Uninstalling Resource Monitoring Tool

There are two primary "uninstall" scenarios Resource Monitoring Tool supports:

  • Uninstall Resource Monitoring Tool: Resource Monitoring Tool can be uninstalled using the remove command which removes each Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool service from the computer from which you are running the command. It also removes data andResource Monitoring Tool user accounts and groups, but preserves configuration files, logs, and backup files, by moving them to a temporary directory under the /opt/tableau/tabrmt/data folder.

  • Obliterate Resource Monitoring Tool: If you want to completely remove Resource Monitoring Tool from a computer, you can use a script provided by Tableau to remove Resource Monitoring Tool and all related files. This removes all data as well as Resource Monitoring Tool components, so should only be done if you know you want to reset the computer to a pre-Tableau state. You might need to do this if Technical Support recommends this step when troubleshooting an installation problem. Completely remove Resource Monitoring Tool without uninstalling any version first. The script will uninstall all existing versions found on the computer. If you have already uninstalled your existing version and now want to completely remove Tableau, you can find the script to do so in a temporary location.

Uninstall Resource Monitoring Tool using remove:

  • For RHEL-like distributions including CentOS:

sudo yum remove tabrmt-master

sudo yum remove tabrmt-agent

  • For Ubuntu distributions:

sudo apt remove tabrmt-master

sudo apt remove tabrmt-agent

Obliterate Resource Monitoring Tool using tableau-rmt-obliterate script:

If you run into issues when uninstalling using the remove command, you can use the obliterate script provided by Tableau to remove all of the installation files from your computer. By default, the obliterate script is located at /opt/tableau/tabrmt/master/install-scripts/tableau-rmt-obliterate on the RMT Server machine and /opt/tableau/tabrmt/agent/install-scripts/tableau-rmt-obliterate on Agent machines.

If you already attempted to uninstall Resource Monitoring Tool using the remove command, the obliterate script is automatically copied to: /var/tmp/tableau-rmt-obliterate

The information to run the script is described below:

  1. As the root user, run the following command on the RMT Server machine to completely uninstall RMT Server:

    /var/tmp/tableau-rmt-obliterate -m -y -y -y

  2. As the root user, run the following command on each Agent machine to completely uninstall Agents:

    /var/tmp/tableau-rmt-obliterate -a -y -y -y

You can force remove all the files, including the logs and backups, using the parameters:



Removes Resource Monitoring Tool from this computer. Must be specified three times (-y-y-y) to confirm.


Required to uninstall RMT Server.

Removes RMT Server.


Required to uninstall Agent.

Removes Resource Monitoring Tool Agent if installed.



Does not copy backups to the logs-temp directory.



Does not copy logs to the logs to the logs-temp directory.

Who can do this

To uninstall Resource Monitoring Tool, you must have all the following:

  • Administrator permissions on the machine you are installing Resource Monitoring Tool.
  • Tableau Server Administrator site role.
  • Resource Monitoring Tool Administrator account.