Login-based Licence Usage

Note: This view is only available to site administrators and server administrators when login-based licence management is enabled on Tableau Server. For information about how to navigate to administrative views, see Administrative Views .

The Login-based Licence Usage view lets server administrators view login-based licence activation usage for Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server. The Login-based Licence Usage view can help you manage licences efficiently and determine if you need more or fewer licences. This view can help you answer the following questions:

  • Who is using a Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep Builder licence in my enterprise?

  • Has a Creator role been shared or transferred?

  • Has any activation activity occurred on a computer where it should not be?

  • On which host is the activation being used?

  • Which role is assigned to the user?

  • On which Tableau product is the licence in use?

  • On which Tableau version is the licence in use?

  • Did the Creator role activate through Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep Builder?

  • Has the Creator seat been activated?

  • How many Creator seats are in use?

  • How many Creator seats are not in use?

  • When was a Creator seat was last used?

In addition to using the login-based licence usage administrative view, you can also access login-based licence usage data (identity_ based_activation_reporting(Link opens in a new window), identity_based_activation_user_role_change(Link opens in a new window) and identity_based_activation_admin_view(Link opens in a new window)) in the "workgroup" PostgreSQL database of the Tableau Server repository. Before you can access this data, you must enable access to the Tableau Server repository(Link opens in a new window).


On the report screen, you can change the time window to show when seats were last used, filter on actions, filter on user name and sort by columns.

  • Time Window in Days. Enter the number of days for which to view login-based licence management activated client usage data. You can view data for the past 30 days up to a maximum of 183 days.

  • (All). Apply all filters to the view.

  • Activated. Show Creator users that have activated using login-based licence management.

  • in use. Show Creator users who activated using login-based licence management whose seats are in use.

  • last used. Show when the login-based licence management client was last used.

  • unassigned. Show which login-based licence management activated Creator seats are currently unassigned.

  • user name. Show login-based licence management activations in use by the specified user.

When you hover over the filter card, a drop-down icon appears. Click the icon to specify whether the view should include data that matches the filter (the default) or exclude data that matches the filter:

Which creator seats are in use in the last <nn> days?

This area of the dashboard shows a list of three types licences (activated, in use and unassigned). Hovering over an activated, in use or unassigned mark gives you information including the registered user of the copy of Tableau. Click a column head to sort the list.

Which creator seats have not been used in the last <nn> days

This area of the dashboard shows a list of licences that have not been used during the specified time period. A timeline shows the last use date. Hovering over a last use mark gives you information including the registered user of the copy of Tableau.