How View URLs Are Structured

The embed code for Tableau Server 2022.3 and later and Tableau Cloud has changed to use the Embedding API v3. With the Embedding API v3, you no longer add parameters to view URLs to filter when embedding. Instead you filter by adding attributes to a filter web component. For more information, see Filter the View in the Embedding API help. The information in this topic is for prior versions of embedding (using the Tableau JavaScript API v1 and v2).

To understand how Tableau structures view URLs, let's take a close look at an example in the browser address bar.

The structure of the base URL

  • In Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud, the basic URL pattern for a Tableau view is:
  • In a multi-site environment, for views saved to sites other than Default, the site ID is also included in the URL:
Filter with URL parameters using prior versions of embedding