Continuous Dates

By default, dates come into the view as a discrete field. Date parts (such as year or month) can be used like any other discrete field and create labels in the view.

However, you can change dates to continuous if you choose. Select one of the Continuous date options on the field’s context menu to use date truncations (such as March 2020 or 25/03/2022) instead of date parts. Continuous dates create an axis in the view.

Discrete date partContinuous date truncation

Change the default

To make a given date field continuous by default, right-click (control-click on Mac) the field in the Data pane and select Convert to Continuous. The field turns green and defaults to a continuous date when used in the view. To revert to discrete again, right-click (control-click on Mac) the field in the Data pane and select Convert to Discrete.

See also

For more information on the impact of using a continuous or discrete field, refer to Dimensions and Measures, Blue and Green.