Step 3: Create Schedules for Flow Tasks

Create a new schedule:

  1. On the Schedules tab, click New Schedule.

    The Schedules tab in Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud showing the New Schedules button.

  2. Enter the following information in the New Schedule dialog box and click Create.

    • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the schedule. Typically, this includes the description of the schedule frequency.

    • Type: Select Flow as the task type.

    • Priority: You can define a default priority from 1 to 100, where 1 is the highest priority. This value will be assigned to the tasks by default. If two tasks are pending in the queue, the one with the higher priority runs first.

    • Execution: Choose whether a schedule will run in parallel or serially. Schedules that run in parallel run on all available backgrounder processes so that they can complete faster.

    • Linked Tasks (version 2021.3 and later): Select the tick box if the schedule can be used to schedule flows to run one after the other. Linked tasks require a Parallel execution method.

      Starting in version 2022.1, this option is enabled by default. In prior versions, the Server Administrator must first enable linked tasks for the server before you can configure schedules to support linked tasks. For more information, see Step 2: Configure Flow Settings for your Tableau Server

    • Frequency: You can define an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly schedule.

      The Create Schedule dialog on Tableau Server.

Next step

Step 4: Safe list Input and Output locations

Who can do this

Tableau Server Administrators can create and modify schedules. Schedules are created at the server level and apply across all the sites on a server.