Viz Load Times Data Source

Viz Load Times contains the load time information for views on your site to help content authors better understand the user experience when loading views.

Create custom views

If you're a site admin or someone who has been granted access to the Admin Insights project, you can access the Admin Insights data sources directly from Tableau Cloud using Web Authoring or through Tableau Desktop to build custom views. For more information about connecting to Admin Insights data sources, see Use Admin Insights to Create Custom Views.

Example: Which views take the longest to load?

Use the following steps to create a view that displays load times, helping to identify which views take the longest to load.

  1. Connect to the Viz Load Times data source.

  2. From the Data pane, drag Item Name to the Rows shelf and Duration to the Columns shelf.

  3. From the Data pane, drag Status Code Type to the Filters shelf and select the Success checkbox.

  4. In the Columns shelf, right-click Dimensions and select Measure (Count) > Median.

Do more with your data

Using Tableau Prep, you can join Viz Load Times with other Admin Insights data sources on the following fields to get more visibility into your site. If you're analyzing data from multiple Tableau Cloud sites, you must also join on "Site LUID = Site LUID".

  • Join Viz Load Times to TS Events and Site Content on “Item Repository URL = Item Repository URL”

  • Join Viz Load Times to TS Events and Site Content on “Item Type = Item Type”

For more information, see Aggregate, Join, or Union Data(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Prep Help.

Data schema

The following table lists the fields included in the Viz Load Times data source. Each row of data corresponds to a request for a content item and the load duration, measured in seconds.

Folder Field Name Type Description
Item Item Hyperlink String Full URL of the item on the site
Item Luid String LUID of the item (data source or view) that was requested.
Item Name String Display name of the item
Item Owner Email String Email address of the item owner
Item Repository URL String A unique name for the item (data source or view) that the request relates to, derived from the ASCII characters in the name, which can be used in URLs to refer to it.
Item Type String The type of item, either a data source or view.
Project Project Name String

The name of the project that contains the item

Project Owner User Name String Email address of the project owner
Request HTTP Request URI String The request URI
HTTP User Agent String The agent string supplied by the client
Request ID String Primary key for the request
Request Time Date-time The date and time that the request started, in UTC.
Request Time (local) Date-time The date and time that the request started, adjusted by the Timezone parameter.
Status Code Number The status returned to the client
Status Code Type String The type of status code. The value 1 = Informational response, 2 = Success, 3 = Redirect, 4 = Client error, and 5 = Server error.
Workbook Workbook Name String For views, the name of their parent workbook that contains the item requested.
Workbook Owner User Name String For views, the email address of the owner of the parent workbook that contains the item requested.
- Admin Insights Published At Date-time Date and time the Admin Insights data source was last published in UTC
Timezone String Specifies the timezone for displaying dates. This field represents an integer value used to determine the number of hours to offset from UTC. It doesn't account for Daylight Saving Time adjustments.