Create and Edit Private Content in Personal Space

Personal Space is a private location for all Explorers and Creators to save content to when working in a Tableau Site. Content saved in Personal Space can’t be shared with other users but can be moved to a project when you’re ready for others to see it. Within Personal Space, you can create a new workbook or save a workbook to Personal Space as a separate copy. You can also move existing content you own into Personal Space for editing, then move it back to a project later. Explorers can download workbooks in Personal Space, including all data included in the workbook.

Privacy in Personal Space

Content saved to your Personal Space is only visible to you and site administrators. Site administrators can’t directly access any user’s Person Space or edit content in someone else's Personal Space, but they can view and manage Personal Space workbooks. Personal Space workbooks appear in administrator search results and as a workbook location on the Explore page. In addition, the permissions menu is unavailable when a workbook is in Personal Space because the workbook is private.

Tableau Catalog and Personal Space

Starting in 2019.3, Tableau Catalog is available with Data Management in Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud. For more information, see "About Tableau Catalog" in the Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud Help.

When Tableau Catalog is enabled in your work environment, the information about workbooks you save in your Personal Space is indexed by Catalog. These workbooks are included in lineage counts, however, only you can see the workbooks. Furthermore, users who browse through the lineage tool see Permissions required instead of information about workbooks in your Personal Space.

Collaboration tools

When a workbook is in Personal Space, some functionality is disabled, including share, metrics, comments, alerts, and subscriptions. Existing alerts and subscriptions to you will continue running, but alerts and subscriptions to others will fail, since the content is now private. Metrics can’t be created in Personal Space but will continue to work if a connected workbook is moved there. (The legacy Metrics feature was retired in February 2024 for Tableau Cloud and in Tableau Server version 2024.2. For more information, see Create and Troubleshoot Metrics (Retired).)

These limitations are removed when the workbook is moved or saved to another location. For example, if a workbook contains comments and moves to Personal Space, existing comments are hidden. Comments restore when the workbook is moved to another location.

Extract refreshes in Personal Space

To limit resource consumption, existing extract refreshes continue to run if they’ve been scheduled, but new extract refreshes can't be scheduled while a workbook is in Personal Space.

Find content in Personal Space

You can access Personal Space from the left navigation menu to see all your Personal Space content or create a new workbook, and you can save to Personal Space when creating or editing a workbook anywhere on the site.

Personal Space tab in Tableau Cloud.

Path to publish a workbook to your personal space.

You can also see workbooks in Personal Space from the Explore page when All Workbooks is selected, and you can filter down to Personal Space content.

Tableau cloud Explore tab dropdown with a list of workbooks and projects.

Publish a workbook to Personal Space

Personal Space works much like a private project for you to publish a new or existing workbook to from Tableau Cloud, Tableau Server, or Tableau Desktop.

Publish a workbook to Personal Space on Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud

  1. With the workbook open, select File > Publish As.

  2. Under Location, select Personal Space.

    Path to publish a workbook to your personal space.

Note: Explorers can only save workbooks to Personal Space and may not see a location selection dialog.

Publish a workbook to Personal Space from Tableau Desktop

Starting in 2023.1, you can publish a workbook to Personal Space from Tableau Desktop.

  1. With the workbook you want to publish open in Tableau Desktop, select Server > Publish Workbook.

  2. Under Project, select Personal Space.

  3. Under Data Sources, select Edit.

  4. In the Manage Data Sources popup under Publish type, select Embedded in workbook for all data sources. You must embed data sources when publishing from Tableau Desktop, because you can’t publish data sources separately to Personal Space.

  5. Fill out the remainder of the publishing options as usual. For more information, see Comprehensive Steps to Publish a Workbook.

Move workbooks to Personal Space

You can move an existing workbook to Personal Space if you are the owner of the workbook and there is room in your Personal Space. Personal Space storage limits are set by administrators.

To move a workbook to Personal Space:

  • Select a workbook, then click the Actions drop-down menu.
  • Select Move.
  • Under Location, Select Personal Space.

Note: Explorers can only save workbooks to Personal Space and may not see the move action or location selection dialog.

For more information, see Perform actions in the Manage Web Content help topic.

When you move an existing workbook or data source to Personal Space, tools like share, alerts, and subscriptions become hidden. Existing extract refreshes continue to run if they’ve been scheduled, but users can’t schedule new extract refreshes within their Personal Space.

Existing subscriptions and alerts also continue but can’t be edited from Personal Space and will fail if other users are recipients. Existing connected metrics will continue to refresh, but the connected view will not be visible to other users.

Move workbooks from Personal Space

When you move a workbook out of Personal Space, collaboration tools like share, alerts, and subscriptions become visible, and any existing comments reappear.