Enable the JMX Ports

To help you work through a problem with Tableau Server, Tableau Support may ask you to enable the server's JMX ports. These ports can be useful for monitoring and troubleshooting, usually with a tool like JConsole. In versions 2022.1 and later, the JMX ports can be enabled securely and this is the recommended method. In versions earlier than 2022.1, you can only enable the ports unsecured.

Enable secure JMX ports

Beginning with version 2022.1 of Tableau Server, you can enable JMX ports securely. This procedure explains how to enable secure JMX. To enable JMX in earlier versions, see Enable unsecured JMX ports below.

To enable secure JMX ports on Tableau Server:

  1. Log on as a user with sudo access to the computer where TSM is installed.

  2. Run this command:

    tsm maintenance jmx enable

    The command has several options you can provide when running it. If you do not provide any options when you run the command, you will be prompted for options based on the answers you give.

    For example:

    C:\Windows\system32>tsm maintenance jmx enable
    We do not recommend you enable JMX unsecured on a production environment. Would you like to enable security features for JMX?
    (y/n): y
    JMX access is readonly by default. Would you like to add readwrite access?
    (y/n): n
    Would you like to enable SSL?
    (y/n): y
    Would you like to require client authentication (mTLS)?
    (y/n): n
    Enabling JMX with the specified settings. This will perform a server restart. Do you want to continue?
    (y/n): y
    Starting enable JMX asynchronous job.

    For more information on the command and its options, see tsm maintenance jmx enable.

Enable unsecured JMX ports

How the JMX Ports Are Determined

By default, the JMX ports assigned dynamically, from within a range of available ports. For details on how port assignment is done, and how to override dynamic mapping, see Tableau Services Manager Ports.