đ 2 min read
The Web Data Connector comes with boilerplate connectors that you can use as templates to build your own connector. Also, these boilerplate connectors help you can learn about specific features of the WDC SDK. The boilerplates are built using the TACO Toolkit.
Basic authentication connector
This connector shows you how to create your own connector authorized by username and password. Use cases are basic authentication, Excel, built-in Excel parser.
This connector ingests large file-based comma-separated value (CSV) data with loadCsvData Fetch API and the built-in TACO file parser. Use cases are React, CSV, built-in CSV parser, large file ingestion, and paginated ingestion.
This connector ingests the fetched binary data using parse utilities for custom parsing. Use cases are custom parsing, Excel, CSV, ExcelUtils, CsvUtils, and multi-table ingestion.
This is the default connector when you created your first connector. This connector connects to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Earthquake feed and gets data about earthquakes in the last week. Use cases are JSON, custom parsing, and TypeScript. We recommend using this as your first connector for learning web data connector structure and workflow.
Earthquake data connector with JavaScript
This connector connects to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Earthquake feed and gets data about earthquakes in the last week. It contains simple JavaScript and HTML. Use cases are JSON, custom parsing, and JavaScript.
This connector demonstrates how to use the locale property of the Tableau object to localize content. Use cases are React, OAuth, JSON, and paginated ingestion.
For more information about how Tableau handles data connection with OAuth, see OAuth Connections in the Tableau Server help.