Create a Subscription to a View or Workbook

Subscriptions email you an image or PDF snapshot of a view or workbook at regular intervals—without requiring you to sign in to Tableau Cloud.

Note: If Tableau Catalog is turned on for a site, administrators can determine whether subscription emails include relevant upstream data quality warnings. Tableau Catalog is available as part of the Data Management offering. For more information, see About Tableau Catalog.

Tableau Cloud SMTP addresses

To ensure subscription emails are delivered successfully, confirm that security software and policies in your company allow emails from and IP addresses and Subscriptions that cannot be delivered may return rejection errors to Tableau and temporarily block the recipient.

This information applies to subscriptions sent using the default Tableau email server. To verify if your Tableau site uses a custom SMTP server, check with your site administrator. If a custom SMTP server is used, confirm that your company allows emails sent from the specified email and domain values.

Set up a subscription for yourself or others

When you open a view in Tableau Cloud, if you see a subscription icon (Subscribe icon.) in the toolbar, you can subscribe to that view or to the entire workbook. You can subscribe other users who have permission to view the content if you own a workbook, if you are a project leader with an appropriate site role, or if you are an administrator.

Note: Data refresh-initiated subscription emails are not supported for views or workbooks that rely on data sources that use Bridge to keep data fresh.

  1. From the Explore section of your site, select All Workbooks or All Views, or open the project that contains the view you want to subscribe to.

    Content type menu

  2. Open a view either directly, or after opening the containing workbook.

  3. On the view toolbar, select Watch > Subscriptions.

    Subscription path on the Tableau Cloud toolbar.

  4. Add the Tableau users or groups you want to receive the subscription. To receive a subscription, users must have the View and Download Image/PDF permissions.

    If you own the workbook, select Subscribe me.


    • When you subscribe a group, each user is added individually at the time the subscription is created. If more users are added to the group later, you must re-subscribe the group for those new users to receive the subscription. Likewise, users later removed from the group will not have their subscriptions removed automatically unless their permissions to the subscribed view are removed.
    • You can't subscribe a group set.
  5. Choose whether subscription emails include the current view or the entire workbook. If the view contains data only when high-priority information exists, select Don't send if view is empty.

  6. Choose the format for your snapshot: as a PNG image, a PDF attachment, or both.

    • If PDFs, choose the paper size and orientation you'd like to receive.

      A PDF format menu with dropdown lists for paper size and orientation.

  7. To clarify subscription emails, customize the subject line, and add a message.

    Note: To update the subscription message, you must unsubscribe from the existing subscription and create a new subscription with a different message. For more information, see Update or unsubscribe from a subscription.

  8. When the workbook uses one data extract on a published connection, you can pick a frequency:

    • When Data Refreshes: Sends only when data in the view or workbook is refreshed by running refresh schedules.
    • On Selected Schedule: Pick a schedule for the subscription.
  9. If frequency is not set to When Data Refreshes, click the drop-down arrow to the left of the current settings to pick a schedule:

    The schedule is five days a week at 8:00.

    Then specify a custom schedule that sends subscription emails whenever you wish. (The precise delivery time may vary if server load is high.)

    A scheduler configured to repeat every hour, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 to 17:00.

    To change the time zone, click the Time Zone link it to go to your account settings page.

  10. Click Subscribe.

When you receive a subscription email, you can select the image (or the link in the message body for PDF subscriptions) to be taken to the view or workbook in Tableau Cloud.

Update or unsubscribe from a subscription

You can unsubscribe from an existing subscription, or make changes to a subscription’s format, schedule, subject, or empty view mode.

  1. Access your Tableau Cloud account settings by doing one of the following:

    • Click Manage my subscriptions at the bottom of a subscription email.

      Link to manage your subscription.

    • Sign in to Tableau Cloud. At the top of the page, select your user icon, and then select My Content.

      Subscription menu with options for My Content.

  2. Click Subscriptions.

  3. Select the check box next to the view you want to unsubscribe from, click Actions, and then click Unsubscribe, or select the subscription option you'd like to change.

Resume or delete suspended subscriptions

Sometimes, subscriptions fail because of an issue with the workbook or a problem loading the view. If a subscription fails more than five times, you'll receive a notification email that your subscription has been suspended. There are a few ways to resume a suspended subscription if you're a subscription owner or administrator:

  • From the My Content area of Tableau web pages, an icon appears in the Last update column to indicate that the subscription is suspended. Select ... > Resume Subscription to resume.

  • From the Subscriptions tab of the affected workbook, an icon appears in the last update column to indicate that the subscription is suspended. Select ... > Resume Subscription to resume.

You'll receive an email notification when the subscription is working again.

See also

Change subscription settings(Link opens in a new window) in the Tableau Desktop and Web Authoring Help.

Project-level administration(Link opens in a new window) in the Tableau Cloud Help, to learn which site roles allow full Project Leader capabilities.