Jobs, Tasks, and Schedules Methods
Using the jobs, tasks, and schedules methods of the Tableau Server REST API you can do the operations listed in the following categories:
Extract Refresh Tasks: (task to refresh the extract of a data source of a site) - See Extract and Encryption Methods
Data Acceleration Tasks: (Tableau Server only)
- Get a list of data acceleration tasks for a site
- Delete a data acceleration task
Jobs: (work items of a task carried out by the Tableau service)
- Get a filtered, sorted list of jobs for a site and the details of specific jobs
- Cancel jobs that are in progress
Server Schedules (Tableau Server only): (the configuration of when tasks will be initiated on Tableau Server)
For Tableau Cloud, you configure the frequency attributes of a Cloud task, instead of adding the task to a separate Server Schedule as described for Tableau Server on this page. See Extract and Encryption Methods and Subscription Methods to schedule tasks on Tableau Cloud.
- Create, update, and delete schedules
- Create, update, and delete custom schedules for extract refresh and subscription tasks
- List schedules, and get the details of specific tasks, jobs and schedules on a site
This functionality relates to the UI elements and concepts described at: Extract Refresh Schedules(Link opens in a new window).
The Tableau Server Client library(Link opens in a new window), a Python wrapper for the REST API, offers the following related items: Jobs Methods(Link opens in a new window); and Schedules Methods(Link opens in a new window).
Add Data Source to Server Schedule
Adds a task to refresh a data source to an existing server schedule on Tableau Server.
For Tableau Cloud, see Create Cloud Extract Refresh Task.
PUT /api/api-version/sites/site-id/schedules/schedule-id/datasources
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 3.25 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
site-id | The ID of the site that contains the view. |
schedule-id | The ID of the schedule that you are associating with the data source. |
Request Body
<datasource id="datasource-id" />
Attribute Values
datasource-id | The ID of the data source to add to the schedule. |
Tableau Server users who are not server administrators or site administrators can only add a data source to a schedule if they own the data source, or are the project leader for the project that contains the data source.
Response Code
Response Body
<schedule id="schedule-id" />
<datasource id="datasource-id" />
Version 2.8 and later. For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.
HTTP status | error Code | Condition | Details |
400 | 400000 | Bad Request | The content of the request body is missing or incomplete, or contains malformed XML. |
401 | 401002 | Unauthorized Access | The authentication token provided in the request header was invalid or has expired. |
403 | 403032 | Update Forbidden | A non-administrator user called this method, but the caller doesn't have sufficient permissions. |
404 | 404000 | Site not found | The site ID in the URI is unknown. |
404 | 404004 | Resource not found | The data source ID in the request body is unknown. |
405 | 405000 | Invalid request method | Request type was not PUT. |
500 | 500000 | Internal Server Error | The schedule ID in the URI is unknown. |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
curl "http://MY-SERVER/api/3.25/sites/1edc53ac-e247-4870-9fd3-6fad0ce5f84d/schedules/9a4ebbab-9ec8-487a-9b48-47fa81d6077a/datasources" -X PUT -H "X-Tableau-Auth:12ab34cd56ef78ab90cd12ef34ab56cd" –d @add-to-schedule.xml
Content of add-to-schedule.xml:
<datasource id="89a82d78-664f-45a1-8256-d4d2961a070b" />
Example response:
<extractRefresh id="9bf8aea0-e3ca-422e-b7ef-d9c4ba6cca45" priority="50" consecutiveFailedCount="0" type="RefreshExtractTask">
<schedule id="9a4ebbab-9ec8-487a-9b48-47fa81d6077a" name="Weekday early mornings" state="Active" />
<datasource id="89a82d78-664f-45a1-8256-d4d2961a070b" />
Add Workbook to Server Schedule
Adds a task to refresh or accelerate a workbook to an existing schedule on Tableau Server.
The task type must match the schedule type. For a list of schedule types, see Create a Schedule.
For Tableau Cloud, see Create Cloud Extract Refresh Task.
This method is not available for Tableau Cloud.
Starting in Tableau version 2022.1 (API v3.16), with the introduction of
View Acceleration(Link opens in a new window),
the data acceleration feature is deprecated. Requests for data acceleration endpoints and attributes will not return an error, but will
also not cause any change on the server or return meaningful information about data acceleration of a workbook. We recommend removing
any dependencies on data acceleration in your requests to REST API endpoints, as the feature may become unsupported in future releases
resulting in error codes being returned.
PUT /api/api-version/sites/site-id/schedules/schedule-id/workbooks
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 3.25 .
For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
site-id | The ID of the site that contains the view. |
schedule-id | The ID of the schedule that you are associating with the workbook. |
Request Body
<workbook id="workbook-id" />
<workbook id="workbook-id" />
Attribute Values
workbook-id | The ID of the workbook to add to the schedule. |
Only Tableau Server users who are server administrators or site administrators can add a workbook to a data acceleration schedule. Tableau Server users who are not server administrators or site administrators can only add a workbook to other types of schedules if they own the workbook, or are the project leader for the project that contains the workbook.
Response Code
Response Body
<extractRefresh id="extractRefresh-id" type="extractRefresh-type">
<schedule id="schedule-id" />
<workbook id="workbook-id" />
Starting in Tableau Server 10.5 (API 2.8) you can add a task to refresh a workbook extract. In Tableau Server 2020.2 (API 3.8)
through 2021.4 (API 3.15), you can add a task to add data acceleration to a workbook.
Starting in Tableau version 2022.1 (API v3.16), with the introduction of
View Acceleration(Link opens in a new window),
the data acceleration feature is deprecated. Requests for data acceleration endpoints and attributes will not return an error, but will
also not cause any change on the server or return meaningful information about data acceleration of a workbook. We recommend removing
any dependencies on data acceleration in your requests to REST API endpoints, as the feature may become unsupported in future releases
resulting in error codes being returned.
For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.
HTTP status | error Code | Condition | Details |
400 | 400000 | Bad Request | The content of the request body is missing or incomplete, or contains malformed XML. |
401 | 401002 | Unauthorized Access | The authentication token provided in the request header was invalid or has expired. |
403 | 403032 | Update Forbidden | A non-administrator user called this method, but the caller doesn't have sufficient permissions. |
404 | 404000 | Site not found | The site ID in the URI is unknown. |
404 | 404006 | Resource not found | The workbook ID in the request body is unknown. |
405 | 405000 | Invalid request method | Request type was not PUT. |
500 | 500000 | Internal Server Error | The schedule ID in the URI is unknown. |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
curl "http://MY-SERVER/api/3.25/sites/
1edc53ac-e247-4870-9fd3-6fad0ce5f84d/schedules/9a4ebbab-9ec8-487a-9b48-47fa81d6077a/workbooks" -X PUT
-H "X-Tableau-Auth:12ab34cd56ef78ab90cd12ef34ab56cd" –d @add-to-schedule.xml"
Content of add-to-schedule.xml:
<workbook id="5de9cc53-b17d-45af-804d-49144b39f29f" />
Example response:
<extractRefresh id="9bf8aea0-e3ca-422e-b7ef-d9c4ba6cca45" priority="50" consecutiveFailedCount="0" type="RefreshExtractTask">
<schedule id="9a4ebbab-9ec8-487a-9b48-47fa81d6077a" name="Weekday early mornings" state="Active" />
<workbook id="5de9cc53-b17d-45af-804d-49144b39f29f" />
Cancel Job
Cancels a job specified by job ID. To get a list of job IDs for jobs that are currently queued or in-progress, use the Query Jobs method.
The following jobs can be canceled using the Cancel Job method:
- Full extract refresh
- Incremental extract refresh
- Subscription
- Flow Run
- Data Acceleration (Data acceleration is not available in Tableau Server 2022.1 (API 3.16) and later. See View Acceleration(Link opens in a new window).)
- Bridge full extract refresh
- Bridge incremental extract refresh
- Queue upgrade Thumbnail (Job that puts the upgrade thumbnail job on the queue)
- Upgrade Thumbnail
PUT /api/api-version/sites/site-id/jobs/job-id
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 3.25 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
site-id | The ID of the site where the job is running. |
job-id | The ID of the job to cancel. |
Request Body
This method can only be called by server administrators and site administrators.
Response Code
Response Body
Version 3.1 and later. For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.
HTTP status | error Code | Condition | Details |
403 | 403032 | Update forbidden | A non-administrator user tried to cancel a job. |
403 | 403091 | Can not cancel job, because it's already complete. | The job ID provided is for a job that has already succeeded or failed. |
404 | 404000 | Site not found | The site ID in the URI doesn't correspond to an existing site. |
404 | 405000 | Invalid request method | Request type was not PUT. |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
curl "http://MY-SERVER/api/3.25/sites/1edc53ac-e247-4870-9fd3-6fad0ce5f84d/jobs/2474164d-8d37-4a4c-abc7-c2070fd25fd5" -X PUT -H "X-Tableau-Auth:12ab34cd56ef78ab90cd12ef34ab56cd"
Create Server Schedule
Creates a new server schedule on Tableau Server.
For Tableau Cloud, see Create Cloud Extract Refresh Task and
Create subscription.
Schedules are not specific to sites. For more information, see Creating a Flow Schedule(Link opens in a new window), Extracts and Refresh Schedules(Link opens in a new window) and Create or Modify a Schedule(Link opens in a new window) in the Tableau Server documentation. Scheduling flows requires Tableau Prep Conductor to be enabled on your Tableau Server. For more information, see Enable Tableau Prep Conductor(Link opens in a new window).
Note: After you create a resource, the server updates its search index. If you make a query immediately to see a new resource, the query results might not be up to date.
POST /api/api-version/schedules
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 3.25 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
Request Body
<schedule name="schedule-name"
<frequencyDetails start="start-time" end="end-time">
<interval interval-expression />
Attribute Values
schedule-name | The name to give to the schedule. This name identifies the schedule in the server environment when users select a schedule and manage schedule information. |
schedule-priority | An integer value between 1 and 100 that determines the default priority of the schedule if multiple tasks are pending in the queue. Lower numbers have higher priority. |
schedule-type | Flow to create a flow schedule, Extract to create an extract refresh schedule,
Subscription to create a subscription schedule, or DataAcceleration to create a
data acceleration schedule.
(Data acceleration is not available in Tableau Server 2022.1 (API 3.16) and later. See
View Acceleration(Link opens in a new window).) |
schedule-execution-order | Parallel to allow jobs associated with this schedule to run at the same time, or Serial to require the jobs to run one after the other. |
schedule-frequency | This represents the granularity of the schedule.
The value you provide for schedule-frequency determines whether you must include an end-time value, and what is required in the contents of the <intervals> element. |
start-time | The time of day on which scheduled jobs should run (or if the frequency is hourly, on which they should start being run), in the format HH:MM:SS (for example, 18:30:00 ). This value is required for all schedule frequencies. The entered time will be applied based on the time zone of your server. |
end-time | If the schedule frequency is Hourly , the time of day on which scheduled jobs should stop being run, in the format HH:MM:SS (for example, 23:30:00 ). Hourly jobs will occur at the specified intervals between the start time and the end time. For other schedule frequencies, this value is not required; if the attribute is included, it is ignored. The entered time will be applied based on the time zone of your server. |
interval-expression | A value that specifies the interval between jobs associated with the schedule. The value you specify here depends on the value specified in schedule-frequency.
The interval expression is only one of the following:
You can specify an interval in hours or minutes, but not both.
If the schedule frequency is
The interval expression is You can specify multiple <interval> elements to indicate that scheduled jobs should run on multiple days during the week.
The interval expression is Note: If you want to specify multiple days in the month, you can do this using the web interface. You cannot create or update such a monthly schedule using REST API. |
This method can only be called by server administrators.
Response Code
Response Body
<schedule id="schedule-id"
<frequencyDetails frequency-expression >
<interval interval-expression />
Version 2.3 and later. For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.
HTTP status | error Code | Condition | Details |
400 | 400000 | Bad request | The content of the request body is missing or incomplete, or contains malformed XML. |
400 | 400064 | Error creating schedule | An unspecified error occurred while trying to create the schedule. |
400 | 409004 | Bad request | The content of the request body is missing or incomplete. For hourly, daily, or monthly schedules, this often means that the content of the <intervals> element does not match the expected format. The <detail> element of the error provides detail about the expected format. |
405 | 405000 | Invalid request method | Request type was not POST. |
409 | 409021 | Schedule name conflict | The schedule name in the request already belongs to an existing schedule. |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
curl "http://MY-SERVER/api/3.25/schedules/" -X POST -H "X-Tableau-Auth:12ab34cd56ef78ab90cd12ef34ab56cd" -d @create-schedule.xml
Content of create-schedule.xml for an hourly schedule
<schedule name="hourly-schedule-1"
<frequencyDetails start="18:30:00" end="23:00:00">
<interval hours="2" />
Response body
<tsResponse >
<frequencyDetails start="18:30:00" end="23:00:00">
<interval hours="2" />
Content of create-schedule.xml for a daily schedule
For a daily schedule, frequencyDetails is set to Daily
. The start attribute is required. No intervals element is required. Daily schedules on any recurrence must have the same start and end minute. The hour can be different. However, if the daily schedule is set to only happen once a day, then it needs only a start time and not an end time.
<frequencyDetails start="02:15:00" />
Response body
<frequencyDetails start="02:15:00" />
Content of create-schedule.xml for a weekly schedule
For a weekly schedule, frequencyDetails is set to Weekly
. A start attribute is required. The intervals element is required, and must include between 1 and 7 interval subelements that contain a weekDay attribute. Valid values for the weekDay attribute are Sunday
, Monday
, Tuesday
, Wednesday
, Thursday
, Friday
, or Saturday
<schedule name="weekly-schedule-1"
<frequencyDetails start="18:30:00">
<interval weekDay="Sunday" />
<interval weekDay="Wednesday" />
Response body
<schedule id="4d652179-36bf-47e4-a9dc-e069227c72d0"
<frequencyDetails start="18:30:00">
<interval weekDay="Sunday" />
<interval weekDay="Wednesday" />
Content of create-schedule.xml for a monthly schedule
For a monthly schedule, frequencyDetails is set to Monthly
. A start attribute is required. The intervals element is required, and must include 1 interval subelement that contains a monthDay attribute. Valid values for the monthDay attribute are integers between 1 and 31 and the string LastDay
<schedule name="monthly-schedule-1"
<frequencyDetails start="06:00:00">
<interval monthDay="15" />
Response body
<frequencyDetails start="06:00:00">
<interval monthDay="15" />
Delete Data Acceleration Task
Deletes a data acceleration task.
This method is not available for Tableau Cloud.
Starting in Tableau version 2022.1 (API v3.16), with the introduction of
View Acceleration(Link opens in a new window),
the data acceleration feature is deprecated. Requests for data acceleration endpoints and attributes will not return an error, but will
also not cause any change on the server or return meaningful information about data acceleration of a workbook. We recommend removing
any dependencies on data acceleration in your requests to REST API endpoints, as the feature may become unsupported in future releases
resulting in error codes being returned.
DELETE /api/api-version/sites/site-id/tasks/dataAcceleration/dataAcceleration-id
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 3.25 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
site-id | The ID of the site that contains the task. |
dataAcceleration-id | The ID of the task to remove. |
Request Body
This method can only be called by server administrators and site administrators.
Response Code
Response Body
In Tableau Server 2020.2 (API 3.8) through 2021.4 (API 3.15) data acceleration is supported.
Starting in Tableau version 2022.1 (API v3.16), with the introduction of
View Acceleration(Link opens in a new window),
the data acceleration feature is deprecated. Requests for data acceleration endpoints and attributes will not return an error, but will
also not cause any change on the server or return meaningful information about data acceleration of a workbook. We recommend removing
any dependencies on data acceleration in your requests to REST API endpoints, as the feature may become unsupported in future releases
resulting in error codes being returned.
For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.
HTTP status | error Code | Condition | Details |
403 | 409087 | Permission denied | The user isn't authorized to view data acceleration tasks. |
403 | 409087 | Permission denied | The user isn't authorized to access the workbook. |
404 | 404000 | Site not found | The site ID in the URI doesn't correspond to an existing site. |
404 | 404026 | Task not found | The task id in the URI doesn't correspond to an existing task. |
405 | 405000 | Invalid request method | Request type was not DELETE. |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
curl "http://MY-SERVER/api/3.25/sites/9a8b7c6d-5e4f-3a2b-1c0d-9e8f7a6b5c4d/tasks/dataAcceleration/7a2a7c6d-5e4f-3a2b-1c0d-9e8f7a6b3r4q" -X GET -H "X-Tableau-Auth:12ab34cd56ef78ab90cd12ef34ab56cd"
Delete Server Schedule
Deletes the specified schedule on Tableau Server.
For Tableau Cloud, see Delete Extract Refresh Task and
Delete Subscription.
DELETE /api/api-version/schedules/schedule-id
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 3.25 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
schedule-id | The ID of the schedule to delete. To determine what schedules are available, call List Server Schedules. |
Request Body
This method can only be called by server administrators.
Response Code
Response Body
Version 2.3 and later. For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.
HTTP status | error Code | Condition | Details |
400 | 400059 | Error deleting the schedule. | An unspecified error occurred during the deletion operation. |
404 | 404023 | Schedule not found | The specified schedule doesn't correspond to an existing schedule on the site. |
405 | 405000 | Invalid request method | Request type was not DELETE. |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
Get Data Acceleration Tasks in a Site
Returns a list of data acceleration tasks for the site.
This method is not available for Tableau Cloud.
Starting in Tableau version 2022.1 (API v3.16), with the introduction of
View Acceleration(Link opens in a new window),
the data acceleration feature is deprecated. Requests for data acceleration endpoints and attributes will not return an error, but will
also not cause any change on the server or return meaningful information about data acceleration of a workbook. We recommend removing
any dependencies on data acceleration in your requests to REST API endpoints, as the feature may become unsupported in future releases
resulting in error codes being returned.
GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/tasks/dataAcceleration
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 3.25 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
site-id | The ID of the site that contains the task. |
Request Body
This method can only be called by server administrators and site administrators.
Response Code
Response Body
<dataAcceleration id="id" consecutiveFailedCount="0" type="DataAccelerationTask">
<schedule id="id" name="name" state="Active" priority="75" createdAt="2020-02-25T02:49:31Z" updatedAt="2020-02-25T04:00:44Z" type="DataAcceleration" frequency="Hourly" nextRunAt="2020-02-25T08:00:00Z">
<frequencyDetails start="00:00:00" end="00:00:00">
<interval hours="4"/>
<workbook id="id"/>
... additional tasks ...
In Tableau Server 2020.2 (API 3.8) through 2021.4 (API 3.15) data acceleration is supported.
Starting in Tableau version 2022.1 (API v3.16), with the introduction of
View Acceleration(Link opens in a new window),
the data acceleration feature is deprecated. Requests for data acceleration endpoints and attributes will not return an error, but will
also not cause any change on the server or return meaningful information about data acceleration of a workbook. We recommend removing
any dependencies on data acceleration in your requests to REST API endpoints, as the feature may become unsupported in future releases
resulting in error codes being returned.
For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.
403 | 409087 | Permission denied | The user isn't authorized to view data acceleration tasks. |
404 | 404000 | Site not found | The site ID in the URI doesn't correspond to an existing site. |
405 | 40500 | Invalid requests method | Request type was not GET |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
curl "http://MY-SERVER/api/3.25/sites/9a8b7c6d-5e4f-3a2b-1c0d-9e8f7a6b5c4d/tasks/dataAcceleration" -X GET -H "X-Tableau-Auth:12ab34cd56ef78ab90cd12ef34ab56cd"
Example response:
<tsResponse version-and-namespace-settings>
<dataAcceleration id="9f8e7d6c-5b4a-3f2e-1d0c-9b8a7f6e5d4c" consecutiveFailedCount="0" type="DataAccelerationTask">
<schedule id="9f8e7d6c-5b4a-3f2e-1d0c-9b8a7f6e5r4c" name="name" state="Active" priority="75" createdAt="2020-02-25T02:49:31Z" updatedAt="2020-02-25T04:00:44Z" type="DataAcceleration" frequency="Hourly" nextRunAt="2020-02-25T08:00:00Z">
<frequencyDetails start="00:00:00" end="00:00:00">
<interval hours="4"/>
<workbook id="9t8e7d6c-5b4a-3f2e-1d0c-9b8a7f6e5d4c"/>
Get Extract Refresh Task
Returns information about the specified extract refresh task.
This method shows you information about the scheduled task for the data source extract or a published workbook that connects to the data extract.
Note: This method doesn't work for scheduled tasks associated with virtual connection extracts.
GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/tasks/extractRefreshes/task-id
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 3.25 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
site-id | The ID of the site that the user is a member of. |
task-id | The ID of the extract refresh that you want information about. |
JWT Access Scope
(this scope is included in the scope: tableau:tasks
This scope can be used to enable this REST method to be called from a connected app. For more information, see Tableau Cloud connected app scopes(Link opens in a new window). Available in API 3.20 (Tableau Cloud June 2023). Not available for Tableau Server.
Request Body
Tableau Server users who are not server administrators or site administrators can only access the list of extract refresh tasks that they own.
Response Code
Response Body
Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud return different payloads in response to this request.
Tableau Server Request
For Tableau Server an extract refresh task with a server schedule is returned.
<extractRefresh id="refresh_task_id"
<schedule id="schedule_id"
nextRunAt="DATE_TIME" />
<datasource id="datasource_id" />
<!-- ... additional tasks ... -->
Tableau Cloud Request
For Tableau Cloud an extract refresh task with its frequency is returned.
Response for a server schedule on Tableau Server:
<extractRefresh id="0ece2369-c4eb-4382-be0f-961039d708a0" priority="50" consecutiveFailedCount="5" type="RefreshExtractTask">
<schedule frequency="Weekly" nextRunAt="2023-06-08T04:50:00Z">
<frequencyDetails start="21:50:00">
<interval weekDay="Wednesday"/>
<workbook id="7e766949-7166-4b3d-90ba-784f7575743b"/>
Version 2.6 and later. For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.
403 | 403004 | Operation unauthorized | The user is not authorized to get the task. |
404 | 404026 | Task not found | The task ID in the URI doesn't correspond to an existing task, or the task is associated with a virtual connection instead of a workbook or published data source. |
405 | 40500 | Invalid requests method | Request type was not GET |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
Returns a list of extract refresh tasks for the site.
This method shows you information about the scheduled tasks on the specified site for data source extracts or a published workbooks that connect to data extracts.
Note: Virtual connection extracts are listed in the response, but are not identified by an element the way that workbooks and published data sources are.
GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/tasks/extractRefreshes
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 3.25 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
site-id | The ID of the site that the user is a member of. |
JWT Access Scope
(this scope is included in the scope: tableau:tasks
This scope can be used to enable this REST method to be called from a connected app. For more information, see Tableau Cloud connected app scopes(Link opens in a new window). Available in API 3.20 (Tableau Cloud June 2023). Not available for Tableau Server.
cURL Example
curl "http://MY-SERVER/api/3.25/sites/9a8b7c6d-5e4f-3a2b-1c0d-9e8f7a6b5c4d/tasks/extractRefreshes" -X GET -H "X-Tableau-Auth:12ab34cd56ef78ab90cd12ef34ab56cd"
Request Body
Tableau Server users who are not server administrators or site administrators can only access the list of extract refresh tasks that they own.
Response Code
Response Body
Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud return different payloads in response to this request.
Tableau Server Response
On Tableau Server, a list of extract refresh tasks with their server schedules is returned.
<extractRefresh id="refresh_task_id"
<schedule id="schedule_id"
nextRunAt="DATE_TIME" />
<datasource id="datasource_id" />
<!-- ... additional tasks ... -->
Tableau Cloud Response
On Tableau Cloud, a list of extract tasks with their frequency is returned.
<extractRefresh id="0ece2369-c4eb-4382-be0f-961039d708a0" priority="50" consecutiveFailedCount="5" type="RefreshExtractTask">
<schedule frequency="Weekly" nextRunAt="2023-06-08T04:50:00Z">
<frequencyDetails start="21:50:00">
<interval weekDay="Wednesday"/>
<workbook id="7e766949-7166-4b3d-90ba-784f7575743b"/>
Version 2.6 and later. For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.
405 | 40500 | Invalid requests method | Request type was not GET |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
Get Server Schedule
Returns detailed information about the specified server schedule on Tableau Server.
Not available for Tableau Cloud.
Note: After you create a resource, the server updates its search index. If you make a query immediately to see a new resource, the query results might not be up to date.
GET /api/api-version/schedules/schedule-id
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 3.25 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
schedule-id | The ID of the specific schedule. Note: You can get the schedule id from running the List Server Schedules method. For more information, see Jobs, Tasks, and Schedules Methods |
Request Body
On Tableau Server, any user able to schedule extract refreshes and any site or server administrator can get schedules.
Response Code
Response Body
<tsResponse >
<schedule id = "schedule id"
name = "schedule-name"
priority= "priority"
executionOrder="Parallel-or-Serial" >
<frequencyDetails start="time"
<interval schedule-frequency/>
Version 3.8 and later. For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.
HTTP status | error Code | Condition | Details |
404 | 404027 | Schedule not found | The flow ID in the URI doesn't correspond to an existing flow. |
405 | 405000 | Invalid request method | Request type was not GET. |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
curl "http://MY-SERVER/api/3.25/schedules/9a8b7c6d-5e4f-3a2b-1c0d-9e8f7a6b5c4d/" -X GET -H "X-Tableau-Auth:12ab34cd56ef78ab90cd12ef34ab56cd"
Example response:
<tsResponse version-and-namespace-settings>
<schedule id="60456a5c-0293-4fed-9391-6d94a5f42b48"
name="My Schedule"
<frequencyDetails start="11:20:00">
<interval monthDay="Customized Monthly"/>
List Extract Refresh Tasks in Server Schedule
Returns a list of the extract refresh tasks for a specified server schedule on the specified site on Tableau Server.
To get the ID of a schedule, call the List Server Schedules method.
Note that the List Server Schedules
method is global to the server; schedules are not specific to a site. Therefore, the URI for the
List Server Schedules method
does not include /sites/
or a site ID. However, individual scheduled tasks are specific to a site, and the URI for
Query Extract Refresh Tasks
must include the site information.
For more information about refresh tasks, see Manage Refresh Tasks(Link opens in a new window).
Not available for Tableau Cloud.
GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/schedules/schedule-id/extracts
GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/schedules/schedule-id/extracts?pageSize=page-size&pageNumber=page-number
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 2.2 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
site-id | The ID of the site that contains the refresh tasks. |
schedule-id | The ID of the schedule to get extract information for. |
page-size | (Optional) The number of items to return in one response. The minimum is 1. The maximum is 1000. The default is 100. For more information, see Paginating Results. |
page-number | (Optional) The offset for paging. The default is 1. For more information, see Paginating Results. |
JWT Access Scope
Not available.
For more information on access scopes and connected apps, see Cloud(Link opens in a new window) | Server-Windows(Link opens in a new window) | Server-Linux(Link opens in a new window).
Request Body
This method can only be called by server administrators and site administrators. When a site administrator calls this method, the payload contains only the tasks that are associated with the site that the user is signed in to.
Response Code
Response Body
<pagination pageNumber="pageNumber"
totalAvailable="total-available" />
<extract id="task-id"
type="incremental-or-full" >
<workbook id="workbook-id" />
<extract id="task-id"
type="incremental-or-full" >
<datasource id="datasource-id" />
... additional extract refresh tasks ...
Version 2.2 and later. For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.
HTTP status | error Code | Condition | Details |
400 | 400006 | Invalid page number | The page number parameter is not an integer, is less than one, or is greater than the final page number for data sources at the requested page size. |
400 | 400007 | Invalid page size | The page size parameter is not an integer, or is less than one. |
400 | 400047 | Invalid schedule type | The schedule type does not represent an extract refresh task. (For example, it might be a subscription task.) |
403 | 403014 | Page size limit exceeded | The specified page size is larger than the maximum page size. |
404 | 404000 | Site not found | The site ID in the URI doesn't correspond to an existing site. |
404 | 404 | Schedule not found | The schedule ID in the URI doesn't correspond to an existing schedule. |
405 | 405000 | Invalid request method | Request type was not GET. |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
curl "http://MY-SERVER/api/3.25/sites/9a8b7c6d-5e4f-3a2b-1c0d-9e8f7a6b5c4d/schedules/59a8a7b6-be3a-4d2d-1e9e-08a7b6b5b4ba/extracts" -X GET -H "X-Tableau-Auth:12ab34cd56ef78ab90cd12ef34ab56cd"
Example response:
<tsResponse version-and-namespace-settings>
<pagination pageNumber="1" pageSize="100" totalAvailable="2" />
<extract id="639c7e80-0d11-44b2-9b5b-018ffc5eddb4" priority="60" type="FullRefresh">
<datasource />
<extract id="303f6c45-fb48-47aa-88d3-0dd87f5f5c74" priority="50" type="FullRefresh">
<workbook />
Returns status information about an asynchronous process that is tracked using a job. This method can be used to query jobs that are used to do the following:
- Import users from Active Directory (the result of a call to Create Group).
- Synchronize an existing Tableau Server group with Active Directory (the result of a call to Update Group).
- Run extract refresh tasks (the result of a call to Run Extract Refresh Task).
- Publish a workbook asynchronously (the result of a call to Publish Workbook).
- Run workbook or view subscriptions (the result of a call to Create Subscription or Update Subscription)
- Run a flow task (the result of a call to Run Flow Task)
- Status of Tableau Server site deletion (the result of a call to asynchronous Delete Site(Link opens in a new window) beginning API 3.18)
Note: To query a site deletion job, the server administrator must be first signed into the default site (contentUrl=" "
Version: Available in API 2.0 and later.
License: No additional license required.
Permissions: This method can only be called by server administrators and site administrators.
Access Scope: tableau:jobs:read
Added in API 3.25.
For more information, see Versions(Link opens in a new window), Permissions(Link opens in a new window), and access scopes for Cloud(Link opens in a new window), Server-Windows,(Link opens in a new window) or Server-Linux(Link opens in a new window).
GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/jobs/job-id
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 3.25 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
site-id | The ID of the site where the job is running. |
job-id | The ID of the job to get status information for. |
Request Body
Response Code
Response Body
<job id="job-id"
<notes> ... view, workbook, or datasource id and name ... </notes>
<statusNote type="classifier"
text="note" /> ... additional job notes ...
The createdAt, updatedAt, and CompletedAt values are dates and times in UTC format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).
Note: When using this method to query the progress of asynchronous workbook publishing, progress will switch from 0 when the job is in-progress to 100 when it is complete, finishCode will switch from 1 when the job is in-progress to 0 when it is complete, and no <statusNotes>
elements are provided.
The finishCode indicates the status of the job: 0 for success, 1 for error, or 2 for canceled.
The <statusNotes> element contains one or more notes that provide details about the status of a job in a format that can be used for logging, auditing, and error recovery. Each status note contains three attributes:
- type. An enumerated value (a string) that indicates the classification of the note.
- value. A value that indicates the number of records reported by the current status, such as the count of records processed.
- text. A description of the status that can be displayed to users. If you are working with a localized (translated) version of Tableau Server, this text is also localized. You should not rely on this text for any application logic. If you need to take action based on a specific status, test the value of the type attribute.
The following table lists job status types. Some values are returned only when the job is synchronizing groups (Update Group).
Type | Value | Text |
CountOfUsersAddedToGroup | Integer | Description of how many users were added to the group during the import. |
CountOfUsersAddedToSite | Integer | Description of how many users were added to the site during the import. |
CountOfUsersWithInsufficientLicenses | Integer | Description of how many users could not have their site role updated due to server lacking sufficient licenses for them. |
CountOfUsersInActiveDirectoryGroup | Integer | Description of the total number of users in the Active Directory group being imported or synchronized |
CountOfUsersProcessed | Integer | Description of the total number of users processed during the import or synchronization process. |
CountOfUsersSkipped | Integer | Description of the total number of users skipped during the import or synchronization process |
CountOfUsersInformationUpdated | Integer | Description of the total number of users whose information was updated during the import or synchronization process. |
CountOfUsersSiteRoleUpdated | Integer | Description of the total number of users whose site role was updated during the import or synchronization process. |
CountOfUsersRemovedFromGroup | Integer | (Synchronization process only) Description of the number of users removed from the group during the synchronization process. |
CountOfUsersUnlicensed | Integer | (Synchronization process only) Description of the number of users who were unlicensed during the synchronization process. |
SiteDelete | Integer | Description of the site deletion progress. Can include a general error or errorCode=9 when a site can't be deleted. |
HTTP status | error Code | Condition | Details |
404 | 404000 | Site not found | The site ID in the URI doesn't correspond to an existing site. |
404 | 404018 | Job not found | The job ID in the URI doesn't correspond to an existing job. |
405 | 405000 | Invalid request method | Request type was not GET. |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
Returns a list of active jobs on the specified site. To get details on a specific job, pass a job ID returned by this method to the Query Job method. To cancel an active job, pass a job ID returned by this method to the Cancel Job method.
Calls to this method can be filtered, as shown in the URI examples shown below. To learn more about filtering, see Filtering and Sorting in the REST API.
Version: Available in API 3.1 and later.
License: No additional license required.
Permissions: This method can only be called by server administrators and site administrators.
Access Scope: tableau:jobs:read
Added in API 3.25
For more information, see Versions(Link opens in a new window), Permissions(Link opens in a new window), and access scopes for Cloud(Link opens in a new window), Server-Windows,(Link opens in a new window) or Server-Linux(Link opens in a new window).
GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/jobs
GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/jobs?filter=progress:lte:0
GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/jobs?filter=jobType:eq:refresh_extracts
GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/jobs?filter=createdAt:gt:2018-04-18T11:00:56z
GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/jobs?filter=title:has:Superstore
GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/jobs?filter=notes:has:nightly
GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/jobs?filter=jobType:eq:run_flow
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 3.25 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
site-id | The ID of the site where the job is running. |
Request Body
Response Code
Response Body
<pagination pageNumber="page-number" pageSize="page-size"/>
<backgroundJob id="job-id" status="status-value" createdAt="date-time" startedAt="date-time" endedAt="date-time" priority="priority-value" jobType="type-value"/>
<!-- . . . more backgroundJobs . . . -->
HTTP status | error Code | Condition | Details |
404 | 404000 | Site not found | The site ID in the URI doesn't correspond to an existing site. |
405 | 405000 | Invalid request method | Request type was not GET. |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
curl "http://MY-SERVER/api/3.25/sites/1edc53ac-e247-4870-9fd3-6fad0ce5f84d/jobs" -X GET -H "X-Tableau-Auth:12ab34cd56ef78ab90cd12ef34ab56cd"
Example response:
<pagination pageNumber="1" pageSize="100" totalAvailable="48999"/>
<backgroundJob id="919055e5-25db-4a2b-9611-1408dd06632d" status="Failed" createdAt="2018-04-17T23:00:15Z" startedAt="2018-04-17T23:00:15Z" endedAt="2018-04-17T23:00:15Z" priority="50" jobType="increment_extracts"/>
<backgroundJob id="b5cadda9-2b32-447a-acb6-1c1b8c06caf9" status="Failed" createdAt="2018-04-17T23:00:15Z" startedAt="2018-04-17T23:00:15Z" endedAt="2018-04-17T23:00:15Z" priority="50" jobType="increment_extracts"/>
<backgroundJob id="d281297b-9834-44a1-b71a-a2cab6060df6" status="Failed" createdAt="2018-04-17T23:00:15Z" startedAt="2018-04-17T23:00:24Z" endedAt="2018-04-17T23:00:32Z" priority="50" jobType="refresh_extracts"/>
List Server Schedules
Returns a list of flows, extract and subscription server schedules on Tableau Server. For each schedule, the API returns the name, frequency, priority, and other information.
For more information about schedules, see Create or Modify a Schedule(Link opens in a new window).
Not available for Tableau Cloud.
GET /api/api-version/schedules
GET /api/api-version/schedules?pageSize=page-size&pageNumber=page-number
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 2.2 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
page-size | (Optional) The number of items to return in one response. The minimum is 1. The maximum is 1000. The default is 100. For more information, see Paginating Results. |
page-number | (Optional) The offset for paging. The default is 1. For more information, see Paginating Results. |
Request Body
On Tableau Server, any user able to schedule extract refreshes and any site or server administrator can get schedules.
Response Code
Response Body
<pagination pageNumber="pageNumber" pageSize="page-size"
totalAvailable="total-available" />
<schedule id="schedule-id"
nextRunAt ="datetime-next-run-time"
endScheduleAt ="datetime-expiration" />
... additional schedules ...
The datetime-created, datetime-last-updated, datetime-next-run-time, and datetime-expiration attribute values are returned in UTC format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).
curl "http://MY-SERVER/api/3.25/schedules" -X GET -H "X-Tableau-Auth:12ab34cd56ef78ab90cd12ef34ab56cd"
Example response:
<tsResponse version-and-namespace-settings >
<pagination pageNumber="1" pageSize="100" totalAvailable="3" />
<schedule id="ca3ce4f5-666c-4bb8-a763-5df24783881f"
nextRunAt="2016-01-13T23:00:00Z" />
<schedule id="13abd238-0b22-4789-bcc4-614d31908310"
name="Saturday night"
nextRunAt="2016-01-17T07:00:00Z" />
<schedule id="b6a6d11a-9e20-49f1-9b74-693f196b9aca"
name="End of the month"
nextRunAt="2016-02-01T07:00:00Z" />
Version 2.2 and later. For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.
HTTP status | error Code | Condition | Details |
400 | 400006 | Invalid page number | The page number parameter is not an integer, is less than one, or is greater than the final page number for data sources at the requested page size. |
400 | 400007 | Invalid page size | The page size parameter is not an integer, or is less than one. |
403 | 403014 | Page size limit exceeded | The specified page size is larger than the maximum page size. |
405 | 405000 | Invalid request method | Request type was not GET. |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
Run Extract Refresh Task
Runs the specified extract refresh task.
Note: This method will fail and result in an error if your Server Administrator has disabled the RunNow setting for the site. For more information, see Tableau Server Settings(Link opens in a new window).
This method runs the scheduled task for the data source extract or the published workbook that connects to the data extract. You must first schedule the task for the extract refresh. You can do this using the Create Schedule method to create the task. To get information about the extract refresh task, use the Get Extract Refresh Tasks method, which returns the extractRefresh ID that you use as the task-id.
Note: This method doesn't work for scheduled tasks associated with virtual connection extracts.
The method adds the refresh task to the backgrounder queue. Depending upon the backgrounder load, the task might not run immediately. The method returns information about the backgrounder job responsible for running the extract refresh task, including a job id that can be used with the Query Job method to query the status of the extract refresh.
An extract refresh task can be initiated by a REST API call, a tabcmd command, or a job calling the task on a schedule. A REST request to start a refresh task will fail if the task has been put in the task queue in any of these ways, or is already in progress.
POST /api/api-version/sites/site-id/tasks/extractRefreshes/task-id/runNow
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 3.25 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
site-id | The ID of the site that the user is a member of. |
task-id | The ID of the extract refresh task that you want to run. |
JWT Access Scope
(this scope is included in the scope: tableau:tasks
This scope can be used to enable this REST method to be called from a connected app. For more information, see Tableau Cloud connected app scopes(Link opens in a new window). Available in API 3.20 (Tableau Cloud June 2023). Not available for Tableau Server.
Request Body
You must include a valid request with the POST operation. Currently, the request body can be empty. In the future, you might be able to set options for the task.
Tableau Server users who are not server administrators or site administrators can only run the extract refresh tasks that they own.
Response Code
Response Body
<job id="JOB_ID" mode="MODE" type="RefreshExtract" />
Version 2.6 and later. For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.
403 | 403004 | Operation unauthorized | The user is not authorized to get the task, or the extract isn't associated with a workbook or published data source. |
403 | 403047 | Extract refresh error | The task specified is not an extract refresh task. |
404 | 404026 | Task not found | The task ID in the URI doesn't correspond to an existing task. |
405 | 40500 | Invalid requests method | Request type was not POST. |
409 | 409093 | Operation already in Queue | The extract refresh job is already in the queue. |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
curl "http://MY-SERVER/api/3.25/sites/9a8b7c6d-5e4f-3a2b-1c0d-9e8f7a6b5c4d/tasks/extractRefreshes/9f8e7d6c-5b4a-3f2e-1d0c-9b8a7f6e5d4c/runNow" -X POST -H "X-Tableau-Auth:12ab34cd56ef78ab90cd12ef34ab56cd" -d @empty_request.xml
Example response:
<tsResponse version-and-namespace-settings>
<job id="7b6b59a8-ac3c-4d1d-2e9e-0b5b4ba8a7b6" mode="Asynchronous" type="RefreshExtract" />
Update Server Schedule
Modifies settings for the specified server schedule, including the name, priority, and frequency details on Tableau Server.
For Tableau Cloud, see Update cloud extract refresh task and
Update subscription .
PUT /api/api-version/schedules/schedule-id
Parameter Values
api-version | The version of the API to use, such as 3.25 . For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions. |
schedule-id | The ID of the schedule to update. To determine what schedules are available, call List Server Schedules. |
Request Body
<frequencyDetails start="start-time" end="end-time">
<interval interval-expression />
Attribute Values
new-schedule-name | The new name to give to the schedule. |
new-schedule-priority | An integer value between 1 and 100 that determines the default priority of the schedule if multiple tasks are pending in the queue. Lower numbers have higher priority. |
new-schedule-execution-order | Parallel to allow jobs associated with this schedule to run at the same time, or
Serial to require the jobs to run one after the other.
new-schedule-frequency | The granularity of the schedule. Valid values are:
The value you provide for schedule-frequency determines whether you must include an end-time value, and what
is required in the contents of the <intervals> element. |
new-state | Active to enable the schedule, or
Suspended to disable it.
start-time | The time of day on which scheduled jobs should run (or if the frequency is hourly, on which they should start being run), in the format HH:MM:SS (for example, 18:30:00 ).
This value is required for all schedule frequencies.
The entered time will be applied based on the time zone of your server. |
end-time | If the schedule frequency is Hourly , the time of day on which scheduled jobs should stop being run, in the format HH:MM:SS (for example, 23:30:00 ). Hourly jobs will occur at the specified intervals between the start time and the end time.
For other schedule frequencies, this value is not required; if the attribute is included, it is ignored.
The entered time will be applied based on the time zone of your server. |
interval-expression | A value that specifies the interval between jobs associated with the schedule. The value you specify here depends on the
value of schedule-frequency.
The interval expression is only one of the following:
You can specify an interval in hours or minutes, but not both.
If the schedule frequency is
The interval expression is You can specify multiple <interval> elements to indicate that scheduled jobs should run on multiple days during the week. Note: Updating a schedule without specifying days of the week will reset any existing weekly interval to include all 7 days. If you need the job you are updating to remain scheduled on selected days, make sure to include that information in your update request.
The interval expression is Note: If you want to specify multiple days in the month, you can do this using the web interface. You cannot create or update such a monthly schedule using REST API. |
Any combination of the attributes inside the <schedule> element is valid. Only the attributes and child elements that are included result in updates to the schedule. If no attributes or nested elements are included, no update is made.
This method can only be called by server administrators.
Response Code
Response Body
<schedule id="schedule-id"
endScheduleAt ="datetime-expiration"
<frequencyDetails frequency-expression >
<interval interval-expression />
Version 2.3 and later. For more information, see REST API and Resource Versions.
HTTP status | error Code | Condition | Details |
400 | 400000 | Bad request | The content of the request body is missing or incomplete, or contains malformed XML. |
400 | 400008 | Invalid Parameter | One of the parameters in the request body is invalid. |
400 | 400071 | Error updating schedule | The schedule couldn't be updated for an unspecified reason. |
404 | 404023 | Schedule not found | The specified schedule doesn't correspond to an existing schedule. |
405 | 405000 | Invalid request method | Request type was not PUT. |
409 | 409021 | Schedule name conflict | The schedule name in the request already belongs to an existing schedule. |
For more information, see Handling Errors.
curl "http://MY-SERVER/api/3.25/schedules/4d652179-36bf-47e4-a9dc-e069227c72d0" -X PUT -H "X-Tableau-Auth:12ab34cd56ef78ab90cd12ef34ab56cd" -d @update-schedule.xml
Content of update-schedule.xml for an hourly schedule
For an hourly schedule, frequencyDetails is set to Hourly
Both start and end values are required.
The intervals element is required,
and must include 1 interval subelement that contains
either an hours or a minutes
attribute. Valid values for minutes are
or 30
Valid values for hours are
, or
<schedule name="hourly-schedule-1"
<frequencyDetails start="18:30:00" end="23:00:00">
<interval hours="2" />
Response body
<tsResponse <span class="api-placeholder">version-and-namespace-settings</span>>
<schedule id="4d652179-36bf-47e4-a9dc-e069227c72d0"
<frequencyDetails start="18:30:00" end="23:00:00">
<interval hours="2" />
Note: For additional examples of how to construct the payload for updating schedules, see Create Schedule.