Server Upgrade - Review What's Changed

This topic includes a list of important product changes in Tableau Server, beginning with version 2019.1. The changes listed in this topic may impact the upgrade process itself, or they may impact functionality after you have upgraded. Read these changes carefully and make note of the changes and remediation steps that you'll need to take. Include these remediation steps as part of your upgrade process or post-upgrade configuration plan.

This list is cumulative, so if you are upgrading from an early version (for example, 2019.1), read the list of changes for every version between your version and the version you are upgrading to. You can also download the workbook with the list and use it create your own customized checklist.

To develop a more robust verification and testing plan, we recommend that you also review new features before you upgrade. To see a full list of all new and changed features, select everything listed in the Status filter.


Continue to Server Upgrade - Gather Configuration Details.