Customise Your Server

You can customise the Tableau Server web pages to personalise it for your company or group. You can perform these customisations:

  • Change the server name that appears in the browser tab, tooltips and messages.

  • Change the logos that appear in the web environment.

    For more information, see tsm customise.

  • Set the language used for the web environment and the locale used for views. See Language and Locale for Tableau Server.

  • Install custom fonts on Tableau Server and client computers that connect to Tableau Server. See Use Custom Fonts in Tableau Server.

  • Add a custom note to the server sign in page. The Sign In setting lets you add text. You can optionally add a URL to make the text a link. This note will also appear if a user receives a sign in error.

    Custom notes do not display on Tableau Mobile. If Tableau Server is configured with identity pools(Link opens in a new window), the Sign In Customisation note appears on both the Tableau Server landing page below all sign-in options and on the page where your initial pool (TSM configured) users enter their username and password.

    To set a custom note, sign in to a site on Tableau Server. On the left-side navigation pane, select Manage all sites from the drop-down site list. Select Settings and add a message to Sign In Customisation.

    For more information, see Server Settings (General and Customisation).

  • Add a custom message to the welcome banner on the home page for all server users to see. The custom message can contain up to 240 characters of text and hyperlinks as well as one paragraph break. Administrators can also disable the default Tableau welcome banner for the server.

    To set a custom welcome banner, sign in to a site on Tableau Server. On the left-side navigation pane, select Manage all sites from the drop-down site list. Select Settings, then navigate to the Customisation page.

Administrators and project leaders can also add images for projects in thumbnail view. For more information, see Add a Project Image.

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