Export Views from Tableau Desktop to Another Application

There are several ways to get views and workbooks out of Tableau Desktop and into a presentation, report, or web page.

Note: If you're using Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server, instead see Download Views and Workbooks and Link to a PNG, PDF, or CSV of a View.

Copy a view as an image

You can quickly copy an individual view as an image and paste it into another application, such as Microsoft Word or Excel. If you're using Tableau Desktop on macOS, a TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) image is copied to the clipboard. On Windows, a BMP (Bitmap) image is copied.

  1. Select Worksheet > Copy > Image.

  2. In the Copy Image dialog box, select the elements you want to include in the image. If the view contains a legend, under Image Options, select the legend layout.

  3. Click Copy.

  4. Open the target application and paste the image from the clipboard.

Export a view as an image file

To create an image file that you can reuse, export the view rather than copy it. You can choose BMP, JPEG, PNG, or SVG image file formats on macOS or Windows. Note, however, that SVG substitutes Tableau fonts (Tableau Regular, Tableau Semibold, etc.) with a similar font.

  1. Select Worksheet > Export> Image.

  2. In the Export Image dialog box, select the elements you want to include in the image. If the view contains a legend, under Image Options, select the legend layout.

  3. Click Save.

  4. In the Save Image dialog box, specify a file location, name, and format. Then click Save.

Export as a PowerPoint presentation

When you export a workbook to Microsoft PowerPoint format, selected sheets become static PNG images on separate slides. If you export a story sheet, all story points export as separate slides. Any filters currently applied in Tableau are reflected in the exported presentation.

Tip: To optimize a dashboard for PowerPoint, on the Dashboard tab, choose Size > Fixed Size > PowerPoint (1600 x 900).

To export a workbook to PowerPoint:

  1. Select File > Export as PowerPoint.
  2. Select the sheets you want to include in the presentation. (Hidden sheets can also be included.)

    The exported PowerPoint file reflects the file name of your workbook, and the title slide states the workbook name and the date the file was generated.

Tip: Choose File > Page Setup to show or hide titles, views, legends, and captions for an individual sheet. (These options in the Show section aren't available for dashboards.)

Export to PDF

To create a vector-based file that embeds the Tableau fonts, print to PDF. After customizing the layout of page elements using the File > Page Setup dialog, choose File > Print to PDF. For detailed instructions, see Print Views from Tableau Desktop