Changes the name of a site or its web folder name. You can also use this command to allow or deny site administrators the ability to add and remove users, or prevent users from running certain tasks manually. If site administrators have user management rights, you can specify how many users they can add to a site.


tabcmd editsite wc_sales --site-name "West Coast Sales"

tabcmd editsite wc_sales --site-id "wsales"

tabcmd editsite wsales --status ACTIVE

tabcmd editsite wsales --user-quota 50



The name of the site that is displayed.


Used in the URL to uniquely identify the site.


Maximum number of users who can be members of the site.


Allow or prevent site administrators from adding users to the site.


Set to ACTIVE to activate a site, or to SUSPENDED to suspend a site.


In MB, the amount of workbooks, extracts and data sources that can be stored on the site.


The extract encryption mode for the site can be enforced, enabled or disabled. For more information, see Extract Encryption at Rest. Depending on the number and size of extracts, this operation may consume significant server resources.


Allow or deny users from running extract refreshes, flows or schedules manually. true to allow users to run tasks manually or false to prevent users from running tasks manually. For more information, see Server Settings (General and Customisation).

Global options


Encrypt all extracts on a site. If no site is specified, extracts on the default site will be encrypted. For more information, see Extract Encryption at Rest.

Depending on the number and size of extracts, this operation may consume significant server resources. Consider running this command outside of normal business hours.


tabcmd encryptextracts "West Coast Sales"

Global options


Exports a view or workbook from Tableau Server and saves it to a file. This command can also export just the data used for a view. View data is exported at the summary level. To export detail-level data, you must use the Tableau Server UI. For details, see Download Views and Workbooks(Link opens in a new window).

Note the following when you use this command:

  • Permissions: To export, you must have the Export Image permission. By default, this permission is Allowed or Inherited for all roles, although permissions can be set per workbook or view.

  • Exporting data: To export just the data for a view, use the --csv option. This exports the summary data used in a view to a .csv file.

  • Specifying the view, workbook, or data to export:

    • Use part of the URL to identify what to export, specifically the "workbook/view" string as it appears in the URL for the workbook or view. Don't use the “friendly name”, and exclude the :iid=<n> session ID at the end of the URL.

      For example, the Tableau sample view Order Details in the Superstore workbook has a URL similar to this: <server_name>/#/views/Superstore/OrderDetails?:iid=2

      To export the Order Details view, use the string Superstore/OrderDetails.

      Do not use Superstore/Order Details, or Superstore/OrderDetails?:iid=2.

    • If the server is running multiple sites and the view or workbook is on a site other than Default, Use -t <site_id>.

    • To export a workbook, get the URL string by opening a view in the workbook, and include the view in the string you use.

      In the above example, to export the Superstore workbook, use the string Superstore/OrderDetails.

    • To export a workbook, it must have been published with Show Sheets as Tabs selected in the Tableau Desktop Publish dialog box.

      Note: The Tableau workbook that contains the administrative views(Link opens in a new window) can't be exported.

    • To filter the data you download, add a parameter filter using this format:


      or, if filtering on a parameter and that parameter has a display name that matches the name of a measure or dimension:


  • The saved file's format: Your format options depend on what's being exported. A workbook can only be exported as a PDF using the --fullpdf argument. A view can be exported as a PDF (--pdf) or a PNG (--png).

  • The saved file's name and location (optional): If you don't provide a name, it will be derived from the view or workbook name. If you don't provide a location, the file will be saved to your current working directory. Otherwise, you can specify a full path or one that's relative to your current working directory.

    Note: You must include a file name extension such as .csv or .pdf. The command doesn't automatically add an extension to the file name that you provide.

  • Dashboard web page objects not included in PDF exports: A dashboard can optionally include a web page object. If you're performing an export to PDF of a dashboard that includes a web page object, the web page object won't be included in the PDF.

  • Non-ASCII and non-standard ASCII characters and PDF exports: If you're exporting a view or workbook with a name that includes a character outside the ASCII character set, or a non-standard ASCII character set, you need to URL encode (percent-encode) the character.

    For example if your command includes the city Zürich, you will need to URL encode it as Z%C3%BCrich:

    tabcmd export "/Cities/Sheet1?locationCity=Z%C3%BCrich" -fullpdf

Clearing the Cache to Use Real-Time Data

You can choose to add the URL parameter ?:refresh=yes to force a fresh data query instead of pulling the results from the cache. If you're using tabcmd with your own scripting and the refresh URL parameter is being used a great deal, this can have a negative impact on performance. It is recommended that you use refresh only when real-time data is required – for example, on a single dashboard instead of on an entire workbook.



tabcmd export "Q1Sales/Sales_Report" --csv -f "Weekly-Report.csv"

tabcmd export -t Sales "Sales/Sales_Analysis" --pdf -f "C:\Tableau_Workbooks\Weekly-Reports.pdf"

tabcmd export "Finance/InvestmentGrowth" --png

tabcmd export "Finance/InvestmentGrowth?:refresh=yes" --png


tabcmd export "Q1Sales/Sales_Report" --fullpdf

tabcmd export "Sales/Sales_Analysis" --fullpdf --pagesize tabloid -f "C:\Tableau_Workbooks\Weekly-Reports.pdf"


-f, --filename

Saves the file with the given filename and extension.


View only. Export the view data (summary data) in .csv format.


View only. Export as a PDF.


View only. Export as an image in .png format.


Workbook only. Export as a PDF. The workbook must have been published with Show Sheets as Tabs enabled.


Sets the page orientation (landscape or portrait) of the exported PDF. If not specified, its Tableau Desktop setting will be used.


Sets the page size of the exported PDF as one of the following: unspecified, letter, legal, note folio, tabloid, ledger, statement, executive, a3, a4, a5, b4, b5, or quarto. Default is letter.


Sets the width in pixels. Default is 800 px.


Sets the height in pixels. Default is 600 px.

Global options

get url

Gets the resource from Tableau Server that is represented by the specified (partial) URL. The result is returned as a file.

Note the following when you use this command:

  • Permissions: To get a file, you must have the Download/Web Save As permission. By default, this permission is allowed or inherited for all roles, although permissions can be set per workbook or view.

  • Specifying a view or workbook to get: You specify a view to get using the "/views/<workbookname>/<viewname>.<extension>" string, and specify a workbook to get using the "/workbooks/<workbookname>.<extension>" string. Replace <workbookname> and <viewname> with the names of the workbook and view as they appear in the URL when you open the view in a browser and replace <extension> with the type of file you want to save. Don't use the session ID at the end of the URL (?:iid=<n>) or the "friendly" name of the workbook or view.

    For example, when you open a view Regional Totals in a workbook named Metrics Summary, the URL will look similar to this:


    Use the string /views/MetricsSummary_1/RegionalTotals.<extension> to get the view.

    Use the string /workbooks/MetricsSummary_1.<extension> to get the workbook.

    When downloading workbooks and views from Tableau Server, the content of the .twb or .twbx file is stored in plain text. All data, including filter values that may give semantic clues to the data, will be readable by anyone who opens the file.

  • File extension: The URL must include a file extension. The extension determines what is returned. A view can be returned in PDF, PNG, or CSV (summary data only) format. A Tableau workbook is returned as a TWB if it connects to a published data source or uses a live connection, or a TWBX if it connects to a data extract.

    Note: If you're downloading a view to a PDF or PNG file, and if you include a --filename parameter that includes the .pdf or .png extension, you don't have to include a .pdf or .png extension in the URL.

  • The saved file's name and location (optional): The name you use for --filename should include the file extension. If you don't provide a name and file extension, both will be derived from the URL string. If you don't provide a location, the file is saved to your current working directory. Otherwise, you can specify a full path or one that's relative to your current working directory.

  • PNG size (optional): If the saved file is a PNG, you can specify the size, in pixels, in the URL.

Clearing the cache to use real-time data

You can choose to add the URL parameter ?:refresh=yes to force a fresh data query instead of pulling the results from the cache. If you're using tabcmd with your own scripting, using the refresh parameter a great deal can have a negative impact on performance. It is recommended that you use refresh only when real-time data is required – for example, on a single dashboard instead of on an entire workbook.



tabcmd get "/views/Sales_Analysis/Sales_Report.png" --filename "Weekly-Report.png"

tabcmd get "/views/Finance/InvestmentGrowth.pdf" -f "Q1Growth.pdf"

tabcmd get "/views/Finance/InvestmentGrowth" -f "Q1Growth.pdf"

tabcmd get "/views/Finance/InvestmentGrowth.csv"

tabcmd get "/views/Finance/InvestmentGrowth.png?:size=640,480" -f growth.png

tabcmd get "/views/Finance/InvestmentGrowth.png?:refresh=yes" -f growth.png


tabcmd get "/workbooks/Sales_Analysis.twb" -f "C:\Tableau_Workbooks\Weekly-Reports.twb"

Global options


Create the initial Server administrative user on a server that doesn't have an initial administrative user defined. This creates a Server administrator. This doesn't create a TSM administrator.

Enclose values in single quotes.

Note: The tabcmd initialuser command doesn't require authentication to Tableau Server, but you must run the command on the initial server node.


  • The tabcmd initialuser command doesn't require authentication to Tableau Server, but you must run the command on the initial server node.
  • The username value cannot include an at sign (@) unless the username suffix matches Tableau Server's primary domain. For example, if Tableau Server connects to domain "", a username of "" cannot be used.


tabcmd initialuser --username 'admin' --password 'password' --server http://localhost

tabcmd initialuser --username 'admin' --password 'password' --friendly 'Tableau Admin' --server http://localhost

To prompt for the password in the shell, don't include the --password parameter in the command. For example:

tabcmd initialuser --username 'admin' --server http://localhost


-f, --friendly

Creates the initial Server administrative user with the display name.

Global options


Displays a list of the Active Directory domains that are in use on the server, along with their nicknames and IDs. If the server is configured to use local authentication, the command returns only the domain name local.


tabcmd listdomains

Global options


Returns a list of sites to which the logged in user belongs.


tabcmd listsites --username adam --password mypassword



The extract encryption mode for the site can be enforced, enabled or disabled. For more information, see Extract Encryption at Rest.

Global options


Logs in a Tableau Server user.

Use the --server, --site, --username, --password global options to create a session.

Note: When you use the tabcmd login command, you can't use SAML single sign-on (SSO), even if the server is configured to use SAML. To log in, you must pass the user name and password of a user who has been created on the server. You will have the permissions of the Tableau Server user that you're signed in as. For more information, see Set Users’ Site Roles and Permissions.

If you want to log in using the same information you've already used to create a session, just specify the --password option. The server and user name stored in the cookie will be used.

If the server is using a port other than 80 (the default), you will need to specify the port.

You need the --site (-t) option only if the server is running multiple sites and you're logging in to a site other than the Default site. If you don't provide a password you will be prompted for one. If the --no-prompt option is specified and no password is provided, the command will fail.

Once you have logged in, the session will continue until it expires on the server or the logout command is run.


Logs user jsmith in to the Tableau Server running on their local machine:

tabcmd login -s http://localhost -u jsmith -p password

Logs administrator in to the Sales site on sales-server:

tabcmd login -s http://sales-server -t Sales -u administrator -p password

tabcmd login -s http://sales-server:8000 -t Sales -u administrator -p password

Logs administrator in to the Sales site on sales-server using SSL, but doesn't validate the server’s SSL certificate:

tabcmd login --no-certcheck -s https://sales-server -t Sales -u administrator -p password

Establishes a forward proxy and port for localhost:

tabcmd login --proxy myfwdproxyserver:8888 -s http://localhost -u jsmith -p password

Logs user jsmith in to the reverse proxy using SSL:

tabcmd login -s https://myreverseproxy -u jsmith -p password


-s, --server

If you're running the command from a Tableau Server computer that’s on your network, you can use http://localhost. Otherwise, specify the computer's URL, such as or http://bigbox.

If the server is using SSL, you will need to specify https:// in the computer's URL.

For Tableau Cloud, specify the full URL including the pod that your site is deployed to. For example:

-t, --site

Include this option if the server has multiple sites, and you're logging in to a site other than the default site.

The site ID is used in the URL to uniquely identify the site. For example, a site named West Coast Sales might have a site ID of west-coast-sales.

-u, --username

The username of the user logging in. For Tableau Cloud, the username is the user's email address.

-p, --password

Password for the user specified for --username. If you don't provide a password you will be prompted for one.


Allows the password to be stored in the given filename.txt file rather than the command line, for increased security.

-x, --proxy

Use to specify the HTTP proxy server and port (Host:Port) for the tabcmd request.


Don't prompt for a password. If no password is specified, the login command will fail.


Don't use an HTTP proxy server.


Saves the session ID on login. Subsequent commands won't require a login. This value is the default for the command.


Don't save the session ID information after a successful login. Subsequent commands will require a login.

--timeout SECONDS

The number of seconds the server should wait before processing the login command. Default: 30 seconds.

Global options


Logs out of the server.


tabcmd logout

publish filename.twb(x), filename.tds(x), or filename.hyper

Publishes the specified workbook (.twb(x)), data source (.tds(x)), or extract (.hyper) to Tableau Server.

If you're publishing a workbook, by default, all sheets in the workbook are published without database user names or passwords.

The permissions initially assigned to the workbook or data source are copied from the project that the file is published to. Permissions for the published resource can be changed after the file has been published. 

If the workbook contains user filters, one of the thumbnail options must be specified.


tabcmd publish "analysis.twbx" -n "Sales_Analysis" --db-username "jsmith" --db-password "secret-password"

tabcmd publish "analysis_sfdc.hyper" -n "Sales Analysis"
--oauth-username "user-name" --save-oauth

If the file isn't in the same directory as tabcmd, include the full path to the file.


tabcmd publish "\\computer\volume\Tableau Workbooks\analysis.twbx" -n "Sales_Analysis" --db-username "jsmith" --db-password "secret-password"

tabcmd publish "\\computer\volume\Tableau Workbooks\analysis_sfdc.hyper" -n "Sales Analysis" --oauth-username "username" --save-oauth


-n, --name

Name of the workbook or data source on the server. If omitted, the workbook, data source, or data extract will be named after filename.

-o, --overwrite

Overwrites the workbook, data source, or data extract if it already exists on the server.

-r, --project

Publishes the workbook, data source, or data extract into the specified project. Publishes to the “Default” project if not specified.


Specifies the name of the parent project for the nested project as specified with the -r option. For example, to specify a project called "Nested" that exists in a "Main" project, use the following syntax: --parent-project-path "Main" -r "Nested".


Use this option to publish a database user name with the workbook, data source, or data extract.


Use this option to publish a database password with the workbook, data source, or extract.


Stores the provided database password on the server.


The email address of the user account. Connects the user through a preconfigured OAuth connection, if the user already has a saved access token for the cloud data source specified in --name. Access tokens are managed in user preferences.

For existing OAuth connections to the data source, use this option instead of --db-username and --db-password.


Saves the credential specified by --oauth-username as an embedded credential with the published workbook or data source.

Subsequently, when the publisher or server administrator signs in to the server and edits the connection for that workbook or data source, the connection settings will show this OAuth credential as embedded in the content.

If you want to schedule extract refreshes after publishing, you must include this option with --oauth-username. This is analogous to using --save-db-password with a traditional database connection.


If the workbook contains user filters, the thumbnails will be generated based on what the specified user can see. Can't be specified when --thumbnail-group option is set.


If the workbook contains user filters, the thumbnails will be generated based on what the specified group can see. Can't be specified when --thumbnail-usernameoption is set.


When a workbook with tabbed views is published, each sheet becomes a tab that viewers can use to navigate through the workbook. Note that this setting will override any sheet-level security.


Append the extract file to the existing data source.


Use the extract file to replace the existing data source.


Disable the incremental file uploader.


Restart the file upload.


Encrypt extracts when you publish a workbook, data source or extract to the server. For more information, see Extract Encryption at Rest.

Global options



Publishes Tableau Sample workbooks to the specified project. Any existing samples will be overwritten.


tabcmd publishsamples -n [project name] [Global options]


Publish samples to the Inside Sales project on the Default site, as user jsmith.

tabcmd publishsamples -n "Inside Sales" -t "" -s localhost --username "jsmith" --password "secret-password"


-n, --name

Required. Publishes the Tableau samples into the specified project. If the project name includes spaces, enclose the entire name in quotes.


Specifies the name of the parent project for the nested project as specified with the -n option. For example, to specify a project called "Nested" that exists in a "Main" project, use the following syntax: --parent-project-path "Main" -n "Nested".

Global options


Re-encrypt all extracts on a site with new encryption keys. This command will regenerate the key encryption key and data encryption key. You must specify a site. For more information, see Extract Encryption at Rest.

Depending on the number and size of extracts, this operation may consume significant server resources. Consider running this command outside of normal business hours.


tabcmd reencryptextracts "Default"

tabcmd reencryptextracts "West Coast Sales"

Global options

refreshextracts workbook-name or datasource-name

Performs a full or incremental refresh of extracts belonging to the specified workbook or data source.

This command takes the name of the workbook or data source as it appears on the server, not the file name when it was published. Only an administrator or the owner of the workbook or data source is allowed to perform this operation.

Note: This method will fail and result in an error if your Server Administrator has disabled the RunNow setting for the site. For more information, see Tableau Server Settings(Link opens in a new window).


tabcmd refreshextracts --datasource sales_ds

tabcmd refreshextracts --project "Sales External" --datasource sales_ds

tabcmd refreshextracts --project "Sales External" --parent-project-path "Main" --project "Sales External" --datasource sales_ds

tabcmd refreshextracts --workbook "My Workbook"

tabcmd refreshextracts --url SalesAnalysis

tabcmd refreshextracts --workbook "My Workbook" --addcalculations

tabcmd refreshextracts --datasource sales_ds --removecalculations



Runs the incremental refresh operation.


Adds the full refresh operation to the queue used by the Backgrounder process, to be run as soon as a Backgrounder process is available. If a Backgrounder process is available, the operation is run immediately. The refresh operation appears on the Background Tasks report.

During a synchronous refresh, tabcmd maintains a live connection to the server while the refresh operation is underway, polling every second until the background job is done.

Note: The --synchronous option isn't available for data sources refreshed with Tableau Bridge.


The name of the workbook containing extracts to refresh. If the workbook has spaces in its name, enclose it in quotes.


The name of the data source containing extracts to refresh.


Use with --workbook or --datasource to identify a workbook or data source in a project other than Default. If not specified, the Default project is assumed.


Specifies the name of the parent project for the nested project as specified with the --project option.

For example:

  • To specify a project called "Nested" that exists in a "Main" project, use the following syntax:
  • --parent-project-path "Main" --project "Nested"
  • To specify a project called "Nested2" that is nested within the "Nested" project: 
  • --parent-project-path "Main/Nested" --project "Nested2"


The name of the workbook as it appears in the URL. A workbook published as “Sales Analysis” has a URL name of “SalesAnalysis”.


Use with --workbook to materialise calculations in the embedded extract of the workbook or --datasource to materialise calculations in the extract data source. Adds the operation to the queue used by the Backgrounder process. If a Backgrounder process is available, the operation runs immediately. This operation appears on the Background Tasks for Extracts administrative view.


Use with --workbook or --datasource to remove calculations that were previously materialised. Adds the operation to the queue used by the Backgrounder process. If a Backgrounder process is available, the operation runs immediately. This operation appears on the Background Tasks for Extracts administrative view.

Global options


Clears OpenID Connect identifiers (sub values) that have already been associated with Tableau Server identities. See Changing IdPs in Tableau Server for OpenID Connect.


tabcmd reset_openid_sub --target-username jsmith



Clears sub value for the specified individual user.


Clears sub values for all users.

Global options

removeusers group-name

Removes users from the specified group.


tabcmd removeusers "Development" --users "users.csv"



Remove the users in the given .csv file from the specified group. The file should be a simple list with one user name per line.


Requires that all rows be valid for any change to succeed. If not specified --complete is used.

Global options

runschedule schedule-name

Runs the tasks in the specified schedule for the site that you're currently logged into. You can't run this for all sites using tabcmd. To run the tasks in the schedule for all sites, log in to the web interface, and from the Schedules page, select All Sites and then do a Run Now on the schedule.

This command takes the name of the schedule as specified on the server.

This command isn't available for Tableau Cloud.

Note: This method will fail and result in an error if your Server Administrator has disabled the RunNow setting for the site. For more information, see Tableau Server Settings(Link opens in a new window).


tabcmd runschedule "5AM Sales Refresh"

Global options

set setting

Enables the specified setting on the server. Details about each setting can be seen on the Maintenance page on the server.

Use an exclamation mark in front of the setting name to disable the setting. You can enable or disable the following settings:

  • allow_scheduling

  • embedded_credentials

  • remember_passwords_forever


tabcmd set embedded_credentials

Global options

syncgroup group-name

Synchronises a Tableau Server group with an Active Directory group. If the Tableau Server group doesn't already exist, it's created and synchronised with the specified Active Directory group.

If the group name itself includes an "@" (other than as the domain separator) you need to refer to the symbol using the hex format "\0x40".


tabcmd syncgroup "Development"

tabcmd syncgroup "Dev\0x40West"

Note: If you synchronise a group that you're a member of, changes that you make using this command don't apply to your user. For example, if you use this command to remove the administrator right from users in a group that you're a member of, you're still an administrator when the command finishes.


--grant-license-mode <grant-license-mode>

Specifies whether a role should be granted on sign-in. Default is on-sync. Valid values are on-login, on-sync. If no value is specified, on-sync is assumed and the default role will be grated when the group is synchronised. For more information, see Modifying user roles with Grant role on sign-in.


Deprecated. Use the --role option instead.


Allows a user’s site role to be overwritten with a less privileged one when using --role. By default, a user site role can be promoted when using --role, but can't be demoted. Because the --overwritesiterole option will demote user site roles, use it with caution.


Deprecated. Use the --role option instead.

-r, --role

Specifies a site role for users in the group. The default is Unlicensed.

Valid values are: SiteAdministratorCreator, SiteAdministratorExplorer, SiteAdministrator, Creator, ExplorerCanPublish, Publisher, Explorer, Interactor, Viewer, Unlicensed.


Don't display progress messages for the command.

Global options


Starts and stops the Upgrade Thumbnails job. To learn more, see Upgrade Thumbnails Job.


To start the Upgrade Thumbnail job:

tabcmd upgradethumbnails --server <serverURL>

To stop the in progress Upgrade Thumbnail job:

tabcmd upgradethumbnails --server <serverURL> --stop



When specified, stops the in progress Upgrade Thumbnails job. If this option isn't specified, the Upgrade Thumbnail job will be started.

Global options


Identifies Tableau Server sites that are configured with IdPs using the insecure digest algorithm, SHA-1. This command also identifies IdPs that are using certificates with an insufficient RSA key size or elliptic curve size.

Note: This command is only available for site-specific SAML. For more information, see Configure Site-Specific SAML.


--digest-algorithms <ALGORITHMS>

A space-separated list of digest algorithms. Legal values are sha1and sha256. If not specified, server uses values from server configuration setting, wgserver.saml.blocklisted_digest_algorithms.

--min-allowed-elliptic-curve-size <SIZE>

If not specified, server uses values from server configuration setting, wgserver.saml.min_allowed.elliptic_curve_size.

--min-allowed-rsa-key-size <SIZE>

If not specified, server uses values from server configuration setting, wgserver.saml.min_allowed.rsa_key_size.

--site-names <SITENAMES>

A space-separated list of site names on which to perform certificate validation. If not specified, then all sites are inspected.

Global options


Displays the version information for the current installation of the tabcmd utility.


tabcmd version

Global options
Tip: For Tabcmd 1.0 commands available for Tableau Cloud, see tabcmd commands(Link opens in a new window).