Step 2: Set Up Your Cluster

Run this procedure on each computer in your organisation where you want to run the Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Verify that your secondary volume is unformatted. On the Linux node, run the following command:

    lsblk -f

    The following image shows an example where the extra volume nvme1n1 on a cluster node is unformatted and the FSTYPE is empty:

  2. On the Data Connect tab, under Pools, click New Pool. In the New Pool window, enter a pool name and then click Create.

  3. On the Data Connect tab, under Cluster and Nodes, click New Cluster. In the New Cluster window, enter a pool name and then click Create.

  4. On the cluster you just created, click the Actions column and then click New Node. In the Add New Node window, click Download File.

    A cluster.tar file is downloaded to your Downloads folder. This file contains the bootstrapping scripts that you will run on the node.

  5. Copy the cluster.tar file onto your computer. The following example shows how to copy the tar file, extract the files, change the script to an executable file and then run the script. The example shows this in the context of AWS. Change the file paths for your environment. You must run these commands as root or sudo user:

    > scp -i <xxx>.pem /Downloads/cluster.tar ec2-user@ip-<xx-xx-xx-xx>.us-west-2compute.internal:~/

    > ssh -i <xxx>.pem ex2-user@ip-<xx-xx-xx-xx>.us-west-2compute.internal

    > tar -xvf clustertar.tar

    > chmod +x

    > ./

    After the script is run, you see Successfully performed all operations in the terminal window, and the Tableau team will begin the provisioning process.

  6. On the Data Connect tab for your site, find in the pool you created in step 2. Under the Actions column, click Assign Cluster and then select the cluster you created in step 3.

  7. Click the chevron (⌄) on the cluster to see the host name and available actions. If this information isn't displayed, you may need to reload the page. After confirming the hostname is the target node, click Accept Node and then click Confirm.

    The cluster node will transition to Provisioning status. Provisioning the node may take an hour or more.

  8. When the status on your node changes to Available, navigate to the pool to which you assigned the cluster and click the actions button (...), and then click Refresh Tokens. Verify that you are refreshing tokens for the correct pool, and then click Confirm.

  9. Wait for the token refresh to complete. When complete, the pool status is set to Available. Navigate back to the cluster and click the chevron (⌄) to collapse the cluster name section. Click the actions button for the cluster (...) and then click Get Docker Registry.

    • If you receive an error when attempting this step, the registry is not yet deployed and the provisioning process may still be finalising. Wait a few minutes and try again.
    • When the registry information (server name, username and password) is displayed, copy it for the next step: Step 3: Build Your Base Image and Publish.

Data Connect setup workflow

Step 1: Contact Tableau

Step 2: Set Up Your Cluster

Step 3: Build Your Base Image and Publish

Step 4: Map a Domain to a Pool

Step 5: Create a Data Source for a Live Connection