Server Usage Data

The Tableau Server administrator can control whether or not usage data from Tableau Server is sent to Tableau. By default this option is enabled, and can be disabled at initial install, or after installing Tableau Server, using the TSM Web UI or command line. For details about this usage data, see Tableau Product Usage Data(Link opens in a new window).

In addition to product usage data, Tableau products send Basic Product Data to Tableau. This data is sent whether or not you have disabled the sending of product usage data. You can disable the sending of Basic Product Data separately. For details, see Basic Product Data.

Disable Usage Data Sharing

You can disable the sharing of usage data when you install Tableau Server, or at any time after installation.

Disabling the sharing of usage data at install

To disable the sharing of usage data with Tableau when you are installing Tableau Server, clear the option during the initial configuration of server. For details, see Product usage data.

Disabling the sharing of usage data after install

  1. Open TSM in a browser:

    https://<tsm-computer-name>:8850. For more information, see Sign in to Tableau Services Manager Web UI.

  2. Click the Maintenance tab.

  3. Under Other Maintenance Tasks, in Server Usage Data, clear Send usage data to improve Tableau features:

  4. When you are finished, click Pending Changes, and then click Apply Changes and Restart.

If you do not want to share product usage data, disable the option using this tsm configuration command:

tsm configuration set -k shareproductusagedata.enabled -v false
tsm pending-changes apply

If the pending changes require a server restart, the pending-changes apply command will display a prompt to let you know a restart will occur. This prompt displays even if the server is stopped, but in that case there is no restart. You can suppress the prompt using the --ignore-prompt option, but this does not change the restart behavior. If the changes do not require a restart, the changes are applied without a prompt. For more information, see tsm pending-changes apply.


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