Tableau Desktop and Web Authoring HelpApplies to: Tableau Cloud, Tableau Desktop, Tableau ServerGet Started Release notesBuild a basic viewTutorial: Get started with Tableau Desktop(Link opens in a new window)Choose the right chart type for your dataWorkbook performance checklistmore Connect and Prepare Data Connect to your dataPlan your data sourceTips for working with your dataRelate your dataCustomise fields in the Data panemore Use Tableau on the Web Authoring on the web vs desktopGet started with web authoringTour your Tableau siteSend data-driven alertsUse custom viewsmore Build Visualisations Build views from scratchCustomise data fields in the Data paneAdd visual detailAdd interactivity using actionsmore Explore and Find Insights Explore and inspect data in a viewAutomatically build views with Ask DataInspect a view with Explain DataView underlying datamore Analyse Your Data Create custom fields using calculationsUse functionsSpot trendsTransform values with table calculationsmore Maps and Geographics Data Get started with mappingBuild a simple mapMapping conceptsCustomise map appearancemore Present Dashboards and Stories Format your workCreate dashboardsVisual best practicesCreate storiesmore Publish, Share and Collaborate Publish data sources and workbooksSave and exportShare web viewsData-driven alertsmore Did this article solve your issue? Let us know so we can improve! Yes No