Default Installation Permissions - Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool

The following topic provides the default permissions set on various system accounts or groups during installation. If your environment or organization requires you to use non-default accounts, this helps you determine what permissions are necessary for Resource Monitoring Tool (RMT) to function properly.

Note: Resource Monitoring Tool (RMT) server and agent are not Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 compliant, and will not function properly on operating systems running with FIPS mode enabled.


Windows installations

By default Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool creates these accounts when installed:

  • NT SERVICE\TableauResourceMonitoringTool

  • NT SERVICE\TableauResourceMonitoringToolPostgreSQL

  • NT SERVICE\TableauResourceMonitoringToolRabbitMQ

If you want or need to use other accounts in place of the default accounts, you can specify these after installation using the rmt-admin command line utility. For details, see rmtadmin service-setup.

The permissions used by these default service accounts are shown below, as well as the minimum required permissions. Your service accounts should match the minimum permissions or the default permissions:

Service Account Resource Default permissions Required minimum permissions
Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool Master      
  Application files

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\master

Full control: read, write execute, modify

Full control
  Log directories and files

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\master\logs

Full control: read, write execute, modify

Read, write
  Configuration directory

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\master\config

Full control: read, write execute, modify

Full conyrol
Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool PostgreSQL      
  Application directory

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\prerequisites\postgresql<nn>

Full control: read, write execute, modify Full control

Data directory

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\data\postgresql<nn>

Full control: read, write execute, modify Full control
  Logs directory

Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\master\logs\pgsql

Full control: read, write execute, modify Read, write .
Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool RabbitMQ      

Data directory

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\data\rabbitmq

Full control: read, write execute, modify Full control

Application files

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\prerequisites\rabbitmq

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\prerequisites\erlang

Full control: read, write execute, modify Full control

Log files

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\master\logs\rabbitmq

Full control: read, write execute, modify Read, write
Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool Agent      

Application files

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\agent

Full control: read, write execute, modify Full control

Log directory and files

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\agent\logs

Full control: read, write execute, modify Read

Configuration directory

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\agent\config

Full control: read, write execute, modify Full control

Linux installations

By default Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool creates certain accounts when installed. If you want or need to use groups and users in place of the defaults, you can specify these after installation using the rmt-admin command line utility. For details, see rmtadmin service-setup.

The default permissions used by these service accounts are shown below. Your permissions should match these permissions:

Service Account Resource permissions
Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool Master    
  Application files


Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - read, write, execute

Others - read, execute

  Log directories and files


Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - read, write, execute

Others - read, execute

  Configuration directory


Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - read, write, execute

Others - read, execute

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool PostgreSQL    
  Application directory


Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - read, execute

Others - read, execute


Service directory


Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - none

Others - none


Data directory


Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - read, write, execute

Others - read, execute


Logs directory


Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - read, write, execute

Others - execute

  Other directories under the PostgreSQL directory not mentioned above

/var/opt/tableau/tabrmt/data/postgresql13/<not mentioned above>

Owner - read, write

Group - none

Others - none



Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - none

Others - none

  /var/opt/tableau/tabrmt/data/postgresql13/certificates Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Others - execute

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool RabbitMQ    

Data directory


Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - read, write, and execute

Others - read, execute


Application files



Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - read,execute

Others - read, execute


Log files


Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - read, write, and execute

Others - execute


Other directories (under /rabbitmq directory)



Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - read, write, and execute

Others - execute

  /var/opt/tableau/tabrmt/data/rabbitmq/<other than mentioned> Owner - read, execute

Group - read, execute

Others - none

Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool Agent    

Application files


Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - read, write, and execute

Others - read, execute


Log directory and files


Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - read, write, and execute

Others - read, execute


Configuration directory


Owner - Full permissions (read, write, execute)

Group - read, write, and execute

Others - read, execute

Who can do this

To do all the steps described above you need be an admin on the machine that you are installing Resource Monitoring Tool, and be a Tableau Server Administrator.

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