Raised when a request to the auth endpoint fails.
The browser is not capable of supporting the Tableau Embedding API
The permissions on a workbook or a view do not allow downloading the workbook.
Unknown error during event initialization
Thrown when an error occurs while attempting to perform a filter operation.
Can occur if the API interacts with a filter that has been removed from the worksheet. Can also occurs if a FilterType has not been implemented.
Function is not supported in the embedding api.
Version of the embedding api not supported by the version of tableau
Thrown when attempting to switch to a sheet by index that does not exist in the workbook.
Thrown when an error occurs within the Tableau Embedding API. Contact Tableau Support.
An operation was attempted on a custom view that does not exist.
An invalid date was specified in a method that required a date parameter.
A parameter is not the correct data type or format. The name of the parameter is specified in the Error.message field.
A negative size was specified or the maxSize value is less than minSize in Sheet.changeSizeAsync().
A behavior value was found that is not included in the SheetSizeBehavior enum.
A behavior other than SheetSizeBehavior.Automatic was specified in Sheet.changeSizeAsync() when the sheet is a Worksheet instance.
The currently applied time dimension could not be determined or is invalid.
The URL specified in the Viz class constructor is not valid.
The maxSize field is missing in Sheet.changeSizeAsync() when specifying SheetSizeBehavior.AtMost.
The minSize or maxSize field is missing in Sheet.changeSizeAsync() when specifying SheetSizeBehavior.Range.
The minSize field is missing in Sheet.changeSizeAsync() when specifying SheetSizeBehavior.AtLeast.
Can occur if the embedding app interacts with a parameter that has been removed from the worksheet.
The rangeN field is missing for a relative date filter of type LASTN or NEXTN.
An attempt was made to access Sheet.getUrl() on a hidden sheet. Hidden sheets do not have URLs.
One or both of the parentElement or the URL parameters is not specified in the Viz constructor.
An operation was attempted on a sheet that is not active or embedded within the active dashboard.
A required parameter was not specified, null, or an empty string/array.
An operation was attempted on a sheet that does not exist in the workbook.
An operation is performed on a CustomView object that is no longer valid (it has been removed).
Can occur if story point ids no longer match.
Unknown error triggered during the auth flow.
Unknown TableauDialogType passed in to Viz.displayDialogAsync.
An unknown event name was specified in the call to Viz.addEventListener or Viz.removeEventListener.
A Viz object has already been created as a child of the parentElement specified in the Viz constructor.
Either a filter operation was attempted on a field that does not exist in the data source, or the value supplied in the filter operation is the wrong data type or format.
All error codes used by the Embedding API.