Activates the next story point if there is one. If the current story point is the last one, then it stays active.
A promise that resolves to the active StoryPoint.
Activates the previous story point if there is one. If the current story point is the first one, then it stays active.
A promise that resolves to the active StoryPoint.
Activates the story point at the specified index and returns a promise of the activated StoryPoint. Throws a EmbeddingErrorCodes.IndexOutOfRange error if the index is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of story points in the array.
A promise that resolves to the active StoryPoint.
Reverts the story point at the specified index and returns a promise of the reverted StoryPointInfo. Throws a EmbeddingErrorCodes.IndexOutOfRange error if the index is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of story points in the array.
A promise that resolves to the reverted StoryPointInfo.
The currently active story point.