Backgrounder Dashboard

The Backgrounder Dashboard view is an overview of the background jobs. Using this view, you can find more information about:

  • The time it takes for jobs to run.
  • When backgrounder is busy or overloaded.
  • Jobs that completed successfully, failed or cancelled.

Note: This view does not include flow run jobs.

In previous versions of Tableau Server, admin views were all displayed in the same workbook, in separate tabs. However, the two new admin views are displayed as separate workbooks and not part of the existing admin view workbook. You can navigate to the new admin views from the Server or Site Status page:

Summary and Filters

A - At the top, is a summary chart that tells you the number of jobs that have succeeded, failed or cancelled. You can click on the sections of the bar chart to filter the information by job status. This filter is applied to the entire view and the information displayed includes only jobs with the job status that you selected.

B - You can find additional filter options by clicking on the filter icon. A Filter pane is displayed that allows you to filter by Task type, Job executed at, Site, Project, Content owner, Schedule and Backgrounder ID . The Backgrounder ID is unique to a Backgrounder process. You can use this to see the information about the work done by each Backgrounder process. When you select one or more of these filters, they are applied to the entire view.


The Backgrounder Dashboard has four sections each showing different information about jobs. Each of these sections have more filters in the drop down menu that you can apply to that specific section.

  1. The section at the top left gives you information about the jobs with the selected job status or any filters you selected using the Filter pane. If no selection is made, all jobs are included.

    The information displayed also varies based on the selection you make using the drop down:

    1. Total run time: This shows you the total run time for all jobs with the selected job status, and any other filters you selected.

      For example, if you selected, Job Status: Failed, and Task type: Subscriptions, the graph shows all subscription jobs that failed.

    2. Number of Jobs: This shows you the number of jobs that ran for the selected job status and any other selected filters.
    3. Maximum delay: This shows you the how long the jobs were queued before running.

  2. The section at the top right gives you information on how busy or overloaded the Backgrounder is on a given day and time. The information displayed however depends on the filter selections you made for the job status and other options in the Filter pane.

    If you click on the information icon at the top right part of this section it, a colour legend is displayed.

    • The variations in the blue colour correlates to the number of jobs running in that time period. The darker the blue, the more jobs that are running.

    • The variations in the orange colour correlates to the queue times. The darker the orange, the longer the queue time.

    • Using both of these metrics, you can identify when the backgrounder is busy (dark blue) or is overloaded (dark orange).

  3. The section at the bottom left gives you run time information about the jobs with the selected status or any other filters you selected using the Filter pane. If no selection is made, all jobs are included. Select marks in the top sections to populate this section with details for the selected content.

    The drop down selections gives you more options and the information displayed changes accordingly:

    • When Title is selected, the run time information for each individual job is displayed.
    • When Project is selected, the total run time for each project is displayed.
    • When Job Creator is selected, the total run time for jobs created by a specific user is displayed.
    • When Site is selected, the total run time for jobs on that specific site is displayed.
    • When Schedule is selected, the total run time for jobs using that specific schedule is displayed.
  4. The section at the bottom right tells you how long it took for each job to run.