Common Errors

If a query encounters an error, the query results return an error name and description instead of query results.

In this section

Common errors

The following errors can occur in your Metadata API query.

Error Error Type Details
ACCESS_DENIED Error You are not authorized to use the Metadata API.
BACKFILL_RUNNING Warning Still creating the Metadata API Store. Results from the query may be incomplete at this time.
FEATURE_DISABLED Error Can’t run the query because the Metadata API has not been enabled yet. Run the ‘tsm maintenance metadata-services enable’ command to enable the Metadata API or contact your Tableau administrator.
FILTER_REQUIRED Error Can’t run the query because you must be an admin. Alternatively, if you are not an admin, you can rerun the query with a field name filter to return results.
INHERITANCE_INCOMPLETE Warning When queries run in filter mode, inheritance results might be incomplete.
INVALID_ARGUMENT Error The query contains an undefined fragment ‘n’. Make sure to define the fragment.
  Error Can’t use nested fragments for shortcut query ‘n’.
  Error Can’t use “after” and “offset” pagination at the same time. Remove one of the arguments from the query.
  Error The query contains an invalid cursor. Make sure to use cursors of the same type.
  Error The query contains an invalid cursor. Make sure to use cursors that belong to the same site.
  Error A text filter can’t contain only the following characters: spaces or a single quotation mark. Replace the invalid characters and try again.
  Error Make sure the query contains the field you want to paginate on.
LINKED_RESULTS_INCOMPLETE Warning When queries run in filter mode, linked results might be incomplete.
MAX_PAGE_SIZE_EXCEEDED Warning The value chosen for “first” exceeded the maximum page size, so the query results will be limited to the maximum page size instead of the value chosen for “first”. It is recommended that the value chosen for “first” be smaller than the maximum page size, or incomplete results may be returned.
NODE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Warning Showing partial results. The request exceeded the ‘n’ node limit. Use pagination, additional filtering, or both in the query to adjust results.
PERMISSIONS_MODE_SWITCHED Error One or more of attributes used in your filter contain sensitive data. Your results have been automatically filtered to contain only the results you have permissions to see.
RATE_EXCEEDED Error The rate of API requests exceeded what’s allowed. On Tableau Cloud, the query throttling configuration can’t be changed. On Tableau Server, if Metadata API users are seeing frequent RATE_EXCEEDED errors, a Tableau Server administrator can adjust or disable throttling. See the metadata.query.throttling.enabled, metadata.query.throttling.queryCostCapacity, and metadata.query.throttling.tokenRefilledPerSecond settings for more information.
SITE_DISABLED Error The Metadata API is not enabled for this site: ‘n’.
TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Warning Can’t show all data because the timeout limit ‘n’ has been exceeded. Use pagination, additional filtering, or both in the query, and try again.
USER_VISIBILITY_IS_LIMITED Warning The attributes used in your sort contain sensitive data so results exclude the sort.

Other errors

Some edge names do not exist on CanHaveLabels interface

Starting with Tableau Cloud March 2023 and Tableau Server 2023.1, DataQualityWarning.asset and DataQualityCertification.asset point to the CanHaveLabels interface instead of the Warnable and Certifiable interfaces. Though they share many of the same edge names, some edge names available on the Warnable and Certifiable interfaces do not exist on the CanHaveLabels interface, and queries that use those edges will now produce an error similar to the following:

Validation error of type FieldUndefined: Field 'dataQualityWarnings' in type 'CanHaveLabels' is undefined @ 'dataQualityWarnings/asset/dataQualityWarnings'

The following edges will produce an error like the above if referenced through DataQualityWarning.asset or DataQualityCertification.asset:

Example query that produces an error:

query myQuery {
  dataQualityWarnings {
    asset {
      dataQualityWarnings {

The above query produces an error because the dataQualityWarnings.asset (which points to the CanHaveLabels interface) does not have a field named dataQualityWarnings. Before Tableau Cloud March 2023 and Tableau Server 2023.1, the query did not produce an error because dataQualityWarnings.asset pointed to the Warnable interface, and that interface did have a field named dataQualityWarnings.

The query should be adjusted to either:

Resolution 1: Use the labels edge instead of the dataQualityWarnings edge

query myQuery {
  dataQualityWarnings {
    asset {
      labels {

Resolution 2: Use an inline fragment [↗] to limit the interfaces to Warnable

query myQuery {
  dataQualityWarnings {
    asset {
      ... on Warnable {
        dataQualityWarnings {