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Interface DataSource

Represents the data source used by a Worksheet.


  • DataSource




extractUpdateTime: string | undefined

Last update time of the data source's extract, or undefined if this data source is live.


fields: Array<Field>

An array of fields associated with this data source.


id: string

Unique string representing this data source.


isExtract: boolean

True if this data source is an extract, false otherwise.


isPublished: boolean | undefined

True if this data source is published to server, false otherwise. Always undefined prior to Tableau 2021.4.


name: string

The user friendly name of the data source as seen in the UI.



  • throws

    UnsupportedMethodForDataSourceType error if this method is called on a Cube DataSource or GA.


    since version 1.4.0. Use DataSource.getLogicalTablesAsync.

    Returns Promise<Array<TableSummary>>

    An array of table summary objects that are currently used in the data source.


  • Returns Promise<Array<ConnectionSummary>>

    An array of descriptions of the connections within this data source.


  • Gets the underlying data table for the given logical table id.


    getLogicalTableDataReaderAsync to read more than 10,000 rows.

    You can use the getUnderlyingDataOptions.maxRows property to request the number of rows of data to return. If unspecified (maxRows == '0'), the call to getLogicalTableDataAsync requests all rows in the logical table. Note that the maximum number of rows returned from the getLogicalTableDataAsync() method is limited to 10,000 rows. You can use the DataTable property, isTotalRowCountLimited, to test whether there is more data. A value of true indicates that the calling function requested more rows than the limit (10,000) and the underlying data source contains more rows than can be returned.

    The following example shows use of the getLogicalTableDataAsync() method to get the data from a specific logical table in a data source. The example uses the JavaScript find() method to select the workbook, and uses the getLogicalTablesAsync method to identify the logical table id.

    const dataSources = await worksheet.getDataSourcesAsync();
    const dataSource = dataSources.find(datasource => datasource.name === "Sample - Superstore");
    const logicalTables = await dataSource.getLogicalTablesAsync()
    const dataTable = await dataSource.getLogicalTableDataAsync(logicalTables[0].id);


    Returns Promise<DataTable>

    A data table containing the underlying data of the data source.


  • Gets the underlying data table reader for the given logical table id. Only one active DataTableReader per logical table id is supported.


    • logicalTableId: string

      logical table id.

    • Optional pageRowCount: undefined | number

      The number of rows per page. The default and maximum is 10,000 rows.

    • Optional options: DataSourceUnderlyingDataOptions

      Collection of options to change the behavior of the reader.

    Returns Promise<DataTableReader>

    A data table reader to access the logical table data in the data source.

    getLogicalTableDataReaderAsync attempts to prepare all the rows of the table to be read as pages. There is a limit to the number of rows that can be prepared. The default limit is about 1 million rows of data. However, if the data source has many columns, this number will be adjusted downward. You can change the default limit with the Tableau Server (Cloud) or Tableau Desktop option: ExtensionsAndEmbeddingReaderCellLimit. If the data source has many columns, getLogicalTableDataReaderAsync can be sped up by only requesting native data values in the DataSourceUnderlyingDataOptions.

    The following example shows use of the getLogicalTableDataReaderAsync and getAllPagesAsync to prepare pages of 10,000 rows each, and then to get a maximum of 150,000 rows of native data from a specific logical table in a data source.

    const dataSources = await worksheet.getDataSourcesAsync();
    const dataSource = dataSources.find(datasource => datasource.name === "Sample - Superstore");
    const logicalTables = await dataSource.getLogicalTablesAsync()
    const dataTableReader = await dataSource.getLogicalTableDataReaderAsync(logicalTables[0].id, 10000,
        { includeDataValuesOption: tableau.IncludeDataValuesOption.OnlyNativeValues });
    const dataTable = await dataTableReader.getAllPagesAsync(150000);
    await dataTableReader.releaseAsync();


  • Gets the underlying logical tables used in the data source.

    Returns Promise<Array<LogicalTable>>

    An array of logical tables that are currently used in the data source.

    The following example uses the getLogicalTablesAsync method to print the names of the the logical tables to the console.

    dataSource.getLogicalTablesAsync().then(function (logicalTables) {
      // Loop through each table that was used in creating this data source
      logicalTables.forEach(function (table) {


  • deprecated

    Use DataSource.getLogicalTableDataReaderAsync or DataSource.getLogicalTableDataAsync.


    Returns Promise<DataTable>

    Returns a promise containing a page of data from the underlying data of the data source.

    The following example shows use of the getUnderlyingDataAsync() method to get the underlying data from a specific data source. The example uses the JavaScript find() method to select the workbook and data source.

    const dataSources = await worksheet.getDataSourcesAsync();
    const dataSource = dataSources.find(datasource => datasource.name === "Sample - Superstore");
    const dataTable = await dataSource.getUnderlyingDataAsync();
    let field = dataTable.columns.find(column => column.fieldName === "Sub-Category");
    let list = [];
    for (let row of dataTable.data) {
    let values = list.filter((el, i, arr) => arr.indexOf(el) === i);


  • refreshAsync(): Promise<void>
  • This call has the same functionality as clicking the Refresh option on a data source in Tableau. This does not refresh an extract.

    Note: The refreshAsync() method is intended to be used in scenarios where manual interaction causes a need to refresh the data in the Tableau visualization. The method is not, as currently designed, meant to support or emulate streaming or live visualizations. Extensions that use the method to refresh aggressively or automatically can cause issues on Tableau Server and Tableau Online and are subject to being blocked by the Tableau Online administrator.

    This call does not currently support refreshing live Google Sheet data sources.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that resolves when the data source has finished refreshing.