Install the RMT Server Using Web Interface

The Resource Monitoring Tool Server (RMT Server) hosts the web application that users interact with. It also does much of the background processing to collate and monitor the data from the Agents. The RMT Server must be installed on dedicated hardware.

Installation through web interface is currently only supported for Windows Installations. If you want to install on Linux, see Install the RMT Server Using Command Line.

To install the RMT Server:

There are three main steps to installing the RMT Server:

  • Installing the Server software
  • Configuring the RMT Server
  • Creating a new environment.

The detailed step by step process is described below:

  1. Installing the Server software:
    1. Run the RMT Server setup program.

    2. After reading the EULA, select I agree to the license terms and conditions, and click Install.

      Note: If you are planning to install to a non-default location, use the guidelines provided in the Installing to a Non-Default Location. The default location is C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\.

    3. If the User Account Control dialog opens, click Yes to allow the installer to make changes.

    4. The RMT Server installer will first install certain prerequisites as the first step. The prerequisites include RabbitMQ, Erlang, and a PostgreSQL database. The PostgreSQL database is used to store usage data gathered from Tableau Server. It will then proceed to install the RMT Server.

    5. At the end of the installation, a Server Configuration web page opens.

  2. Configure the RMT Server:
    1. The page should already be filled in. Make any updates to the values if needed.

      Note: Make a note of the Host Name. The web interface used to access the RMT Server uses this format: https://<hostname>.

    2. By default, Resource Monitoring Tool uses a self-signed certificate to use for the HTTPS communications with the RMT Server. To leverage your own certificate, replace the thumbprint value with the one for the certificate you want to use. Check the Require HTTPS option if you want to mandate secure HTTPS communications.

      Checking the Require HTTPS option will also require you to choose a certificate mode and provide additional details if necessary. Mainly there are three options to choose from:

      1. Default: This mode uses the default self-signed certificate supplied by the installer.

      2. Local: This mode allows you to specify a file-based certificate in the Resource Monitoring Tool/config folder. When Local mode is selected, the Certificate Name field becomes available. The options listed will correspond with the certificate file groups located in the /config folder.

      3. Store: This mode allows you to enter the thumbprint of a certificate in the Windows certificate store.

        The Password field will only be used if the selected certificate requires a password.

    3. Test the Server Configuration by clicking Test Server Configuration.

      Note: If you see the following error, use the instructions provided in Troubleshoot SSL Certificate Errors topic:
      Certificate doesn't include accessible private key

    4. The Password section allows you to configure the password requirements that will apply to the user accounts and will be applied to the Administrative user account you will create a little later.

    5. In the Authentication section, you can configure the timeout period for the sessions. If the user does not access the session for the set timeout period then the session will expire and they will need to log in again. By default, this is set to 240 minutes. You can also enable the Sliding Expiration option to reset the time out period when a session is accessed within the time out period.

    6. Click Save and Restart Server.

      Note: If you see the following error, use the instructions provided in Troubleshoot SSL Certificate Errors topic:
      Certificate doesn't include accessible private key

    7. When the server has restarted, you are prompted to create an administrative user and password.

    8. After signing in using the administrative credentials you just created in the previous step, the Resource Monitoring Tool you will see a message that no Environment has been created. Click Add an environment to setup a new environment.

  3. Create a New Environment:
    1. Create a new environment: Fill in the details of the environment, like the name an identifier. The Tableau Server REST API and the Tableau Server Repository configurations are used to communicate with Tableau Server. The Tableau Server Repository configuration is optional, but is a preferred method to access Tableau Server.

      You have the option to configure secure encrypted connection when RMT connects to Tableau Server Repository. In order to use SSL connections between RMT and Tableau Server Repository database, Tableau Server must be configured to use SSL. For more information, see Configure SSL for Internal Postgres Communication.

    2. Tableau Repository Configuration:

      In the Tableau Repository Configuration section:

      1. In the SSL Mode drop down box, select Prefer SSL or Require SSL to configure SSL connections to Tableau Repository. Choosing Disable means SSL will never be used to make Tableau Server Repository connections.

        In the Prefer SSL mode, the Resource Monitoring Tool will use SSL in the first attempt, and if that fails the subsequently attempts a non-encrypted connection.

        In the Require SSL mode, if the SSL connection fails, the connections to Tableau Server Repository will fail entirely. In this case, Tableau Server REST API connections will be used to communicate with Tableau Server.

      2. You can choose to either supply the thumbprint that was generated by Tableau Server, or copy the server.crt file to the Resource Monitoring Tool Master Server machine. If you choose to copy the certificate file, you don't have to supply the thumbprint. For more information, see Configure Postgres SSL to Allow Direct Connections from Clients.
  4. Click Save. You will see a new section added to the page - Agent Configuration. This section allows you to download the bootstrap file needed to install and configure Agents.

    Note: If you make any updates to the Environment configurations, you must click Save before downloading the Bootstrap file.

Installing to a Non-Default Location

RMT Server

Tableau recommends using \Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool as the location for the installing the RMT Server. Example non-default location: D:\Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool.

To choose a non-default location during installation, use the following steps:

  1. Run the RMT Server installer.
  2. On the EULA page, choose Customize.
  3. Under Setup Options, in the Install location field, enter the location.
  4. Continue with Step 2 of the installation as described Install the RMT Server Using Web Interface.

Who can do this

To install Resource Monitoring Tool, you must have all the following:

  • Administrator permissions on the machine you are installing Resource Monitoring Tool.
  • Tableau Server Administrator site role.
  • Resource Monitoring Tool Administrator account.

Next Step

Install the Agent Using the Web Interface

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