OpenID Connect Authentication Request Parameters

The OpenID authentication request sent from Tableau Server passes information using a limited set of parameters, as listed in this topic. If your OpenID IdP requires parameters that are not in the following list, it is not compatible for use with Tableau Server.

  • scope. This value specifies a profile that tells the IdP what user information claims to return. This value can be configured by a Tableau Server administrator. The default value is "openid email profile". For more information, see Configure the scope value later in this document.

  • response_type. OpenID Connect supports multiple flows. This value tells the IdP which flow Tableau Server expects. Tableau supports only the authorization code flow, and the value is always set to "code".

  • client_id. This value specifies the server’s ID (Provider client ID in the Tableau Server Configuration dialog box), which lets the IdP knows where the request came from. It is provided by the IdP when the service is registered. The value is configurable by a Tableau Server administrator.

  • redirect_uri. This value specifies the URL that the IdP redirects to after the user has authenticated using OpenID Connect. The URL must include the host and protocol (for example,, but Tableau provides the URL endpoint.

  • nonce. Tableau Server generates a nonce value to verify that the client that it redirected to matches the entity that comes back from the IdP.

Configure the scope value

The scope value indicates to the IdP the information that Tableau Server requests about the user. By default, Tableau Server sends the value "openid profile email". This indicates that Tableau uses OpenID to authenticate (this part of the scope attribute value must always be included ) and that Tableau Server is requesting the user profile and email information during the exchange of the user authorization code.

If this default scope is not appropriate for your scenario, you can have Tableau Server request custom information about the user. To do so, you configure the IdP with a custom profile (for example, something like "tableau-scope"). You can then configure Tableau Server to send the scope request using the name of the custom profile.

To change the scope value that Tableau Server requests, use the following TSM CLI command:

tsm authentication openid configure --custom-scope-name custom-scope-name


  • Tableau Server always includes "openid" as part of the scope value (even if you don't include it in the custom_scope setting).
  • The TSM authentication configuration commands apply only to OIDC authentication configured in TSM during Tableau Server setup. To make OIDC authentication configuration changes for identity pools, you can use the Update Authentication Configuration(Link opens in a new window) endpoint using Tableau REST OpenAPI.