tsm register

You can use the tsm register command to register Tableau Server. This command lets you either display the registration file template (using the --template option) or provide the path to a completed registration file (using the --file option). You must use one of these two options when calling the tsm register command.


tsm register --template | --file <registration-filename> [global options]


--file <registration-filename>


Path to the file that contains the registration data.



Display registration filetemplate.

Global options

-h, --help


Show the command help.

-p, --password <password>

Required, along with -u or --username if no session is active.

Specify the password for the user specified in -u or --username.

If the password includes spaces or special characters, enclose it in quotes:

--password 'my password'

-s, --server https://<hostname>:8850


Use the specified address for Tableau Services Manager. The URL must start with https, include port 8850, and use the server name not the IP address. For example https://<tsm_hostname>:8850. If no server is specified, https://<localhost | dnsname>:8850 is assumed.



Use this flag to trust the self-signed certificate on the TSM controller. For more information about certificate trust and CLI connections, see Connecting TSM clients.

-u, --username <user>

Required if no session is active, along with -p or --password.

Specify a user account. If you do not include this option, the command is run using credentials you signed in with.

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