Slow Views Incidents

Slow View incidents are triggered when any view request takes too long to load.

By default, a slow view incident will trigger a warning if any view request takes at least 1 minute to load.

Configure Slow View Incident Thresholds

To set the thresholds for slow view incidents, under the Admin menu, select Configuration, and go the Incidents tab.


See Incident Severity Level.

DurationRequiredThe minimum duration for a query to be considered slow. Values are in seconds.
Tableau UsersRequired

This threshold is can be either applied to specific users when they make view requests or for all users. Default is All Users.


Content includes workbooks and views. This threshold can be applied to a single view or all views. If a workbook is specified, the threshold would be applied to all the views in that workbook. To specify a view, use the share URL. For more information, see How View URLs are structured.
You can also exclude certain views or workbooks by specifying exceptions.

Default is All Views╡

Only one incident is created per view request. The Resource Monitoring Tool evaluates all the incident triggers, and if multiple triggers match a specific view request, then the triggers are ranked in order of priority and specificity. The highest ranking trigger is used to create the incident.

For example, a trigger with a severity of critical is ranked higher than a severity of warning.